Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 16, 1916, Page Three, Image 3

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fc?o. 22. VoL II
MANY Alumni of Oregon colleges are candidates
in the primary election to be held Friday, May 19.
Without: exception, so far as the alumni editor
knows, these men and women are well qualified
for the offices that they seek. In many cases, the
opposing candidates are likewise well qualified. When such is the
case, the voter will cast his ballot with the pleasing expectation that,
-■whoever wins, the trust of public office will be safely bestowed and
its duties well administered.
People generally have come to appreciate the practical worth
lessness of a degree gained by a man or a woman who is without
ambition to use his knowledge and his training in the sen-ice of his
fellows. That competent men with college training are willing to
stand for public office is an encouraging fact. That Oregon is find
ing it possible to pick leaders bred and trained within the state for
many positions of honor and trust seems a hopeful sign to those
who believe that the Oregon system of popular government is never
safer than when administered by officials whose sympathies with
the ideals and tendencies of western democracy have been nurtured
in educational institutions that know and reflect that democracy, and
in considerable measure inspire it to new achievement.
Many Oregon college alumni will doubtless vote against fel
low alumni with the conviction that the opposing candidates have
superior qualifications. But where qualifications otherwise do not
turn the balance, the thinking citizen will realize that training in
an Oregon college is a potent help in giving to an official the neces
sary basis for understanding Oregon conditions, needs and pos
Mary E. McCornack Calls on
University’s 500 Alumnae
to Aid the Girls.
To the Alumnae of Oregon:
Every true woman wishes to serve
wherever there is the largest opportunity
for usefulness. The graduate women of
Oregon think that our state university
should give the broadening vision of
service, the sense of responsibility, the
power to think clearly, and the execu
tive ability which the best colleges in
America give to their graduates.
Many young women in the state can
not attend the University because of lack
of funds. The State Association of Ore
gon Alumnae was organized June 25,
1907, to meet this need, to unite the
alumnae throughout the state for prac
tical educational work.
In July, 1912, it was possible to es
tablish the Mary Spiller scholarship. It
consists of room and board at Mary
Spiller hall and has been maintained for
four years. The five hundred women
who have graduated from the University
of Oregon will be interested to know
that they can be of service to other
young women in the state and to our
University by joining this association
and paying the annual fee of one dollar.
As we receive assistance from the state
during four or more years, there should
grow up in us a sense of obligation, a
desire to be of service to other young
women in Oregon. As a kindness has
been shown to us by the state we should
jpass it on.
This scholarship has been made possi
ble by the annual dues paid by a small
number of the alumnae and by an annual
gift of $25.00 from the Portland Alumnae
association. We need have no fear that
Sny banquet, dinner dance, parade or
fireworks will be financed from this fund
SB the work of this association is specific.
AH dues have been applied directly to
the scholarship fund. Any girl graduate
of an accredited high school of Oregon,
outside of Lane county, is eligible to re
ceive this scholarship. This does not
preclude the granting of it to a woman
already enrolled in the University. The
•.ward for next year wMl be madle June
All scholarship bills are paid to date,
but this has taken heroic efforts on the
part of the executive committee. The
scholarship is protected by a one hun
dred dollar emergency fund which is in
vested in a local bank at 4 per cent. This
sinking fund should be kept intact and
Some more dollars are needed now to
pay bills for the remaining weeks of this
■>ear and for next year. The few who
have been in close touch with the work
wiU again pay their annual dues in June
but we wish that all may become inter
ested in this work.
The annual home coming and business
meeting of the association will be held
Saturday morning of commencement
week. There are about 500 of us scat
tered over the world. Let all who can
Sttend come with the glad right-hands
free to greet friends, old and new, and
the left-hands, each clasping a big dol
lar to be used for the Oregon girls who
wish to study at the University and can
not without our assistance.
Helped by us these girls may be able
to carry on work we would like to see
done, but can not ourselves accomplish.
All dues should be sent to Mrs. J. F.
Bovard, Fisk flats; 11th avenue East,
Eugene, Oregon.
* —-— *
The annual musical meeting of the
Eugene Alumnae association will be held
at the home of Mrs. H. F. Hollenbeck,
265 Eight Avenue East, May 20, at 2:30
The program will be as follows:
Duo Dramatique.Renaud de Vilbac
Mrs. Hollenbeck and Miss Ruth Davis
Berceuse from Jocelyn.Godard
Martha Tinker
Violin ... Obligato
Melba Williams —
Selected piano solo .
Jessie Fariss
The Sweetest Flower that Blooms.
. Hawley
The Cuckoo .Brown
A University quartette composed of
Mamie Gilette, Martha Tinkjpr, Leah
Perkins and Iva Wood.
The State Alumnae will hold its annual
meeting at the University at nine o’clock
Saturday morning June 3. Election of
officers for next year will be held, and
plans will be made for an effective way
of collecting money for Mary Spiller
scholarship fund and for obtaining life
memberships. The Alumnae will have
charge of the Flower and Fern proces
sion on the evening of June 5.
Verena Black, ’13, is a republican can
didate for nomination for Lane county
treasurer. For the past two years Miss
Black has been principal of the union
high school at Crow, Or, She received
her clerical training at Garden City com
mercial college, Missoula, Mont., before
entering the University. She plans to do
all the clerical work in the treasury of
fice if elected.
Another republican who is a candidate
for nomination is Ella Moulton, ’12, who
is running for school superintendent of
Baker county. Miss Moulton is now
teaching German and mathematics at
Halfway, Or.
