jjtudent and Qaeultij Activities By Dorothy Parsons ]N Saturday afternoon, September :t0, at the home of Presidnt P. L. Camp bell, the Woman's League and th e Y. W. C. A. of the University enter tained with a charming tea from three to five-thirty in honor of Miss Fox. In the reciving line were M rs. P. L. Campbell, Mrs. John Straub, Miss Fox, Jeanette Wheatley, Grace Edgington, Martha Tinker and Vera Olm stead. Presiding graciously at the tea table were Mrs. John Bovard, Mrs. Eric W. Allen, E. S. Conklin, and Mrs. W. F. G. Thacher. The house was attractively decorated with autumn leaves and yellow chrys anthemums and golden glow. Daintily dressed girls of the sophomore and fresh man classes served the refreshments on the spacious lawn. Those who assisted were Lorraine Mahoney, Margaret Me Kim, Margaret Gray, Florence Hemen way. Aileen Phillips, Margaret Casey. Agnes Easier, Adah McMurphey, Fran ces Frater, Helen Hall, Tula Kinsley, Frances Talmadge. Marion McDonald, Dorothy Dunn, Beatrice Thurston, Nita Hunter. Marjory Kay, Marion Grcbel, Merle Hamilton, Ruth Trowbridge, Ada Otten. Lucille Stanton, Katherine Hartley, Edna Howd, Louise Clausen, X ellie Warwick, Helen Anderson, Alice Vanderslus, Helen Rhodes, Brownell Frasier, and Gertrude Cowgill. 85 « On Saturday afternoon, the Kwama sophomore girls’ honor society, entertain ed the girls of the freshman class with an informal tea from four to six at the Y. M. C. A. bungalow. A profusion of bril liant Autumn leaves, Indian blankets, baskets, and pillows were used in dec orating. The guests sat on the floor while listening to the program which consist ed of a piano solo by Margaret Hawkins, a talk by Irma Kiethley on the “Ideals of Kwama,” and a short speech by Fran . ces Shoemaker. Pumpkin pie, cider, and y doughnuts were served to the guests. The active members of Kwama are Lil lian Porter, Iva McMillan, Helen Bren ton, Louise Wilson, Mildred Steinmetz, Caroline Alexander, Dorothy Robertson. Roberta Sclniebel, Katherine Twomy, Helen Bracht, Edith Bracht, Ruth Pier son, Mary Dunn, and Mary Murdock. * * * The upper class girls of Mary Spiller hall entertained their sponsees and the sponsors of thir freshman girls on Sat urday evening. Many forms of amuse ment were enjoyed and the evening pass ed all too quickly according to the re ports of the guests. „ £ # £ Last Saturday afternoon the girls of Mary Spiller hall hiked to Young's pas ture for the day. A hare and hound chase proved exciting and entertaining ns a pastime during the afternoon. Frances i Elizabeth Baker and Marion Bowen acted as hares and the rest of the girls took the parts of hounds. A picnic lunch was served on the banks of the river soon af ter the arrival of the girls. Those who enjoyed this trip were Miss Fox, who acted as chaperone, Marion Harrington, Marjorie Stearns, Helen Anderson, Ruth Wilson, Cornelia Heess. Helen Whitaker, Leudella Whittlesie, Helen Withecombe, Ada Hall, Myrtle Campbell, Marie Ba dura, Louise Davis, Hazel Neal, Frances Elizabeth Baker and Marion Bowen. # # £ The marriage of Miss Marion Eugenia Stowe and Dr. Chester Arthur Downs, on September 20, was of interest to many University students as both Dr. and Mrs. Downs are University of Oregon people. Mrs. Downs was a prominent Delta Del ta Delta and Dr. Downs was a Phi Delta If Theta of the 1910 class. He later went to 1 Johns Hopkins University where he be came a member of the Phi Chi medical fraternity. He was graduated from Johns Hopkins in 1914 and since then has been doing active work in the United States public health bureau. The young couple left immediately for Changsha. China, where Dr. Downs has accepted a po sition in the Yale University hospital. * * • f Miss Margaret Mantague, of Portland, was the house guest of Mrs. John Bo vard last week during which time she was quite extensively entertained. Miss Montague spent her first year of col lege at Oregon in 1012-13, and was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She was graduated from Yassar College last June and will return this fall to her Oregon Men ALL SMOK! at The Club Cigar Store ° 811 Willamette St. Phone 771 auun mater to act as assistant in