Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 06, 1916, Page Four, Image 4

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    t - TEN TIMES TEN7
i tv-, ___
Wdfind man^ biblical allusions ami
tie poetizing of D. Gilbert, the w. k. can
nery poet Taken in conjunction wit!
some other things we are suprised.
They are all around the campus,
r Each as busy as a bee.
They’re running up and shaking hands,
With everyone they see.
What, oh what, ere they doing?
’Tis plain as can be
j They're going around and boosting
Their pop-u-larity.
i We hereby announce that owing to an
overwhelming modesty and a lack of the
proper attire, that we must decline the
popularity nomination so kindly tendered
The Oregana
The Student Shop
For Oregon Students
Try our candies Our ice cream is Perfect
ns by tbe student body and faculty.
We hear that Howard .McColloch will
be the next president of the Woman’s
Student Sentiment*
There comes a time
In this fair clime
Called Junior week-end.
We’d lore to sneak,
So to speak,
From Junior week-end.
Who will explain
Why it will rain
On Junior week-end.
If we could tell
We’d say to -
With Junior week-end.
More than 100 women have turned out
for crew at the University of Washing
ton, 55 of whom are freshmen.
Bra'isware, Clocks, Cut Glass, Chafin Dishes
and Silver-Plated Flatware Damaged
by Recent Fire, Slaughtered
This Sale includes only damaged goods carried in the read addi
tion to the store. In most cases the damage is so slight that it is
barely noticeable and the articles can be easily cleaned up in any
home. All these goods must go, no matter how great the loss, as
we Miist Have Room for the new goods we have ordered to be
rushed from the manufacturers. Come early and Get First
$8.50 Mahogany Mantel clock, case
only slightly damaged, price.. $5.00
$9.75 Mahogany Mantel clock, dam
age barely noticeable, only ... $7.25
$25.00 Mission Hall clock, fine oak
case; case slightly damaged by water
going for .$16 50
Numerous other bargains in clocks.
Alarm Clocks
$2.00 Repeating Alarm Clocks, cases
slightly damaged, each. 75^
$1.25 Alarm Clocks, damage barely
noticeable at .50<^
$2.50 Baby Ben Alarm Clocks $1.45
$2.00 Repeating Alarms, very small
size, each .75«>
Cut Glass
cut; glass slightly smoked
5- in. Nappies, regular $2.00 Fire
sale price at. $1.45
6- in. Nappies, regular $2.00. Fire sale
price at.$1,150
Cut Glass tumblers, regular $1.00.
Fire sale price.45<^
Cut glass bowls, regular $2.50. Fire
sale price .$1.65
Cut glass water set, 1 jug, 6 tumblers,
regular $6.50. Fire sale price $3-60
Cut glass salt and pepper shakers,
regular $1.00. Fire sale price ... 35<*
Cut glass salt and pepper shakers,
regular $1.25. Fire sale price 45<*
Many other cut glass items at pro
portionately reduced prices
Chafing Dishes
$ 5.50 chafing dish, special $3.30
$ 9.50 chafing dish, special $6.30
$11.5,0 chafing dish, special... $735
$22.0,0 electric chafing dish, tea ket
tle to match, electric stove, slightly
damaged .complete .$5.00
Reading Lamps
$11.00 Fine Brass Electric Reading
lamp, 2 lights, slightly damaged ....$5
$12.50 cut glass electric reading lamp
(only one) single light.$5.50
Community silver, hollow handle
knives and flat forks, regular price
$10.50. Fire sale price .$7.00
Genuine 1847 Rogers teaspoons, reg
ular $2.00 at.$1.50
Genuine 1847 Rogers teaspoons, reg
ular $2.25 at .$1.60
Genuine 1847 Rogers tablespoons,
regular $4.00, at .$3 50
50-Year Community tablespoons con
tract price $4.30. Fire sale....$3.75
$3.75 Rogers 1847 tablespoons $3.25
$1.75 Community silver berry spoons,
Fire sale price.$1.35
Many other bargains at prices pro
portionately reduced. Above items
slightly discolored by smoke.
at ....
75c C
Deposit Ware
Silver Deposit Ware Cake plate
logne bottles. Fire sale 25<*
Otheijbargains in Silver Deposit ware
$1.25 brass jardinier, fire sale 50<^
$1.50 brass jardinier, fire sale 70^
$1.75 brass jardinier, fire sale.. 75<*
$3.00 brass jardinier, fire sale $1.35
$3.50 brass umbrella stands, fire sale
price .$1.50
$4.50 brass trays, each.$2.20
$2.25 brass trays, each .$1.00
$3.25 brass book racks, each $1.50
$1.00 brass candle sticks, each....45«<*
$1.50 brass candle sticks, each. 65<*
$3.50 brass fern dish, each....$1.00
$2.50 brass picture frames
each .$1.10
$1.35 brass fern dish, each.60<
Lane County Graduates Pass
Resolution Against Proposed
, Division of University.
l^he Lane County Alumni association
passed the following resolution opposing
the I moving the the University profes
sional schools to Portland, at its month
ly meeting April 19, at the Eugene cham
ber of commerce.
