OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday if the college year, by tha Associated Students of the University of Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter. Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies, 6c. STAW * EDITOR-IN-CHIEF"....MAX H. lOHNIS Assistant Editors.Wallace Eakla, Leslie O. Tooac Managing Editor...Harold Hamstres' City Editor.I.Mandell Weiss Copy Editors.Ed Harwood, JD^e Witt Gilbert, Clytle Hall Special Writers. .Qrace Edglngton, Frances Shoemaker, Charles Dundore, Walter Kennon. i Administration . Roberta Klllam Assistant .......Harold Say Sports .Chester A. Fes Assistants...Jathes Sheehy, Lee Bostwlck Features .Adrienne Epplng, Echo Zahl Dramatics.Martha Beer Society.Beatrice Locke, Luclle Watson, Catherine Twomey Exchanges .....Louise Allen Assistant . Martha Tinker Reporters.. Kenneth Moores, Jean Bell, Robert McNalry, Percy Boatman, Cora lle Snell, Luclle Messner, Joe Skelton. Helen Brenton. BUSINESS STAFF > BUSINESS MANAGER.FljOYD Assistant Manager. Advertising Manager . ). Cirenlatioa... Collections .:. Manager's and Editor's Phene—441. C. WESTBRFIELD . . .Kenneth Moores • Burle D. Bramball .... Wily Knighton . Estley Farley THE OREGON EMERALD as the official organ of the Associated Student Body of the University of Oregon, aims to serve the student body politic in the following way: to diffuse cor rect and authentic news; to protect and conserve the highest ideals of the University; to consistently avoid all secret affiliations and alliances; to play the game squarely with no favoritism; to be op timistic and courageous in fulfilling its functions; to comment on, and receive comment on the problems concerning the University and its welfare; to pursue a constructive editorial policy which nec essarily implies a destructive policy; in shortj to pursue militantly a policy of proper publicity in regard to all problems that confront the Student Body—all of this, based on the truism that a demo cracy can be effective and efficient only so Iqng as it maintains a free and militant press. ; Junior Week-End. WITH Junior weekend looming ahead, ithe spirit of coopera tion on the campus should be expressing itself. Events of th,e year have conspired to make this year’s problem aibig one. In the past the greatest celebrations of the college year hitve been uniform, but this year the committees are working hard to make the week-end unique and different. Several of the new stunts are dependent oh the weather and may have to be postponed if it rains. Substitute features must be pro vided in such cases. Again, it is not certain aft to how many “prep pers” will foot their own expense bills to compete in track and field events. The usual baseball game is up in the air. There is only a whiff of a chance that a post-season game can1 be arranged and that only contingent on how the Northwest Conference series terminate. This being the case, it behooves every spirited student to get be hind whatever is put in front of him, to boosti and work for Junior Week-end, the University’s greatest advertisement. 1 Everybody Smile.j With nominations a few days off, and elections due a week later, little wonder that the campus is already'beaming with smiles, People that never were known to smile before will specialize in smil ing, yea, even chortling. ’Tis a funny world I t But with smiles and “hello’s” on every side, the student body politic cannot be fooled. It has been proven a thousand times that in the long run the electorate is not to be smiled ait for votes. The stu dents vote for merit. ' Especially this year elections should be selfishly conducted on a merit basis. The student body is confronted ,with many problems that heretofore were unknown; offices that formerly were but a name are now important and must be filled with capable officers. Espe cially is this true of the student council, which in the past year has assumed burdensome responsibilities which demand a conscientious, deliberate assemblage. Popularity should not 'be the prime consid eration. Between the popular nominee and the’conscientious there is one, and only one choice. ( On the election rests the success or failure lof projects which are in the making. It will not be long before the bo'dy politic will be face to face with the problem of self-government, aiyl on the personnel of the present system depends the success of such ;a step. fj. Play Bawl! AT LAST Oregon has hit her stride in baseball and stands a fifty-fifty chance to swing the deal. Yesterday afternoon’s game was an eye-opener. Pessimism was so thick before t^ie game that it would have been hard even to get a desert bet on Oregon’s chances against Washington. But with the team going as it did yesterday. Oregon will be ready to get into the finals in the same style that made such a hit at the end of the football season. This aftemoon’ls game will probably place Oregon second in the list with a .500 majrk in the percentage column. Next Monday and Tuesday will see the Oregon “Aggies" on Deadman’s diamond. At present the Corvallis nine tops the col umn with a credit mark of .750. The Aggies took both games from the Northerners