WIUMTTE GAME BUT WEEK DISTANT Team Not Up to Standard Is the Verdict of the Players. SQUAD WILL WITNESS MULTNOMAH-O. A. C. GAME Bezdek, Hayward and Team Leave at Noon for Corvallis. Jimmy Sheehy. With the first two weeks of training recorded as past history and with the Willamette game but a week distant, the Varsity is gradually bringing its cogs ' together in the assembling of an eleven unit football machine. Although it is folly to make any pre dictions or pass judgment so early in the season, it doesn’t take a student of football to observe that the lemon-yel low is far from right. What few glimps es the fans have had they noted that the team was untoned, unfinished, and lacked the dash and snap of last year. “The varsity ie going rotten, and there is no use denying it,” remarked one of the players in the nightly fanning bee in the shower room. “We haven’t the drive, the team play, or the compact interference of last year.” However, fandom takes solace in the fact that Oregon teams in the past have been late starters, but once under way have sel dom had to bow their head in submis sion to any foe. A lingering suspicion is running riot among players and fans alike that O. A. C. is going to prove easy in the annal state championship battle. Coach Pipal faces almost the same situation that con fronted Bez last year. Outside of one or two veterans he has nothing but sap lings to work with. • The Aggies realize the proposition they are- up against as did the varsity of last year, and are bound to get Tesults. Not a place on the team is secure, which means twice the average, amount of work from each aspirant. The Aggies, underrated, and out-doped, are apt to prove a thorn in the side of other pennant contenders. Bezdek is still applying the lash in the daily routine work. The tackling dummy is cuffed about nightly, the ball is pounced on from all angles, and at frequent intervals the linemen disport with the bucking machine. Friday night saw the varsity run plays with the probable Willamette game line up intact. Risey, Snyder, Williamsj, Beckett, Bartlett, Mitchell, and Tegart worked on the line with Montieth, Par sons, Shy and Hollis Huntington taking turns in advancing the leather. Bez .drove the boys through an hour of signal drill. An array of new plays and for mations with the attack built around Shy Huntington and Johnny Parsons were in troduced. Practice was called this morning at S:30 with the scrubs bucking the first stringers in scrimmage. Hayward and Bezdek accompanied by the training table squad leave on the noon train for Corvallis to take in the Multnomah-O. A. C. game. In as much as the club men appear on Kincaid field October 14, the varsity will get a line on them, as well as a glimpse .at the orange and black. WORK ON FIELD HELD UP Much Improvement Needed; No Money -for It; Will Provide for Sports. The plans for the new athletic field hove not been abandoned—merely post poned. The University must provide the will not start until the funds are secur tnoney for improvement and hence work (d. The new field, located near the golf links and covering thirty-five acres, will require a great deal of improvement. The lower end of the grounds must be filled and almost the entire piece graded be fore the parts devoted to various sports can be laid out. There will be a track, soccer fields, two baseball diamonds and probably two football fields. The change must be completed by the time the erection of th" next I niver sify building is begun, as that structure will be situated on what is now Kincaid Field. “U ” POLITICIANS WARBLE # * # * SINGERS LAUD MR. HUGHES # « « # VISIT THREE OREGON TOWNS A University quartette, composed of Ray Stanton. Bill Cawter, Jack Dolph and Warren Edwards, made a tour yes terday of London Springs, Cottage Grove and Creswell singing Oregon and Hughes’ songs, in the interest of Lane county republicans. The party, including Eugene republi cans who made the trip, consisted of six auto loads. They succeeded in working up considerable enthusiasm in the towns visited, although their coming was not advertised. Once they sang on an open air pavilion, once in a the ater and several time on the street. Returning to Eugene in the evening, they snug their songs at the Rainbow. The Hughes song was composed by Ray Stanton, to the tune "Marching through Georgia,” and is as follows: Just ii word of praise we'll sing. For Hughes, the man who knows, We’ll sing to all Republicans, And Democrats and Pros. We’ll sing it ’cause we know we’ll win, With Charles E. at the bat, While Woodrow is watchfully waiting. Chorus. Hurrah, hurrah, We're goin’ to vote for Hughes Hurrah, hurrah, the democrats will lose And so we’ll sing to very one From Mexico to Maine While we go marching to vict’ry. Of Mexicans you all do know You know of tarrifs too, WTell Woodrow said he’d fix ’em all, He promised that to you. The tariffs are an awful mess, The Mexicans just laugh. While Woodrow is watchfully waiting. DEBATERS AFTER* SUBJECT Oregon’s Veterans All Here Except Cloyd Dawson; Recruits Needed. The debate tryouts will not be held for about four weeks, according to Coach R. F. Prescott. Oregon has submitted the topic, “The Arbitration of Industrial Dis putes’’, to Stanford and Washington, the other members of the Tri-State Confer ence. Each member submits one question and these are then voted on. After a sub ject iSj chosen each college sends in a phrasing of the suestion.' These are in turn voted on so it will take some time before the debaters can get down to work. Oregon has an unusually strong array of talent this year