Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 29, 1916, Image 1

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    With Burst of Spring Fabled
t Bee Begins Its
\ Buzzing. r
.Wise Insect Chortling Up Its
Sleeve at Surprises to Be
Sprung May 10.
With the first burst of spring the fa
bled political bee has burst out of its
honeyed comb, and is attacking the bon
nets of prominent campus celebrities
with political buzz. Already the little
critter has stung a number of students
with its hypodermic beak and filled them
with ambition.
Although the bee broke up winter
housekeeping earlier this year than last,
it has got busy on the job and already a
Humber of candidates have cast them
selves into the political hive. They are
asking that the electorate give them the
An electorate welcome has been ex
tended to the bee. Receptions, dances,
fireplace rag-chews, corner deliberative
sessions, and parties have been given in
its honor. But the political bee is a
wise insect from long years of experience
and is chortling up his sleeve at the sur
prises that will spring a week from Wed
Every day brings out new candidates.
Thus far three aspirants are making
ready to fight for Lamar Tooze’s old
shoes. Bob McMurray, circulation man
ager of the Oregana, and Martin Nelson,
who was president of his class in his
freshman year, announced their candi
dacy two weeks ago. A new contender
for the job is Nicholas Jaureguy, Var
sity debater. The three will make a
lively bout for the leadership of the body
After a year’s work as managing edi
tor of the Emerald, Harold Hamstreet
has announced that his ambition was to
reach the top-notch rung of the Emerald
ladder. Milton Stoddard, present editor
of the Oregana, will also try to climb
the ladder at the same time. This posi
tion has always made a prize event in
elections, and campus prophets say that
its fifty-fifty on which will tumble.
Since the Oregana is now a student
body enterprise the editor and manager
will be elected in the regular elections
of May 10. So far only one man has ap
peared, and that DeWitt Gilbert, news
editor of the Emerald.
Last year saw a shortage of business
perspicuity and as a result no candi
date was mentioned for the Emerald
managership until a second nomination.
It appears that the student body will
face the same situation. Floyd Wester
field has declined renomination, but will
seek a chair in the student council. Ru
mor has it that Wayne Stater has fixed
his eye on the job. Kenneth Moores was
suspected for awhile but has disclaimed
all intentions. The Oregana manager
ship. it seems, will have to go out and
hunt a candidate.
Ernest Watkins, who Is guiding the fi
nancial aeroplane of the Oregana, is
ready to retire from his strenuous la
bors, and run for vice-president of the
student body. "While it is no certainty,
LoTen Roberts will enter the race.
The secretaryship of the student body,
it seems, has two strong contenders,
Echo Zahl, of the retiring student coun
cil, will enter the lists against Bernice
Lucas. Another possible candidate is
Francis Shoemaker, according to caippus
The dope for the rest of the candi
datesc is somewhat obscure and indefinite.
More candidates are expected at the
first of the week, and the following, so
far as the Emerald has been able to find
out, have already advanced to the front.
Student Council.
Senior Men—Fred Kiddle, Karl Becke
and Floyd Westerfield.
Senior women—Louise Allen, Martha
Beer, Francis Shoemaker (?)
Junior men—Clark Thompson, James
Sbeehy (?) Harold Tregilgas (?)
Junior women—Roberta Killam, Em
ma Wootton, Leura Jerard.
Athletic council—John Beckett, Dick
Kelson, Bill Tuerck.
Executive committee—Roland Geary,
jaekjZjHott, — ----
Water Fete Opens
Junior Week-End
$20 Cash Prizes and Silver
Trophy Offered for Origin
ally Decorated Canoe.
The water fete will officially open
Junior weekend on the evening of May
11, according to Bob McMurray, who is
in charge of this feature of the celebra
It will be “some” show, declares Bob.
The race will be decorated with strings
of electric lights and many Chinese lant
erns. The band and both glee clubs will
be on the job, but the reporter was
sworn to secrecy, so he cannot tell of
the surprises in store that night.
Twenty dollars in cash prizes and a
silver trophy have been put up for canoes
decorated in the most original manner.
The prizes will be $11, $6 and $8, and
with the first prize will go the perpetual
silver trophy now held by the A. T. O’s.
One-half of the prize money is offered
by the Junior class, the other half by
Gerry 'Watkins, manager of the raceway.
