Man Worms Into Limelight on Campus; Dean Allen Sus picious and Wires. “May Have Seen Star Building but That Lets Him Out’’ —Answer. That the It. H. O’Neal, who lust Tues day introduced himself to members of the faculty ns the dramatic-critic of Kansas City Star, has never been employed by that paper and that in addition he bus been known by at least one other name since coming to Eugene, has just been brought to light. The first person in Eugene to he taken into the confidence of O’Neal, was Wallace Eakin, former Oregon student and now employed on the Eugene (iuurd. Eakin felt that the journalism classes of the University would be interested in O’Neal, so arranged a meeting with I’rof E. W. Allen, dean of the school of jour nalism. The criticism classes under Mrs. M. II. Parsons' were visited by O’Neal and it was here that suspicion first was aroused. The general vagueness of his remarks and the lack of professionalism in his manner convinced some members of the classes that his connections with the Star had been humble, if there had been any at all. A telegraphic inquiry to Kansas City mmmmBSsaam MARLEY IVi IN. DEVON 2*4 IN. ARROW COLLARS 15 ots. each, 6 for 00 cts. CLUETT. PEABODY & CO.. IWC. MAKERS It Is far better to COOK WITH GAS Than to gas with the Cook Phone 38 OREGON POWER CO. Telephone 220 UNIVERSITY BAKERY In a Class by Itself brought the reply that O’Neal was not employed on the Star, but that there had been a Hugh O’Neal on the staff some several years ago who had since gone to Denver/ Q Not satisfied with this explanation, Dean Allen sent the following telegram to the Star: “B. II. O'Neal, possibly B. Hugh O’Neal, here says he is clerk in the registry division of the Kansas City post office and incidentally dramatic and musical critic for the Star under the pseudonym K. W. Also brother-in-law of A. Humble, whqm th says, is acting managing editor. Seems to know Star building and some men on staff. Doesn’t seem to us kind of man to handle criticism for Star. Who is he. Rush answer day rate.” In response to Dean Allen's query, the Star sent the following: ‘‘O’Neal may have seen Star building | but that lets him out. A, Humble | equally unknown here. Karl Walter, known as K. W., former musical and j dramatic critic now in Loudon in British j war office. O’Neal pulled same game at i Seattle recently.” ! O’Neal told a number of conflicting stories during his brief stay on the campus, for he has not been seen at the University since Tuesday. He was en tertained at several fraternity and sor ority houses but so far as can be learned gave no hint of his motive in traveling under false pretenses. I SPEAKS njSPEIS Major W. S. Gilbert, Recently From Mexico, Addresses 400 Declares 52 per cent of Young Men Not Physically Able to Fight. Major W. S. Gilbert, chaplain of the (>. N. G. spoke to 400 people gathered at the University Vesper service con ducted by the V. M. C. A. and Y. W. A. Sunday afternoon in Villard hall. Mr. Gilbert, who left his pastorate of the First Presbyterian church of Astoria to go to the -Mexican border with the army, several denounced the aaaitude of the young men of America who refused to heed their country’s call to arms in bis address “Universal Service.” Fifty-two per cent of the young men of the country are not physically able to fight, according to the chaplain, lie blames the parents partly for this con dition. He outlined the general situation of unpreparedness in the United States and declared that in Oregon not half of the physical examinations were given before the men went to the border and the rest had to be finished there. There was not a full regiment from Oregon and other states were even more poorly rep resented thiuks Mr. Gilbert who said that from 25,000 who joined in a pre paredness parade in Boston only three enlisted. “The Mexican situation is as it is because we can’t raise enough men to go down there,” he said. That the Americans have not enough reverence for their flag is shown plain ly by the fact that while the funeral procession of one of America's generals was passing down the street of one of onr large cities displaying many flags one man of all the thousands which lined the streets, raised his hat and that man was a Japanese, related the major. "In the old days all was for the na tion but today all is for the individual”, lie lamented. Major Gilbert won a high reputation for courage and bravery in the Philip pines by entering into active service with the men on the battlefield. 