Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 11, 1916, Image 1

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    Parents and Faculty Members
Believe Much Time and
Money Wasted.
Conflagration for Washington
Game Taxed Frosh Too
Greatly, Is Declared.
One of the ancient traditions of the
University, the freshmen bonfire, is
threatened with annihilation. Parents
of the freshmen and members of the
^-faculty have objected to the excessive
■ amount of time and expense necessary to 1
the building of such a conflagation as was
set off last Friday night. According to
Karl Onthank, secretary to President
Campbell, no official action has been
Dean Elizabeth Fox hopes the student
council will take steps to regulate the
subsequent freshmen bonfires. “Bon
fires ought to be discontinued,” she de
clared, “They require too much effort on
the part of the men and women of the
University.” She considers the serious
purpose of the students interefered with
and their lessons made to suffer. The
students are just now beginning to re
cuperate from the physical effects, be
lieves Miss Fox.
“It is perfectly absurd for the girls
to get up in the small hours of the
morning to feed the men. The girls lose
sleep which can not be made up; their
schedule is too strenuous.” Miss Fox
said, “I heartily disapprove of the part
v'h!. h the-v.-oEncn assumed in connection
with the bonfire, although I admire their
spirit.” Miss Fox gave this quotation as
descriptive of the situation. “Oh sense
thou art both good and right, but non
sense thou art exquisite.”
The student council has passed a
ruling that the freshmen build two bon
fires; one before the Washington game
and one before the game with O. A. C.
President Pixley of the freshmen class
says, “The class will not be able to build
i the fire for the O. A. C. game owing
j to the time and expense which went
; into the bonfire before the Washington
Mr. Onthank says such a bonfire as
the one Friday night is dangerous to the
([buildings near the fire. He says, also,
that bonfires, if allowed in the future,
will probably not be over 15 by 15 feet
$500 Taken at Doors Saturday Night;
$130 Clear for Juniors.
The Homecoming dance given by the
junior class last Saturday was a finan
cial success, according to Joe Hedges,
chairman of the dance committee.
There were 500 paid paid admissions
and it is estimated that there were 150
alumni present. The expenses amounted
to approximately $120, leaving about
$130 clear for the exchequer of the
junior class.
* * * *
* * * *
Crisp, snappy yells.
“Mighty Oregon.”
The shouts of 75 students.
Such was the send-off which the Ore
gon team received Friday morning when
it left for Portland to meet the \V. S. C.
aggregation. The cold morning air liven
ed the students who saw the train leave,
and yell-leader Frank Scaiefe had little
trouble in directing the overflow of
Each man on the team was given a
yell. Then followed “Oskies” and the
spelling of Oregon. The band turned out
and played several marches. The train
finally left at 7:.°>5.
University Players Will Make Neophytes
Ride the Goat Wednesday.
it a meeting of the University Play
ers at the Gamma Phi Beta house on
Thursday evening Ruth Montgomery
was elected to membership in the organ
Arrangeemnts were made for the ini
tiation of new members which is to take
place next Wednesday. Other new mem
bers who are to be initiated next week
are Muriel I’erringer, Russel Fox. Lyle
Bartholomew. Curtis Peterson, Keith
Kiggins. and Lyle McCrosky.
“The Man from Home,” the next play
which is to be staged by the University
Players, will be presented sometime in
January, according to Alex Bowen, presi
dent of the organization. Mr. James
Mott of Salem, who coached the Univer
sity Players’ production last year, will
direct “The Man from Home.”
Cross Country Team Will Be Picked
November 18.
The tryouts for the Oregon-O. A. C.
cross country run which will he pre
liminary to the Oregou-O. A. C. football
game at Corvalis, November ”5, have
been set for November IS. Oregon will
be represented by four men chosen at
this time.
Wednesday night was the end of the
thrice-a-week practice and the beginning
of the every night turnouts for the
twenty men competing for the team. On
account of his heavy duties in connection
with the football team, Coach Hayward
has been unable to give much attention
to the development of the men but wi'l
devote more time from now on. Up
to this time the training of the men
has been in charge of Captain Nelson of
the track team and one of the contestants
for a place on the cross country team.
Freshmen are not allowed to compete
in cross country runs.
