Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 16, 1916, Image 1

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NO. 83.
Hiking, Walking, Fishing, Tour
ing and Summer School Work
Seem Most Popular.
Several Members Plan to Join
Mazamas on a Trip to the
,, Three Sisters.
• Ik...
The faculty members of the University
of Oregon aye planning to spend their
summer in various ways.
Dr. Joseph Schafer -will be busy
directing the University Summer school
until the latter part of July, and then, he
thinks he may decide to join the Mazamas
in their mountain climbing.
Instructor Allen Eaton will go to
Wyoming, New York, to engage in work
in connection with a village summer
school. He will later visit in New York
city and Boston.
Dr. William P. Boynton will take an
auto trip to Portland in June; will re
turn to Eugene for the summer school
and will later tour the Willamette valley
in his car.
Assistant Instructor Cecelia Smith
Bell will spend her vacation at her home
in Pioneer, Oregon.
Prof. Frederic S. Dunn will go to his
summer home “Breidablik,” in the na
tional forest reserve near the McKenzie
Dr. James D. Barnett will work in
the supreme court library at Salem and
in the Eugene libraries in connection with
the task of writing a book on civil ser
vice reform.
Professor Edgar E. DeCou will teach
in the summer school and may join the
Mazamas in August.
Dr. E. S. Bates will walk to Florence
after the close of this semester; he
will return for the summer school and
in August will take a horse back trip to
Crater Lake.
Dr. Robert C. Clark will enjoy hunt
ing and fishing in the mountains after
the close of the summer school.
Instructor H. A. Clark -will remain in
Librarian M. H. Douglas has made no
definite plans for the summer aside from
teaching in the summer school.
Coach Hugo Bezdek goes to the Uni
versity of Chicago to study medicine.
Professor Colin Victor Dyment will de
liver a course of lectures at the Univer
sity of California from June 26 to
August 6; after that date he will either
return to Oregon or work on a news
paper in California.
Dr. Timothy Cloran has made no plans
for his vacation but will be engaged in
summer school work.
Professor Robert P. Reeder will go
east by the way of San Francisco and
Denver, and contemplates doing research
work by the aid of the libraries of
Columbia University and the University
of Pennsylvania.
Instructor Allen J. De Lay will remain
in Eugene.
Dr. Frederick L. Shinn will be en
gaged in summer school work In July;
from August 6 to 20, he will be with the
Mazamas when they will attempt to climb
The Three Sisters.
Dr. Fred C Ayer will Indulge In hunt
ing and fishing in Oregon mountains
*fter he has completed his work in the
summer school.
President Prince L. Campbell will be at
the University of Oregon during a part
of the summer school; later he may
enjoy a two weeks outing with the
Professor Mabel H. Parsons will tour
Washington and Oregon in an automobile.
Dr. John Bovard -will not leave
Eugene; he will be engaged in summer
school work.
Instructor Roswell Dosch will go to
his home in Portland.
Dr. George Rebec is planning to teach
Mabel L. Cummings, director of
physical education for women, will spend
the summer touring Oregon. She will
go to the coast, climb The Three Sisters
and see the Columbia highway.
Instructor Frieda Goldsmith and Har
riet Thompson will motor by way of the
(Continued on page four)
Uses Hydrocloric
To Make Biscuits
Rita Hough Has No Need for
Baking Po
wder; She Can
Use Acid.
If you are out
can make biscuits
Reta Hough did
This is the
takes chemistry
powder is made.
F. Stafford of th^
told the class
sodium bicarbonat
just as well as
and the only reasi
instead of the tai
is a liquid instea
would be no m
amount of acid ne
sodium bicarbonat
ance of on expert
By way of exp
fully calculated
the acid and mad^
her improvised
she says they we
of baking powder you
just the same, girls—
iray it happened: Rita
|nd knows how baking
One day Professor O.
chemistry department
that Hydro-cloric acid
e would make biscuits
cjrdinary baking powder
on that it wasn’t used
taric acid is because it
d of a solid and theT
pans of calculating the
cessary to react on the
e without the assist
tfriment Rita very care
i:he proper amount of
a pan of biscuits with
baking powder. And
fe good!