Fay Clark, T2, is a candidate for
county school superintendent of Baker,
subject to the democratic nominations.
The following -committee for Lane
County Alumni association entertainment
during commencement week has been ap
pointed by Wendell Barbour, president
of the organization: Mrs. Datson, chair
man; Mrs. L. H. Lewis, Mary McCor
nack; Earl Kilpatrick and Wilshire Bris
tow. A committee composed of Russel
Calkins, Wendell Barbour and Leon Roy
was appointed to confer with the Port
land and state alumni in regard to the
reorganization of the alumni in June.
The grading system now used by the
University of Missouri originated with
Prof. Max F. Meyer of the psychology
department of that school. The system
gives extra credit for exceptional ability
and work and negative credit for ineffi
ciency. Many other universities have
asked for an explanation of the system
and others have already adopted it.
Members of the home economics
classes in the University of Washington,
have the opportunity of occupying a
practical cottage, where they may work
out various problems in connection with
the arrangement of a home. Their abil
ity to solve these problems determine*
their fitness for graduation.
O ♦
♦ - ♦
♦ The Lane county alumni associa- ♦
♦ tion has appointed as a committee ♦ I
♦ for arrangements for commence- ♦j
♦ ment entertainment, Mrs. Edna ♦
♦ T. Datson, Mr. W. W. Bristow, ♦
♦ Miss Mary McCormick, Mrs. L. H. ♦
♦ Johnson and Mr. Earl Kilpatrick. ♦
♦ Mr. Walter C. Winslow, president ♦
♦ of the state alumni association has ♦
♦ confirmed this committee as a com- ♦
♦ mittee of the general association. ♦
♦ Suggestions sent to the chairman ♦
♦ of the committee at Eugene will- ♦
♦receive prompt attention. ♦
♦ ♦
Women’s Athletlo Association Holds
Annual Election; Plans for Big
Field Day, May 27.
The Woman’s Athletic association held
its annual election of officers yesterday
afternoon in the commerce building. The
following officers were elected. Presi
dent, Eyla Walker; Vice-President, Mar
garet Crosby; Treasurer, Gladys Conklin;
Secretary, Dorothy Childs.
The student body has given the Athle
tic association $25 with which to buy
trophies for the girls’ field day which will
be held Saturday, May 27.
The girls plan to make field day, which
will include, gold tennis archery, and
walging contests, as well as a track
meet, one of the biggest events of the
school year. Any girl in the University
may enter the events whether she be a
member of the athletic association or
not. The final baseball games of the
season between the majors in physical
training and the winners of the inter
sorority and club games, will be played
The trophies offered so far are, a yew
wood archery bow to the girl winning the
highest score in that sport, two pad
dles for the best canoeist a steel golf club
to the person winning first place in golf,
and a wooden one to the person win
ning second. A racquet will be given to
the best tennis player and a cup to the
winning baseball team. Medals will be
given the winners In the track meet.
There will be trophies for walking but
those have not been decided upon as
The program for field day is as fol
8 a. m., canoe contest.
8:30 a. m., tennis, golf and archery
0:30 a. m., final baseball games.
11:00 a. m., track meet which will
probably be composed of events includ
ing a 100 yard dash, broad and high
jump, shot pul/ walking contests and
short distance race.
At the present time swimming is not
one of the recognized sports in the athle
tic association. However girls in the Uni
versity who are interested on that sport
are planning to stage some swimming
contests sometime soon in an effort to
have the sport recognized by the as
sociation. Ethel Murray has charge of
the swimming and says that there will
be relay races, endurance races, and short
distance races. It is hoped that Mrs.
Ed Shockley and Marion Coffee can be
secured to give some exhibition diving
during the contests.
California Girls Batter Slangsters.
The girls of the University of Califor
nia and of Stanford University can use
better slang than their sisters in north
ern and eastern colleges, according to
Dean Ethel Hunley Coldwcll of the Uni
versity of Washington. We quote from
the University of Washington news let
“I am not so much of a purist in this
matter of the use of slang as some peo
ple are,” Miss Cold well said in an ex
pression of this distinguishing charac
teristic of the English language as it is
spoken by Americans, including Ameri
can college girls.
“I consider,” she further explained,
“that a certain amount of slang lends
picturesqueness and charm to the col
lege girl’s speech, or anyone’s, in fact.
But it must hare freshness and original
ity, and it is in these qualities that the
southern college girls’ expressions are
superior to ours up here.
“When, however, I say that I do not
object to slang, I do not mean the street
gamin variety. Such expressions as
‘peeved’ and ‘sore’ for cross and angry,
have no place in the college-bred girl’s
If ' " ..
58 and 60 Ninth Ave. E.
Twelve Graduates Accept Dr. Straub's
Invitation to Commencement.
About twelve or; fourteen enthusiastic
alumni will attend Commencement at the
University this yeftr, from Seattle. Dan
Bass who runs the Hotel Fry recently
held a little get-tdgether banquet at his
hotel at which this decision was made.
Among those who will probably con
stitute the party are: Dan Bass, Walter
McClure, Horace McClure, Caspar Judge
Chadwick, William Reuter, J. D. Bowles,
Henry McClure and J. D. Didemer.
At the banquet jneeting, a letter from
Mr. Stroub was read, urging the alumni
to come down for commencement and the
action favoring the trip immediately fol
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