Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, September 23, 1916, Image 1

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) I
Renowned Mystic Will Address
Students in Villard Hall
Thursday Evening.
Stop is one of 33
Was Awarded Nobel Prize in
t 1913 for Literary Accom
I1 Rabindranath Tagore, the great Hindu
jOoet, psychologist and lyric, whose first
production of genius eminated from the
'far-away, mystic land of oriental East
i few years ago, will be in Eugene
Thursday evening and will speak at Vil
^nrd hall. It was due to the strenuous
[efforts of the associated students of the
(University assisted by the Collegiate
[Alumnae association and the Fortnightly
plub of Eugene that the Bengali mystic
tigreed to appear here. His lecture in
Eugene will be one of only 33 which ho
bvill make in the whole United States.
< Tagore will come under the auspices
Ijf the associated student body with the
feo-operation of the fortnightly club, the
Collegiate alumnae association and t lie
•University of Oregon. Nicholas Jaure
^uy, president of the associated student
>jody. has selected a committee to take
.•harge of all arrangements pertaining
\o the lecture. The members of this
committee are: Rosalind Bates, Stanley
katon, De Witt Gilbert, Martha Beer, Ed
Harwood, chairman.
! General admission to the lecture will
jie 50c and student admissiun 25c.| In
yiew of the fact that seats for the
[Tagore lecture in Portland Tuesday
evening are selling for $1.50, local peo
ple are justified in feeling that the poet’s
(late here is a real favor.
I: Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the
gioble prize for literary accomplishment
Bn 1913, and since then, the great genius
if the East has been welcomed in the
West by a chorus of applause. He has
lieen exalted to a place of prominence in
ihe United States during the past four
years. His prose has been eagerly de
voured, his philosophy digested and the
subtle simplicity of his poems and songs
*ias won a place of real favor wherever
lhey are known.
1 Although the subject of Tagore’s lec
ture here Thursday evening has not
been given out, it is certain that his talk
Jvill hold the audience in an undivided
^ ,mit of interest, as has been the case
elsewhere. His very personality of
mysticism commands attention.
The psychological novel “Gora” and
"he mystic “The King of the Dark Cham
ber,” are perhaps among the best known
if his works.
In his native land, Tagore is known
jis the Shakespeare of the East. By
jiterary critics it is thought almost in
credible that his plays are so readily ae- |
yepted by the West. Their popularity is |
argely due to their metaphysical quality I
|ind peculiar subtlety,
l The poet has spent the most of his
Tfe in India, where he was born in 1801,
working for the upliftment of his peo
> He holds a chair as doctor of litera
:ure at the University of Calcutta in
livhich city he was born in 1861. He is .
the son of Mahurshi Debendra Nath
'Tagore and the grandson of Prince
jDwarkanath Tagore of India, not
fcd personages in their native land. Ta
gore’s home address is Shantininiketan, j
Bolpur, Bengal, India.
IjJeath Result of Operation for Wire in i
His Lungs.
Chauney t'unning ’10. of Baker, Ore
Iron. died at the residence of his sister,
-Airs. Royal J. Allen. Monday September j
( Mr. Cunning's death was due to an 1
jinusual accident. Last winter while at
llempting to cleanse his nose according
lo physicians’ orders he chocked and ft
(small piece of wire which he was using
Vas drawn into his lungs. For months
lie was in St. Vincents hospital in Port
land following an operation. He was
Considered out of danger and returned to
liis home. Sunday night he became worse
, And died twenty-four hours later,
!| He was ft charter member of the local
Chanter of Alphn Tau Omega.
#■ « « «
Seniors out!
out! Freshmen
That is the
mittees in c
for the annual
on Kincaid fie
taken their w
obvious zaz an
ing, no inform
the members.
Jack Monta
juniors will se
positive about
tion, and ever
be on hand w
swinging club
of fairness,
surely be.
all parties ini'
be fairness, ace
The mix will
ainette game a
from today,
be by student
people and vis
to the entertain
for the regulf
Juniors out! Sophomores
out! Everybody out!
Spirit with which the com
rge of the preparations
under-class mix to be held
, October 7, have under
ork. Rut except for the
i pep that they are show
ition can be gleaned from
gue has promised that the
to their part of the en
Keith Giggins is equally
the sophomore representa
•y senior is expected to
ith his shining star and
to aid in the enforcement
For fairness there will
at has been assured by
olved. Yea. there shall
ording to the committees,
precede the Oregon-Will
nd will be held two weeks
.Admission to the game Will
body ticket, but towns
itors will be admitted both
ling stunts and to the game
admission price.