Orchestra, B
and Soloists
to Succes
and, Glee Clubs
Will Contribute
sful Concerts.
any time the prai
tra, or glee clubi^
campus. On acci
being held before
will be here and 1
to have even bett<
Miss Forbes,
is coming along w
tra is practicing
week. We are g<
ate this year in
of Portland as
again.” Frederic
the greatest obeis
and perhaps so
visit made to
when he took par
orchestra at that
Another treat,
store for the
will be the viol:
Christenson, who
President of
Orchestra. Mr.
teen years old
from extensive s
He is considered
best violinist in tl
enson is to play
Commencement w
is drawing near and at
.dicing of band, orches
can be heard on the
ount of commencement
exams, all the students
n attempt will be made
er music than ever be
in commenting on the
uslc saidj “The music
ery nicely. The orchas
at least eight hours a
oing to be very fortun
having Frederick Starke
oboe soloist with us
k Starke is considered
t on the Pacific coast,
will remember his
ugene two years ago
t in the commencement
along musical lines, in
ommencement visitors,
in playing of Victor
is the son of the
Portland Symphony
Christenson is but six
and has just returned
tudy in New York City,
by some critics as the
e country. Mr. Christ
Monday evening of
Sunday afternoon of Commencement
week the combined Glee Clubs, known as
the Vesper Choir, will give Scene and
alleria Rusticana. This
but one of the best
Prayer from Cav
will be the last
At this musical
will play a pianc
services given by the choir this year.
service Mrs. Thatcher
solo; Miss Forbes a
violin solo, and several selections will
be given by the orchestra.
It is the hope of those in charge of
the music for the week to have many
concerts on the campus. One evening the
Women’s Glee Club will give a twilight
concert, as they did last year—the Men’s
Glee Club will give a serenade concert,
at a latter hour, on some other evening,
and the band will play some afternoon.
The exact days for these different con
certs have not been definitely decided
Sometime during the week also Mrs.
Middleton will sing a song composed by
David Campbell especially for the
pageant that has been postponed.
♦ ♦
♦ Student Council will hold session ♦
♦ tomorrow at 4:30. Regular meet- ♦
♦ ing place. Important. ♦
♦ ♦
♦ All those having memorial blanks ♦
♦ will please turn them in to Lamar ♦
♦ Tooze. ♦
Enlarged and Broadened Cour
ses Attractive to Teachers
and Students.
The plans for the twelfth anriual sum
mer session of the University are now (
complete. Prof. Joseph Schafer*, Direct- *
or of the Summer school and of the Ex
tension Department, stated today that
nothing remained to be done1 but to
wait until Monday, June 19, the opening
day. I
The summer school this yef^r offers
enlarged opportunities to teachers, as
well as students, both in more varied
courses, and in a wide Tange olt courses
in other subjects
Courses in physical education by
Robert Krohn, Portland’s director of
physical education; in art by Esther W.
West, director of art in the Portland
public schools; in music by Maude Joy
Beals, director of music in the public
schools of Auburn, Wash.; in educational
sociology by L. R. Alderman, superinten
dent of Portland schools and |formerly
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion, are some of the features. Dean D.
W. Morton of the University School of
Commerce will give a special course in
In addition to the regular faculty and
the above mentioned western specialists,
four notable easterners will giv^e special
lectures during the term. |
Robert W. Wenley, Professor of
Philosophy, University of Michignn will
be present only during the opening week.
Dr. Wenley is a distinguished scholar
of Scottish University training, and
a great lecture, according ti> Prof.
Schafer. He will lecture on tb|e follow
ing subjects: “The Romantic Story of
University Education in England; The
Democratic Universities of Scotland;
The American State University as It
Appears to a Foreigner; The Scholar and
The Community; and The Whole Man.”