“Stronglieart” to Be Staged November
17-18 Instead of November 10-11.
“Strongheart,” the play which will
be produced by the Guild Players, will
be staged Friday and Saturday nights,
November 17 and 18, instead of on
November 10 and 11, as previously an
[Refined Bull-pup Is Sought;
Must Have Melodious Howl
•‘What is home without a war-dance?”
facetiously remarks Billy, the love-smit
ten senior in “Strongheart,” to be pro
duced in Guild hall by the Guild Play
ers on next Friday and Saturday even
Yes, and what is a college play with
out a real, live bull-pup for a mascot
That is just what is bothering the mem
bers of the cast of this play. All - the
parts have been assigned, and rehearsals
aore ‘progressing without "unhitch, untiMhe
(action reaches "a“.certain point. ° This is
where “Siegfried,” gjthe talented dog of
Billy’s is supposed to make his entrance, j
But where can such a dog be found,
that is the question? It can not be an
ordinary canine, but a refined, intelligent
creature, absolutely accustomed to femin
^ ine society. And above all, he mult
be musical, possessing a voice that will
harmonize readily with the atmosphere
of the play.
Needless to say, such a dog is hard to
find, much less obtain, and consequently
a thorough search of all the fraternity
and sorority houses has been made.
“Caesar,” the Kappa Sigmao house dog,
the Phi Belt and Sigma Chi dogs, and
even that fjanny“little fussy dog which is
making its home at the Delta Gamma
JnSuse, ohave all had their tryouts, but
have obeen found unsuitable for such a
difficult role. No amount of grease
paint, jio matter how well applied, could
make anjp one of these over into such
a dog as “Siegfried” must be!
The date of the play is approaching
fast, and the problem of the dog is
beginning to be quite serious. Will the
play be cancelled, or will some suitable
specimen for the part be found at the
eleventh hour, and thus save the pro
duction? As yet, it is hard to tell just
what the outcome will be, but one thing
is certain, that if the play is produced,
the role of “Siegfried” must be filled.
Womn’s League Wants Amend
ment to Constitution of
Student Body.
“Such a Budget Would Not Be
Elastic and Opposition
Arises” Says Jaureguy.
The Women’s League of the Univer
sity will be placed on a new financial
basis if a proposed amendment to the
constitution of the student body is pass
ed. Although no definite steps have
been taken to have the amendment for
mulated or presented to the student body,
the student council will discuss the pro
position at its next meeting November
22, and will vote upon the measure at
that time. If the student council does
not endorse the amendment it is under
stood that a representative of the Wo
men’s League will present it to the as
sociated student body at its meeting in
The amendment as outlined by Mrs.
George Gerlinger, originator of the plan
and a member of the board of regents,
would give 50 cents out of each student
tax paid by the women of the university,
to a special fund to be administered by
the Women’s League. This, it is argued
by the supporters of the movement,
would provide a tangible budget for the
enterprises carried on under the auspices
of the Women’s League. At the present
time there are in the neighborhood of
400 women in the university and had
the amendment been in force this year,
$200 or over would have been at the
disposal of the league.
Jeanette Wheatley, president of the
Women’s League, is strongly in favor of
the amendment and feels that it is
necessary to free the women of the
school from having to pay special taxes
at irregular and frequent 'intervals
throughout the year.
Dean Elizabeth Fox says that be
cause of her own experience in Barnard
it seems rather irregular to have the
finances for women’s activities handled
through the same channels as the reg
ular student body affairs. She also be
lieves that new interest would be taken
by the women in the affairs now given
under the auspices of the league and that
interest in events not yet attempted by
the women here will he aroused.
The movement is not sufficiently well
understood as yet to have aroused much
discussion, according to Nicholas Jaure
guy, president of the student body. How
ever. he says that several members of the
student council are opposed to its pas
“The opposition arises from the fact
that such a dubget would not be elastic,”
said Jaureguy. “Either too much or not
enough money would bo on hand each
year. Another problem would be faced
in determining just what affairs would
actually come under the direction of the
Women’s League. For instance, the re
cent luncheon on the campus in con
nection with the Homecoming day pro
gram was actually handled by the student
body although the general impression
was that it was given by the Women’s
Discusses William James’ “Pragmatism.”
