Student and Qaeultij Activities By Dorothy Parsons F much interest in University cir< mgnt of two well known students, nia, and Leslie Blades, a post- grai The engagement is the lesult of a 'Miss Beer dosely associated with Mr. Bi the English literature and is well know i honor student and is engaged in many c; ‘the two blind students of the University year, having graduated with the class of d&ss in freshman English during Pro-1 4 * # 'The convention of the western pro vince of the Sigma Chi fraternity was an event of the Thanksgiving vacation. The delegates began to arrive on Thurs day afternoon and by Friday morning eight western Universities were repre sented. On Friday the party wont by special train to Corvallis to officiate at the installation of the Bda Pi chapter of the fraternity there. The chapter in stalled is the 70th in the roll call of the fraternity. On Saturday afternoon at the Hotel Corvallis, an initiation banquet was held and on Saturday evening the chapter house on this campus was the scene of an enjoyable smoker. Boxing and wrest ling matches were the chief amusement of the evening, the contestants being: Bernard Breeding vs. George Foster, Glen Hoover vs. Gordon Dickson, Ray Farley vs. Virgil Alexander and Charles Crandall vs Mike Harris. The delegate* to the convention left Sunday. Those who were entertained rsr/. im Quality First!! Your real motive in i making a clothes pur chase is to invest—not merely to spend— If you have us tailor your suit or overcoat to • . your own measure— you are guaranteed quality and workman ship and an excellent fit— Christmas vacation coming late, will give you an opportunity of selecting GIFTS before leaving for home—We are at your service with ‘ a beautiful display of men’s gift suggestions. The ; Haberdasher Men’s Outfitters 713 Will. ‘les is the announcement of the engage Miss Martha Beer, of Areata. Cnlifor iuate student, of San Dimas. California, romance which began last spring when ades in his work. Miss Beer majoring in 1 for her work in dramatics. She is an impus activities. Mr. Blades is one of and is taking post-graduate work this 1916. He is at present in charge of a essor Thacher’s illness. were Phil . .T. Weiss, of Washington; Charles Tyman. of Montana; Keith Baines, of Utah; Leonard .T. Difani, of the University of Southern California; H. C. Parker, of Stanford; IT. .1. von Detten, of the University of California; and Karl Beckc, of Oregon. « # # An affair of interest to University people is the Chi Omega alumnae charity formal given at the Multnomah hotel, in Portland Friday, December 1. The at tractive gold and gray rooms accommo dated the many guests, and dancing and cards were the chief attractions of the evening. The affair was given for the purpose supplying needy children with hot lunches and for general charitable purposes. * # * * Triple A met at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house on Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock. After the business meeting, light refreshments were served and a half hour of pleasant conversation pass ed before the meeting adjourned. # •* * The Senior Lottery dance, the annual informal affair given by the graduating class was held at the Sigma Nu house last evening and was pronounced by those who were fortunate enough to at tend, a great success. Professor C. V. Dyment, Eulalie Crosby, Helen Currey, and Jack Elliott had charge of the draw ing. This is the fourth year this dance has been given at the Sigma Nu house. #. # at Friday evening, the freshmen men as sembled at the Kappa Sigma house for the annual stag mix, free for once of all upper-class domination. Boxing and wrestling exhibitions, a vaudeville skit, and a “bar” were among the chief num bers on the program. £ * * Delta Gamma' entertained at dinner Thursday evening, Mrs. W. F. Gilstrap, Marion Gilstrap, Lois Hall, and Irene Stewart, of Eugene. ^ ^ ^ ^ Mrs. Bancroft, housemother at Mary A Square Meal for a Quarter Pullman Lunch Open all night Spider hall, entertained at dinner Fri day. President and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, l>r. and Mrs. II. IX Sheldon. Mr. and Mrs. Unpaid Campbell, lan Campbell, Flora Campbell. Mr. A. F. Reddie. Pro fessor and" Mrs. E. W. Allen and Miss Janet Gilkison. £ #! * Tsist Friday in Portland, the wedding of Miss Until Fraley and Eldon Furnish | of