History Re
r the First Time in Its
presents Student Body.
The Univer
strictly studen
available on a
am very optomi
the year,” say
director of the
did material o
it being furnis
Great interest
members. One
is being offered
Miss Forbes
in Chicago thisp
new bass-viol,
splendid new
Tryouts hav
ship will be a
Election of
regular practii
evening in Vi
ity Orchestra is now n
organization and will be
ny University occasion. ,'T
stic over our prospects for
s Miss Winifred Forbes,
orchestra. "We have splen
1 hand more than half of
bed by the freshmen class,
is being shown by new
hour of University credit
for a year’s work.”
further states that while
summer she purchased a
hew kettle drums and some
music for the orchestra,
e been held and member
Jinounced early next week,
’icers will be held at the
e hour at 7:15 Tuesday
ard hall.
Class in Dram
Stage “Pippa
The classes
tion will be
ferent lines
E. S. Bates, h
Rhetoric, who
A. F. Reddie's
engagement w
“For this ye
tic interprets
by the depart
has been planet
course, as w
duction of play;
“We will endea
sire history of
ment of the dr
with other litf
No freshma
these classes a
admitted has
J. Frederic Tt
act as assists
A complete
given during
not been decide
nel of the cla
fore a defin\t»
The two pin;
ed are “Pippa
of Oz,” “Pi
Browning, will
duction of the
about three
mances of the
and 7.
“The Magic
“The Wizard c
a member of
staged as the
Only 10 Less
Total regist
University at
week has reach
only fan of e<j
all of last yea
pared yet pi
cuts enrolled
have alerady
atic Interpretation Will
Passes” in Few Weeks.
in dramatic interpreta
conducted on slightly dif
s year, according to Dr.
ead of the department of
is to have charge of Prof,
classes during his year’s
the Lyceum circuit,
ar, the classes in drama
tion will be taken over
rpent of rhetoric, hence it
ed to make it a literary
as a course in the pro
s,” announced Dr. Bates,
vor to give a comprehen
the growth and develop
ama, and of its connection
rary productions.”
n are to lie admitted to
ud the number of students
been limited to fifty. Mrs.
orne has been secured to
nt in the department,
list of the plays to lie
the coining semester has
d upon, since the person
ss will be considered lie
decision is made,
s which have been seleet
Passes” and “The Magic
apa Passes,” by Robert
be the first student pro
year, and will be given
weeks after the perfor
faculty play, October t>
of Oz” a dramatization of
f Oz.” by Rosalind Bates,
the senior class, will be
Christmas play this year.
than That for All of Last
raton of students in the
the close of the second
;d 8tW. This number lacks
nailing the registration for
f. Tin* office is not pre
'e out tlie number of stud
each class. 77H students
id their das* taxes,
pmelemc flora
Two Cases Among 25 Charges
Discovered WellFounded.
Alumnae Board Believes Wo
men's Fraternities Endeav
oring Fair Rushing
The Pan-Hellenic alumni board held
five regular and three special meet
ings between September 12 and 211.
The board during this time discuss
ed and investigated approximately 25
charges of broken Pan-Hellenic local
compact and in only two cases did
the charge prove well founded.
The alumni board recommended
penalties in these two cases and the
penalties were inflicted by the Uni
versity of Oregon Pan-Hellenic as
sociation as follows.
Chi Omega was deprived of three
rushing dates Wednesday morning
September 13, through breaking the
pledge day rule as a consequence of
a misinterpetation of by law eight in
the constitution of the Oregon Pan
Hellenic which says, “The term fresh
man applies to any newly matricul
ated student.” A student of sopho
more standing was pledged by that
fraternity before pledge day in the
belief that she was not newly matri
culated as she had been last year
matriculated at Heed College. The
lack of intentional infringment of the
rules was patent through their im
mediate announcement of the pledging
and the penalty inflicted was in con
sequence not severe.
