Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 12, 1916, Image 1

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Journalism Professor Accepts
Offer of Northern
New Position Will Place Dy
ment in Rank of Head of
Professor Colin V. Dyment of the
school of journalism has accepted a po
sition as head of the journalism depart
ment of the University of Washington
and will probably assume his new du
ties there at the beginning of the sec
ond sem-ster. i rof. Dyment was expect
ed to return late today from Seattle
where he had been conferring with
President Suzallo of the U. of W.
The announcement of Prof. Dyment’s
acceptance was less of a surprise than
would appear on the face of it. There
has been a growing feeling that Dyment
was bound to accept some one of the
offers that have been made him, be
cause the Uuiversitv of Oregon is not
in a position to hold two men at high
salaries in the same department.
A successor for Dyment has not been
chosen but Prof. E. W. Allen, dean of
the school of journalism, left today on
a trip which will in all probability be
more or less of a scouting trip for a
man to take Prof. Dyment’s place. Prof.
Allen will visit Seattle, Spokane, Ta
coma and Missoula, Mont. At Missoula
he will attend the convention of west
ern teachers of journalism.
Prof. Allen hopes to secure the man
whom he had in mind wher. I'rof. Dy
ment was chosen, but declined to give
the name of the possible successor of
Dyment. When asked if any further
efforts would be made to have Dyment
stay. Allen said that an offer had been |
made to make the salary right if he j
would be willing to stay, but that upon
receiving Dyment’s notice that he had
accepted the other of tr, immediate
steps had been taken to find a succes
During Prof. Allen s absence, bis
JKclasses will ho met by Prof. D.vment and
■Mr. Delay. Because of the many enforced
absences of professors recently because
of sickness. President Campbell is es
pecially anxious that no classes fail to
Prof. D.vment has been at the Univer
sity for the past three years and has
been responsible in a large measure for
the rapid growth of the journalistic
school here. He graduated from Tornto
college in 1900 and engaged in active news
paper work until coming to the Univer
sity. He was employed on the Oregon
Daily Journal immediately before com
ing here.
The story of how Pyment came to be
considered for the post which he has
just accepted begins with the search of
President Suzallo for a man to fill the
place left vacant by resignation of the
former department head. Suzallo’s search
included a trip to most of the large cities
A and large papers of the country but with
‘ out success. Returning to Seattle he met
Dyment who was attending the Pacific
Intercollegiate Conference and broach
ed the subject of a professorship to him.
The original offer was one of a po
sition as temporary head of the depart
ment with the possibility that he might
either be retained or allowed to go and
a successor named.
Following some correspondence be
tween President Suzallo and the Oregon
faculty. Dyment left Saturday night for
Sonttle. prepared to refuse the first
offer but apparently the Washington
people met Dyment’s proposals.
The present interest in soccer in the
University is due almost entirely to
the efforts of Prof. I >yment who contri
buted not only his time but money to
maintain an interest in the sport.
Last Thursday afternoon Prof. Ralph ■
H. Lyman and Howard Annette of the
school of music appeared at the Eu
gene high school assembly, giving a short j
musical program for the assembly hour, j
# * # 4S
* * £ #
M. H. Douglass, University librarian,
was in a second hand store a few days
ago, looking over some books. He spot
ted one with numbers on the back and
recognized it as a University belonging.
Mr. Douglass asked the dealer how he
happened to have the book in the store,
and was told that it was brought in from
one of the fraternity houses to be sold
with a pile of others. He rescued it and
returned it to the shelves of the library.
“We take inventory each year,” Mr.
Douglass said when asked when he
thought the mistake was made. “At
this time a list is made of all missing
books. Last year inventory was taken
at Christmas and this book was not on
the missing list. It must have been
taken since then.”
150 Members of Organization Are Serv
ing in Various Capacities.
One hundred and fifty members of the
Y. W. C. A. have each been placed on
one of the 11 committees of the organ
ization. Social meetings of the various
committees to talk over their work with
the committee chairman, the general
secretary and the president of the as
sociation, have already been held by some
of the committees and will be in the near
future by the others.
