lUHERSnr PLAYERS . Will STAGE COMEDY Woman’s Building Fund to Benefit From Proceeds of “Fortune Hunter.” On Friday and Saturday evenings, March :il and J\pril 1, the University l’layers will present at the Eugene the atre Winchell Smith’s famous comedy success, “The Fortune Hunter,” with the following cast of well-known college actors: Nat Duncan, the fortune hunter. .Merlin Batley Henry Kellogg, cier rising young finan . Robert Earl George Burnham, a gas promoter.... ..!_Robert McMurray Jim Long, a Wall street young man.. ...Clayton Baldwin Larry Miller, a friend of Kellogg.... '. George Colton Willie Bartlett, a millionaire’s son ... .. Herman Gilfilen Robbins, Kellogg’s butler.• • .. Charles Collier Sam Graham, the village druggist . Walter Dimm "Blinkey” Lockwood, the village banker .Mandell Weiss Tracey Tftnner, the liveryman’s son.. . Alex Rowen Roland Barnett, the bank clerk. . Ralph Allen Pete Willing, the sheriff. . Earl Bronaugh Sperry, the drummer... .Earl Fleishman Watty, the tailor.Turner Neil Ili, the oldest inhabitant..Albert Holman Herman, the errand boy... .Russell Fox Betty Graham, the druggist’s daugh ter .Miss Echo June Znhl Josie Lockwood, the banker's daughter ..Miss Emma Wootton A'lgie, the friend of Josie. ..Miss Martha Beer Mary Jane.Miss Adrienne Epping Elizabeth.Miss Junnita Wilkins The University Players will stage th th of Oregon, and the proceeds from both performances of the play will be donat ed to the Women’s Building fund. The cause for which ’’The Fortune Hunter" is being staged is such a pop ular one, that nothing further need be said of it here, except that the Univer sity Players intend to give the best play ever produced by amateur talent. '"The Fortune Hunter" is generally conceded to he the most successful American comedy that has been written during the past ten years. Incidentally it is the highest priced royalty pluy of any kind oil the stage. It is from the pen of Winchell Smith, author of this season’s biggest bit, "The Boomerang,” now in its eighth month at the Bclasco tins t r, in New York. It was produced at the Gaiety theatre. New York, in 1010, with .leek Barrymore in the title role, and scored a n mu of two years at that theatre. It was the opening play of the Baker stock company in Port lard h. th lids season and last, and its production is always made a "feature bill” in all better class stock organi zations. nil1 I IUD 1 J ° ..... -r> aeir production finder the auspices of ic Women’s League of the University Tin* Fniverslty Players have engaged Mr. James Mutt, who produced “Brown of llarvnrd" lure hint spring, to stage "The l''ortune Hunter” for them, and those who saw the college play at that time will not need to he told what this director is able to do with an amateur east. At the (Srnnd theatre in Salem last month Mr. Mott made the first au thorized amateur production in America of "The Fortune Hunter." It played to two capacity houses, and more than two hundred people were unable to gain admission to the second performance. The production called forth a flattering editorial in the Capital Journal of that city, a congratulatory letter from the author, and comments by dramatic pa pers throughout the country. "The Fortune Hunter" will he mounted throughout with new scenery, built and painted especially for it, and from the viewpoint of a production it is ( expected to nval anything of its Juno that has yet been attempted on the local stage. STUDENT COUNCIL ELECT YELL LEADER COMMITTEE Junior Week-End Plans Include Demonstration Classes Fri day; Dance After Fete. The yell leader advisory committee was elected at the student council meet ing last night, as provided by the recent ly passed amendment. Ray Goodrich, ’04, Fred Dunbar and Leslie Tooze were chosen. Other nominees were Jack Dolph and Bob McMurray. “Where will we get the thousand dol lars?’’ was the question that confronted the council, after Chester Miller had made a report on the co-operative store. Mr. Miller thought a manager could be hired for that amount. Wnat the price per share of “Cooperative” is to be, will not be determined until the manager is elected, and the whole matter was left over to the next meeting. _A possible location of the new store will be the' space occupied by the Y. M. C. A. book store, and Professor George O’Donnell’s class room. The partition would be re moved. The council endorsed this loca tion as one of the most desirable on the campus. Water Fete Thursday Providence willing, the water fete will be held on Thursday night, the senior play Friday, and the junior prom Satur day evening. The O. A. C. dual track meet will be held Friday and the inter scholastic Saturday. “There is too much time to kill be fore the water fete, it happens quickly, and there is nothing to do afterward,” said Bob McMurray. “Why not have a little dance at the rnceway nfter the flo tilla has passed.” It is hoped also to have the glee clubs and the band for the fete. One more feature, which Echo Zahl is investigating, is fireworks. The Columbia Fireworks company cif Port land has a proposition which would cost the juniors something, and