“Every organization on the campus
has signified its intention of entering a
canoe in the contest,” declared Bob. But,
of course, the contest is open to indi
viduals who believe they have a winning
“As there will be no baseball game in
the afternoon as has been the custom for
years, the water fete will assume added
importance. Every effort will be made
to amuse and entertain the crowd and
with the possibilities opened by the new
raceway, I believe it will-be one of the
biggest successes in years.
“Every fellow in college ought to be
out that night. Watkins, at the race
way, is making a special Tate that day,
only $1 for the use of a canoe from 8
o’clock in the morning until 10 o’clock
at night. This ought to mean that every
canoe he has will be entered in the con
G. 0. Brown, Former Student, Will Ad
dress Professor Young’s Class
In Eoonomlcs.
G. G. Brown, a former student of the
University, clerk of the state land board,
will talk on the affairs of that office be
fore the students of Professor Young’s
class in the conomics of State Adminis
tration Monday morning.
The state land board is a branch of
the executive department of the state
government and has full authority over
all state lands. It has the power to sell
all lands owned by the state and has su
pervision over the common school fund,
which is derived chiefly from the sale
of state school lands. This fund now to
tals $6,412,790.01, which iB loaned on
first mortgage farm securities at 6 per
cent interest. The board also loans the
University of Oregon fund of $103,
635.36, the Oregon Agricultural college
fund of $202,063.99, and the Burbank
trust fund of $24,481.36.
*'Mr. Brown has worked out a complete
report of the handling of the 3tate
school lands by the state authorities from
the beginning,” said Professor Young,
“and will probably have copies of the
report for members of the class.”
Harvey Wells, state insurance com
missioner, was to address the class at
this time, but because of conflicting dates
was unable to be here, so he and Mr.
Brown changed places so Mr. Wells will
be here ope week later.
After the regular business meeting of
the Oregon club of the University last
night, a dance and card party was the
order of the evening. The two reception
rooms of the dormitory were thrown
open and the 25 couples present made
merry until 12 o’clock.
Mrs. Grosse played for the dances and
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Shockley acted as
patron and patroness.
Law students of the University of
Southern California debated recently on
the relative merits of juice and
buttermilk, which is considered tangible
evidence of the great advances made in
the legaUgrofessian, J
Kappa Sigs Trounced 4-3 With
Dr. Ayer Pitching. Sigma
' Nus Beat Deltsi 6-3
(E. W. Murphy)
It must be hard for a professor to
stand up to bat in a Doughnut league
game and appear unconcerned when the
leather-lunged bleacher-bugs are tearing
their throats to shreds with, “Hit it a
mile, Fritz, old kid, “Get an extension,
Ben,’’ “Heads up, Hugo,” and “See the
Granger twist.” I say it must be hard
to appear unconcerned and unruffled, yet
the faculty managed to maintain a cer
tain amount of dignity throughout five
innings of lively ball with the Kappa Sig
ma men and to defeat the boys by the
score of 4 to 3, Thursday afternoon on
Deadman's diamond.
The fact that the faculty bunched their
hits in the third frame and brought in
three runs was too much for the younger
element. Fred Ayer, who occupied the
mound for the faculty, had probably a
shade the best of the pinching at the
first, but the arm wouldn’t stand it,
Morton displayed a great deal of cour
age in getting his sweater hit with a
pitched ball, but it was in a good cause,
so it will probably go without censure.
It is interesting to note that several
members of the faculty team have played
semi-pro. baseball before signing up with
the Doughnut league. Bezdek has his
Chicago university training as well us
some temporary connections with league
teams; Morton was one oi! the stars in
his college and it is said, untended a the
ological school simply to get more base
ball experience; Ben Williams played
with the Oregon team several years ago
in the first base berth; Shockley is an
old hand at shortstop and the rest have
been known to play several times since
their days of one-ole cat and ante-over.
There was little to disturb the peace
of the affair until the last half of the
fifth inning—the closing batting for the
Kappa Sigs. The score was four to
three and Hunt got to second. Jay Fox
followed Hunt to bat and in swinging at
a ball, stepped into the box, Which the
faculty called an out. A few words be
tween the two teams, each member of
which tried to be for the moment cap
tain, resulted in a concession on the part
of the faculty. Fox got in bn a walk and
Earl popped out to Mitchell, It appeared
for a moment that V. Alexander, umpire,
was to be the center of a storm which
raged about him but not at him. Alex
ander called it an out but the faculty
agreed to ignore it.
