Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, September 26, 1916, Page Four, Image 4

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    Twenty-Two Veterans Return
to School; Ten Freshmen
First Practice Held Tuesday.
Future Ones Will Be Held on
Monday and Thursday.
“One, two, three, play!”
At four o’clock, Thursday afternoon,
20 band men soft of lip but enthusiastic,
gath/red in Villard hnll for the first
band practice of the year. Mr. Albert
Perfect, director, led the players through
two rapid fire marches, smiled, and gave
out just this comment. “The prospects
are the best ever. Oregon will have a
real band this year.”
Thirty three musicians lined up for
the official l*gnd picture at the end of
the season last spring. Twenty-two of
that number have returned and will again
lend their efforts. More than 10 fresh
men have already visited Mr. Perfect.
That is why he is so optimistic.
“They play%d ns well at the first prac
tice this year as at the last performance
last year,” he explained, “and when all
come out to rehearsals regularly we can
expect a successful organization.”
The clarinet section, oue which is
usually weak in amateur bands, promises
to be especially good, with Butler, Pot
ter, Nelson and Conley back, and sev
eral new men trying out. Three saxo
phones, too, are a certainty, and will
make possible a variation in quartet,
sextette, and solo work.
Maurice Hyde who holds down chair
number one in the first cornet section,
and Walter Grebe, mainstay with the
slide trombone, will again bear the brunt
of the solo work.
The alto section will be strengthened
and a french-horn added.
Thirty members iti to be the maximum
for concert work, and these will make up
the “first band." When more volume is
needed and quality is not the essential
less able players will also be used. Mr.
Perfect urges every student who has an
instrument, to join, in order that the
best showing possible can be made in
marches and drills. At the football games
every available instrument will be needed
Practice, from now on, will be held
in Villard hall, on Monday and Thursday
afternoons front four to six o’clock. One
hour each week will be given over to
drilling and playing “on the march.”
All prospective players have been ask
ed to call on Mr. Perfect in the school
of music or during the regular practice
hours iu Villard hall.
Educational Building Is First Step To
wards a "Greater University."
According: to Supervisor of Construc
tion E. E. McNeil, Oregon's new educa
tion building will be completed and ready
for acceptance by the board of regents
about October 10. Furniture is now be
ing installed on the first floor and that
part of the building will be ready for
the University's newly established Jun
ior high school next Monday. Or. Sheldon
has not decided whether the school will
be moved on this date o"r not on ac
count of the possibility that the building
might be too damp.
The education building is the first step
in the policy of the board of regents for
a “Greater University.” It is the first
i unit of a scries of planned structures
j which will materially change the appear
! ance of the campus. Two other buildings
are planned, one of which is to be built
just across 11th street from the new
structure on the present football field.
The building now being completed is on
the old Oregon baseball and soccer field.
Plans for the building were drawn by
the firm of Lawrence and Ilolford of
Portland. It is of the byzantine style
of architecture, three storiea high and
built of red faced brick and terra cotta.
The cost will be $40,000 and an addi
tional $8,000 for furniture.
Although the Junior high school may
be moved into the quarters planned for
it, on the first floor, next Monday, the
schools of education and law, the teach
ers’ library and the extension department
will not move into their new quarters
until the building is entirely finished and
accepted by the building committee of
the board of regents.
$10 and $5 to Be Given for
Two of the Best Pro
Contest Open to All University
Under-graduates; James
Kerr Donor.
Two <*i»hIi prizes amounting to $15.00
have hern offered for the two best short [
stories written by undergraduate stud
ents at Oregon and handed to Prof. W.
I<\ (>. Timelier before February, 1017.
Honorable mention will be given the
The contest is open to all regularly
enrolled undergraduates and the con
ditions are as follows:
1. Manuscript must he absolutely
2. Stories must be typewritten on
one side of the page.
1!. The name of the writer must not
appear on the manuscript, a non de
plume being substituted.
4. The non de plume used is to be
written on the face of an envelope con
taining the writer’s real name and hand
ed in with the story.
5. The length of the story is to be
not less than 2000 or more than 10,000
words to be considered.
0. All stories must be handed to
l’rof. IV. F. (!. Timelier on or before
February 1, 1017.
7. The best story will receive $10,
the second $5, and the third honorable
'I'he committee which will make the
awards consists of .1. Francis Thorne,
Mrs. Mable Holmes Parsons, and Miss
Ida V. Turney.
The money for the prizes was donat
ed by Attorney James It. Kerr of the |
Portland law firm of Farcy and Kerr.
Mr. Kerr visited the campus last spring
and addressed the faculty colloquium,
till' student assembly, the law school, lie
left the conditions id- the contest to be
worked out by Prof. Thacker.
Send The Knierald home.
Outfitters for
Sportsmen and Athletes
Footballs, Baseballs, Basketba'ls, Sweaters, Gym Goods,
Guns and Fishing Tackle
“Shy” Huntington will be glad to show you our stock.
You will come again.
8B6 Willamette St.
Hemstitching Accordion Plaiting
Holly E. Moore
Special Rates to Students
Moore and Moore
42 Eighth Ave. West
Eugene, Oregon.
Seventeen Out for Practice;
Veterans Scarce.
Field Made Ready for Play;
Coach Dyment Urges
Large Turnout.