that city was announced at a ten giv- 1 en at the home of Mrs. W. J. Hawkins : and Miss Margaret Hawkins on Port- I land Heights. Two cards bearing the names of Miss Farley and Mr. Furnish and the date, December 2S. disclosed the time of the event. Miss Fraley was a junior at the University last year ami is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. # # * A reception was held on Thursday euning at Mary Spiller hall in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dole, of Boston directly after Dr. Dole's lecture in Vil lard hall. Mrs. Bancroft, matron of the hali acted as hostess at the affair. Wednesday ('veiling. Professor I*'. S. Dunn and Professor H. F. Hnrthnn were dinner guests at the Delta Tau Delta house. # # # Professor Allen Hopkins, of the Com merce department, was entertained at the Ivappa Sigma house at dinner. # # *. Margaret Crosby was a dinner guest at the Delta Gamma house on Wednes day evening. « « « Delta Tau Delta entertained Jerome Hoizman and John Black at dinner Thursday ecening. $ * # Dinner guests at Mary Spiller hall Wednesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. H. AT. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree, of Eugene, and Miss Vera Willis. # # Dean Elizabeth Fox entertained Mon day with an informal tea at her apart- , ment at Bartle Court. Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa Alpha Theta, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Sigma. Delta Tau Delta, Delta Gamma and Sigma Chi were among the list of fraternities which entertained during the Thanksgiving holi days with informal dancing parties. # « # Daemon Fleming, of Portland is a guest at the Sigma Chi house. Mr. "Fleming is an ex-student of the Univer sity and is well known on the campus. Ho has been in Eugene since the pro vince convention of Sigma Chi last week. £ « « Agnes McGlaughlin, ’15, arrived on Friday from Portland. Miss McGlaughlin is a week end guest at the Chi Omega house. Martha Tinker was a Tuesday dinner guest at the Kappa Alpha Theta house. ■# # # Beach Crot'ton, of Portland, is a week rod guest of Phi Gamma Delta. (Continued on page four.) The Club Barber Shop Is the place that all the Col lege men go for first class work. G. W. Blair, Prop. I Methodist Episcopal Church Buddha, Mohammed or Christ A Comparison of three of the World’s greatest religious teachers, and their probable influence in the future Everybody Welcome How about your little Brothers and Sisters at Home : They Like Peter Pan Candy Too—Take some home with you The Peter Pan Kind "There's a time in each year When we all ought to cheer The dear old folks at home. It has been a long while Since we last saw the smile Of the dear old folks at home, So we’ll go home this Xmas And bring to them gladness Those dear old folks at home.” You Can Go LOW ROUND TRIP HOLIDAY FARES * to all principal cities in Oregon-California Washington-ldaho HOLIDAY SALE DATES OREGON-WASHINGTON-IDAHO To S. P. stations in Oregon, also O.-W. R. N. and Oregon Trunk, Dec. 21-22. Re turn limit Jan. 8th. To all stations in Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, Dec. 22 and 25. Return limit, Jan. 3. CALIFORNIA To California points, Dec. 21-23 inc. and Dec. 26-28 inc. Return limit 15 days. Ask A. J. Gillette, agent, for information and tickets. John M.'Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland. SOUTHERN PACIFIC Savoy Theatre DOROTH YDALTON m ‘The Jungle Child’ A wierd drama of the Brazil ian forests, telling the grip ping stpry of a Spanish beauty who grew to be a Tupi Amazon and a worthless American adventurer who tsough to employ her ignor- j ance as a means of acquiring possession of her fortunes. FAY TINCHER In a riotous comedy “The Lady Drummer” Monday and Tuesday Special Showing of Newest Street Coats $9.75 to $25.00 A good assortment of practical coats in newest styles. Brown, navy and black in long, loose styles, full flaring and belted effects and some with half belts. Many have deep collars, made so they may be worn buttoned high. Some exceptionally smart Wooltex models at $25. Other makes at $9.75, $12.50, $14.75 and . $16.75. Come and see. Large’s Cloak and Suit House 865 Willamette Street Phone 525 “The Store that Sells Wooltex” Come in and select a fine Christmas box and have it filled - to your liking. We also have some nice boxes of California glace fruit.