The batting order: Faculty, Shockley,
c; Williams, 1st; Bezdek, 12nd; Ayer, p;
Smith, m; Granger, ss; Morton, 3rd;
Mitchell, 1. f.; Winger, r. f., Kappa Sig
ma: Woods, 3rd; Hunt, in.; Fox, ss.;
Earl, c.; Bronaugh, p.; lilershner, 1st;
Hill, L f.; Harwood, r. f.; Rliot, 2nd.
The Sigma Nus walloped Delta Tau
Delta this morning, 6 to 3j leaving only
one game to be played in the prelimin
aries—that of the Fijis and A. T. O’s,
which was called at the end of the fifth
inning Monday afternoon,! with a 2-2
score. This morning’s victory for the
Sigma Nu boys places them in the 1.000
per cent class with £eta Theta Pi, Iota
Chi, Sigma Chi and Faculty.
Dudley, pitching for Sigma Nu, struck
out seven Delts and, in t^iree times at
bat, secured two hits for his team. Third
base proved fatal for Johnny Beckett,
who was tagged out at thjat sack twice
and was left there in the last of the
fourth inning. Three of 'the six runs
scored by the winners were gained on
passed balls. If Dobie [Garrett had
placed his Texas league [hits a little;
better, his two long flips to Ogle and
Madden would have been good for at
least two bases each. Dudley and John
ny Beckett found themselves in a heap
on top of the ball in the second inning
when their “S. O. S.” signals failed to
work properly, with the result that Mad
den got on with a short bu'nt. i
The tehms: Sigma Nu, Bean, 2nd; New
berry, 3rd; Farley, 1st; Morfitt, s. ■.;
Beckett, c.; Dudley, p.; Ross, 1. f.; Te
gart, c. f.; Garret, r. t. Del'ta Tau Delta,
Atkinson, p.; Garretson, a. b.; Ogle, c. f.;
Gilfilen, c.; Scaife, 2nd; Madden, 3rd;
Bond, 1. f.; Ralston, 1st; Downard, 1. f.;
Muirhead for Ralston, Furuey for Down
ard, Madden for .Garretaoii, J
Journalistic Failures Did Not
Discourage 0. H. Fisher, of
Salem Capital Journal.
In an address to the journalism stu
dents of the University in Guild hall yes
terday afternoon Charles H. Fisher,
publisher of the Salem Capital Journal
and president of the Guard publishing
company of Euegene, told some of his
experiences as a newspaper man. He
said that as early as he could remember,
he was interested in newspapers. When
he was a boy he used to write news,
editorials and draw out the columns and
form of the sheet on paper.
A love for journalism was a part of
his blood and Mr. Fisher did not allow
this love to lie latent. After six months
school teaching, he invested the money
that he had saved and a few hundred
dollars which he had borrowed from his
brother, in a small newspaper. His plant
consisted of an old Washington handpress
and several cases of very queer type.
Mr. Fisher says that the type was short
and had a peculiar face. This was in the
days when every foundry made its own
style of letters. There was no such
thing as a standard type. His first pa
per was a financial failure, but Mr.
Fisher started in all over again.
The second paper was printed in a
plant somewhat similar to the fit'll one
he owned. According to Mr. Fisher, the
chief difference in the make-up of his
second paper was that it contained a
patent sheet,which the editor received by
express C. O. D. once a week. At any
rate it traveled the same path ns the
first and its owner was soon without
iuoiw'y or his paper.
Two failures were not enough to dis
courage Mr. Fisher and he stayed with
the newspaper game. Today he Is one
of the successful newspaper men of the
state. He has the knack of taking hold
of a run-down paper and building it up
to a newsy and money making publica
Among some of the papers which Mr.
Fisher has conducted are: The Boise
Capital News, of Boise, Idaho; the Rose
burg Review, of Roseburg, Oregon, and
the Eugene Daily Guard, of Eugene, Ore
“Stay out of the newspaper business
unless you’re horn to it,” said Mr. Fisher
yesterday. “Too many go into the game
half-heartedly and they cannot succeed.