J. Duncan Spaeth, Professor of Eng
lish, Princeton University, will lecture
each day of the session on Shakespeare.
Dr. Spaeth was here last year.
Edwin Ashbuty Kirkpatrick, Professor
of Education in the Fitchburg Normal
School and author of several ^>ooks on
educational themes, will give four lec
tures on education during the fifth week.
Adolph A. Berle, Professor of Social
Ethics, Tufts College, Cambridge, who
lectured during the sessions of 1912 and
1914, will be at the University after
June 9.
The University in offering' this six
weeks’ summer session according to
Registrar A. R. Tiffany, aims to extend
the opportunity of its equipment, library,
and instruction to those persons who
have this period open for study,! and who
in most cases are fully employed during
the regular college year. Seniors and
some times Juniors find it convenient,
according to a reliable source, to utilize
the six weeks in an effort to graduate
with their class.
Information in regard to the terms
of admission, entrance fees, courses of
study, registration and accompiodations
may be obtained from Mr. Tiffany.
Freshman Will Hold Meeting to Elect
Officers for Next Year.1
The freshman class this year has
started a new custom in the way of elec
tions. Instead of the elections being held
in the fall, after entering college, as has
always been the custom heretofore, they
will be held this semester. Any office
will be filled to be taken charge of
at the beginning of the next year.
The arguments put up by the support
ers of the ruling is that it will make
the organization of the class more com
plete for the beginning of the next year.
The freshman-sophomore mix comes off
during the first two or three Weeks of
'he school year, and with a littlje organ
ization, the class will be more able to
compete with the greater numbler of the
new men.
Nominations for the coming year will
be held at the next meeting of the fresh
man class, which will probably be some
time during the present week.
The election, with the possibilities as
very doubtful, at present, will come the
week, following tfee nominationi.
Senior Men's Age
Less Than Co-eds'
Juniors Are Grandfathers in
University According
to Statistics.
The junior men are the oldest people
at Oregon according, to statistics from
the office. There average ago is 22.S8
The Senior women come next averaging
22.S6. While the senior and freshman
men are younger than their co-ed class
mates, the reverse is true in the sopho
more and junior classes. ...The figures
show that the sophomore men are .45
years older than the sophomore women
and that the junior men arc .64 years
older than junior women.
Traditions were smashed when three
senior men refused to put down their
ages, while every woman in school gave
that information.
The average age of students entering
Oregon is 19.26 and of those leaving at
graduation is 22.77.
The average man at Oregon is 21.61
and the average woman is 21.21 making
the average student 21.41.
18 Are Present at Banquet at
Osburn After “Arizona;”
$400 Is Cleared.
The cast of the senior class play, “Ari
zona” ended its successful performance
with a banquet in the Japanese tea room
of the Osburn hotel. The play, which
was given in the Eugene theatre last
Friday evening cleared nearly $400 for'
the class.
Eighteen persons: the members of the
cast, James W. Mott, the coach, and
Leslie Tooze, the business manager, were
seated about the table. The place cards
were miniature replicas of each member's
part. On the cover was the actor’s name
and the name of the part which he or
she had in the play. The first inside
page was covered with clippings from
the “Emerald” which told of the way
the actor had handled the part. The other
pages contained favorite lines from that
person’s speeches.
The banquet was rather informal and
no long speeches were indulged in. It
was the occasion of a general good time.
Several of the more famous scenes of
the play were repeated. Merlin Batley
made a short speech of appreciation of
the work done by Mr. Mott in coaching
the play.
The actors later turned themselves in
to a glee club and gave a rendition of the
songs of Oregon. About eight-thirty,
after a yell for Mr. Mott and the famous
senior class yell,
“Some class, . •
Pretty keen, iJjliS&T''?
U. of O. sixteen.” '^
the cast disbanded.