Gamma Phi Beta was deprived
of the privelege of rushing or bid
ding (sisters excepted and Infrequent
entertainment of non-fraternitv col
lege women permitted) fropi now un
til commencement week through
'breaking rule five, section B of the
copact which reads, “After 11:30 Fri
day no fraternity woman Shall com
municate with a 'ushee untfil her bid
is answered.” A Gamma IJ’hi alumni
accompanied by an active member
reached the room of a rushee shortly
after 11:30 p. m. Friday night and
stayed for some minutes talking to
her after the head of her house had
informed her of the hour.j As the
compact states that each fraternity
shall be held responsible for the ac
tions of individual members, active
and alumni, the entiri chapter suf
fers the penalty.
(Signed,) | 0
Chairman of the Alumni Board.
The alumni board. which has been
meeting every day for the past week,
after an impartial hearing of the charge
against Gamma Phi Beta, handed in the
above decision at 4 o’clock Thursday.
The penalty was inflicted by the Uni
versity Pan-Hellenic association and will
go into effect immediately, i
The infringement of the rushing rules
occurred Friday, night, September 15,
when Kate Stanfield, an : alumna of
Gamma Phi Beta, and Sarah Barker,
a junior, called on Elsie fitzmaurice,
a freshman, after eleven thi'rty o’clock.
Miss McKenzie had left the chapter
house before eleven o'clock and did
not realize the lateness of the hour when
she made her call. The alleged reason
for her visit was to deliver a message
to Miss Fitzmaurice from mutual friends
in Portland.
When Helen Johns, head k>f the fra
ternity, discovered the absence of Miss
Stanfield and Miss Barker sjhe immedi
ately followed them to the residence of
Miss Fitzmaurice and warned them of
the lateness of the hour. It was then
after 11 :.’50 o'clock.
The offense was discovered shortly
after midnight the same evening when
Mrs. Allen, on the trnck of another
broken ruling had occasion to call on
Miss Fitzmaurice. Miss fitzmaurice
mentioned the call of the Gamma I’hl
Betas and the charge was Immediately
taken up. Besides the two charges Just
cited there were twenty-five other re
ports of violated rushing rules Investi
gated by the alumni board, All of them
were found to lie groundless
“The unanimous conviction of the
alummie board is that belief hi unfair
methods of rushing charged1 to various
womens fraternities in pastl years has
--— |——
(Continued on ga§e fgur)
Polishing Process Initiated Al
though Stiff Work Continues.
Spellman and Tuerck Still on
Hospital List; Parsons
Due Tonight.
Jimmy Sheehy.
When it comes to hulldoging “steers”
and riding the "Kicking horses,” the
Pendleton buckeroes have nothing on the
nightly gyrations of Hugo Bezdek and
his outfit. So strenuous have the work
outs been that several of the boys re
sorted to “pulling leather” to retain
their equilibrium.
Bezdek is still dishing out three
squares of conditioning potions. Block
ing, kicking, tackling, and falling on the
ball continues to get the brunt of the
attention. Coupled with these funda
mentals. Czar Be/, has initiated the first
of the finishing off, and toning up pro
cesses. Not a detail of team organiza
tion has gone unnoticed. Such rudiments
as lining up for the kickoff, charging
with the kick, and using the hands in
getting by opponents, form the texts for
but a few of the Coach’s many lec
A disappointing feature of this week’s
practice was the Spellman and Tuerck,
of the hospital list, are still nursing their
bruises and will be unable to get into
scrimmage for sora.'. t'w . Spellman, his
shoulder swathed in adhesive and band
ages, has done little mote than fobow
the varsity in signal drill. An x-ray pic
ture taken during the early par: of the
week discounted any hopes of a sprain
and revealed a serious fracture. Tuerek’s
ailment is torn ligaments instead of
broken arches as previously reported
It is doubtful if he will be able to scrim
mage for over a fortnight.
In lieu of the cripples and Johnny
Beckett’s recent sickness, fandom has
focused its optics on the efforrs of
several second—stringers to break into
the black type. Since Tuerek’s incapaci
tation, Bezdek has been working on Ray
Couch to fit him for a backfield berth.
Although small in stature, and handi
capped by his lack of poundage, iie is
making i; fine showing in the nightly
scrimmage battles. Couch is a scrap;) ;r
from the ground up and the lemon-yel
low fans are pulling for him to make
his letter this year.
Roly-poly Skidmore, last year’s human
tackling dummy, and Carl Nelson, buck
ed their way during-the week to a place
on the training table. The former, al
though never considered seriously as
varsity material, has b.■•►seined out of
late and is learning fast. Nelson lias
the build to make an ideal half or end,
having played the latter position on a
Chicago prep school eleven.