The membership committee, whose aim
it is to invite every girl in the institution
to join the association, is composed of:
Mary Hislop chairman, Alice Baker,
Edythe Brncht, Evelyn. Foster, Edna
Howd, Xita Hunter, Kittie Johnson, Lil
lian Littler, Caroline Montague, Ruth
Pearson, Sylvia Rowland, Gladys Smith,
Evelyn Smith, Lourehe Taylor, Mildred
Steinmetz, Gladys Harbke, Margaret
Gray, Beatrice Yoran, Mildred Heine,
Espar Young, and Esther Jacobson.
rue meetings committee plans tne
weekly association meetings and is as
follows: Mae Harbert, chairman, Brown
nell Frasier, Reta Machlin, Ada Ma
thews, Miriam Page, Grace Service, Har
riet Garrett, Helen Dull, Helen Dresser,
Oenone Shaw, Lois Laughlin, Bernice.
Ingalls, Florida Hill, Frances Elizabeth
Baker and Belle Messick.
A $1200 budget is handled through the
finance committee which is composed of:
Ruth Wilson chairman, Dora Birchard,
Pearl. Craine, Beatrice Gaylord, Cora
Ilosford, Ruth Lawrence, Rosamond
Shaw,. Evangeline Kendall, Philena King,
Louise Davis, Marian Bowen, Cornelia
Heess, Lillian Boylen, Florence Heinen
way. and Marian Grebel.
The Bible committee organizes classes
in Bible study. It's members follow:
Mary Chambers, chairman, “Helen Hall,
Hazel Rasor, Opal Whiteley, Lillian
Hausler. Grace Gilmore, Dorothy Hun
zieker, Jeanette Kletzing, Helen Ander
son, and Nell Warwick.
The care of the Bungalow is the duty
of the house committee composed of:
Ruth Westfall chairman, Mary Irving,
Gertrude May, Nellie McClure, Alice
VanSchoonhoven, Inga Winter, Lucile
Woody, Frances Garret, Angelia Bowder,
Adelaide Lake, Ada Often, Roxie Hall,
Myrtle Campbell, Helen Flint, Mary
Truax, Claribel Williams, and Hazel
Extension work and charity are hand
led through the social service commit
tee which follows: Frances Shoemaker,
chairman, Florence Brosius, Gertrude
Cowigjill, Louise Cb.ussen, Celeste
Foulkes, Lois Green, Hester Hurd, Essie
Maguire, Helen Purrington, Mildred
Woodruff, Dorothy Parsons. Vera Olm
stead, Ada Martin, Gladys Diment, and
Leura Jerard.
The Social committee plans the social
affairs of the association—the members
are: Helene DeLano chairman, Helen
Engberg, Era Godfrey, Naomi Hoskins,
Ruth Sweeney, Nanna Axtell. Elizabeth
Bruere, Alice Vender Sluis. Mellie Par
ker, Delilah McDaniel, Genevieve Keller.
Naomi Mnrcellus, Sara Barker, Helen
Case, Ann Miller, and Anna Calvert.
The publicity committee handles the
advertising. Its membership includes:
Echo /.ahi chairman. Georgine Geisler,
Emily MeCandliss. Lillian Porter, Anita
Redmond. Gladys Wilkins, and Jean
The employment bureau is in the hands
of the practical service committee com
posed of: Helen Brenton chairman, Kate
Flegal, Lucy Jay, Joy Judkins, Lotta
(Continued on page three)
Performance for Gold Football
Fund Postponed Until
After Christmas.
Estimated Cost of Fobs Is
$200; Classes Report Plans
Well Under Way.
Although the college vaudeville to be
given by the University classes has been
postponed until after the Christmas va
cation, the committees of the senior,
junior, sophomore and freshman classes
report that their plans are even now
well under way for the entertainment.
A definite date has not been set for the
affair but it is hoped by the Student
Council committee that either the first
or second Friday after vacation can be
The plan of giving a vaudeville per
formance at a down-town theater was
suggested when means of paying for the
new gold football fobs for the Varsity
were discussed by the student council.
