STUDENTS WILL HELP journalism Majors and Upper classmen to Aid City Newspapers. PRECINCTS ASSIGNED; TO MAKE TABULATIONS Same System Used at Last Presidential Election; Allen in Charge. Students of the school of journalism at the University will help the Guard and Register with election returns to night. Their work will consist of keeping f count in the^ election precincts, collect ing returns with automobiles, telephon ing to places where returns are an nounced, typewriting and announcing bul letins to the faculty colloquium and mak ing tabulations. All journalism majors and upperclass men who have no special assignments are requested to report to Professor Al len at once. The same system four years ago re sulted in Lane county being one of the first counties to turn in complete re turns. National election comes only once in a student’s college career and this experi ence will give students an insight into how returns and counting is done, be lieves Professor Allen. Professor Allen declares “Every newspaper man needs an experience of this kind.”. Any persons outside the journalism classes wishing returns are welcome to come to the rooms in the basement of McClure, according to Prof Allen. Stu dents are requested not to telephone as the phone will be used in receiving re ports. Special assignments: Precincts—No. 1, Bpers; No. 2, Center; No. 3, Corbett; No. 4, Poster; No. 5, Avison; No. 0, Boatman; No. 7, Fenton; No. 8, Kings bury; No. 9, McNary; No. 10, Brenton; No. 11, Solve; No. 12, Skelton; No. 13, Jacobson; No. 14, Case; No. 15, Colton; No. 16, Crandall; No. 17, Hill; No. 18, Hamlin; No. 19, Newton; No. Sevits. Register office, Fitzinaurice, Lucas; Register megaphone, Hamstreet, Mor fitt; Register messenger Gilbert; Regis ter telephone .; Guard ■m. office, Calkins, Wilkins; Guard messen ger, Westerfield; Mr. Eakins assistant, Eaton; Guard telephone, Parsons, Au rniller Journalism bulletins, Say, Stod dard; Journalism telephone, Crain; Col loquium (announcer) Ira Bowen; Spring field, Hall; Journalism tabulations and to await service as substitutes: Giesler, Howd, Johnston, Rowland, Shaw, War wick, Wootton, Porter, Colman, Hyde, Garland, Johnson, Lake, Mahony, Rob ertson, Stevens, Beebe, Brookins, Kins ley, Dawson Zahl and Epping. r. W. C. A. MAKES $15 SIris Sell Peanuts, Candy and Rooters’ Caps at Game Saturday., The Y W. C. A. made $15 on their combined sale of peanuts and chrysan themums at the game Saturday. More orders were given for “mums” than tUb girls could fill. Ruth Wilson, treasurer of the x. W. C. A., had charge of the sale. Three booths and a peanut wagon sup erintended by Echo Zahl handled the sale of peanuts, Hershey’s, crewing gum, pop corn, rooters caps and penants to the excited mob. The right to sell these things on the campus was shared with the Y. W. C. A. by the Co-op and the money taken in is to be divided. “The sale wasn’t as good this time as it was for the Multnomah game,” said M. F. McClain, manager of the Co-op. “The crowd was too cold, wet, and excited to eat.” The sale of rooters caps was small also, because, according to Mr. McClain, the freshman fellows couldn’t be per suaded that they were allowed to take off their green caps and substitute a rooters cap. Orders for the “mums” were taken, from the woman’s fraternities before the day and were delivered on Saturday morning by a committee of five freshmen girls. SUNDAY CUTS HANDED IN # « « « PROF. “SLIPS OVER” DEAL * # * * HAMSTREET UNEARTHS IT Some profs are so diabolical in their desire to send in cuts that, as the regis trar’s records show, some students have been marked absent for non-existent classes on Sunday and even have received holiday cuts as Christmas presents. Harold Hamstreet, working in the registrar’s office, got the dope on the faculty when he looked up his own “cut” record and found that his prof insisted that he was absent jn days when school didn’t keep. So the ed-in-chf. investi gated the cards of ether students and was startled to see that they too had this same deal “slipped over” on them by their instructors. One possible explanation for the Sun day cuts is that Prof. X is also a Sun day school teacher and among those in his class are “Brick” Mitchell, “Tilly” Tallman, “Slim” Crandall, and Dick Nel son. The prof notices that these boys are absent from their pew and lo!, he turns in a cut for them. HAS MEMBERSHIP OF 140 Y. W. C. A. Will Have Fellowship Week From November 12 to 19. Membership in the Y. W. C. A. has reached about 140 and 40 of that num ber have joined within the past month. A new plan is on foot to get more mem bers. A committee of twelve has been appointed by Mary Hislop, chairman of membership committee, and the entire enrollment of girls in the University not in the Y. W. C. A. has been divided among the twelve. Since indoor gymnasium work has started, interest in Y. W. C. A. has in creased according to Miss Hislop. At a cabinet meeting held Monday night plans were discussed for fellow ship week which is to be from November 