1 lean John Straub presided over the Vesper services, ltev. IV. M. Case, of the Presbyterian church, gave the invo cation and prayer, and the glee clubs dineted by It. 11. Lyman, dean of the music school, had charge of the music. Patronize Advertisers rur causes dispute Raises Question of Onside-Kick in Saturday’s Game. Oregon May Have Been Entitled to Touchdown Is Belief of Hayward. Not everyone realizes how close Ore gon came to beating Washington Inst Saturday. As a matter of fact, Bill Hay ward is certain that Oregon scored a touchdown The play which so nearly broke Washington’s record was an on side kick. Those who watched the play closely saw Johnny Parsons run behind Johnny Beckett just as the latter punt ed from Washington’s 35 yard line and saw Parsons tear down the field in time to catch the twisting ball only a few yards from the goal. The slippery ball eluded his hands, however, and rolled to the ground where first a Washington man and then Jake Itisley fell on it. Parsons however was the only man on the team who could re cover the ball and score the touchdown, for he alone was behind the ball at the time it was kicked. The Oregon rooters and even of the Oregon team thought that the score had been made, and for an instant were wild with joy. Oregon maintains that after the Wash ington man had touched the ball, any Oregon man was eligible to make the touchdown, and according to Bill Hay ward, the rules uphold the assertion. Johnny Beckett protested the game then and there when the point was decided against him, but it is not certain that his protest will be considered a formal one. If it is not considered as such, there is no hope of winning the game for it is now too late to file a formal protest. The work of the Oregon ends was es pecially noticeable when it came to breaking up end runs and “getting down on punts.” Mitchell and Tegart showed their ability in this respect many times, for Oregon played a punting game. They were on the job every instant. An old custom of Coach Bezdek’s was broken Saturday when the Oregon team came on the field first. It has always been his custom to have his team the second to make its appearance. The mis take was due to the misunderstanding of a freshman’s statement. The Washing ton men arrived in machines and the freshman said that they had come, by which Bezdek thought that they had gone on the field, and he sent his men out. However the Seattle team was in the Administration building and hence came on tlie field a few moments after the Oregon squad. Nearly all bets which were made on the game were cancelled ns a result of free though, for one downtown head quarters managed bets to the total of the tic score. The betting was not very $150. Of this sum only a few dollars changed hands. The Ufiiversity of Washington does not have to petition the faculty. for dances and so the special train which bore its rooters to and from Eugene was equipped with one car in which the chairs had been removed and in which the U. of W. students danced. A talking machine furnished the music and al though the car was crowded, the dancers found enough room to enjoy themselves and relieve the monotony of the trip. Only one student missed the special train, and he slept peacefully while his fellow-Wasbingtonians were departing. MAY SING IN EUGENE Madame Schumann-Helnk May Be Brought Here November 23. The Philharmonic society expects Madame Ernestine Schumann-Heink to sing in Eugene on the night of Novem ber 23, according to R. H. Lyman, dean of the school of music. At the Philhar monic meeting last night some 300 sub scribed tickets were reported, and a wire was sent to Miss Lois Steers, Mme. Schumann-Heink’s manager in the north west. A reply is expected today. “I think Miss Steers will regard the outlook as very favorable,” said Mr. Lyman. “The subscription is good, when you consider that we were only asking about the two dollar seats, and that our canvass was made just before election.” If Eugene gets the concert, it will be held in the Armory, says Mr. Lyman. “That is the only place large enough to accommodate the crowd,” he stated. “Beside that, Mme. Schumann-Heink’s prices this year are so high that if we held the concert in a smaller building we would have to charge up to three dollars for seats. Tickets for the »rmory con cert will cost $1, $1.50, and $2.00. DANCE COMMITTEE NAMED. Under the direction of Lynn S. Mc Cread.v, general chairman, plans are be ing made for the annual sophomore for mal to be given in the Eugene Armory, Dec. 9. Those who will assist the chair man are: Wyville Sheehy, Ruth Trow bridge, Mary Murdock, Genevieve Dickey, Raymond Burns, Dolph Phipps, Frank Hunt, Roberta Scliuebel, Mirim Coffey, Harold Gray, Charles McDon ald, Caroline Alexander, James Vance Marion Greble, Dorothy Dunn, Wovrcn Edwards, Harvey Madden, Dorothy Rob ertson, Helen Bracht and George Gates. HAVE SPECIAL C0)STUMES. The classes in aesthetic dancing are wearing specially designed costumes in their class work this year. The dresses are of hunter’s green. There has been no great incrense in the classes ns yet, but as soon as the posture tests are completed some girls now taking regular work will lie trans fered to dancing. The posture tests will probably be completed within the month. Raincoats and O’coats Slip-Ons and Slickers Whether you want a coat for service only; or for style and service combined—WE HAVE IT Eugene Theatre FEATURE PICTURES TONIGHT The Big 5 Reel Gold Rooster Feature “The Shine Girl” Featuring Gladys Hulette and A. Wayne A distinctly human and beautiful play With the latest “Luke Comedy”. (Luke the Chauffeur) Added Attraction 2 Acts High Class Vaudeville Jack Retlaw the celebrated cartoonist, and Lanor the Hawaiian dancer Two shows commencing 7 p. m. Prices 10<£ and 15^ NOTE:—Election returns will be announced from the stage. Wednesday and Thursday The big 6 reel feature Featuring A1 Jennings in “Beating Back” The most famous of the Saturday Evening Post’s Human Document Serial. A bandit story for respectful audienies Prices 15