Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 05, 1916, Image 1

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“Doll’s House,” by Ibsen, Is
Slated for Friday and
Saturday Nights.
Character, “Nora,” Has Been
' Played by Many Famous
Martha Beer.
“A Doll’s House,” by Ibsen, which is
to be staged in Guild hall by the faculty
ty>n the evenings of Friday and Satur
day, October 0 and 7, is the best known
of Ibsen’s dramas, and is largely re
sponsible for his world-wide fame as a
Since its first production in 1S80,
when it was successfully played by Fru
Hennings, a famous Norwegian actress,
it has been staged throughout the civil
ized world.
At the time of its first appearance,
the problems arising from the situations
in the play “afforded such an inexhaust
ible theme for heated discussion that
at last it had to be formally barred at
social gatherings.”
In Germany, managers insisted upon
the traditional “happy ending” to the
play, and “rather than leave his works
to the tender mercies of adaptors,”
Ibsen was driven, under protest, to write
an alternative ending.
“Few heroines of modern drama have
been played by so many actresses of the
first rank as Nora. Among those who
have helped to make this role famous
are, Fru Hennings, Madame Modjeska,
(who was the first to play the role in
America,) Janet Achurch, Mrs. Richard
Mansfield, Madame Rejane, Eleonora
Duse, and Mrs. Fiske.
“A Doll's House” presents the home
of Torvald Helmer ana his wife, Nora.
“In his little household, with the three
darling children and the affectionate lit
tle wife, all on the most loving terms
with one another, we have the sweet
home, the womanly woman, the happy
life of the idealist’s dream.”
Nora believes that she has realized an
ideal home and that her husband would
sacrifice his honor to save her reputa
tion. Her great love for Torvald has
led her to forget her dying father's
name to a note in order to obtain
money with which to restore Helmer’s
health. The pressure of the money
lender, and the unexpected declaration
of love from a friend of her husband,
from whom she has borrowed money to
pay off the debt, results in Torvald’s dis
covery of her forgery.
Instead of wanting to risk all for
her sake, which Nora has previously de
cided she will not allow him to do, Hel
mer “flies into a vulgar rage and heaps
invective on her for disgracing him.”
Then she sees that her whole family
life has been a fiction; their home a
mere doll’s house in which they have
wife and mother. She leaves him and
been playing at ideal husband and father,
goes out into the real world to find out
its realty for herself, and to gain some
position not fundamentally false, re
fusing to see her children again,until she
is fit to be in charge of them, or to
live with him until they become capable
o! a more honorable relation to one
The enst of “The Doll's House, ’ to be
presented by the faculty at Guild hall,
Friday and Saturday nights, are taking
an unusual amount of interest in their
roles. Profess**. W. F. G. Tkaeher as
Torvold Helmer is interpreting the part
in such a manner that Dr. Bates pre
dicts it will rival any of the many i ro
fessional interpretations he has seen.
The play is usually put on as a lone
star drama, Nora playing opposite a
medioere Helmer, who does not detract
from her glory. Present rehearsal#
seem to indicate that Mr. Thaoher will
share the principal interest with Nora,
played by Rosalind Bates.
Professor Kbvard as Dr. Rank has
been puzzling over the symptoms of
spinal consumption which he is supposed
to have and has been anxiously con
sulting the city physicians f ir knowl
edge. We may therefore be assured of;
a scientifically accurate presentation !
of the part of this uniqtM invalid.
4^ # « *
“flarin’ to go,” say the sophs, eager
“Let ’em come,” respond the frosh.
The above sentiments reflect the feel
ing of the combatants as the fateful
day of the mix approaches. The fresh
men, greater in numbers than ever be
fore, will battle against the tradition
which has never allowed a freshmen
class to win. The senior police say firm
ly that no partiallity will be shown and
the juniors reiterate that the mix will
be on the square.