So readily was the approval of the vari
ous classes gained that plans were made
to give the show Saturday night of this
week, because no suitable place could
be had for that night the show was
postponed several weeks.
Under the direction of Fred Kiddle,
general chairman, a committee composed
of Frank Scaiefe, Echo Zahl, Ernest
Watkins, Emmet Rathbun and the chair
men of the class committees, Alex
Bowen, senior, Leura Jerard, junior,
Helen Bracht, sophomore and Elsie Fitz
maurice, freshman, is in charge of the
program and arrangements for the en
Besides the chairman mentioned, the
other members of the class committees
are: senior, Echo Zahl; junior, Marion
Tuttle, Kent Wilson, Cleome Carroll,
James Sheehy, and Lillian Lit
tle r; sophomore, Russell Fox and Keith
Kiggins, freshman, Lyle MeCrosky and
Dick Avison.
It is estimated that the football fobs
will cost almost $200. It is the intention
of the committee to keep the cost of
admission to the performance low enough
so that everyone in the University will
be able to attend and so say that they
contributed to the reward for the team.
It is generally conceded that the Ore
gon team has first claim to the Pacific
Coast championship for the season just
closed, both on account of comparative
scores and also by the weight of public
opinion. Since this cu-tom of giving
gold footballs to the winners of con
ference championships is in vogue in al
most every conference, it was decided by
the council that this form of reward be
voted the Oregon team, in addition to the
usmal sweater and letter.
Will Go to Creswcll Wednesday Under
Auspices of Library Association.
The University band will go to Cres
well Wednesday night where they will ap
pear in concert under the auspices of
the Women’s Library association.
The members of the band will probably
make the trip in automobiles, leaving
Eugene late Wednesday afternoon and
returning immediately after the con
cert, according to Maurice Hyde, man
The following numbers will be on the
March, Loyal American .Skaggs
Overture. A Hunt in the Ardennes,...
Cornet Solo, The Commodore Polka ....
Maurice Hyde
Gems from the Opera. .Arranged by Byer
Indian Intermezzo. Nacomi.Leach
Saxophone solo, Bereuese from Jocelyn..
(b) No One Knows .Mac-k
Chandos Castle
Medley Overture, Three Merry Knights..
Serenade. Melody to Youth .Mowskowsky
Spanish Waltz. La Albuera.Leon
Medley, Southern Melodies.
.Arranged by Ilnvs
March, Mighty Oregon.Perfect
Annual State Football Classic
Will Be Staged on Thanks
giving Day.
Pray With California to Be the
Big Campus Event of
the Year.
Jimmy Sheehy
As nearly as can be ascertained, stu
dent opinion is about evenly divided on
the change in the football schedule
whereby the annual campus game be
tween Oregon and the Oregon Aggies
will be played in Portland next year
on Thanksgiving day.
Prom a purely financial standpoint
there is no questioning the feasibility
of the move. On a monetary basis last
year’s game in Eugene and this year’s
struggle in Corvallis were rank failures.
Football was almost an impossibility
considering the condition of the gridirons.
Likewise a disgruntled public, which was
forced to wade in mud and water to get
to the game, only to sit in the rain
during the entire GO minutes of play,
vowed “never again’’ after the treatment
they had received.
If weather conditions are at all suit
able a crowd of some 15,000 fans ought
to witness the state championship battle
next Turkey day in the Rose City. With
the gate divided on a 50-50 basis it
should swell the rival student body ex
chequers by a cool $5000 or more.
“Although I hate to see the game
taken away from the campus the scheme
certainly is deserving of a trial,” asid
Nicholas Jaureguy. president of the stu
dent body, in commenting on the change.
“It will give more of the alumni a
chance to witness the game. That alone
is worthy of consideration. Most of the
students go home Thanksgiving so the
majority will be able to witness the bat
Harold Hamstreet, editor of tlio Emer
aid, is of the same opinion as Jaureguy.