Johnny Parsons is due to arrive in Eu
gene this evening and will report for duty
Monday afternoon. If lie is the Parsons
of old he will have little difficulty in
stepping into a halfback job. In Shy
Huntington, Monteith, and Parsons the
varsity will have three of the best
ground-gainers and defensive backs in
the conference. Bill Tuerck, with a
year's experience under Bezdok, h."
first call on the fullback job providing
he can get his under-pinings in shape
to stand the long seasons grind. llo'Ms
Huntington, Couch, and Jenson will uo
doubt he groomed to step into backfield
berths when the occasion demands.
Looking around at the other gridiron
emporiums one finds every eleven busy
toiling r.way at pre-seeson stunts. Lone
star Dietz, who piloted the famous VV.
S. C. team through a season of success
es last year, is again at the helm. Al
though the starters turned out for the
first time last Tuesday, some 40 men
were on hand to uphold the maroon and
gray. With an array of old men back
Diet* expects to repent his last year's
performance. Coach Plpnl, the new O.
A, C, mentor, Is busy with a largo squad
uud Is sending out weekly wallings con
cerning a shortage of tried material.
''California Is 100 per cent stronger
today than she was at this time last
year,” quotes a reporter on the Dally
Californian, after the blue and gold had
decisively whipped the Olympic club lifi
to 0 last Muturdny, Evidently Oregon
will face a far different team In Novem
ber than that which Doble unmerci
fully whaled last year.
i# * * *
# « # «
‘Armed with dutch cleanser, rags, scrub
brushes, and gasoline, fifteen frosh in
dustriously, furiously, and at times pro
fanely, rubbed, scrubbed, scratched, and
otherwise attempted to eradicate a large
green ‘20” which indecorously, improp
erly, and contrary to the asthetic sense
and humor of the mustachcd Seniors
decorated the senior bench and Sun Dial
on the campus this morning.
!It must be that the green lid which
eoveret’u the dome of the irosh even .'.s
tlv' big “O” hideth the outline o£ Skin
ne,rs butte, effects that part of the
anatomy knows, is the brain and eauseth
hij! eye to see harmony only in the
emerald stain and turneth his hand to
wi|>rks of art. Be that as it may, they
ha,ve done it again.
[Swift as was the punishment visited
upon the present sophomores last year
bjt the irate seniors under the direction
of Merlin Batle.v erstwile yell leader,
songster, and Prexy of 1916. even more
glSomy appears the outlook for the com
fort of the frosh this day. Mr. Pres.
Hawkshnw Geary of the senior class
viewed the scene of rampage this morn
ing with stern countenance and glowing
e.\jO but made no comment. In the hum
ble opinion of a happy soph, the frosh
will long remember and cherish this dry
aild tell the future green lidders with a
tvlisted smile that it was one of the best
dfj.vs of his freshman year.
Now, to forecast and predict the fu
ture for the entertainment of the Co
eds. It is evening. The frosh are gath
ered from all corners of the campus,
aiid formed in line under the careful
r-;ida a t of the upperclassman. With
pants o. • high and reluctantly chanting
“ l; i iah Oregon” the frosh are -oarc*
e<,l quickly to the damaged portions *-><
view again their work of the wee small
Ilnurs. They pass before the senior
bench with head bent low in reverence
while some sturdy senior perforins the
ceremony known as the “laying on of
hands.” They serpentine onward to the
historic mill race which has quenched
many times the fires of adolescent youth.
Its smooth surface is soon a scene of
turmoil. The frosh are penitent and
wish to show the seniors the extent of
tl’eir grief. They disperse. Another
dny passes. Noon comes and while the
satisfied upordassmen and sophomores
enjoy a snmptmis repast, the frosh still
clamor for space at the mantel.
Last Year’s Track Captain Out of Con
dition; Loses in Two Summer Meets.
"Chet, Fee, Oregon’s track captain last
your, took part in two meets this sum
mer, one at San Diego, the other in
New Jersey. Fee was evidently out of
condition ns his performances were not
aii good as at Oregon.
At Sun Diego in the western cham
pionships, representing the Multnomah
club, he took second in the javelin.