The junior committee held a meeting
the early part of th? week at which tlie^
events were decided upon. The push
ball contest has regretfully been aban
doned as the bladder owned by the
Portland Hunt club has gone to pieces
through the fierce mauling it received
last year. A cane rush has been ar
ranged in place of the pushball con
Iu the cane rush a monstrous cane is
placed in the center of the field, the
two . classes line up at each goal, and
a dash made for the cane. At the end
of a stipulated time the class having the
greater number of hands on the cane is
declared the winner. The flag rush,
sandbag and tie-up contests will take
place as usual.
Dark mystery surrounds the stunts
to be pulled off. No one outside of
those actually participating seems to
have an inkling as to their nature.
The mix/ will start promptly at one
o’clock so that the field can be cleared
off in time for the Willamette game.
Coach Walker Instructs Them In Gentle
Art of Sand-Bag Fighting.
The practice of smearing green paint
on the sun dial, university seal, the
senior bench and other places on the
Oregon campus was severely condemned
by freshmen yesterday morning at their
meeting in Villard hall.
Further than the first offence the
frosh deny all knowledge of the “Kid
stuff’ and as a class the action was
never sanctioned. A committee was ap
pointed and resolutions adopted con
demning such practices; copies of the
resolutions to be given to the student
council and to the Emerald.
The meeting was addressed by Dean
Straub, advisor of the freshman class,
who assured fair treatment in the inter
class mix. He spoke on University life
and particularly urged good scholarship.
The committee in charge of the girls’
stunt next Saturday was appointed as
Ruth Cornell, Dorothy Parsons, Doro
thy Hunziker, Muriel Perringer, Hazel
Xeal, Ada Otter, Margeret McMim, Anna
Miller, Marie Beach. Gertrude Cowgill,
Frances Blurock and Elizabeth Bruce.
The meeting for the purpose of organ
izing the freshman girls into the Triple
A society, which was to have been
held next Friday evening at the Delta
Gamma house was postponed on account
of freshman committee meetings sched
uled for that night. Announcement of its
date will be made later on the bulletin
After the meeting. Dean Walker, coach
of the freshman football squad, talked
to the boys on the gentle art of sandbag
fighting so that -hey might make a
creditable showing against the sopho
mores next Saturday.
Says Journal Room Was Most Patronized
Feature of University Display.
Mr. Brn Williams of the mathematics
extension department, returned Wednes
day from Salem, where he was assisting
in the University display at the State
"The most patronized feature of this
display was the journal room where
newspapers of the entire state were to
he found,” declared Mr. Williams, “F.x
hibits by the schools of commerce, archi
tecture, music and education gave the
visitors a favorable impression of th^
work accomplished by the students of the
University, and the physical training de
partment section was of special inter
est" '
Picture of Mrs. Henry Villard
Is Presented to the
Is Widow of Henry Villard,
“Oregon’s Best Friend
in 1880.”
In tlie office of Miss Elizabeth Fox,
dean of women, hangs a picture of Mrs.
Henry Villard. Mrs. Villard was the wife
of Henry Villard who proved to bo Ore
gon's best friend some twenty years ago.
The picture came to the University
through the efforts of Mrs. Ada B. Milli
kin, a former resident of Eugene, but
now living at Primville. During a visit
at the Villard home on the Hudson river,
Mrs. Millikin asked for a picture of Mrs.
Villard for the University. The result
is the picture which now hangs in Miss
Fox’s office. In the words of Mrs. Vil
lard, the picture will be a "remembr
ance for the students of the University.”
The name of Villard will always be a
cherished one to Oregon students lie
cause it was Henry Villard who saved
the University of Oregon in 1880.
I*eady hall was the first building of
the University. It was built by popular
subscription from the people of Eugene
in order to gain the school for Eugene.
After the building had been accepted
by the state, suit was brought for the
payment of bills against the building.
The courts ordered the old hall sold for
debts amounting to IS,182. This order
carried out would have meant the death
of the University.
The people of Eugene and the sur
rounding towns were able to raise only
81,182 toward saving the school. The '
danger of losing the school seemed in- !
avertable until Henry Villard’s gift of
$7,000 stopped the sale.