12 to 19. During the week the in terest and prayers of members and friends of the Y. W. C. A. are invited to the subject of the growth of a world fellowship, and each day a different na tion will be taken up. The meetings will be held every day at 12:30 in the Bung alow. Program and leaders will be announced later. BACHELOR MAIDS TO MEET Will Entertain at Dinner With Miss Fox Friday Evening. The Bachelor Maids’ club will meet with Miss Elizabeth Fox, dean of women, at her apartments in Bartle Court Fri day at six o’clock. Each girl will bring a contribution to the dinner. This club has not been definitely or ganized. Plans are under way to or ganize a club to which both men and women are eligible. Students who are batching and wish to join are requested to meet with President Campell Wed nesday at seven. The advisability of co operation in buying food will be discuss ed. Those who will meet with Miss Fox bn Friday evening are: Emily Spulak, Carrie Stevens, Helen Case, Helen Dull, Gladys Harbke, Ethel Murray, Essie and Jennie Magurie and Hazel Badabaugh. Mrs. Karl Onthank will be the guest of honor. Miss Fox said she would be glad to know of any girl who would care to join the club. GERMAN JOKES AT GERMAN CLUB “Ye members of the German club, have your German jokes ready for the meeting Wednesday night, otherwise you will have forfeits to pay,” says Professor Herman Schwarz. Besides the forfeit games, Iva Wood will sing several German songs and Pro fessor Schwarz will explain the German student life. Rehearsals of “Der Meisterschaff,” the German play which the club is to pre »ent, have begun but the date of presenta tion is not yet announced. All German students are invited to join the club. TO TAKE STRENGTH TESTS. Experiments registering and testing the strength of the majors in the de partment of physical training are being given this month. The records are be ing kept, and another examination will be given at the completion of their work as majors. The result of their work, in the department will be made public. > HO! FOR PORTLAND! Washington brought four-hundred students, four-hundred miles to see a nothing to nothing game. Next Saturday we play W. S. C. at Portland. If Washington can take four hundred students four hundred miles how many students can old Oregon take one hundred? Specials on both railroads. Plan to go! JOHN DOLPH, Yell Leader. STRONGHEART' BILLED FOB NOVEMBER 1(M1 Caste Will Include Many New Players; Musical Doq Is Sought. Leading Roles Taken by Laura Miller and Earl Fleischman. Martha Beer. Rehearsals for “Strongheart,” the next Guild i’layers production which is to be given at Guild hall on Friday and Sat urday evenings, are now the order of the day in the dramatic! interpretation de partment. The play promises to be interesting in many respects. Many students who have oever appeal#"?! before in campus productions have been showing up ex ceptionally well in rehearsals, according to Doctor Bates, director. Siegfried, the dog with the musical voice, is one of the principal attractions of the first act and the various frater nity houses are being diligently search ed for a dog who will have the proper qualifications. College songs appear throughout the play. The following is a sample of one of the outbursts in the first act: In heaven above Where all is love, The faculty won't be there. But down below Where all is woe, The faculty will be there. Doctor Bates expresses himself as being very much pleased with the work of Earl Fleischmann as “Strongheart,” the title role. He already knows hi* part and is working out his conception of the character of the Indian. Fleisch mann is playing it sincerely, and though one never forgets that he is an Indian, yet one also remembers that he’ is an educated and a civilized one. The leading comedy role is being taken by Ernest Watkins. Watkins takes the part of Billy, Strongheart’s chum, who stands by him when all the rest of the (Continued on page three) Original Funds Not Sufficient to Carry Out Plans to Build Roof. Pediment Built to Take Roof if Money Can Be Raised Later in Year. So much criticism has been heard on the campus about the false front, or pediment, of the new Education build ing that Karl W. Onthnhk, secretary to President P. L. Campbell, desires to advance a word of defense. The build ing as originally planned by Ellis F. Lawrence, dean of the school of archi tecture, provided for a hip roof which would extend the entire length of the building. When work had begun on the building it. was found that the funds on hand were not sufficient to cover the ex pense of constructing a hip roof, so the pediment was built with the idea of ad ding the hip roof later when more money is available, and when more space is needed, for such an addition will add several more rooms. The Education building is costing $50, 000 complete. The building alone, with out fixtures or heating plant represents an expenditure of $30,000. The heat ing plajjit. including the tunnel dug from Friendly hall