tudent and Qaeulty Activities By Dorothy Parsons T~ DHE Dove reception given by the university V. \V. C. A., on Wednesay afternoon was a very attractive and enjoyable affair. Every girl in coi lege who caredi to go was invited and the hospitable spirit shown by the older girls to the freshman was greatly appreciated. The bungalow" was ;tractively decorated , and delicious re-reshments were served by the hophc ore girls. Mrs. P. L. Campbell and Mrs. John Straub poured. A short prt - •am was given in which Martha Tinker sang a charming solo, Miss Fox tnlk I on the work and importance of the Y. M. C. A., Echo Zahl welcomed the ewcomers and Dorotiy Dunniway concluded the program with a piano solo. 3k ik 4ft 1 __ On Friday, September 15, at eight ’clock the annual Y. M. C. A. stag mix ook place at Villard hall. It was an cquaintance party and from all reports as successful from t|his standpoint as fell as from others, iigged as soon as he as a cock-fight, a d to the winner, rith a card telling who he was, his year 1 college, and where le was from. The lost important evert of the evenin: enior. Short talks were given by Presi nging of Oregon ent Campbell, Coach traub, '‘Bill” Haywa er, and “Nick” Jaure ;uy. Bert Breed rg lead yells while ti e fellows serpen ined, and Sam Bullocl; played the piano o accompany the si ongs, 4 ' £ To celebrate the v eek” all of the soririties entertained ast Saturday night with informal danc ng parties. Gamma Phi Beta gave a charmingly ecorated affair at the chapter house on thirteenth avenue easft, which was en five couples. The ver into perfect Etch person was entered the room up being award Jllartin Nelson, a Bezdek, Dean fd, “Doug.” Fos ctories of “Rush oyed toy about twenty ooms were made o owers of yellow chrysanthemums, pink arnations, and feathery greens, and the rchestra *onsisted of a piano and flute. Alpha Phi entertained on the same light and in like mai rere decorated with iner. The rooms white “Frau Karl Jrusche” roses and daring the evening, . m CLUB Barber | Shop Particular Attention to Students It is far butter to COOK WITH GAS Than to gas with the Cook Phone 28 OREGON PO WER CO. Mc Be .’'re light refreshments were served. Heh orchestra consisted of a piano and fit: « « # On Tuesday morning, September Miss Mabel Kuykendall of Eugene, came the bride of Mr. Roy Dell 3 Carty, of Portland. The affair place at the home of the bride's pare iu this city. Miss Winefred Starbji and Miss Gertrude Buell assisted serving an elaborate wedding breakf at the close of the ceremony. Both y and Mrs. McCarty are graduates of University of Oregon, the bride bein member of the class of 1910 and a D« Delta Delta and the groom wns gr uated in 1908 and belongs to the Theta Pi fraternity. Mr. and Mrs. Carty spent their honeymoon at Seasi after which they returned to Portlr where they will reside. On September 10, announcement made of the engagement of John Ra olph Latourette, of Portland to Sallie Austin Clay, of Seattle. The ru|i riage will taken place early in Novi ber. Mr.. Latourette is a graduate of University of Oregon and a member the Kappa Sigma fraternity. He particularly well known during his lege career as a football player, was once captain of the Oregon te and played, as quarterback for some ti Miss Clay is a graduate of the Univere|i of Washington and a member of Gamma sorority. * * * 12, be ok nts ck in ast Mr. the : a lta iid ta Del d te. ide nd was nd iss ar em the of Was col He am ne. ty ta mi Cl Mi The first week of college saw of the old grads and non-grads back rushing. Nearly every house can be a good showing and all who are back press regret that they are not themsel|v entering as freshmen with the class year. The houses entertaining “Aluijn and their guests are: Kappa Kappa Gamma—Margue^: Rohse, Constance Cartwright, Poulsen, Gladys Cartwright, Made Hahding. Delta Gamma—Liela Cushman, Kincaid, Mrs. Mildred Wilson Wnll|; Mrs. Edith Claren Smyth. Gamma Phi Beta—Beatrice Doc Katherine Stanfield, Catherine Cars Grace MacKenzie. Alpha Phi—Elsie Dee, Helen R4i Della Guthrie, Effie Rhodes. Kappa Alpha Theta—Virginia Pef son WTalker, Marguerite Rankin, Ge vieve Shaver, Julia Platt, Myrtle Sm Vivian Bretherton, Charlie Fenton. Delta Delta Delta—Elizabeth Wagr Ruth Ralston, Vera Redman, Douise ter. Chi Omega—Mrs. Giltner, Rose Ba ler, Erna Petzold, Ducille Shepard, C Miller, Esther Maegley Sybil Browr Pi Beta Phi—Katherine Kirkpatri Sigma Nu—Joe McDean, Tom Bui Ercil Kay, Dean Walker. Beta Theta Pi—Harold Fltzglbbo: Joe Sheehan, Boise Fenton, Hai Broughton, Robert Dangley. Phi Delta Theta—John Ruth, Deach, Carlyle Geisler, Ed Bailey, Marriss, John Boyd, Mr. Hughes. Delta Tau Delta—Barney O’Conn Harry Cotton, Frank Cohan. Sigma Chi—Raymond Fleming, Dr M. Smith of Cornell, Melvin Jord Allen Bynon, Fred Heitshausen. Phi Gamma Delta—Don Orput, Dorris, Ralph Cake, Elton Doucks. Kappa Sigma—Delbert Stanard, Kendall of