Regular Sessions Held.
A club has existed on the campus for
nearly two years which is a near ap
proach to the free Intellectual Activities
Society.0 Tins club, originally cnlTe3“X,”
was started by I^ois 0Gray. Nelly fox,
Kate Stanfield, Grace MaeKenzie, Kate
Shaefer and Caralie Snell, with the guid- ,
ance and suggestions of Miss Mary Wat
son and Mrs. Mabel Holmes l’arsons*.
The purpose of the club was to facili
tate free and unembrassed discussion of
ideas to a greater extent than is possible
in a class room. The club lias been
known as the Ethics club, because for
merly the discussions were from that
point of view. This year the club is
discussing philosophy, and the name
Quadrangle has been used, though not
adopted as yet, according to the presi
dent Nellie C'ox. The club meets every !
Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. !
Parsons for their philosophical discus- '
sions. The club is now discussing Wil- j
liam James philosophy of pragmatism. J
£ # # #
* # # *
Whiter R. Dimm, a member of the
1916 class, was made city treasurer of
Springfield at the recent election.
Dimm is also the editor and part own
er of the Springfield News. During
his college course he majored in journal
ism. He left school before graduation
and entered newspaper work.
Mr. Dimm ran on the citizens’ ticket
and was elected without opposition. He
is still taking some work in the Uni
versity and will receive his degree this
Y. W. Vends Candy in Houses Friday
Noons to Raise Money.
The Y. IV. C. A. has introduced the
sale of “Hersheys” and other refresh
ments in sorority houses. The proceeds
from the sale of this candy will be used
for running expences of the Y. W. C.
The Y. \V. C. A. makes about one
third profit on the money taken in,
which amounts to about one dollar a
week from every house. The girls find
that candy in the house is very handy.
Last year an attempt was made to in
troduce candy in fraternity houses but
it was prevented by the inter-fraternity
Reports on Financial Standing of Classes
Given Out.
Reports on the financial standing of
the four classes of the University secured
ft (.m the busiuesiTitf flee "give the fol
lowing figures: |
Senior Class
Receipts $115.00.
Expenditures $2.65.
Balance $113.25.
Junior Class
Receipts $300.00.
Expenditures $10.63.
Balance $280.46.
Sophomore Ulass
Receipts $204.30.
Expenditures $70.17.
Balance $134.13.
Freshman (’lass
Receipts $304.50.
Expenditures $83.25.
Balance $221.25.
Wilt Regulate Social Life in Sororities
During Recesses; Miss Fox Chairman.
A meeting of the heads of sorority
houses was called Wednesday by Dean
Elizabeth Fox. A committee was ap
pointed to draw up rules for the regula
tion of social life in the fraternity houses
during the Christmas and Thanksgiving
holidays. The following are the members
of the committee and the houses they
represent: Miss Louise Fitch, Delta
Delta Delta; Mrs. A. (1. Baker, Alpha
Phi; Charlotte Banfield, Chi Omega;
Bernice Lucas, Kappa Alpha Theta.
These members are to act in conjunction
with Miss Fox.
After the committee formulates the
rules they will be submitted to a board
consisting of the following members;
Mrs. E. W. Allen, president of the local
Pan-Hellenic council, Mrs. Mabel II.
Parsons, freshman advisor, and Dr. .1.
F. Bovard, chairman of the student liv
ing committee.
» •--— '
Daily “Noon-Hour" Meetings at Bungalow
® to Begin Monday.
Monday, November Ft, is the begin- |
ning of Fellowship week. Fellowship |
week is a week of prayer which every j
association of V. W. C. A. will observe.
It ja called fellowship week to denote
that it means more than just a week of
prayer but a week in which fellowship J
is extended and units all of the mem
bers in the various V. W. C. A.s over
the world.
There will la* a meeting every day
at the Bungalow at 12:30 o’clock at
which talks will be given. The plan is
to take up each day a different country
and the work the V. M. C. A. has been
doing in that country. Different girls
will be called upon to give prayers at
the meetings.