“We’ll have the California game as the
big campus attraction of the year,” said
Hamstreet. “With the new athletic field
an uncertainty the switch to Portland
was almost a necessity. It will put us
oil a sound financial basis so that we can
run the rest of the sports.”
“The Oregon-O. A. C. struggle ought
to be a campus game,” is the way
Emmett Rathbun looks on the matter.
“We fought hard eigmgh to make it an
annual campus affair—why make the
change. It brings the undesirable ele
ment of commercialism into our athletics.
I hate to see the game go to Portland.”
Amidst all the discussion both pro and
con, one thing is certain. The campus
eannot support more than one big game
during any season. This much was
proven after the scoreless tie of Novem
ber 4, between Washington and Ore
gon. Interest fell with a dull thud—eveh
the 12 to 3 victory over W. S. C. and the
smashing given the Aggies failed to re
vive the famous “Oregon spirit.”
California is bound to be one of the
strongest drawing cards of the 1917
schedule. Eugene is fortunate in getting
a glimpse of the Berkleyiteg in view of
the fact that they make but one trip
north during the year. If the new athletic
field materializes a great crowd can be
By virtue of the Oregon-O. A. C. game
going to Portland next Thanksgiving it
means the cancelling of the twentieth
successive Turkey day engagement be
tween Multnomah and the lemon-yellow.
Even since 1896 the two elevens have
wound up their seasons on the Mult
nomah hollow. The last three years the
attendance has been falling off due to the
gradual weakening of the clubmen in the
football world. When the Oregon-O. A.
C. game was broached -for the date,
Multnomah was only too glad to give up
their claim to the collegians.
Football Men Eat at the Osburn and
Speak and Sing.
In honor of the Varsity eleven, Charles
Prim gave a banquet at the Osburn hotel
Sunday evening, from six o’clock on.
Speeches and songs filled the time that
was not otherwise occupied.
Besides the members of the team,
Coach Hugo Bczdek, Bill Hayward and
Roland Geary, manager of the team,
were present.
# # « «
“The old order ehangth giving place
to new.”
For many long years old Villard was
the scene of the annual f-eshmen regis
tration. This year’s junior class was
the last class to enroll in the old hall.
The class of 1889 was the first class
to register in old Villard. It was a dif
ferent Villard from the piesent building.
The registeration rooms were in the
southeast corner of the lower floor and
the new students lined up in two long
lines along both sides of the hall and
walls. The weary ones seated themselves
and carved their names on the seats
while they waited.
For 32 years the (tutoring classes
registered in the old hall. Then the erec
tion of the new Administration building
marked the passage of the old and the
advent of the new.
Forty Boys From Junior High Take
Work Twice a Week.
The physical training department of
the University has 250 students enrolled
this semester, not including 40 boys that
came twice a week from the Junior high
The gymnasium classes contain 135
students, 35 are in wrestling classes and
30 are forming a beginners swimming
class. E. W. Shockley has charge of all
the classes. About 20 students are en
rolled in C. V. Dyment’s soccer class,
and 2(5 men report to R. W. Prescott
once a week and Mr. Shockley twice a
week for golf.
Dr. Edmondson Lectures to Student Band
on Foreign Lands.
Dr. C. II. Edmondson, professor of
zoology, illustrated his lecture to the
(Student Volunteers last night in Dendy
hall, with a number of foreign views.
The Volunteer band met in the Bung
alow for dinner and then adjourned to
Dr. W, P. Boynton's lecture room for
Dr. Edmonson’s lecture.
The evening’s program was in charge
of Randall Scott and Mae Herbert and
the dinner arrangements were under
the direction of Raymond Hausler and
Randall Scott.
Four new members have been added
to the band this semester.
Prof. E. C. Robbins Writes of Common
wealth Conference.
Prof. E. C. Robbins contributed an
article to the current issue of “School
and Society,’’ an educational magazine of
national circulation, on the subject “Prac
tical Application of the Social Sciences.”
The article deals largely with the work
of the University of Oregon and parti
cularly Prof. F. G. Young in connection
with the Commonwealth Conference.
