OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the college year, by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter. Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies, 6c. EDITORIAL STAFF. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. . Managing Editor .... City Editor. Associate City Editor BUSINESS STAFF HAROLD HAMSTREET . . . .Edward I*. Harwood .De Witt Gilbert .Adrienne lipping BUSINESS MANAGER .GEORGE T. COLTON Assistant Manager .Burle Braniball Assistants.Louise Allen, Jennette Calkins, John McMurrny, Lny Carlisle Circulation Manager .Kenneth Farley, I'lione TIKI Phone Editor 565.Phone Manager 4SI OUR SOCIAL RULES. Before the social rules were adopted and passed by the faculty last year the so cial avtivities of the campus were entire ly out of harmony with the trend of the University. The trend then as now was toward higher standards in the class rooms. On the other hand the erase of dance was intensifying the social life of the students and consequently com batting the efforts to increase classroom effeciency. This diametrical opposition was the downfall of that intense campus social life. The muse Terpsichore took flight in the drastic measures adopted by the faculty. And now following a year of the social rules what do we find? A statement of faculty opinion ap pears in this issue of the Kmernld. Very loyally it upholds the rules. Yet the reasons as given in this sentiment shows virile health in their ability to stand alone and to show cause why these rules are wrong would take some Very keen reasoning. Yet exception is taken to these rules by students who have the interests of the University as much at heart as the facility themselves. Objection is not found in the rules be ing too drastic. They could yet he made more so and get l>,y all right. Ob jection is not found in usurpation of student liberty by faculty. There was Bo usurpation. Objection is not found in an endeavor to raise class room stand ards. The standards could be raised even still higher and find favor with the earnest stuents. In fact the motives of the faculty in the adoption and passing of the rules are not to be question ed. The big question mark in the rules is the result the problem now before the student body of the University; a prob ..... 1 ■ lein of "Oregon Spirit,” democracy, and cohesion. As President Campbell so aptly put it—this year sees the tradition from the little university to the big. And with this transition the problem of conceiv ing the intensifying of Oregon Spirit in democracy and cohesion gains im portance. For this year sees the balance of the majority of the students swung from the fraternity to the non-fraternity. And unless there is a mixing of the two and an ass ■ tabling for a common purpose factions will arise and witli them the ac companying evils to the studnt body and the University. Giving the social rules the effective mss of the past but changing them to suit the new conditions is the advisable action to be taken. Lot it be thoroughly understood the Emerald desires no change—and would abhor it—whereby the effectiveness of the social rules would be thwarted. Hut as they now are, the social rules are defective in consrving the spirit of democracy on the campus. The Emerald has a spcific remedy to apply after this has been read and consid ered. Thursday has been selected as the of ficial yell day for the rootrs. And this day has been set aside by the coach when the secret practice sign will be non effective. A scrimmage will be staged for the occasion weekly. The stage is now set for the greatest show of “pep” and “ginger” for the big football games to come. If there is a failure, that will be the stigma. Dr. lYrcivnl Lowell is coming here next month. 11 is the man who dis covered Mars and now Mars is raising -Gain in Europe. Wonder what the good Doctor has against use. % “Write Home Often, Said Mother Why Not Send Her The Emerald 90 Times for $1.00 Subscribe at Campus Y. M. C. A. Co-Op Store THE OREGANA The Student Shop FOR OREGON STUDENTS Try our candies Our ice cream is perfect Duck Season Opens October 1st BUY A DUCK FOR LUCK AT Coe Stationery Co. 941 Willamette St. is it imod Students Even Thought Store Owned by Private Interests. Proceeds From First Week’s Sales Indicate Prosperity for New Enterprise. That the students of the University need educating concerning co-operative stores is the opinion of Marion F. Mc Clain, manager of the University of Ore gon cooperative store, which was opened this semester. “Here we have 800 students, everyone a partner in this business,” said Mr. McClain, “and yet many of them do not know the purpose of a co-operative store or who are the owners of this one. After a student comes in and asks me why I call it the co-operative store, and when I explain that it is a business con ducted by and for the University the stu dent grasps and says, ‘Oh, I thought it was your own store.’ They aren't all freshmen either. “It wouldn’t amount to much if they only were concerned who make inquiries, hut for every one who speaks of it at all, there must be a half dozen or more who are in the same ignorance but make no remarks. The students certainly need to get better acquainted with their busi ness affairs. “This is one of the few real “co-op” stores in the United States,” continued Mr. McClain. “Princeton has the larg est one. Harvard does the largest busi ness under the co-operative system, hav ing three stores which do an annual gross business of $400,000. But the Harvard stores are backed by private capital whereas the Princeton store is not.” The store has on hand a lot of books turned over by the old University book store. These are considered to be worth not more than .’15 per cent of the list price of $2275, because they are chiefly books not now used in the University. Mr. McClain hopes