Only the person who feels that the news
paper, and the newspaper only, is his
calling should try to break into the busi
“Few climb very high in the journal
ism profession by straight reporting on
a metropolitan paper. The country daily
or weekly is the foundation on which the 1
successful men in newspaper work build.
It is heTe that one meets every phase in
the game and learns from experience.
Almost invariably the heads of the big
city dailies have received their training
in the country field.
“Be sincere and honest, give the peo
ple the news and be sure that it is Tell
able. Don’t get too radical. Occasion
ally there may be things that you would
like to see changed; but often discretion
and silence may he the best plan. Never
be subservient to an unworthy cause.
Refuse the influence of your paper for
wrong or to your friends for their per
sonal gain. Always be square with your
Mr. Fisher, who is a regent of the
University, expected to attend a meeting
of the board of Tegents last night, but as
it was postponed he left for his home in
Salem in the afternoon.
Students Not Compelled to Take Make
Up But May Wait.
The examinations for the removal of
conditions will be held on Monday and
Tuesday, May 1 and 2. The students are
not compelled to take them at this time,
according to Secretary N. C. Grimes,
“but may wait until the finals in June.”
Such an arrangement will depend upon
the discretion of the instructors of the
various subjects.”
According to Miss C. Lee, clerk in the
registrar’s office, most students in the
past taking make up examinations have
passed. It is not known how many will
try their luck again._
On Muddy Field, Varsity De
feats Seattle Nine by Large
Margin. Tuerck Invincible.
Thompson in Good Form.
By hitting the ball in the pinches and
taking advantage of the eight boots made
by the visitors, Oregon triumphed over
Washington, 12 to 4( Friday afternoon
in the opening conference game on the
local Cemetery Ridge diamond. The
field wns in fair condition, considering
the fact thnt it rained steadily all morn
ing, although the soft mud chocked the
player’s spikes and made' fast fielding
an impossibility.
Bill Tuerck was on the mound for the
Varsity and he had the purple and gold
nthleties in hand throughout the eight
innings that he worked. Bill struck out
seven of Dode Brinkcr’s men besides get
ting a two-bagger and three-bagger in
four trips to the plate. Coach Besdek
sent Wily Knighton out to pitch the last
inning in order to give him a little experi
ence for next year. Knighton finally re
tired the side after filling up the bases
by his inability to locate the plate. The
Varsity stnrted out after pitcher Carey
with a vengeance and drove him off the
rubber in a third of the first inniug. Ilis
place was taken by T. Thompson, who
finished the game. Tuerck was the bat
ting demon of the day, whanging out a
two-bagger and later a three-bagger in
four times at bat. In a great effort to
I break into the hit “column,” Anse Cor
nell drove a curve ball way over into the
intromural tennis pits, beyond left field,
thereby making a home run.
A cold win was blowing all of the af
ternoon. This helped dry the water
soaked field, but it did not add to the
ardor of the fans and fanettes in the
bleachers. It was loyalty to Oregon that
kept them, chilled to the bone, until the
game was finished.
Today the game is past history.
Suffice it to say Oregon started when
Jimmy Sheehy, lead-off man, waited and
when Carey, Washington’s twirler,
served one to Sfieehy’s liking, the Ore
gon center fielder, connected with a
hot line drive which trailed two feet
inside of the third-base line. This wns
the starter, and there were as many
more sensational plays during the game.
Coach Brinker, seeing that Carey was
not working well, replaced him with
“Lefty” Thompson.
Thompson pitched a 2-1 game against
O, A, C. Thursday afternoon, and lost
only because of one “bloomer" which
he puled in a critical stage of the af
fair. Yesterday he entered the game
with the bases full, and but one man
But even these odds did not seem to
phase the little left-handed pitcher. With
the composure of a veteran, he took the
mound and retired the side without fur
ther scoring.
The first inning seemed to have been
Washington’s jinx’s. Not only was Ca
rey knocked from the box, but Rembe,
second baseman, sprained his ankle and
was replaced by Davis. Had Rembe re
mained in the game the score might
have been different,—but then that is
looking into the realm of probability—
and this is the account of a baseball
From Oregon’s standpoint it was a
good exhibition of ball. Oregon made
ten hits and is credited with only two
errors. Washington coveted eight hits
from Tuerck but is charged with nine
Both teams can alibi somewhat on the
errors yesterday, for the field In places
was as slick as glass and the wind made
it next to impossible to judge a fly in
the outfield.