this week, but the scores indicate that O. A. C. has nothing on Oregon. If Oregon can get out on, a wet. slippery field and play nearly perfect ball there is still a chance for Oregon to get that trip to California. Cheer up, fellows, play'“bawl" the way you did yesterday, and you'll board the Shasta for sunnier climes. CAMPUS NOTES « ---* The Quality dub, a University organi sation formed for the discussion of cur rent politic*, held their meeting Thurs day at rh* Beta Theta 11 bouse. Scroll and .Script, tenor women's honor society, served tea sud sandwiches to about sixty junior girls at It* annual tra to junior womoia, given yesterday after noon from It to JS o'clock at the Delta (iamum fratorni.tr. The active members of the Scroll and Script are Louise Hai ley. Bertha Kincaid, Grace Edgington and Mina Ferguson. | ('hi Omega entertained at dinner on i Tuesday evenin.f William Tutrck. Jo# i — - ' ■q—'ii. , '-Ill, Hedges, Earl Heitschmidt, Robert Me* Nary and Gordon Clark. Clara Wold, of Portland, is a guest for this week at the Chi Ome^a house. Mrs. John Borard and Mrs. Mable Holmes Parsons were Wednesday dinner guests at the Alpha Phi hjouse. The Mary Spiller girls went for a pic nic Saturday up the Pacific highway. Thursday dinner guests of Delta Tan Delta were, Russel Fox, Leslie Schwer ing and Paul Farrington, i •Timmy Richardson, of Portland, and the baseball umpire for the weekend, was a Friday dinner guest of Delta Tau Delta. Miss Mary Watson was a Thursday evening dinner guest at Mary Spiller ball. i Mrs. Wilson, of Talent^ Oregon, is visiting her daughter at Mary Spiller hall. Friday luncheon guests at the Delta Tau Delta house were, Graham McCon nell and Turner Neil. i -e I Dan Raider, ex-’14, now shortstop on the Vernon baseball team, in visiting the Sigma Nu house. i Bothwell Avison was a dinner guest at the Sigma Nu house Thursday evening. Ernest Watkins entertained (or his Iota Chi brothers Monday evening by a theatre party at the Rex in honor of his twenty-first birthday. Clayton Baldwin, of the Iota Chi house, was called to Portland Wednesday by the death of his father. Mrs. B. B. Watkins, of Bundon, was a dinner guest at the Iota Chi house m Thursday evening. Delta Theta Phi law fraternity, held initiation for Frank P. Farrell of Med ford. Robs Wilson and Rob Rembe, Wash ington baseball players, are visiting the Kappa Sigma house. Alphi Phi held initiation Saturday evening. Mary Chambers, Ruth Fraley, Maude Newbury and Hasel Rader lire spending the weekend at Corvallis. Beta Theta Pi gueata Thurnday evening for dinner were, Mr. W. E. 'Dennison, of San Francisco, and Roland! Geary, of Eugene. Bill Ryan, of Eugene, was a Friday evening dinner guest at the Beta Theta Pi house. Mrs. Maude Leonard, house, mother of Pi Beta Phi, is in Mercy hospital suf fering from s dislocated hip, the result of a fall at Friendly hall yesterday af ternoon. STARTS AND STOPS I DeWITT GILBERT^ * Invocation. God of the O, now as of old. I pray these words may not seem vain. When we have met the purple and gold May they not have an empty strain. And when the public reada these rhymes, May we have triumphed twice again, Else foolish, foolish many times Will look the product of my pen. Our Prayer. God of our victory, feared of old, Lord of our triumph o’er the Hub, , Grant that we may ever hold The place of honor we have won. But, God of the O, be with us yet, Lest w# forget, lest we forget. I Uncalled, our rooters haste Sway To pig their women on the face. Has victory brought us decajr? In "jinx" and lnck our trudt we place. God of the O, be with us yet, Lest we forget, lest ws forget. If, drunk with Victoria*. we iJuff, And lot our famous spirit lag. Imposing trust in empty bluff. We will not triumph o'er the Ag. God of the O. be with us yetj Lest we forget, lest we foirget. Imbue us with the splendid fight That made old Oregon the Iqueen, And bow the Aggie to our might. Let us not sa.v, “It might have been.” For frantic boast aud foolish word, Thy mercy on thy people, Lord. The Slogan. Long ago in the Windy City The bleachers used to prance With the always-dreaded slogan, "Tinker to Evers, to Chance." This year on the stands by Kincaid. The at.ieut rooter chants 1 A warcry to us as potent, 1 “Nelson, from Grebe, from! Ans.” Maxims af the Track. You may gamble upon the election, You may play the ponies or pool, Ton may fritter away your next month’s p*r; We’ll not cal! you a fool If you lose at dice or poker Down at Tony’s place, But we’re off on yon forever If yon bet on hurdle race. Oh, Might It Be. In Princeton, so Prof. Thacher says, An obligation they impose At baseball practice to attend, And thousand freshmen fill the rows Of rising bleachers by the field; Such is the custom at Nassau. It seems to us, at Oregon, Such custom should b._ made a law. That straw-headed chap we call “Swede” Is really a fiend full of speed, He’s right there with bells on, This fellow called Nelson, Who holds a good record, indeed. There’s a gent who’s the joy of the rooter, A man may he be, But his name is Sheehy, Which sounds like his gender was neuter. \ KONTEMPORARY KOLUMN* *-* CLASSROOM HONESTY. We