with Walter Myers. Earl Fleischman, Nicholas Jaureguy and Mrs. Rosalind Rates in school. Cloyd Dawson is the only one of last year's team who is not back. This does not mean that there is no chance for new material by any means. “Wo intend to use eight persons on the team this season if the recruits are good enough,’’ says Coach Prescott. "Five de bates are scheduled, so everybody can get a chance.” Two debates are scheduled with O. A. C. and one each with Montana. Wash ington. and Stanford. Reed College for some reason will not compete with the University. That nn alumni coach be appointed to assist Prof. Prescott has been suggested, but the idea has been abandoned and in stead Walter Myers and Nick Jaureguy will assist him. IS HURT PLAYING HOCKEY Alice Baker Strains Hip; Has to Be Car ried to Gymnasium. Alice Baker, a freshman from Salem, strained her hip while playing hockey Wednesday afternoon. Miss Baker strained her side while running and since it was in the middle of the game, did not wish to stop. She played for twenty minutes after the accident, mostly relying on pluck. Finally however her hip refused to work any longer and she had to be carried to the women's gym by her teammates. A freshman was dispatched from there to get W. II. Haywood to diagnose the case. He decided that there was no real dislocation but just a strain. Miss Baker is getting along nicely now though she is still unable to move. She insists that sh« is coming to her classes in a few days but Miss Cum mings says that she should remain in active for at least a week. PROFS. GIVE VIEWS 1 SOCIAL RULINGS Colin V. Dyment, Chairman of Rules Committee, Declares Them Successful. Faculty Members Believe They Have Relieved Strain of Social Obligations. The new social ruling, regulating the number of dances to be given by frater nities and sororities on the cany)us, which has been in effect a little over a year in the University, has been declared a very great success by members of the faculty who are directly connected with the workings of the regulation. Colin V. Dyment. professor of journal ism. and chairman of the committee ap pointed last year to consider the matter and formulate rules, is very favorably im pressed with the situation as it now stands: John Straub, dean of men, de clares that the ruling was successful; Elizabeth Fox, dean of women, while not as yet having come in very close contact with the situation, believes that the ruling has been a success. Other mem bers of the faculty interviewed on the same question are much of the same frame of mind. “The social legislation was drafted in May. 101.", by a committee made up of Dr. Edmund S. Conklin. Dr. Bertha Stuart and myself,'1 said Mr. Dyment. It was passed by the faculty practically without change. It went into effect Sep tember 1, 1015. “The oeiginal purpose was to keep fraternity houses quieter for those who wished to study. In respect to dancing, the campus was in a rather sorry con dition in the winter of 1015. Many stud ents seemed unable to get their work done because of the distractions in their houses. Many others were literally worn out in their struggle to keep up with their dance obligations. Student after student informed members of the committee that the dance legislation wa sindeed wel come. They said it rescued them from a sitfThtion from which they had been un able to save themselves. The dance di lemma of 1015 should not be forgotten by anyone who may be considering the dance situation now. “The committee both understood and expected that the chronic dancers, when prevented from making pleasure resorts of their houses, would go down street. No effort was made to keep them from doing so. or to discourage them from it. The whole intent of the legislation was to protect the student, who wanted to be left to study in peace. in iii.v juugiuem me legisiauuu lias been, accordingly, a great success. It was good, watertight legislation.” Mr, Dyment was asked whether he thought it unfortunate that the students going down to dance spent more money In the “jitney dance halls” than they should. He answered, “No University of Oregon student will spend more on jitney’ dancing than his pocketbook wili stand. Tf he does I should say it is his own lookout. In most cases he has earned it himself, and it is a voluntary expen diture. When he is constantly assessed for house dances, however, it is an in voluntary expenditure that may rapidly become a burlen.” When asked whether he thought it best that University couples go to down town dances unchaperoned. Mr. Dyment said. “The University community has a dean of women and. I think, nine house mothers. If housemothers are permitting the girls in their charge to go unchap eroned to public dances, I assume the dances must be entirely proper.” Dean Straub, when asked his opinion on the jitney dances given in town, said, “No. I do not think that the ruling had any effect on the outcome of these dances. Students do not have to attend them un less they are absolutely willing to do so, as they are placed on their own respon sibility. Before the ruling went into ef fect, students receiving invitations to dances on the campus, were almost com pelled to attend them; now they go to the dances rfown town of their own free will. I believe that the ruling has been an entire success.” Miss Fox when asked the same ques tion. replied: "I have not had time enough here in the University to see ex actly what is going on, and do not know how these dances down town are being j conducted, but I can say that all the i students who go to them do so of their (Continued