Two Place Kicks and a Touchdown Furnish Points Needed to
Shade W. S. C/s Field Goal. Beckett, Shy Huntington,
Parsons and Mtchell Dazzle Spectators by Brilliancy of
Their Playing.
Both Sides Punt Well and Often.- Oregon Gains iteadiiy on
End Runs. Bezdek’s Defense Holds Dashing Invaders to
Nominal Gains. Many Forward Passes Attempted And
One Results in Day’s Lone Touchdown. Shy’s Sharp*
shooting Remarkable.
Approximately 8,000 people saw Ore
gen display its true form on Multnomah
field this afternon when it decisively
wholloped Dietz’s AVashington State
eleven bv a 12 to 2 score. Two beauti
ful place kicks by “Shy” Huntington, a
touchdown by Johnny Parsons, and a
drop kick by quarterback Durham toil
the tale of one of the most thrilling
and exciting games ever staged on a
Portland gridiron. Captain Johnny
Beckett', Johnny Parsons, Ken Bartlett,
and Shy Huntington, were easily the in
dividual stars, time and again reeling off
long gains. k The Oregon line was ill
penetrable. The field was fast and dry
and weather conditions were perfect.
The game by quarters follows:
Captain Bnugs wins the toss over
Beckett. \V. S. C. kicks off out of
bounds. Kick repeated. Bartlett re
ceives kick off, returns 10 yards. Par
sons no gain around left end. Shy Hun
tington through center three yards.
Huntington kicks place kick on 115 yard
line, giving Oregon three points.
Score: Oregon 11, W. S. C. 0.
Oregon kicks off. Stites recovers on
40 yard line. Donne fumbles and gains
two yards. Fisbbnck punts to Shy
Huntington who run i' buck to 10 yards.
Oregon fumbles. W. S. t’. cntchos bull
on Oregon 40-ynrd line. Donne goes
three yards through center. \V. S. O. off
side, penalized five yards. W. S. fails
ed in forward pass. Oregon’s ball.
Beckett runs five yards around right end.
Montieth thrown for one yard loss.
Parsons no gain around right end. Ore
gon off side. Five-yard penalty. Time
out for Beckett. He recovers. Beckett
punts to W. S. C. 30-yard line. Doane
gains one yard. Five to go. Donne
gains 15 yards around right end. Doane
three yards through center. Doane makes
yardage. Ball on W. S. C.'s 45-yard line.
Fishhaek one yard around right end.
Incomplete forward pass. Fourth
down, 10 to go. Parsons gets hall on
fumble. Oregon's ball on their 25-yard
line. Pairsons makes two yards off tackle.
Shy Huntington makes .10 yards through
center. Montieth two yards. Parsons
fails to make yardage. W. S. C.’s ball.
Bose two yards. Banks through right
tackle two yards. Incomplete forward
pass. Fourth down 10 to go. Donne
kicks 10 yards out of bounds. Montieth
two yards. Ball on Oregon's 115-yard
tine. End of first quarter. Score: Ore
gon •’!, W. S. C. 0.
Second quarter.
Mitchell’s eye is Injured. Second
down, eight to go. Oregon’s ball. Par
sons wades eight yards around left end.
Oregon fumbles. W. S. t'.’s ball in mid
dle of field. No gain on first down. W.
S. C. kicks over Oregon’s goal. Touch
back. Ball brought to 20-ynrd line.
Beckett punts to W. S 20-yard line.
Spellman laid out but returns to the
struggle. W. S. (’. punts to Oregon’s
35-yard dine. Parsons makes four yards.
Beckett kicks 40 yards to \V. S. C.’s
30-yprd line.' Mitchell and Tegart drop
Bangs in his tracks. YV. S. ('. fumbles.
'Oregon's ball on \\'. S. ('. 45-yard line.
Pinsons five yards through center. Mou
tieth gains nothing. Shy Huntington
shoots a pass to Montieth for three
yards again. Shy Huntington makes
yardage through center. Shy Hunting
ton eight yards around right end. Ore
gon off side. Five yards penalty. Dur
ham intercepts Shy Huntington's forward
pass. Returns 10 yards.