“Whereas, a movement was begun re
cently to transfer the schools of law, ar
chitecture, commerce, journalism and
music from the University at Eugene to
Portland, and
“Whereas, it is the sentiment of this
organization that it would be a serious
mistake, and an illogical move, to scat
ter these schools away from the Uni
versity itself,
“Be it therefore, resolved, that the
alumnae and alumni of the University
residing in Lane county, be and are op
posed to such movement, and
“Be it further resolved, that a copy of
this resolution be sent to the head of
each school involved, and to the alumni
associations of the state.”
About twenty alumni were present at
this: meeting.
The Portland alumni plans for reorgan
ization were given and discussed.
A1 committee of five will have charge
of the entire Lane county alumni pro
gram for alumni day, June 3.
♦ [ Junior class meeting at 4 p. m., •>
♦ in Prof. Howe’s room, in Villard, ♦
♦ ftifonday afternoon. ♦
(Friim the Oregon Weekly of May 7,
The opening game for the Oregon base
ball'team resulted in a victory for Wil
lamette University, seven to six. Dur
ing 'the first two innings the Oregon men
tried balloon sailing with the Tesult that
theiif Methodist friends crossed the rub
ber four times and cinched the game, the
cauS|e of which was two hits and five mis
playp with a stolen base dumped into the
mixture. Oregon's lineup was: Hatha
way, 3d; Paine 1st; Brown, c. f.; Kelly,
c.; phandler, 1. f.; Hobbs (capt.), 2d;
Johnson, ss.; Ramp, r. f.; Beck, p.; and
Hurd, p.
Henry McKinney, ’07, the big man
fron|i Baker City, has almost electrified
his friends and fellow students by put
ting, the 16-pound shot 45 feet 3% inches.
Onelgood feature about McKinney’s shot
putting is that he is consistent in his puts.
It is the intention of the baseball man
agement to secure a few games with
teams such as Cottage Grove, Roseburg,
Sprihgfield, Junction City and Albany.
Next Wednesday the students will
meet to nominate officers for the stu
dent' body of 1906-07. We trust that
some real genuine old Oregon spirit will
be dhown next Wednesday. Get some
ambition and do something. A good list
of strong candidates is imperative. Be
prepared when the meeting is called to
nominate your candidate.
. ♦
.Freshmen girls in journalism ♦
classes who write articles for the
wpnjan's edition of the Eemrald,
wiill be given class credit by Pro
fessor Allen if they turn in dupli
cate copies of all their material to
Gerry Watkins was a luncheon guest
at the Sigma Nu house Friday.
Esther Jacobson is spending the week
end in Corvallis.
Week-end guests at the Alpha Chi
house were Ruth Fraley, Maud New
berry and Hazel Rader, of Eugene, and
Ruby McKay and Dorothy Dunnway, of
Portland.—O. A. C. Barometer.
Thp Gamma Upsilon fraternity enter
tained the following week-end guests:
F. Hubbard, of Medford; Leo Malarkey,
of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Gray
Kyle, of Stanfield.—O. A. C. Barometer.
Depa Gamma upperclassmen enter
tained for their underclassmen with their
annual May-day breakfast. The guest
list deluded Walter Muirhead, Turner
Neil, Joe Bell, Mac McMaurice, Marshall
Woocworth, Dale Butt, Nicholas Joure
gu.v, ’Charles McDonald, Victor Cham
ber*. Ross Giger, Royce Brown, Ross
McKenna, Paul Smith. Ernest Watkins.
Harry Dement, Thurston Saraway, Hen
ry Pnoctor and Charles Kroner.
* V* • • •
„P.°* „ .#*,«• a
Just Arrived
“Pinch-Back” Coats
In Blue Flannel
and Black and White
These separate coats are just
the thing you have been looking
for; snappy style, belted back,
and unlined. They are very mod
erately priced from.$7.50
to .9.00
New white trousers, just arrived in time
for the week-end. They come in striped
serges, worsteds, and flannels, and are
priced at.. . . . . .$4, $5, $6, and $6.50
If you have a pair of white trousers yoiA
need one of the new flannel “pinch back”
coats, and if you have a good looking blue
coat you need a pair of white trousers.
tfmT Special Rates j
From Eugene to
Principal Eastern Cities
via '
On sale daily: June 1st to Sept. 30th, 1916 |
Stopovers allowed. i
Return limit: 90 days from date of sale not to I
exceed Oct. 31, 1916.
“To start right is to end right” !
_is the right way to start |
Attractions SEE enroute
Mt. Shasta Shasta Springs Mt. Lassen San
Francisco Los Angeles Yosemite Valley i
Southern California Beaches Panama California
Limited Trains
On all Southern Pacific Routes
Ogden Route—“The route of Limiteds.”
Sunset Route—“Through Storyland,
El Paso Route—“Route of the Lowest Altitudesft
Call on local agent for further information or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
-- - I
10 Votes Free With Every Dollar Purchase
Help Elect Miss Edel Fraasch as Rose Queen
Hampton’s KPcSi
Women’s Novelty
Suits Reduced
About 50 women’s and misses nov
elty suits taken from our regular
stocks, all this season’s newest sty
les. Are offered at decisive redac
tions :
$12.00 novelty suits .$8-05
$18.00 novelty suits.$14.40
$24.00 novelty suits.$19,550
$27.50 novelty suits.$22.00
$30.00 novelty suits.$24.00
Silk Jersey and Corduroy
Sport Coats Reduced