Those who were present at the banquet
were, Clark Burgard, Earl Bronaugh,
Robert EaTl, Merlin Batley, Chester Mil
ler, Glen Wheeler, Cleveland Simpkins,
Walter Church, Wilmot Foster, Mandell
Weiss, Hermes Wrightson, Charlie Fen
ton, Rita Fraley, Esther Chalmers Edith
Ochs, George Kinsey, James Mott and
Leslie Tooze.
Seven Events Including Track Meet;
Trophies Will Be given.
The men are not the only people who
can hold field days, the women have one
scheduled for May 27, for co-eds only.
The events include: a half mile canoe
race between the winners of the. fresh
man-Bophomore and junior-senior teams,
archery, golf, tennis, swimming, track
meet, and baseball. With the exception
of baseball the contest will all be to
establish inter-class championships. The
baseball game will be between the win
ners in the “doughnut” games and the
major team. Complications are evident
in case the Oregon club team continues to
win and qualify for the finals because
several of this team are majors.
Trophies will be offered by the Wom
an’s athletic association.
The events for the track meet are: a
40 yard dash, relay race, running broad
jump, running high jump, shot put, and \
two funny events,
Rain Dampens Spirit of Seattle Trackmen Following Lemon*
Yellow 71-to-60 Victory Over 0. A. C.—Hayward Will
Mobilize Thursday, With 12 Husky Tracksters Primed
for a Hard Battle.
News from the University of Washing
ton following the Oregon victory over
the “Aggies” reveals that the northern i
trackmen are shivering in their spikes |
at tiie prospect of the coming invasion.
The lemon-yellow traeksters leave
Thursday *or Seattle in the “qlnkest” of
condition and expect to bring home the
covetted bacon. Twelve men will com
prise ‘Bill’ Hayward’s army.
Last Friday dual meet with O. A. C.
resulting in a 71-to-tiO victory revealed
strength that the Oregon layman had not
The surprise of the day came in the
sprints; first, when Oscar Gorezky, ran
off from Kadderly in the century dash
with Peacock at his elbow. Gorezky’s
comp-vnck is note-worthy. Three years
ago he entered Hayward’s fold with a
scintillating record of track prowers at
Colombia “prep.” Before ho entered
Oregon, however, he was laid on the shelf
with typhoid fever. From that time,
three years ago, until the Friday meet,
he never approached his scholastic status.
His debut came a« a result of a consistent
three-year grind under Haywood. Pea
cockf too, surpassed expectations. Both
can be relied upon to give the Washing
ton sprinters, Stenstrum and Newton,
a rperry chnse in the shorter distances.
Chester Fee, with his usual versatil
ity was the stellar star in the “Aggie”
adventure, and will garner point from
Washington. Washington brags of a
pole-vaulter, who hns made somewhere
near1 a baker’s dozen of vertical feet, and
Fee has done the same stunt. What is
more Chet likes competition.
Muirhead tied Fee for points in the
“Aggie” meet and probably would have
gone better had he not fell down in high
jump. It looks as if “Moose” is devoting
too much attention to his “Tin Lizzie”
and its decorations. Muirhead, however,
will be in tip-top, condition and will go
after the northerners with a vengance.
“Cotton" Nelson, who holds the north
west record in the half, hns come back
strong after considerable sickness for the
past; two seasons. In the recent meet he
beat Coleman—one of O. A. C’s safe-bets
in the half, and will probably be in still
better trim in Seattle.
One of Oregon’s staTs is Leo Bost
wick, who has sailed to the front in
runs upwards of two miles. Bostwick
has not been headed this season and looks
good for anything up to the historical
.Sitaub had a little hard luck in a hard
quarter in which he worked nn effective
box but he could not rip the lead off
soon enough to do his best. Wilson is
showing up fine in the shorter events and
can be relied on for hard competition.
Bartlett is fust coming to the front in
the discuss in which he took second
against Cole, O. A. C.
Thing's look blue for Washington track
team when they meet Oregon on Denny
field next Saturday, the chief reason be
ing that the old alibib, the weather.