the psychology department there. Her sis ter. Miss Corol Montague has recently entered the University and is pledged Kappa Alpha Theta. # * # On Saturday. September Lit!, occurrel the wedding of two old Oregon stulents— Frances Adams and Charles A. Reynolds, both of Silverton. The bride spent three years at the University and was a mem ber of Kappa Alpha Theta. The groom is a Beta Theta Pi and a graduate of the class of 191 n. # « # Miss Beatrice Locke of Portland, a graduate of the 1910 class of the Univer sity, entertained recently at her home in honor of Miss Anne McMicken who has been spending the summer in Chicago. The affair was for the purpose of an nouncing the engagement if Miss Mc Micken to Ileber Harrington Smith, of Chicago. The wedding is scheduled to take place in February. Both Miss Mc Micken and Miss Locke are members ol the Oregon chapter of (lamina I’hi Beta. Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Allen, Mr. Colin V. D.vment, Donald Dyment and Miss Fox were Sunday dinner guests at the Gamma Phi Beta house. Alpha Phi entertained Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gray of Portland at dinner on Sunday. Era Godfrey is spending the week-end in Lebanon. # * # Mr. and Mrs. William Killingsworth, of Portland, announce the engagement of their daughter, Flauniee, to Ardel M. O’ Hanlon. Mr. O’Hanlon is a Portland business man and a member of the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club. Miss Kil lingsworth is a Gamma Phi Beta of the Oregon chapter and is popular in Port land and University circles. # £ # The sophomores of Gamma Phi Beta entertained for the freshmen with a sup per on Sunday evening. A delicious lunch was served to the freshmen girls and their guests. On this occasion only fresh man men were invited, among whom were Gerald Blackstan, Lay Carlyle, Garnet Green, Hugh Thompson, Harold White, Ned Fowler, Stan Anderson, Lyle Bartholomew. Harry Jameson, Everett Pixley, Carl Knudson and Herman Linn. # « * Sigma Xu announces the pledging of Max Schafer of Eugene and Donald Dy ment. of Portland. Sunday evening the Oamma Phi Jun iors enjoyed a picnic supper on Skinner's butte. Only a few guests were invited as the affair was gotten up on the spur of the moment. Bishop Walter T. Sumner of the dio cese of Oregon spoke recently before the Portland Rotary Club on the subject of “Civics and Philantrropy." During his talk he complimented the state upon It is far better to COOK WITH GAS Than to gas with the Cook Phone 28 o o OREGON POWER CO. the high efficiency of tlie University of Oregon, "the“Oregon Agricultural college, and Heed college. Bishop Suninef made a number of trips to Eugene last year where he received a cordial welcome from his many friends both in the city and in the University. # # # The annual Y. M. U. A. and Y. NY. C. A. reception at Yillard hall on Friday evening was a decided success. The at mosphere was most informal and cordial and everyone present left with the feel ing that the evening had by no means been wasted. A musical 'program was rendered and refreshments served. # # # Mrs. E. O. Tmmel recently entertain ed in compliment to Miss Pauline rot ter. a popular bride-elect. The guest prize after an afternoon of “500’’ was present ed to Miss Potter. It was au attractive basket filled with dainty handkerchiefs, each one a gift from the friends invit ed. Those present were nearly all grad uates of the University. Miss Potter was a member of the 1012 class and a Gamma Phi Beta. The list; of guests included Mrs. C. A. Burden. Mrs. E. O. Potter, Mrs. E. O. Potter, Mrs. F. G. Stick els, Mrs. Addle Osburn, Mrs. E. S. S. Smith, Mrs. David Graham, Mrs. F. C. Ayer. Mrs. O. F. Stafford, Mrs. NY. L. Cheshire. Mrs. G. II Schumacher, Mrs. M. Starbuck, Miss Anne McMieken. Miss Frieda Goldsmith. Miss Meta Goldsmith. Miss Lucia Campbell, Miss Edna Hum phrey. Miss Edith Buell. Miss Katherine Wat#on, Mrs. R. S. Hamilton and Miss Norma Hendricks. £ #! # Last week in honor of Miss Juanita Wilkins who is soon to be married, Miss Gladys Wilkins entertained at her home with an attractive ribbon shower and luncheon. The rooms were effectively decorated with red geraniums and red candles were used extensively in lighting. Only the closest friends of the guest were invited. The list included Mary Chambers, Elaine Brown, Ruth Roche, Katherine Watson, Helene DeLano, Evelyn Bristow, Winifred Starbuck. Frances Mann, Mabel Manerud. Nora Manereud, Grace Bing ham, and Marjorie Williams. 