on page four) OREGON IfiDS DEW SONGS SDKS PROF. W. G. Thacher Suggests Con test to Secure New Tunes. Severely Criticises Present Melodies; Suggests Offering Prizes for New Ones. That songs were needed at the rally held last Wednesday morning at the as sembly hour is the opinion expressed by Professor W. F. G. Timelier, of the de partment of English, and he has a scheme whereby Oregon songs, which he says are now few and feeble, can be added to and enriched. Professor Timelier proposes that the Emerald start a subscription contest to raise money which will be used as prizes for the best Oregon songs, lie proposes that a committee should be appointed to judge the relative values of the songs and that aiming the members should be Ralph H. Lyman, dean of the school of music. In speaking of our present songs, Pro fessor Thacher says. “The mill-race song is pretty and sentimental, ‘On Oregon’ is a good rousing song, but is borrowed from Wisconsin, while the ‘Oregon Toast' sounds more like a funeral dirge than a college song. “A song must be short uud repeatable and not run too high or have too great a range in order to be a success, and it must be a song that is musical, serious and dignified, a song that can be sung ns well after a defeat as after a victory and yet not one that is sung on every occas sion. It should b£ reserved for great moments.” He gave as an example the Marseillaise hymn. He expressed the belief that per manency is a requisite for the right kind of a college song. Speaking on that line he said, “We want a song that will be as good a hundred years from now as it is today.” He gave as examples, “Fair Harvard,” and “Old Massau.” Professor Thacher is himself a writer of songs, having composed two college songs during last summer’s vacation. The titles of them were “Let’s Go, Boys, Let’s Go," and “Hello Lane.’’ He also com posed the music for the latter. CO-ED ATHLETES TO MEET Women to Have Two Hookey Games. Field Day Also Planned. The Women's Athletic association will hold a meeting October 10, in Guild hall for all girls interested in wonlbn's athletics. Freshmen and sophomores are especially urged to come, as the pur poses of the organization will he explain ed by Miss Harriet Thompson and Miss Frieda Goldsmith of the physical training department. Numerous questions asked by the new girls concerning the association will be answered at this meeting. Hockey is the big sport now, with the prospect of two games with O. A. C. in October. Last year the Oregon women put out a winning team and the pros pects are considered very good this year as a number of girls who participated last year are again in school. The girls are working hard practicing every night and the team is being worked into shape rapidly. In the spring another track meet and field day will be held. A great deal of enthusiasm has been mani fest in former years for Field day. let ters for track, and various prizes for other sports are offered for winners of events just the same as for the men’s act ivities. It is, however, necessary to belong to the Woman's Athletic association in or der to be eligible for prizes. “U” MEN SING AT THE FAIR Stanton, Langley, Ddlph and Peterson Entertain Oregonians Tuesday. Ray Stanton, Robert Langley, .Jack Dolph and Curtis I’etersou formed the quartet which represented the University at the State fair at Salem. Tuesday. The hoys went ns guests of the fair association. They sang twice at the Ore gon booth during the day and also at the race course and Woman's Club. In the evening they SHng at the horse show and at the concert held in the new auditorium at the fair grounds. OLD TRADITION RECALLED ^ 4ft NO SMOKING ON CAMPUS 4k 4k 4k * BOYS AGAIN TAKE PLEDGE Camel, betake thee from my sifiht! Thou beastly weed, release me from my plight, You surely know the law we can’t re voke, To walk and talk on 13th. But not | smoke. To refrain from smoking on the cam pus became a tradition through the vol untary action of the students, not from faculty ruling. The faculty has never voted on the matter. Way, way back when Dean Straub was young, when the campus had but two trees, and when Pead.v hall, the only building was not entirely finished, the custom began. One day all the men of the Univer sity. about seventy five or eighty, met under the two old oaks which stand by the railroad track, to discuss various things. After a great deal of talk, they unanimously agreed to refrain from smoking on the campus and walks adja cent to it. “In those days,” Dr. Straub speculated reminiscently ‘‘the boys as a whole were very poor and instead of tailor made cigarettes, used corn cob and briar pipes. The girls didn’t wear silk sweaters either, nud they as well as about half of the boys from outside of Eugene, batched in little old board shacks that have since been replaced by the fine residences along Eleventh avenue.” The decision thus made and handed down by the old timers was sacredly re spected an observed for more than thirty years. The first apparent violation was begun when the library building was erected. The board walk leading from there to the athletic field became, as it continues to be, a congregating place be tween classes. Gradually the fumes of tobacco increased in volume until they became a veritable fog. At the recent Y, M. ('. A. stag mix held in Villnrd—much the same in pur port as that held under the oaks years ago—the question was brought up again. Some of the old hands explained the tradition to the freshmen and then a vote was taken. Everybody stood up and so the die was cast. Girls be charitable. If you see a