This factor, coupled with the fact that
Washington has ore of the worst tracks
in the west, not excepting high school
and grade school tracks, is to be blamed
for the poor condition of the team.
Newton and Stenstrom are both good
century men when in condition and aught
to win in both sprints. Stenstrom is
in the middle of m bnd slump just now
and needs at least; a week to get back
into shape. Newton is Tunning in good
Drummond and Newton are the quar
ter men, but they have not rounded into
shape in this everit yet and they mush
over Denny field’s tortuous trail in about
:52. With more time they should both
cut this down to ,:50 flat.
Captain Clyde ; is the old, reliable
Waterbary of the' outfit, and with the
new Swiss movement, which he has
adopted this year,I ho ought to have no
trouble in the mi lb and half-mile. Mac
Donald will bo hist running mate in thd
mile and Woodbridge in the half.
Knight and Gillson will probably ha
the entries in the 1220 hurdles and Gib
son will travel ovAr the high sticks. Al
though Knight has made fair time in tha
220 event, the time generally has been
slow in these events. The two-mile will
be taken care of by Dill and Corbett,
and they will be up against one of .tha
best two-milers on the const.
In the broad jump, Stuehell, Harris
and Fix have all b|i>en trying this method
of aerial navigation with more or less
success, principally the latter. Stuehell
and Ilurlburt in the pole vault have been
doing around eleven feet. This should be
compared with Stuchell’s mark of twelve
feet eight inches, [which he made about
this time Inst year.
Young, It. Smith, Sehively and Grant
will light it out fot] the right to represent
Washington in thp high jump. In the
weights Washington is weak. Anderson
is probably the bqst man in the javelin
and Bonnell, Coehynn, Murphy and Wirt
make up the rest of the weight squad.
Oregon will not have as many good
men as they had last year, but Chester
Fee and Muirhead tire about all they need
to beat an ordinary college track team.
Fee is one of the] best all around track
men in the country, having been rnted
as third best all round man at the San
Francisco games jnst summer. Ho is
equally good in the] track and field events
and is hard to bjsat with the weights.
Muirhead holds <fonst records in the
hurdles and can high jump over six
feet. Needless toisay, Oergon will have
other very good men on her team and res
gardless of the “b|?nr stories” which she
has sent out, it w|ould not be surprising
if she repeated hey last year’s stunt and
won the conference] title again—Washings
ton Daily. i
Faculty Baseball Team Goes to Corvallis
to Clash With 0. A. C. Faculty.
Yes, the overworked faculty—or at
leant ten of them—have felt the call of
Spring, too, for today at 11:15 their
baseball team which has been and still is
a reekonable contender in the Doughnut
series, went by auto to Corvallis in res
ponse to a challenge from the O. A. C.
teaching staff recently received by Cap
tain Ayer. The line-up is: Ayer, p; Wil
liams, lb.; Shockley, c.; Granger, ss
Morton, .'lb.; Stetson, 3b.; Foster, rf.;
Winger, cf.; Smith, If. and Bezdek, 2b.
After the game they will stay in Corvallis
for supper as guests of O. A. C. returning
later in the evening.
The faculty nines of Oregon and O. A.
C. were pitted against each other twice
last year. The contests resulted in vic
tories for O. A. C. both times but with
(Continued on page.four},.
Local Fraternity ( Adjourns Sine
After Threp Years’ Exist
ence on Campus.
On Monday eveping Iota Cht, a local
fraternity at the University of Oregon4
adjourned sine did after three years ex
istence. There is no longer a local
fraternity at Oregon.
The Iota Chi paternity was formed
at the University <>f Oregon in the Men’s
Dormitory by twenty students and short
ly after it migr^te^! to a house and home
of its own.
For the first pvo years the memberd
resided at ninth i^nd Hillyard and this
year they moved to a house near thirs
teenth and Hillyard.
A number of circumstances have cont
tributed to the conditions causing thflj
dissolution of the fraternity. At pres-*
ent the members pave made no plan o£
concerted, apUonj wh,a,t%<*^ci\