Liversedge of the University of Cali
fornia grabbed first with a heave of
llfdl feet and seven inches. Fee has bet
tered this mark many times while at
.Coach Hayward received a letter from
Fee when he was on his way back to
New Jersey to enter the national cham
pionships there in which Fee said he
was not in shape. He did m*t place in
any event as his name was not men
tioned in the summary. The pole vault
was won at 12 feet nine and the javelin
with n throw of 190 feet six inches. Both
of these marks beat Fee’s best work.
mVs. Edmunson Resigns Portion of Aot
Ing Seorotary of Campus Y. W. C. A.
Mr*. C. H. Edmunson bas resigned from
tile position of acting secretary of the
ciimpns Y. W. C. A. because of ill health.
Mrs. Edmunson has held this position
slhce the beginning of the present semes
ter. Her immediate successor will be elect
ed in the course of a few days, accord
ing to Mrs. C. E. Caswell, chairman of
tile Y. W. (J, A. advisory committee.
.Miss Tirsa Dinsdale, the new secretary,
will take charge of the work In January.
Miss Hinsdale comes from Y, W. C. A.
work at the University of Wisconsin.
First Student Rally of the Year
Will Be Held in Villard
Hall. g
Speeches Scheduled; Team Will
Be Present; Yells Will Be ^
Lead to Awaken Zaz. ^
(By Harry Crain) i
Pep! We’ve got it in abundance but—
it needs to be exercised. Hence, the fiist
student body rally of the year, ia Vil
lard hall next IVednesday morning, at
10:00 o’clock, the hour usually devoted
to assembly.
* In announcing the rally yesterday af
ternoon President Nicholas Jaureguy al
so stated that the details of the affair
had yet to be arranged. Hd.vsyc., l.e
promises a spontaneous demonstru.ion
of the Oregon apirit, for nmon” otoer
things Coach Beatdek will make it l.r.own
that we have “a grand old state,” a new
feature on which the Wednesday rally
committee has secured exclusive rights. 4
"Bill” Hayward is also billed to appear,
but beyond this the personnel of the pep
awakeners has not been decided. There
will be representatives from the alumni,
the Women’s League, each of the teams
in debate, track, baseball, tennis, foot
ball and other activities and, if aey
dout’ take up the entire hour, there v.ll
be more speeches, all of them red hot
in their pertinence.
“Who the yell leaders for Wednesday
will be I do not know” said Jaureguy.
“Good pep inspirers seem to be scarce
this year and the committee will prob
ably have some difficulty in deciding on
the leaders foi* the first rally. The
mccess of the rally will depend more
,i,)on the pep of the individual students
! .an on their lender and I want to im
press upon the freshmen the importance
of their knowing the songs and yells.’
While the Wisdnesdny assembly hour
is scheduled ns the first student body
meeting of the year and for the consider
ation of student body business, only mat
ters demanding immediate consideration
will be brought up and these disposed
of ns rapidly as possible to allow more
time for the rally. If the band organiza
tion can be reasonably perfected they
will be there to furnish the noise, or
rather part of it, as you sand you would
be there with the rest.
Freshman English Examinations Wars
Given to Sava Confusion.
The reason for giving the freshmen
English examinations before allowing the
candidates to file their study cards was
to eliminate the confusion which has oc
curred from some students being placed
in two hour courses and some in three,
declared Professor W. F. G. Thatcher,
professor of Rhetoric.
It is natural that a student does not
wish to lose an hour after he has signed
up for three hours in English and finds
two weeks Inter that he will be required
to take only one. It means that he must
either register i^i another one hour sub
ject after the recitations had started or
content himself with what he has left.
“The new plan was fine, theoretically”,
said Professor Thacher yesterday, “But I
fear that it did hot give the student a fair
chance ns it necessarily had to be con
ducted very hastily.”
Professor Thacher said that he knew of
several students in three hour courses
who were now doing w'ork that would
warrant their being in a two hour course.
The English hospital which is conducted
for the benefit of upper classmen who
need work in English will be started the
second semester.
Regular Praotioo Will Begin Monday at
4 o’Cloolt In Vlllard Hall.
The second tryout of old and new men
for the Glee club was held last Monday
afternoon In Vlllard hall. The success
ful songsters are: 2nd base: Earl Leslie,
Beach, Peas, White, Kennon; 1st bass:
Stearns, Miles, Spangler, McCallum,
Peterson, Folts: 2nd tenor: Ralston,
Vance, Smith, Scaiefe, Hazeltine, Scearce,
Still; 1st tenor: Bond, Houston, Madden,
Welnheimer, Holsman, Phipps.
These men are requested to meet for
practice at 4 o'clock Monday in Vlllard.