stiide stalk forlornly out on the walk, gaze about in dazed like way for a second, and then, stride off down for a street, remember that the cross is heavy. REGISTRATION IS NOW 904 If Second Semester Registration Equals Last Year, Mark Will Exceed 1000. The attendance (it the University hits increased 11.5 per cent over that of last year. The total number registered up to last night was 004 as compared to 700 last year on the same date. John Parsons, of football fame, is number !K)0 on the registrar's book. Closely following him was Mr. Herman Hamburger from Windau Kurland, Rus sia. If, in addition to the 004 already sign ed, as many more register after October 1. of this year, ns enrolled after that date last year, the University evill have sur passed the thousand mark. The number of students who enrolled after October 1, of last year added to the 004 already on the books would bring the total reg istration up to 1010. As soon as the enrollment reaches the 1000 mark the University will be class ed one of the larger Universities of the country. 200 ATTEND RECEPTION Official Y. M. C. A.-Y. W. C. A. Ac quaintance Party Held Last Night. Nearly 200 students were present at the annual Y. M. C. A.-Y. W. C. A. re ception last night in Villard hall. This is the official acquaintance party for the student body. The receiving line, headed by Nick Jaureguy and Helen Purrington, included President and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Dean and Mrs. John Straub and about 15 others. Refreshments, consisting of ice cream and wafers, were served in the parly part of the evening. Two musical num bers were given, a song by John Black and a piano solo by Prof. Annett. J. D. Foster then started a grand march, i which concluded the affair ’'NIHILISM NOW IELM0F WEST' lagore Laments Tendency of Occident to Exalt Power and Wealth. )VER 600 AT LECTURE OF BENGALI MYSTIC Hindu Poet Declares Capital and Labor Will Wage an Eternal War. E. W. Murphy. The flowing robes might have dated from the dawn of the Christian era. Cer tainly the beard was typical of that time. Sir Rabindranath Tagore had all the advantages of personal appearance in bis favor as he walked forward to deliver bis lecture on "The Cult of Na tionalism” in Villard hall, Thursday eve ning. and the craving of those who ex pected to catch a glimpse of the far east was fortified. Without a word of previous comment lie plunged into the reading and for an hour and a half told the story of the ‘cruel epidemic which is creeping over the human world, eating its vitality.” This tendency of all pople to nationalise and force upon the rest of the people the form of organised governmnt regardless of the laws of natural progress has been accepted by the west, said Tagore, ns its religion. A sense of nationality, he believes, is not a necessary part of progress. Progress can come only through a realization of truth, nnd “al though we forget truth for our conven ience, truth does not forget us. When a calamity occurs in the west, they can not understand how in God’s name it happens, forgetting that truth remem bers. Humanity consists of other peo ples besides her own, nnd humanity is a truth which you cannot mutilate with out hurting yourself. “The war has been declared between man and womnn because man through professionalism and organization is leav ing womnn alone to wither and die. Power is losing its identity. Anarchists are made of men because power is be coming too abstract. “The power of the world is being cen tered in an attack to gaiu wealth. Cap ital and labor will wage an eternal war, for adjustment can only come through catastrophe or spiritual rebirth." Tagore's audience of over 000 filled the lower floor of Villard and a large part of the gallery. The hush of expect ancy that just preceded his appearance on the platform was followed by an outburst of applause, which in turn gave way to a few monents of re-adjust ment following the first few words spok en by the Bengal. For, becuuse of his imposing appearance, one unconsciously expected a voice of much lower tone than the treble which is Tagore’s. There was a certain difficulty in grasping all that he said, due partly to our lack of familiarity with Oriental tones. Tagore laid speciui empuusis upon uie . fact that this was not a pica for India alone nor an argument against the Brit ish governmnt only. “India is not fit to have Independent government,” he said. “But in the con flict between the no-nation and the na tion, the moral man and the complete man is giving way to the political man. His human side is being obscured for the sake of soulless corporations. This doc trine of the nation is neither British nor anything else. It is distinctly imperson al. “In the manufacture of new nations,” he said, referring to the present war, “the process of the stifling of the human element can be well seen. No regard* is given to the truth that man has a soul. It is simply a wrestling match of bar barism. Whatever may be the immediate facts, men are neither beasts nor mach ines, but we see the natural man in the grasp of the organized man. The nation with all its exterior paraphenaJia can not hide the fact that it is the greatest evil in the world. We see today nation arrayed against nation in an endless bull fight of politics, as a result of the de humanizing that has been going on in business and politics. “This cannot go on forever,” is the conclusion of Tagore, who feels that this is “the fifth act of the tragedy of the unreal” and that the end is in sight when, with a realization of the import (Continued on page fqpr)