Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 04, 1916, Page Five, Image 5

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    Student Activities o ° .
(Continued from page three)
noon receptiop at the chapter house,
which was decorated most attractively,
a general color scheme of pink being
carried out. Mrs. A. C. Dixcn, Mrs. F.
AV. Benson, Airs. Vance McClymonds,
Miss Elizabeth Fox, Ruth Lawrence,
Helen Havens, of Berkeley, and Frances
Shoemaker greeted the guests. In the
dining room Airs. George Rebec, Airs.
E. A\r. Allen, Airs. Prescott, and Aliss
Norma Hendricks presided graciously at
the table and several members of the fra
ternity served.
* * *
Lucy Powers is spending the week
end at the Delta Gamma house.
' ~-n. #
In honor of the birthday anniversary
of Professor F. C. Ayer, Airs. Ayer ar
ranged an informal dinner party last
Friday evening. Decorations appropri
ate to the Hallowe’en season were at
tractively used. A huge pumpkin oc
cupied the center of the table and witches
marked the places of the guests who
wore A. R. Tiffany. ,T. F. Bovnrd, F.
L. Stetson. It. S. Hamilton. David Auld.
D. Rorer, Stanley Smith, and Robert
Kirk, of Springfield.
* * «
The Student A olunteer Band, of the
T niversity enjoyed a delightful supper at
the Y. 11. C. A. Bungalow on Thurs
day evening. Covers were laid for six
teen and the affair vas most enjoyable.
# * 4k
Dr. and Mrs. R. AY. DeBusk are re
ceiving congratulations on the birth of
a daughter.
« # «>
Dinner guests at the Sigma Clii house
last Sunday were President I*. L. Camp
bell, Rena Adams, Gertrude May.
Dorothy Dunn, Edna Gray, Marion Kiel
and Elizabeth Bruere.
* #
The “X” dub met at the home of Mrs.
Mabel Holmes Parsons on South Ilil
yard street Tuesday evening, to discuss
informally on the subject of literature
and the drama.
# £ £
Professor and Mrs. F. L. Stetson en
tertained at dinner last Saturday even
Student Body
On Your Way
to the Game
Get a Rooter Hat, Arm Rand, or Pennant.
Alumni Help us to Win
When You Are Down
Town Next Time
Look over our samples and
leave your order for
Personal Greeting Cards for the
Christmas Season
Schwarzschild’s Book
The Greeting Card House
Obak Advertises
58 and 60 Ninth Ave. E.
Oregon Chrysanthemums
All Prices
IV. L.Rae, Florist
injt: l)r. and Mrs. R. C. Clark, Dr. and
: Mrs. C. H. Edmondson, and Professor
' and Mrs. A. II. Schroff.
# # *
I Mrs. E. II. Boyer entertained infor
i tnally with a table of bridge at the
( Kappa Alpha Theta house on Thursday
i afternoon. Mrs. Boyer’s guests were:
Mrs. G. O’B. De Bar, Mrs, A. G. Baker
i and Mrs. Charles Gray.
£ #
I Dinner guests at Kappa Alpha Theta
j on Tuesday evening were Dean and Mrs.
j John Straub, Mrs. E. M. Fennell and
| Mr. Beverly O’Neill, who is dramatic
, critic for the Kansas City Star. The
table was attractively decorated in
1 Hallowe’en colors.
# £ £
Rise Worsham, province president,
i was a guest during the first part of the
I week at the Phi Delta Theta house.
| ■ * * «
Kappa Kappa Gamma announces the
pledging of Helen Anderson of Port
* £ £
Chi Omega dinner guests on Tuesday
evening were Dr. and Mrs. F. G. G.
Schmidt, Mr. Allen C. Hopkins, and
Mrs. H. D. Sheldon.
i £ £ £ •
Mrs. A. E. Porter was a guest at the
Kappa Alpha Theta house during the
week end. She was visiting her daugh
ter, Lillian.
£ £ 4k
Last Sunday dinner guests at Kappa
Alpha Theta were Cora Hosford, Mar
tha Beer, Myrtle Tobey, Leah Perkins,
Frances Shoemaker, DeWitt Gilbert and
Montgomery Warner of Berkeley, Cali
fornia, who was a guest at the Phi
Gamma Delta house during last week
£ 4k £
Marian Grebel and her sister Berna
dine Grebel were dinner guests at the
Kappa Kappa Gamma house on Wednes
day evening.
# £ *
Mrs. John Manning of Portland, visit
Harry Miller Pi.i_.ist Rainbow.
First Class Hotel of City
Cfaters to Student Banquets
Our Sunday Night Dinners
Music by Hendershott's
Good Eats
771 Willamette St.
(Were With You)
7$Fe Haberdasher*
“Men’s Outfitters”
713 Willamette
ed her daughter Louise, nt the Kappa
Alpha Theta house over last week-end.
One After Football Game, Other Wins
As Captain Johnny loads the Oregon
team on to the field today to conquer the
I lf.ds from the University of Washington,
I another former Varsity captain leads
j himself to the altar, the conquering hero
j of a bride. Of this former captain a
j news despatch says:
j “While something like a decade has
I elapsed since the University of Oregon
had formed the almost annual habit of I
trouncing the University of Washington,
a pastime since summarily abolished by
the Eugene contingent. Jack Latourette, >
former captain and quarterback of the
Oregon eleven in those days, is back in
Seattle,, and, incidentally, in the role of
a conqueror.
“His field of endeavor, however is not
now concerned in the intercollegiate pas
“Here, in this instance, is Miss Sally
Clay, daughter of Mrs. M. A. Olay, of
1234 Sixteenth avenue north, who is to
become Mrs. John It. Latourette within
the next few days.
“Jack Latourette has many friends in [
Seattle who admired him as a football 1
player, and these join in extending him !
the most hearty congratulations.’’
Harry Miller Pianist Rainbow.
The Campus Lunch
Meat Cooked at
“Delicious as Usual’’
Good Luck
Opposite Kappa
Sigma House
Let Jim
Repair Your Shoes
Received free ticket to the Rex
JIM, The Shoe Doctor
Opposite Rex
Rainbow Dancing.
Harry Miller Pianist Rainbow.
Advice to
U. Students
See that Washingtonians pay their debts with
Peter Pan Candy
Peter Pan
Rex Ticket
I At our expense with every 1-2 hour billiards, and 25c pur
,:ew Designs in La Iialiietes
at Laraway’s
We have just unpacked them from their
white cotton and tissue wrapping—the very
“newest of the new” in LaVallieres.
file assortment is wonderfully complete,
including settings of diamonds, pearls, and
gems of every description, designs simple
and elaborate.
To attempt to describe their dainty
beauty here is beyond us. You must come
and see this rare collection to appreciate
From $2.00 to $125.00, every one an ex
ceptional value at its price.
Seth Laraway
Diamond Merchant and Jeweler