Captain Anson Cornell had the dis
tinction of knocking the first home run
on the new field. It was the one variety
of ball which was lacking in the game
and the midget captain put the finishing
touches to the game in the eighth inn
ing. It was one of the cleanest drives
witnessed on the local field.
Score by Innings.
Oregon . 1 1224011 0—12
Hits . 3021 2 021 0—11
Washington 01010200 0— 4
Hits .. 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0—5
7-3 Victory This Afternoon
Places Oregon in Running
for Northwest Championship
“Scoop” Pitches Well.
♦ 1 Won Lost Pet ♦
♦ O. A. C.3 1 .750 ♦
♦ Oregon r.2 2 .500 ♦
♦ Washington ..3 4 .429 ♦
Timely swatting and good support be
hind “Scoop” iRathbun’s wily deliveries
won the second game for Oregon against
Washington by a score of 7 to 3. Rog
ers occupied the mound for the northern
ers, and pitchled good ball, but lost on
account of hisi teammates’ poor support.
Oregon’s batting did not parallel yes
terday’s exhibition but safe hits in the
niche of time) aided by errors against
Washington, made it an easy victory.
Medley garnered three hits—two singles
and a double—the four times he faced
Rogers. i
The runs w(fre made as follows:
Cornell, 1; Nelson, 1; Huntington, 2;
Medley, 2; Rath bun, 1; Rogers, Thomp
son and Wilsop gathered one run apiece
for Washington.
Rogers retired five via the short-cut,
long-arm method, while “Scoop” Rath
bun “spoofed”, three. Each pitcher was
hit eight times and Oregon received four
black marks for errors, Washington, 3.
The secret c|f Oregon's victory was op
portune hits, yonderful fielding, and safe
pitching. In field work Captain Cornell,
Jimmy Sheehjr and Harold Maison ex
celled. ,
Rathhun started good, fanning Rembe
out, but a triumphirate of heavy hitters
—Beem, T. Thompson, and Smith—
rapped him for singles, which ended with
a scoring gon^ by Thompson.
Slieehy and Maison started bad by
fanning, and ‘Pop Cornell flew out to
In the secoiid frame Oregon got busy.
Nelson walked, Huntington singled, Med
ley doubled scoring the two. Medley
scored on Grebe’s single.
Wilson for ! Washington, in the third
doubled and scored on Beam’s single.
Oregon again garnered three in the
fourth Huntington walking, Medley sing
ling and Rathbun singling—all three
scoring. j
In the fifth frame Cornell singled and
hit the bull’s eye on Nelson’s single.
Rogers, twirlet, came up in the seventh,
nipping a triple and scoring: that finish
ed the scoring1.
For Oregon1 Captain Cornell shone in
taking a hot 'ono over second from the
end of Rogers’ bat. Sheehy made some
sensational catches in the middle pas
tures, and Mtrison played his character
istic, smooth, errorless game at third.
Score— 123450789
Oregon ....0 3 0 3 1 0 0 0 z— 7
Hits .1. ..0 3 0 2 1 1 1 0 x— 8
Washington ....1 0100010 0— 3
Hits .. ...'...3 02100110—8
Not Not to St'ayl Only to Soe the 0. A.
C.-Multnomah Meet.
I -
Oregon Agricultural College met
Multnomah dub, of Portland, in a dual
track meet thjia afternoon. In order to
get a line on jthe O. A. C. tracksters, ao
he could dope (out the annual conteat be
tween Oregon and O. A. C. here May 12,
“Bill” Hay wa'rd went to Corvallis this
The report is current here that Kad
dnrly, star Oj. A. C. quarter-miler, is
being trained for the mile. Speaking of
this report (loach Hayward says, “ I
always thought Kadderly would make a
ideal mile man. He is long and rangy
and has a loose, easy stride. If he has
the endurance he will make an ideal
miler. However, if he makes good this
will strengthen the Corvallis aggrega
tion’s chances of beating Oregon as they
have quarter men outside of Kadderly,
who can step circles around our repre
According to dope sheet from the Far
I Western Meet O. A. C. and Oregon will
! tussle in a filjty-fifty struggle. With the
| breaks apparently favoring the Orange
and blacky