last summer to carry the pipes V> the building cost $10,000, and the fixtures cost $10,000. Some o£ these are very elaborate, especially those of the law library on the third floor. Complaints have been heard that the Education building looks unfinished and out of place facing east. Evidently the plan for a “Greater Oregon” has not been heard of by these people. Au avenue will be built within a few years,” said Mr. Onthank, “connecting Eleventh avenue and the southern bound ary of the campus at the cemetery. The athletic field will then be moved to the lot used at present for golf links.” Two rows of buildings will be placed (Continued on page three) Tunnels Run Under Campus; Steam Pipes Lie ’Neath Sod Boom! Crash! Roar! Intensely black, hot, darkness was all that could be sen sed. Two bewildered freshman girls screamed sharply at the^sudden noise and lack of lights. They were in the tun nel which runs underground from Com merce hall to Friendly hall and anything unusual was startling. Had the end of the world come and were they waiting on the banks of the river Styx for Charon’s next trip? The darkness and heat resembled their ideas of the infer nul regions, but how could such a catas trophe happen? That rumbling echo might be chaos flying around in space, the remnants of a once happy world. Not so. They were not on their way to eternity, for the lights flashed on again and everything was unchanged; the same narrow tunnel with its four con crete walls, dim lights and its omnipres ent heat. The girls were being conduct ed through the tunnel and their guide had gone ahead, switched off the lights and let the iron door fall into place. One thing on the campus that is not known to many students, even the sen iors, is this tunnel which carries the main pipe of the heating systtm, from which branch it is lined with concrete and is about five feet wide by seven high. The pipe in it makes it extremely hot when the heat is turned on. Old students have probably noticed the groups of robins gathered around the man-holes warming their feet and eating crumbs put there by the junitors during the cold spells in the winter. A new tunnel, comparatively small, ! however, was dug last summer to carry I the steam pipes of the Education build ing. Some persons have expressed their j fear that the new building would tnx i the heating system of the University, re sulting in cold buildings all over the cam 1 pus, but H. M. Fisher, superintendent of ! the grounds, states that all such fears should be laid aside, as a certain amount | of pressure is necessary to get the steam ; to the buildings, so it would not be pos | sible for a small quantity to get around , Mr. Fisher says that there is plenty I of steam and all the heating facilities are in good working order. The rest of the system cannot he affected by trouble . in the Education building or unywhere else. o o GONE—4700 SANDWICHES * A # # IMPLICATED—1500 GUESTS * # # * NO REWARD IS OFFERED Disappeared--In the men's gymnas ium, Saturday, November 4, between the short hours of 11 a. m. to 1:80 p. m.: 4700 sandwiches, 45 gallons of salad, 22*5 pounds of meat, 45 gallons of beans, 17 gallons of pickles, 45 gallons of ice cream, 10 gallons of cream, and IS pounds of coffee. No reward is offered. The amount was fed to 1500 alumni, students, guests, freshmen and Washing tonians on Homecoming Day. Walking down the sawdust aisles, roped off to confine the crowds, was exactly like seeing a stock show or go iug through the food aisle of a varied in dustries building tor a tree lunch. Meat cut in great slices was piled high and banked by a few hundred sandwiches. The flipping of great spoonfuls of salad from pan to plate became a habit with the co-eds, and 'many were noticed ab sent-mindedly engaging in the same ex ercise Saturday night. Drays and jitneys spent most of Saturday morning hauling food. The room which, at student body dances, is the haunt of slippers and powder puffs, resembled the city dump heap, where panting frosh earned their eats. The long tables, most often found covered with evening coats and furs, were buried under a pile of meat bones that, would have done credit to a bone yard. CLASS ACTS PLAYS READ Drama Students Produce Scenes Twice a Week; Productions Continued. A new feature of Dr. E. S. Bates' class in dramatic interpretation this semester is the staging of various scenes from the plays which are bejnn studied These scenes are produced twice a week at the regular class meetings in Onilr hall. Two hours are given to each play allowing a new production for each week The roles are enacted by the member? of the class, without special costumes and using very little scenery nnd stagr effects. By this arrangement more op portunity is given for the actual inter pretation of the plays and a greater knowledge of the various authors' works. “The Tyranny of Tears," “Importance of Being Ernest,” and “Herod” have al ready been given, with “The Great Divide,” “The Witching Hour," and many other recent successes