Mu Phis Discuss Carols at Their Monthly
Musioal Discussion.
Mu Phi Epsilon held their regular
monthly musical meeting last Saturday
afternoon in the Music building. The
subject chosen for discussion was
| “Christmas Carols.” Mrs. Ambrose
Middleton prepared a paper, illustrating
her talk with records on the victrola by
"The Carol Players,” after which the
members sang a few of the well known
Christmas carols. About twenty mem
bers were present.
Carnes and Songs Will Feature the
Meeting; All Are Invited.
A song by Iva Wood and a talk by pro
fessor Herman Schwarz on “German
Student Life at Ileidleberg” will be part
of the program for the German club
meeting at the Y. W. C. A. Bungalow
Wednesday night.
German games and songs will also be
features of the meeting and plans for the
coming Christmas party will be discussed.
All interested are invited. The meet
ing begins at 7 o’clock.
Question of Building Athletic
Field to Be Discussed
at Meeting.
“Oregon Must Have Facilities
or Be Inferior University”
Shall the associated students borrow
or bond themselves for a maximum of
.$15,000 to he spent on ft new athletic
field? This is the question which will
he introduced at the meeting of the
associated students on Wednesday, Do
eember 13. The matter will be voted
upon December 20, stated Nicholas
Jatircguy, president of the associated
students. A motion to strike out the
constitutional amendment which provides
sweaters for band members will be voted
upon Wednesday.
“Oregon must have proper accommo
dations for big games or will have to
fall back to an inferior position among
universities,” stated A. It, Tiffany, grad
uate manager. “Because of the poor
field and poor seating facilities there
were 1500 persons loss than expected
at the O. A. C. 'game in 1015,” remnrged
Mr. Tiffany. In spite of the wide in
terest which was shown throughout the
northwest in the Oregon-Washington
game this year, the number of spectators
1 was far below the number anticipated.
This was all because of the poor reputa
tion Oregon has in the. way of field and
scats. The rain was the cause of a
large loss to the student funds, for many
people did not care to sit in the wet
to see a game on a poor field,” asserted
Mr. Tiffany.
Mr. Tiffany thinks the expense of a
new field would be justified h.v the re
ceipts of games played on it. “The game
with California which will lie played
here on November 17, 1017, will be a
big game and tile best advertising pos
sible would be to say that Oregon has a
new field which is well drained, and ade
quate seating accommodations which will
be comfortable even if it rains. 1 con
sider the chances about 50-50 for rain on
that day, by the way,” said Mr. Tif
The motion which will he proposed win
provide for bonding the student body
for a maximum of $15,000, or borrow
ing that amount, although Mr. Tiffany
believes that the work can be done for
less than the amount asked for. lie
received assurance from one bank to
the effect that it will loan the desired
money if asked. No bids have been re
ceived, or asked for, yet.
Nicholas Jaureguy states! that the
board of regents will probably furnish
$7,000 or $8,(XX) toward a new field, but
nothing definite has been done at pres
ent. This money would cover the cost of
the field, but about $8,000 more will bo
needed for the grandstands.
The new field will he situated on the
golf links in the corner bounded by Agate
and Fifteenth streets. Mr. Tiffany ex
pects to provide 4,000 covered seats and
(1,000 bleachers for the California game
if the new field is authorized. He says
that eventually all the seats will be
Y. W. C. A. Will Offer Them to Students
at Assembly Tomorrow.
The University calendars gotten out
by the Y. W. C. A. will be on sale to
morrow at the student body meeting in
Villard at 10 o’clock. Dorothy Wheeler
will have them in charge.
They were sold Saturday at down
town stores.
The association girls are undertaking
to sell 1000 of them.
Will Not Appear In Cottage Grove as
Has Been Planned.
The proposed trip of the dice club to
Gottage Grove has been postponed.
However, Hothwell Avisos, manager of
the Glee club, is negotiating with June
j tion City for a date. Should he be suc
cessful, the club will probably make the
l trip before the Chiristmas holidays.