The same year saw the University
again benefited by Mr. Villard’s gener
osity. It was during this year that the
University library was started by a gift
of $1,000. Another gift *of the same
ajnount founded the college laboratories.
A scholarship fund of $250 was also
placed at the disposal of the University.
The largest gift of the year was the
$1,700 to pay the salary of the first
professor of English literature at the
University of Oregon.
In 1880 Mr. Villard made a gift which
, now constitutes the only endowment of
the University of Oregon. This was
$50,000 in Central Pacific railroad bonds.
These bonds were later rederned by the !
railroad company for $55,000.
Mr. Villard died in 1900 leaving a i
wife and son. Mrs. Villard is still liv- |
ing at the age of eighty.
The son. Oswego Garrison Villard, is i
editor of the New York Evening Post and j
the donator to the University of sev
eral valuable old papers and books.
Mrs. Thompson, “Woman Demosthenes
of Oregon,’’ Will Lecturo in Eugone.
Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of The ]
Dalles, who has been called “The Women |
Demosthenes of Oregon,” will speak at
the Oregon theatre Saturday evening,
October 7.
Mrs. Thompson comes to Eugene under
the auspices of the Woodrow Wilson
league. Milton A. Miller, of the board of
regents, heard her speak before the
Jackson club in Portland. He says her
lecture was very well received there.
Mrs. Thompson was a leader in the
Oregon suffrage movement and later
prominent at the suffrage convention at
Atlantic city. She delivered a speech
at Shadow Lawn at the time of Wilson’s
Certain Members of Y. M. C. A. Petition
for Reinstatement of King “Hershey?”
“We want chocolates” would seem to
express the desires of certain students at
the campus Y. M. V". A., for a petition
has made its appearance on the counter
bearing the names of several scort* of
students who are anxious to see King
Chocolate reinstated.
Foster insists that lie knows nothing
of the origin of the petition, but the
demand exists backed up by the sig
natures of the starving.
World Famous Astronomer on
Tour of the Pacific
Will Give Address on “The Par
Horizon of Science, ”
October 13.
Dr. Percivnl Lowell, of the Lowell
Observatory, will lecture in Villard hall
Friday evening October 13, on “The Far
Horizon of Science.” Stereopticon slides
will illustrate the lecture.
Dr. Lowell, with Mrs. Lowell is on a
pleasure trip through the northwest
visiting friends in various cities.
Through his friend, Professor F. A.
Holder of Washington State College, Dr.
Lowell, made it known he would be
willing to lecture at the different uni
versities and colleges. He has engage
ments to lecture at Washington State
College, University of Washington, Ore
gon Agricultural College, and the Uni
versity of Oregon. No admission will be
Dr. Lowell comes from the family who
helped up the early commercial life of
New England and for whom the town
of Lowell, Massachusetts, was named.
Though wealthy in his own right, lie
has devoted the greater part of his own
life to the study of science, and has be
come an authority on the planet Mars.
He was convinced that for the purpose
of the study of the heavens, especially
Mars, which appears only every two
yb'aH, the atmospheric conditions at
Flagstaff, Arizona, were the best he
could find. He then financed the build
in.' of the Flagstaff observatory in
The observatory is one of the best
equipped in the world. It has a 24-inch
telescope, a 24-inch refracting telescope,
a 40,inch reflector, and numerous smal
ler instruments and spectrographs. Here
he worked out his theory of the habita
bility of Mars, of its “mysterious ‘canals’
being artificial waterways that irrigate
a planet dicing of thirst.” In 11)07 he
sent an expedition to the Andes to photo
graph the planet Mars. Some of these
pictures will be shown here on the 13th.