Zimmerman three yards around left
end. Incomplete forward pass, Doane
to ILinley. \Yr. S. C'. using a long for
ward pass without avail. Doane and
Beckett exchange kicks. Durham failed
to return Beckett’s 35-yard punt. Bangs
makes one yard. Boone makes one yard
on criss-cross. Oregon line playing a
great defensive game. Bangs makes
three yards. Doane kicks to Shy Hun
tington on Oregon’s 35-yard line. W.
S. O. off side. Five yard penalty.
Beckett kicks 40 yards to Durham who
fumbles momentarily but recovers.
Donne failed to gain. W. S. C. fumbles
but recovers. Hangs makes one yard.
Fourth down, nine to go. Doaue punts
HO yards. Oregon’s first down on 20
yard line. 1 lorried of W. S. C. laid out.
Beckett gains six yards around right
end on fake punt formation. Hollis
Huntington fails to gain. Parsons makes'
five yards through line. Beckett’s punt
hit a wire stretched over the field. Ball
brought back. Play renewed. Oregon
off side. Penalized five yards. Beckett
fails to gain. Fourth down five yards to
go. Beckett punts 40 yards to scarlet
and gray’s 80-yard line just as tho
whistle ends the half
Score: Oregon 3, W. S. C. 0.
Between halves Washington State
serpentined and formed a huge “W” on
the field. Immediately following this
the lemon-yellow, 200 strong, zia-zagged
over the sawdust, gave the Oregon
chant, followed an “Oskie Wow-Wow”
and formed a block ”0.”
Third quarter.
K. Boone goes out of game. ft. Hanley
takes It. Boone’s place at left end. I*
Ilnnle.v gets in at left end for bis
brother It. Ilanley.
Bangs kicks off to Shy Huntington oa
20-yard line. Huntington returns eight
yards. Bartlett makes one yard. Shy
Huntington makes eight yards through
center, itollis Huntington fails to gain.
Oregon makes yardage. W. S. <’. re
covers. Oregon fumbles on lemon-yel
low's 35-yard line. Hanley makes three
yards, Donne plunges one yard. Hanley
fails to gain. Bangs recovers Durban’s
drop kiek on Oregon’s 80-yard line.
Bangs makes two yards. Bangs makes
yardage. W. S. C.’s ball on Oregon
15-yard line.
L. Hanley fails to gain. YV. S. ('. fails
on attempted forward pass. Durham
drop kicks the ball squarely between the
uprights from Oregon’s 15-yard line.
Score: Oregon 3, W S. C. 3.
Beckett kicks off to \V. S. C.’s 10
yard line. Dietz’s men fail to gain in
three attempts at the Oregon line.
Donne punts to the Lemon-yellow’s 20
yard line. Shy Huntington is injured for
a minute, Parsons makes three yards
through center. Incornpleted forward
pass. Hollis Huntington is thrown for a
loss. Shy Huntington misses a place
kick from the 43-yard line. W. S. C.’s
ball on their own 20-yard line. Bangs
fails to gain through right tackle. Doune
punts 15 yards to his own 40-yard line,
l’arsons makes two yards around left
end. Shy Huntington shakes off three
tueklers for a 10 yard gain around right
end. Hollis Huntington fails to gain.
The fans are wild with excitement. Bar
sons makes five yards through left
tncjde. Oregon fails on forward pass,
ijjhy Huntington misses place kick on tlm
40-ynrd line. Ball goes over goal line.
W. S. C.’fi hall on their 20-yard line.
I Hollis Huntington make:; four yards.
Bangs advances the lcatl.«r four yards.
1 Shy Huntington catches Doune's punt on
j W. S. C’s 40-yard line and is downed in
; his tracks. C. Boone replaces Doune
at full hack. Carsons makes four yards
I around left end. Shy Huntington runs
J around right end for 25 yards. Longest
j'run made .vet. Parsons ziz-zuggs nine
! and a half yards around left end. Shy
j Huntington is laid out but gamely con*
j tinues. W. S. C. penalized 15 yards for
: holding. Oregon’s hall on VY. S. C.'s
tO-yard line. End of quarter. Score:
i (tregoa 3, \V. S. (3.
| Fourth quarter:
Oregon's ball on VY. S C.’s 12-yard
line. Second down. Bartlett catches
Shy Huntington's forward pass
(Continued on page four)