“With regard to soccer football, I j
am now trying to stimulate interest in
the various groups of men, and in a 1
few days I will write what success we
have had for making up an intercollegiate
team. I am heartily in favor of a re- j
turn game with you and will do every- j
thing possible to arrange such a schedule. |
As soon as I know definitely I will
Coach Dyment having received the !
foregoing letter from A. I). Browne, j
the new director of the department of
physical education of O. A. C., and
having written to Multnomah in regard
to games, it would seem that many
would turn out with this promise of trips
and games.
But only 17 men turned out on the
field yesterday afternoon, and only four
of these last year’s varsity players—
Campbell, Sheehy, Fox and Hartley.
Kennon and Hazeltine will probably turn
out when glee club tryouts are over, and
Bathbun and Ralston have not reported
as yet. A hole will be left in the
team through the loss of Spellman and
Tuerek to football and Pearson, who is
in the east.
Soccer has so far been very ragged
and there is not yet the material or
proficiency of past years. Only a few
of those turning out are well equipped;
the others wear everything from tennis
and basketball shoes to dress oxfords.
No team is in sight yet of the class that
would he needed to compete with O. A.
or Multnomah, and the cry of the
coach is for more material from which
to choose.
A captain will bo chosen probably
within a week. The field was cleared,
marked out and made finally ready for
play this afternoon.
Credit Given for Retail Work
by School of Commerce
Prof. McAuslan Will Give Short
Courses in Salesmanship
in Oregon Towns.
That the University of Oregon is the [
first school to offer retail work for Uni
versity credit, is the belief of 1). Walter!
Morton, dean of the school of commerce. !
1‘rofessor Morton has searched through
the catalogues of the many universities i
and has found no school of commerce
offering a similar course.
In addition to this new course the
extension work has continued and in
creased through the summer. The class
at the American Institute of Banking
convenes each Tuesday evening at the
offices of thi' company in Portland. Six
ty-five officers and employees of the
bank attended the find, class which was*
held last week. On October 1, a series
of lectures by Prof. Morton and Prof.
(1. Robert McAuslan. will begin with one
itt tlu> Credit Association of Portland.
Prof. Morton states that there is a pos
sibility of obtaining a Portland lawyer,
who is making a specialty of collections,
to lecture on the law envolved in the col
lection business.
The correspondence courses in the ex
tension division which required consid
erable time to compile, have been com
plete!!. At present four subjects are of
fered. Book-keeping review, general or
ganization of business, salesmanship,
prepared by Prof. Morton, and business
correspondence, a course written by W.
U. (1. Thacher, professor of rhetoric.
Prof. McAi.slan will not return to the
University to carry his regular class
room work until the second semester.
During the intervening time he will give
short courses in salesmanship in La
Misses’ Coats and Suits
All the late little touches of style, color,
Suits $15 to $60
Coats $8.50 to $60
New Wool Dresses
Straight model effects effectively
$17.50 to $32.50
Snappy Saits & O’coats
A new shipment arrived only yesterday
Suits 9I8 to 930
Overcoats 918 to $27-50
New Fall Hats
We have ail the new felt hat shapes
Priced 92, 93, 93-50 and 94
Grande, Pendleton, Baker, and in either
Ashland, Medford, or Marshfield. Dur
ing his summer vacation period Mr. Mc
Auslan was with Meier and Frank of
Portland, teaching 200 of their sales
people. So satisfactory were the results
that he has been engaged to spend his
Christmas vacation in continuing the
Mr. McAuslan has had twenty seven
years of department store experience,
ranging from junior clerk to general
manager. In his educational tour of the
state, he will study the problems confront
ing the student in the school of com
merce when he goes out into the busi
ness world—and incorporate them in
one of the courses now offered in the
commerce department and so prepare the
ftiture business man.
Links Will Be Ready for Play Next
Week; Two Classes Formed.
With a total of twenty-five signed up,
I'rof. Preston’s golf enthusiasts will meet
Thursday afternoon at four o’clock on
the University golf links. The hours of
play will be arranged then. Two classes I
for beginners will he held, one on Tues
day and the other on Thursday, both at
four o’clock.
The links are about half-mowed and
will be ready for play by next week.
Only the upper five holes are to be used |
as the others are on marshy ground and
do not drain off easily. Three rounds on
the University links or two trips to the
Country club course constitute suffi
cient work to obtain a gymnasium credit.
All score cards must be turned in to
Prof. Prescott to enable a check to be
kept on the players’ progress.
In rainy weather no one will be re
united to play. Instead, an indoor les
sen or some putting practice will be
Wing’s Market
The Home of
Good Neats
Fish and Groceries
675 Willamette St.
Phone 38.
The Club
Is A Good One
Geo. Molos, Prop.
Patronize the
Shine Parlors
Geo. Molos, Prop.
Ladies and Gents
Obak Advertises
58 and 60 Ninth Ave. E.
State Fair
Horse Show
Big Races
of Fraternal
Sept. 28—
Day’ o
Round Trip Ticket Sale Oates
To Salem
Willamette Valley Points, Sept. 21 to 30.
Good for return up to and inclusive of
October 4.
?2-S0 Round Trip from Eugene
Eight Fast Trains Between
Salem and Portland
the theatre, hotel and shopping districts.
Oregon Electric Trains stop in the heart of
H. R. Knight, Agent, Eugene.