4k * * Mrs. John Bovard entertained on Fri day afternoon for the freshmen of Kappa Alpha Theta at her home on Eleventh avenue East. The quests invited were Plihena King, Corol Montague, Marie Gates, Mildred Garland, Ada Often, Ruth Connll, Elsie Fitzmaurice, Mary War rock. Evelyn Tregilgas, Margaret Rogers, Carrie Howard, and Jessie Garner. # # # Margaret Rogers, Kappa Alhpa Theta, is entertaining a house party this week end at her home in Salem. Her guests from the University are Marian Coffee and Ann Dawson. * # # Mrs. Charles Gray, house-mother of Chi Omega, spent the week in Salem. Mrs. Gray acted as a judge at the Salem fair. £ « # Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chandler, alumni of the University, were dinner guests at Kappa Alpha Theta on last Saturday night. # £ # Aline Johnson and Nellie Reidt, of Chi Omega, will spend the week-end in Port land. # # # Dinner guests at the Delta Gamma house on Friday evening were Mrs. C. Beals and Helen Brenton. Clark Thompson, ex. TS. is spending the week-end in Eugene. He is staying at the Phi Beta Theta house. # £ # Mrs. Boyer, Kappa Alpha Theta house mother. left on Thursday to spend the day in Salem. # #r # Beulah Hayes, a former University student, visited in Eugene this week. Clarence Potter, of Baker, is a recent pledge of Sigma Chi. CONFERENCES WILL MEET Washington State and Stanford May Ask for Admission to Conference. The coast conference will hold its first meeting of the year in Seattle, Wash., shortly before Christmas vacation. The Pacific Coast Conference is scheduled to meet at the same time and place, and it is likely that the delegates of in stitutions that belong in both will attend each meeting as representatives of their schools. It was rumored last spring that W. S. C. would ask for admission into the coast conference this year. It is also understood that the fold is open to Stan ford if she cares to enter the coast con ference. Prof. Colin V. Dyment, who is presid ent of the conference, Graduate Man ager A. R. Tiffany, Coach Hugo Bezdek, and Bill Hayward, will probably attend the meetings from the* University of Oregon. PRESIDENT TO SEE FAIR. President Campbell went to Salem yes terday to see the state fair. Ben Wil liams, of th<* University extension de partment, has been in Salem the past week where he has had charge of the University of Oregon exhibit. I he men who patronize \ this store are men of keen *33 judgment Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits and Overcoats $15.00 to $40.00 Wade Bros. A Good Story Is Made Doubly Enjoyable if, during the reading, frequent reference is made to A Box of Our Fine Confections They Add to the Romance! The Koh-i-Noor Phone 578 Students Attention! If you like good things to eat at a price within the reach of all, eat at Hardy’s 92 East 9th. Corner of Oak. Meals from 15^ up. A full course dinner from soup to dessert 25^. Our cooking is done by ladies who know what kind of cooking pleases. N. D. HARDY, Proprietor. Bangs Livery Co. All Stage Lines Transfer Day or Night Phone 21 Hemstitching Accordion Plaiting Holly E. Moore GOWNS Special Rates to Students Moore and Moore 42 Eighth Ave. West Eugene, Oregon. Johnston's Candies “THE BEST ON EARTH” 5^ to $1.50 Per Box A full assortment of Bulk Chocolates. Swiss Style Milk the best money can buy. We are here to accommodate the Students. Big assortments, New Goods, and Good Service. TRY US UNIVERSITY PHARMACY Phone 232 Sidney R. Allen, Prop. The Club Shine Is A Good One Geo. Molos, Prop. Patronize the Rj>ex Shine Parlors Geo. Molos, Prop. Ladies and Gents Obak Advertises I 58 and 60 Ninth Ave. E. HOTEL OSBURN First Class Hotel of City Caters to Student Banquets Our Sunday Night Dinners Unsurpassed Music by Hendershott’s Orchestra Pictures Pottery Picture • © Framing Eugene Art Store Geo. H. Turner. Opposite Rex