In addition to his scientific study and
research, I)r. Lowell is not only active
in business but also is the author of
numerous books and tracts. He is a
director in the State Street trust com
pany of Boston, a director in an electric
company at Tampa, Florida, and Col
umbia, Georgia; treasurer of both the
Massachusetts Cotton Mills, and the
Lowell Bleachery; and a director of the
Lowell observatory at Flagstaff. Some
of his best known books are: “The Soul
of the Far East,” “Occult Japan,” “The
Solar System,” “Mars and its Canals,”
"Evolution of Worlds," and “Mars as the
Abode of Life.”
Dr. Lowell is a member of various
clubs in this country. London and Japan,
lie is a member of astronomical and
philosophical societies in England,
France, Mexico, Canada and the United
States. In 1904. he received the Jans
sen Medal of French astronomy and
sociology for his research work on Mars.
He has been a non-resident professor of
astronomy at Massachusetts Institute of
Teehnicology at Boston since 1902.
Dr. Lowell is a brother of Dr. A.
Lawrence Lowell, president of Harvard
Says Student Body Should Got Behind
Band to Insure Success.
More of the old Oregon Spirit is need
ed back of the university hand to make
it a success and a true representation
of the university," according to Director
Albert 15. Perfect. The band is now
organized on a strictly studnt basis,
and, says Mr. Perfect, the entire stu
dent body must give support to put it
through. o
“We are going to taQke those long talk
ed of trips this year if I have to fin
ance them personally," says M?. Perfect.
A band concert is to be given some
time soon in Villard hail. This is to be
one of a series. A small admission will
be charged and the proceeds are to be
used buying uniforms.
“The dignity of the organization
makes it imperative that we have uni
forms,” declares Mr. Perfect.
# # # #
* # * *
The first all-student body dnnce to he
given on the campus in two years will
take place in the men’s gymnasium nest
Saturday evening. This dnnce is for all
of the students and members of the
The dance will be the third big event
this week end; the class mix, the game
with Willamette and the “hop.” Hyde's
five-piece orchestra will stnrt the music
at eight. Then there will be the usual
“throatwash.” The floor will be put in
the best of condition and everything
fixed up to make each of the sixteen
dances right.
The Oregon club has charge of the
dance as that organization is the only
one on the campus that could get by j
at the present time without a special j
permit from the faculty.
Two years ago these dances were
quite popular but owing to the social
rules, which cut down the number of
dances, and the increasing attendance,
which made it necessary to have the
dances down town, they were discon
As the houses can not give dances at
the opening of the school year this will
be the first chance for everyone to get
out and mix with all of the rest of the
l'osters have been placed on the cam
pus “less we forget.” The general com
mittee in charge is working hard to
make tliis dance a success,
r The charge is to be twenty-five cents,
and the music starts at eight.
Representatives of All Women's Clubs in
State Will Meet at Seaside.
The University will lie officially rep
resented by Jeannette Wheatley, at the
sixteenth annual meeting of the Oregon
Federation of women's clubs held at Sea
side, Oregon, fromOctober 0 to 1-. j
The Women’s League, of which Miss
Wheatley is the president, is the largest
woman’s club in the state. At a meet
ing of this body last night in Villard
hall it. was voted to pay the traveling
expenses of the University’s delegate,
who was elected by the women to repre
sent them.
Miss Elizabeth Fox, dean of women,
will present a report of the Women’s
building fund at the convention Wednes
day morning.
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Mabel
Holmes Parsons, professor of rhetoric,
will speak on “The ltising Generation.”
She will go as a delegate from the Fort
nightly club. Every woman’s club of
twenty five members in the state is en
titled to send two delegates with an ad
ditional representative for every fifty
metnbers in the excess of this number.
It is expected that some action will
be taken by these clubs in convention to
ward aiding in plans for the Woman’s
'building as nearly every woman’s club in
the state has manifested interest in the
The Woman’s League pledged $100
toward the fund at their last meeting.
It will be collected this year.
Leaves Sunday for Seaside to Report on
Woman’s Building Fund.
Miss Elizabeth Fox will leave for Sea
side Sunday night or Monday morning
to give a report before the Federation
of Women’s clubs on the Women’s build
ing fund, on the work that Mrs. George
tierdinger, regent of the University, and
others have done for it, and on the life
at the University of Oregon.