have heard much talk of honor systems to be used in examinations. We have seen other methods introduced to bring about the same results that such systems are supposed to attain, and, on the whole, these schemes have proved successful. But now and again the old specter of cribbing in examinations bobs up, and tends to set at nought all the constructive work that has gone before. But it is dangerous to allow such prac tices to go unchecked. Cheating on the part of one element in a class forces cheating on the other members, purely as a matter of self preservation. Theoreti cally this argument does not hold water. The ethics which justify such procedure are twisted, but none the less effective so far as the average undergraduate is concerned. He figures that if the cheat er raises the class average, that it is better for him to keep in the race by the same methods rather than tell on the man who is Teally to blame. It is easy to theorize on this matter and justify or condemn the man who cheats to save himself, but drastic action on the part of the faculty that will stran gle the chronic cheater will go much far ther toward solving the difficulty. The law school has found a way out by insti tuting the monitor system. It breaks down the ideals of men who believe in the natural honesty of mankind, but it saves the day for the marginal student who wants to do right, but who yields to temptation when he sees the dice loaded against him.—University of Michigan Daily. A CHANCE REMARK. The other day an uppperclassman was overheard to remark: “A majority of the co-eds are here merely for a good time, and to work the men for all they j can." If this statement were true, it would present an almost appalling situa tion to anyone who thinks of the prob lems involved, in a serious manner. That this opinion is erroneous seems cleat without argument, most of us will con sider it as absurd and ridiculous, and dismiss the subject from our minds forth with. What, however, of the man who expressed such an idea? If the utter ance was the result of mature thought, one can only feel sorry for him. We suspect that the real trouble lies not so much in faulty thinking as in a failure to think at all. It results from an arti ficial state of mind; a habit of dogmatic ally making cocksure remarks without re gard to whether or not there is any sense in the remark. This manner of discuss ing social problems is both deplorable and dangerous. It is a serious reflec tion on our common sense, and indicates a decided lack of poise. Is this tendencw to go off at halfcock a characteristic of our western universi ties Do we fail to gain the same i breadth of mind and perspective that is ! attained in the more conservative ins;i tutions of the east It certainly seems ' so. But it is a fault tha. can be cor- ! rected by a little serious thought. A quiet ; yet serious demeanor is a mighty fine business asset.—Wisconsin Cardinal. HIGHER MORALS IN STUDENT LIFE. Speaking of bis experiences of college life during the last two years at more than twenty of the largest universities, Ex-President Taft finds everywhere a j higher moral tone than that which for- ! merly prevailed among students. He maintains that "There is an advance in moral ideals, as shown by the characters of the men who are recognised as leaders of their classes. Men's lives must be well ordered, in the university life of today, if they are to retain their influ ence with their fellow-students."—Ex. The senior class at (Colorado is to pre sent the play "Winter's Tale." There will be « cast of twenty-three men and sixteen women. Co-eds at Kansas gave up fussing dur ing lent, which is much easier than candy or Dustin Farnum in a six-reel feature. -Holeproof Hose for College Men and Women Holeproof eliminates all hosiery troubles.1 When they get a hole in them just send them back and get new ones. Fine soft, sheer materials that make them so popular with the college people, pair.25^ to 75^ Phoenix Guaranteed Silk Hose for Men & Ladies Phoenix all pure silk hose for men.f.50d and 75tf For Ladies..r...75fS $100 and $1.50 They come in all wanted colors to match any costume. Monday Straw Hat Day BRODERS BROS. FRESH, CORNED & SMOKED MEATS. 80 West Eighth. Very Cleanly Yours Eugene Steam Laundry I j One-Two-Three Do Business by Mail' It‘•profitable, with accurate lists of pno pods. Our catalogue contains vital informa tion on Mail Advertising. Also prices and quantity on 6,0 )0 national mailing lilts, 99% guaranteed. Si ch as: War Mater al Mfrs. Wealthy Men Cheese Bos Mfrs. Axle Grease Mfrs. Shoe Betailiers Auto Owners Contractor! Tin Can Mfrs. Druggists Farmers, Etc. I Write for this valuable reference book; also J i prices and samples of fae-simile letters. k Have us writeior revise your Sales Letter*. Boss-G ould, 814 Olive St. Hotel Osburn Special Rates for Stu dent^ Banquets Monthly Dinner a Spec ialty. Buy Sample Shoes and Save Money $5.00 Men’s Shoes at $3.85 Eugene Sample Store 609 Willamette Street COLLEGE ICE CREAM PHONE 343 Use Lane County Butter Fresh and Sanitary Always ask your grocer for the Lane County Creamery Brands j 48 Park St. . Fisher Laundry PHONE 65