Will Discuss Proposition of Forming Club. President Campbell Declares University Bungalows Un necessary Now. Hearken. all ye student bachelors! All ye who concoct your own biscuits and “perk” your own coffee, hearken! There will he a meeting of students of the University, who are hatching, Tuesday evening, October 10, at 7:”0 in President Campbell's office. At this time the proposition of forming a student bachelor's club wall be discussed. At the same time the matter of securing build ings close to the campus for student bachelors will be a topic of discussion. Last semester, agitation was started for student bungalows to be built by the University and furnished to men who ■desired to hatch at a very low rate of Tent. Owing to the numerous desirable houses near the University campus this year, which are rentable, it is not decm Thc Varsity Barber Shop The place where the Students go. Bring your Razor in and have it put in good shape. Ask me about it. john McGuire, Proprietor. WILLIAMS FUEL COMPANY Phone 651-J 39 7th Ave. E. Monarch Cafeteria and Delicatessen cd necessary by President Campbell to build bungalows at present. Between fifteen and twenty men are d ling their own domestic duties and at tending the T'niversity. Some of these men are active in athletics and other college affairs as well as being good students. TENNIS TRYOUTS PROGRESS Good Material for Women's Team. New Courts Not Yet Finished. The tennis courts south of Kincaid field will not be ready for use this week, according to Adrienne Kpping, tennis manager for 11)1 ♦ Elects ^ ♦ Mae Harbet (meetings com.) ♦ ♦ Helen Brenton (practical service) ♦ We Make t Our Own Candies We also carry a full line of Johnston’s, Milwaukee Krause’s Portland, Imperial, Seattle PETER PAN "DOLL’S HOUSE’’ Ibsen’s Best Play By Guild Players FRIDAY and SATURDAY 8:15 P. M. GUILD HALL 50c For Reserved Seats 25c General Admission WHY 5EINU EAST WHEN YOU CAN BUY Oregon Made Dance Favors and Programs? We have designed special leather-covered programs for COLLEGE AND FRATERNITY FORMALS OREGON, STANFOHD, MICHIGAN, HARVARD, VASSAR, MILLS, CORNELL ETC. 8 Campbell lildg. Eugene. HAMLIN MFG. CO. Neliis Hamlin, Rep.