of late years to follow. It is the intention of Dr. Bates to continue these class-hour plays throughout the entire course in addition to the regular plays produced monthly by his pupils. SCHOOL GETS MORE ROOMS Studio, Stereoptlcan Lecture Hall, Stor ing Place for Artiste Added. A studio for Alfred II. Schroff, in structor in art, a stereoptican lecture room for pedagogy classes in art, and a room for storing art equipment were completed yesterday evening in the northeast corner of the architecture building. The studio is for the private use of Mr. Schroff where he will paint and exhibit pictures. One end of the storage room will be used for a lecture room, the other contains a row of cabinets. The lower payt of this holds the port folios of the students which are open to the public and the upper part con tains the oils, puints, and other equip ments. The next building improvement in the architecture department will he skyline in the studio. COLEY HEARS FROM IOWA Co-ed Bleaohors in East Hear of Bache lor Cluh; Ask for Menus. Fred Coley, a special student at the University of Oregon, and a member o! the newly organized Bachelor’s club, h the recipient of a letter from a co-ed bachelor of a college in Iowa. In the letter she states that she am other girls are interested in the work oi the Bachelors’ club at the University ol Oregon. They would like to hear froir the different members of the club in re gardH to buying food the most economic ally. They also ask for menus of tht men and women bachelors at Oregoj whereby students here are able to livt 1 well and yet at lowest cost i PREPARE TO MET DIETZ'S MACHINE Bezdek to Use New Plays In tended for Washington on Saturday. GAME WITH W. S. C. TO BE HARD-FOUGHT Pullman Players Are Anxious to Repeat Last Year’s 28-3 Victory; William Haaeltinc Not one whit discouraged over Satur day's scoreless contest, the varsity be gan active preparation to meet Dietz’s reorganized machine yesterday nfter-. noon. The result of the Washington game was disappointing to players and rooters alike. With the condition of Kincaid field, however, little else was possible and the true merits of the op posing elevens were buried in the mud. The strong offense of the lemon-yellow had small chance to get started in the insecure footing that the gridiron afford ed, while the Washington backs were also handicapped. But if our offense was lacking the defense showed surpris ing strength, time and again hurling back Noble and liainsworth for losses. When the goal was endangered the Ore gon line was impregnable. The punting on both sides was re markable considering the slippery hall and the amount of punting that was , done. Johnny Beckett did yeoman work in keeping the leather away from the goal line and outpunted Morrison three yurdji to the kick. The two penalties inflicted on the varsity at the beginning of the contest undoubtedly had a lot to do with Ore gon's late start, for otherwise Bezdek’s men would have had the ball in the mid dle of the field instead of on their 20 yurd line. Both teams fumbled practi cally the same number of times. Wash ington’s fumbles were of little conse quence; Oregon’s came at the most criti cal moments. On a dry field there Is no telling what would have happened but it is safe to say there would have been some scor ing. Washington has a good team al though not up to the standard of prev ious years and ought to make mince-meat out of the Californians. The attention of everybody is now directed to the game with Washington State next Saturday on Multnomah field in Portland. The more one considers the big, veteran team thnt Coach Diets has, the more one is inclined to be lieve that the struggle on November 11, will be the hardest game on the varsity’s schedule. Nobody has forgotten the 2S 3 walloping of last year, the worst de feat an Oregon team has received in many seasons. Almost the snme identical men that participated in that contest are back in college and anxious to duplicate the feat. Oregon realizes this and anticipates a hard-fought battle. Coach Bezdek was not forced, or rather did not have the chance, to spring any new plays on Washington und so can use them against Pullman. Coach Dietz was an interested spec tator Saturday and like a true football coach predicted defeat for his men when they met the locals. Last night the squad practiced on the basehull diamond as Kincaid field was a quagmire. The session consisted of lim bering up and running signals. All of the players caiue through the game without injuries and not one sub 1 i-tit tit ion was made throughout the en tire game. MISS FOX CALLS MEETING Heads of Women’s Fraternities to Dis cuss Fire Escapes. The proposed meeting of the heads of the women’s fraternities has been called by Miss Fox, dean of women, for three o’clock on Wednesday. The mat ter of fire escapes, and other points of personal interest to the girls will be dis cussed. Miss Fox wishes the girls to be prompt so that many points will bo fully discussed during the hour.