Portland. ny for ast ex res his s” er ne th. Di Hoi a ite ga me ud er, ke, on, ss, er, ei se ;cil ck. ke, n, old ve er er, F. an, Ben Neil IMPERIAL CLEANERS AND HATTERS Phone 392 Fo^ Cleaning and Pressing Nick Jaureguy, Agent. For the Kodak Album Come in and see our college and millrace scenes. We have all last year’s street pictures. The Kodak Shop Opposite Rex Theatre Phone 535 Aipna lau Omega—Cleveland Sim kins. Dick Onthank, Carl Onthank. Gene Good, Leinnd Haynes, Robert Riggs, Ernest Bills. # * « To every “Frosh” be he man or girl, "Open House” is the Big Day of the first semester, for it is the day when each girl meets each man and each man meets each girl in the university. After that everyone is acquainted and it's "Hello” all over the campus. In every house all the girls assemble and the doors are opened wide to all who call. The men of the different fraternities and clubs file through nnd shake hands, receive some light refreshments and aay “Good bye” only to repeat the same process at the next house. # * # Delta Gamma entertained with a Japanese dance last Saturday night in honor of their pledges. The guest list includes: Walter Muirhead, Ross Mc Kenna, Joe Denn, William Garretson, Joe Blackstrand, Everett Pixley, Shy Huntington, Roger Holcomb, Mr. Fox, Mr. Smith, Mr. Foster. Lloyd Teggart, Ross Geiger, Bill Rhinehart, Virgil Alex ander. Charles McDonald, Mike Harris, Ray Couch, Ernest Bills, Harold Sex ton, Dick Onthank, Leland Haynes, Mr. Barnett, and Russell Calkins. Tuesday afternoon the housemothers of the different fraternities met with Miss Fox to discuss the social plans for the year. The afternoon was spent in informal discussion of matters of in terest to fraternities. “It was interest ing nnd profitable to all and a pleasure and help to me to feel that they are , working with me.” said Miss Fox. The | housemothers who were present were; Mrs. Wier, of Gamma Phi Beta; Mrs. L - i . ■ —— I Gray, of Chi Omega; Mrs. Barker, of Alpha I’hi ; Mrs. Boyer, of Kappa Alpha Theta: Mis. Holbrook, of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Miss Van Sire, of Pi Beta Phi. They have decided to hold meetings on the second Tuesday of each motnh, housemothers are invited. | # # # The Alpha Phi house on Eleventh avenue, was the scene of an informal tea on Thursday afternoon given in honor of the girls of this year’s fresh man class. During the afternoon about seventy girls called and light refresh ments were served by the sophomores of the fraternity. The hostesses on this occasion I were, Dorothy Hunziker, Gretchen Colton. Adah McMurphey, Dorothy parsons, Margaret Gray, and Heleu Case. # A * Miss Vivian Bretherton, a Kappa Alpha Thpta at Kansas University, has been the guest of Miss Ruth Trowbridge during the past week. * # # Kappa Alpha Theta announces the See the 4 Fountain Pen Specialist at SGHWARZSGHILD Book Store pledging of 'Carol Montague and Vivian Pallette of Portland.. # # #1 Kappa Alpha Theta gave a dance for theier new pledges on last Saturday night. The list of guests included: Bill Btirgard, John Beckett, Fred Kiddle. Hunt Malarkey, George Gates. Harold Tregilgas. Keith KiggeUs, Bill Teurek, A1 Holman, Don Orput, Howard Bowles, Frances Yoran. James Sheehy, Russell Fox. Ben Dorris. Jack Dundore, Charles Dundore, Bill Snyder, W. ,T. Mulkey, Glen Dudley, Orville Monteith, Earl j Fortmiller, Hollis Huntington, Shy Hunt I ington, James Vance, Stanley Anderson, i Lenard Flone, Walter Anspoker, Neil j Morfitt, Kenneth Bartlett, Walter j Church. # « « ! A delightful dinner wua given at thk Hotel Osburn on Tuesday evening by Professor and Mrs. Ellis F. Lawrence University, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A of the architectural department of the i H. Schroff. Mr. Schroff is the new pro (Continued on page four) II We Study the Students And their wants and needs in everything pertain ing to sports, athletics or physical accessories. This, of course, applies to supplies for football, basketball, gymnasium, tennis, golf—or any other form of outdoor play or work. Quality speaks for itself—our PRICES NEED NO EXPLANATION “Shy” Huntington in charge of our athletic department. Glad to meet you! ^ HAUSER BROS. Outfitters of Sportsmen and Athletes EUGENE SALEM ALBANY REX THEATRE I , The Home of Paramount Pictures—Conceded to be the Best Matinee, fl Oc Continuous Performance, 1:30 to 11 p. m. Admission: Evening, | 5c Children, Monday and Tuesday PARAMOUNT PRESENTS “An International Marriage” I FEATURING Rita Jolivet , A REAL LIFE COIJNTESS STAR OF THE STAGE AND THE COURTS OF EUROPE Courtney Foote STAR OF HYPOCRITES Page Peters THE LATE LAMENTED YOUNG ROMNATIC ACTOR IN HIS LAST APPEARANCE IN PHOTOPLAYS “THE INTERNATIONAL MARRIAGE” IS THE FAMOUS LOVE STORY OF KlTHERINE ELKINS, THE CELEBRATED BEAUTY AND HEIRESS OF WASHINGTON, AND THE DUKE OF THE ABRUZZI, DRAMATIZED AS ONLY GfEORGE BROAD HURST KNOWS HOW. TH ERE’LL BE A CROWD—COME EARLY