to turn these over to some book firm. Cloyd Dawson, ’10, who was to have done the bookkeeping for the store has left school and Ernest Watkins, TO, ap pointed in his place, announced yester day that he also will leave for home at I once. PLANS FOR STUDY DESKS Increased Use of Library by Students Causes Many Inconveniences. The number of students using the University library is 25 i>or cent greater than at this time last year, according to library records. For the first ten days 1 last year the total number of library books used was 2592. This year the total was 5592. This increase in the use of the lib rary is working considerable inconveni ence on the students of the University. Several times it has been necessary for them to be assigned to the tables re served for the faculty members and some have found it necessary to study on the library steps. In an effort to better library condi tions for students. Librarian M. H. Douglass has secured from the Univer sity of Washington, their plans for an improved individual study desk, similar to those now being used there, and has ordered several of them to be made for use in the library here. They will be place in small spaces about the reading rooms not now in use and will help re lieve the present congestion. Should this experiment prove satisfactory, Mr. Douglass plans to use them entirely, displacing the long open tables now in use. There is no money available at this time, however, and the change can not be made before January 1, even if i found advistable. 1 Pineapple Special Egg Chocolate Teddy Bear Egg *N«gV Root Beer Peter Pan Special Atlas Special Nectar Delight “Ask the Editor” Weiss Grocery We have our own delivery Staple and Fancy Groceries. :LASS WILL VISIT SALEM ocial Agency Students to Inspect State Institutions This Fall. The social agency class conducted by lias Elizabeth Fox, dean of women, will isit Salem this fall in order to study the editions of the state institutions. The class has studied the history of harities, from the time of promiscous iving to anyone who asked, down to the •ientific treatment of pauperism as jown by the work of the Charities Or anization soeities. It has taken up the te causes of poverty, and has studied the ymptoms which come from homes where (temperance and immorality are found. Miss Fox says that the class will soon ike up the study of the different insti jtions that are trying to relieve the mditions. such as social settlements, in ustrial school, and homes for friendless omen and children. .ECTURE PAYS EXPENSES agora Address Thursday Night Nets Guarantee and Small Surplus. Expenses and a slight surplus were leared on the lecture given by Rabind annth Tagore in Villard hall Thursday vening, according tb Ed Harwood, chair lan of the committee in charge. $200 had to be guaranteed Tagore bc >re he would agree to speak at the Un* ersity. This amount was pledged by he Fortnightly club, The Collegiate ilumnae, the University, and the Asso iated Students. In case the lecture did iated Students. In cas the lecture did ot pay expenses, these four organiza ions were to make up the defict, but his was found unnecessary. Dixon’s Grocery 8th Ave. W. and Olive St. For Good Groceries Cream Lunch 828 Olive St. We have a high class of Roasts, Salads, Cakes, Pies, etc., for home lunches. Rea sonable prices. Outfitters for Sportsmen and Athletes Full Lines FOOTBALLS, BASKETBALLS, SWEATERS, GYM GOODS, GOLF CLUBS AND BALLS, TENNIS RACK ETS, HAND BALLS, GUNS AND 'FISHING TACKLE. HAUSER BROS. 856 Willamette St. Eugene Salem Albany The CO-OP The student’s store—owned and operated by the student body. Is ready to supply all your needs as a student. A new supply of Waterman Fountain pens just re ceived. Your old pen taken in exchange on a new one„ Also: Penants and pillows Pens and Pencils College Jewelry Note Books Gym Shoes and Suits I. P. Covers Tennis Supplies I. P. Fillers. We will supply you with postage stamps and take your letters to the post office each evening—Yours for service. Have your PHOTOGRAPH taken at TUTTLE’S STUDIO Sweepstakes Winners at Lane County Fair last year 606 13th Ave. E. La France Silk Hose $1.15 Pair Colors: White and Black Phoenix Silk Hose 65c to $1.50 Pair. Colors: Black and White The Men’s Store Society Brand, L-Syst6m and Chesterfield Clothes for Men College men buy clothes from us because our stock always has in it the exclusive and at tractive styles and patterns that appeal to discriminating fellows. Prices $15 to $30 Elegant Silk Shirts Clever Patterns for Men Priced $2.50 to $6.00 Each Soft cuff silk shirts in bright cherry pat terns are more popular than ever. A, silk shirt adds charm to your appearance and satis faction to yourself. Arrow Shirts S1.50 to $2.50. Distinctive Wearing Apparel There is a sort of dash and perfectly lovely fashion in the styles for this Autumn and Winter. The colors, the lines, the trimmings and all are chic and at the same time have a special quaintness—modish features_not al ways seen when fashions experience a radical change. The coats, suits and dresses, whether intended for street, home or party are all specially attractive. We would like to have you see them. Large, light, airy shop ping quarters. Satisfactory service. 1 Bedding Drapery Beautiful colonial Drapery, Cretons, Tapestry. Chintz, etc. Dozens of pretty Patterns and colors for all purposes in home decorations. Sheets, Blankets, Comforts. Pillows, Towels in September Sale. Autumn r ashions The pretty new Silks, Crepes, Chiffons, Laces, Ribbons, Neckwear, showing the newest colors, patterns, and weaves for street, home, and par ty dresses and blouses. Chiffon Cloths, Georg ette Crepe, Spanish Laces andFrench Robinette Wash Blonde nets. Prices 50£ to $2 a yard. 36 to 72 inches wide. 75 patterns in dark and light colors. All wool Challies, Plaid figures, Stripes 35