Before going to Seaside, »Misk Fox
will stop in Portland to visit Mrs. Gerlin
ger. Before returning she expects to
-visit tlieo Dalles where she will address
the Oregon Mother's Congress on the
same subject and make an appeal to
them for gifts to increase the fund. She
will return to Eugene on the following
Miss lfox has had previous experience
with women’s clubs, having acted for a
year as superintendent at a night school
at Evanston, Illinois, for women em
ployed in industries and in homes. The
school was financed by the daughters of
the American Involution.
Methodists Will Meet Lemon
Yellow Next Saturday
Game Scheduled to Follow Un«
derclass Mix; Parsons on v
the Sidelines.
Jimmy Slicehy.
Probable lineups for Saturday’s
Willamette Oregon
Flegel (eapt)....L.E. Mitchell
Tobie .L.T...Beckett (capt)
Procter .L.G. Snyder
Peterson .0. Risley
Grnllap .R.G. Spellman
Taylor .It.T. Bartlett
Rexford .R. E. Tegart
Booth .(). B.S. Huntington
Teal! v.L.II. Montieth
Grosvenor .R. II. Jensen
Rndcliff .F.B...H. Huntington
Poach R. L. Mathew accompanied by
the Willamette football tor.ni—17 strong,
will invade Eugene Saturday noon, to
suli. back Tasto co-starred with Gros
venor in prep school circles.
Bezdek plans on starting the above
lineup with the possible exception of
Mart Spellman. Upon the munner in
which Bart’s bruised shoulder behaves
in tonight’s scrimmage with the scrubs
depends bis starting the game. Bus
Williams has the next cull on the job
should Spellman be unable to go to
route. Johnny Parsons is far from being
in shape and will watch the game from
the chalked lines. Pete Jensen' will work
in his place. Bez wijl no doubt use
straight football entirely, and inject his
list of substitutes into the fray, and
incidentally disappoint the O. A. C.
scouts who are due for a visit in return
.for the one paid by the varsity Inst
Saturday at the O. A. C.-Multnomah
open the gridiron Reason against
the varsity on Kincaid field. The game
is scheduled for -:I!0 p. m. and will fol
low the annual umbrclass mix.
Little ia known concerning the Method
ists from Salem. Their coach, R. L.
Mathew, is an ex-Notre Dame man
having played three years with the In
dinninns. He is touted us a thorough
student of the game and will no doubt
spring some open style play on the lem
on-yellow. The Salcmites average 1(10
pounds to the man, being outweighed
dose to 1<! pounds by Bezdek’s men.
Willamette comes to Eugene unherald
ed, untouted, the under-dog, yet accred
ited with an over-abundance of fight and
scrap. Although light and inexperienced
they were able to whollop their alumni
t!7 to 0 in the annual clash, last Satur
day. Captain and left end Earl Flegel,
a four year man, tips the beam at a
scant 170 pounds, yet he is the heaviest
regular on the team. Right half Gros
verrior, the Lilliputian 140 pounder, was
a former luminary on the Salem high
(Continued on page four) f
Class Will Handle Homecoming Day
Dance. Shcehy Elected Captain.
“'We want Juniors” boomed out in
front of Heady hall at 10 o’clock Wed
nesday morning. The Juniors lined up,
marched and circled to the tune of “The
Streets of Cairo” whistled by the men,
and marched into thet lecture room of
I <eady.
All but 12 have paid their, class dues,
a total of 177, being taken in, put of
which the class debts amounting to
$.‘11.10 have been paid, leaving $145.90
to the junior credit. Harold Tregil
gas, treasurer, threatens “dire trouble”
to those twelve if they do not pay up
The junior class unanimously voted
to take charge of the dance on Home
coming Day, November 4th, when Ore
gon plays the University of Washing
ton. i
With “Jimmy” Sheehy, elected as man
ager, the juniors will put out a foot
ball team and challenge the seniors for
the championship of the upper classes.