another one which wouldn’t. One or the other might be worked in after the fete. A parade will be staged during the week end. And whenever it is given, it is to be emphasized. Faculty Will “Be There” It is possible that the faculty will put on something "academic or highbrow,” so that the week-end visitors may not think that gayety and athletics are the sum of college life,—this, according to Mr. Foster. “President Campbell has no objection to the faculty getting up some thing good for Thursday classes,” he explained, “but there must be no sort of dismissal.” It was the “ultimate good of the Uni versity” that Wilmot Foster had in mind when he proposed at the student council meeting last night that | a new campus trndition be started at junior week-end by awarding a decree and di ploma to the handsomest man here about at that time. Other features for making week-end of unusual interest were presented by Frank Seaiefe, Wayne Htnter and other members of the junior week-end committee. I TWICE TOLD TALES Whitman’s baseball stock socm^ to be a little better than par this season with 12 men on hand, but as Coach Vincent liorleske sees room for improvement in the infield, the recruiting station may be called upon. Idaho track fans are greatly enthused over the early season showing of “Cap" Massey, middle distance veteran. They feel that he’s a sure bet for first prize in every meet. Sam Cook, ye olde tyme Oregon foot ball plus track luminary, is breaking into the limelight at Montana again as the spike artists begin to blossom out. The old Oregon vet’s latest difficulties have to do with the chewing pastime. Sam was leading the bunch the other eve when the filthy weed butted in and al most deprived him of his laurels as champion endurance man of the skillage. With the finis in sight and competitors falling by the wayside at every turn— Samuel made a miscue and swallowed his cud of Copenhagen. Immediately all in terest in the ultimate good of Montana left him as well as the lead in the race, but by judicious coughing the poison was unloaded and latest reports inform us that S. Cook broke the tape at the ter mination of hostilities. Sharpshooting at W. S. C. has just about reached the position of maxime cum laude or whatever they call it. The Dietz gunmen have been registering 1000 for so many moons that the authorities are thinking of calling all bets off and awarding the Pullman boys champ hon ors on suspicion. The university of Utah walked off with the national A. A. U. basketball title in Chicago last week by handing the Illinois A. A. C. a 27-27 walloping. If the Illinois quintet bears an^ resem blance to the bunch which toured the northwest last season in an endeavor to teach the natives the basket shooting art, we surmise that the Utah gents de serve the honors. Anyone desiring to buy a good dome protector, cheap, please get into imme diate communication i£ith “Skeet” Big bee. The w. k. Oregon diamond star drifted around McCredie’s baseball farm for some short time with a sky piece, which, according to rumor, cost in. the neighborhood of six bits. While cavort ing about the diamond “Skeet” lost bis curiosity nnd another of similar design was substituted for better or for worse. Our late lamented athlete found that the new acquisition bore all the earmarks of a four bone lid so now is offering same to the highest bidder for fear the orig inal purchaser may discover his mistake and come back with a demand for ex change. ¥-* I CUES ECHO JUNE ZAHL Queer that a military movement | | should start on St. Patrick’s Day? j ★-- * To the directors of the women’s gym —who deemed it wise to examine co-ed’s feet for possible flaws—I cheerfully ded icate this attempt, to-wit: Feet—Apollo’s pride, The only hope of Terpsichore, At_woman’s feet- how many men have died; Ah! me—It is too long a atory. No hand can guide where feet their own er’s take, The plutocrat, the lowly, Must needs with feet their progress make, Whether fast or slowly. But now no more can I beam down with pride The trip to Panama on an armjr trans port for the glee club of Leland Stanford university seems assured. The glee and mandolin clubs of the University of Michigan have planned a spring trip to the Pacific Coast. Yale students are now allowed 30 ab sent -marks from chapel. Sundays and reading in morning prayer count as five marks. Russian students at Columbia recent ly gave a concert, of which 25 per cent of the proceeds went to the Russian Red Cross society. One of the wonderful phenomena of nature is how the only full-dress suit in the house fits anyone. DELICIOUS Ices and Sweets Try our candies, made by an expert in our own kitch en. Experienced dispenser to make you happy and sat isfied. Ask for the new spe cials. “Dainty Lunches” THE CLUB Smokes—Billiards Is now—as it always has bqen, the place where you can find him. 8th and Willamette i OBAK Advertises 58 and 60 Ninth Ave. E. Exclusive Millinery FOR PARTICULAR LADIES GERRY’S WillametteStreet ARE YOU READY FOR “Dress-Up WeeK1’ April 3 to 8th ? DON’T FORGET THE DATE Watch the papers for further particulars TABLE DELICACIES of the season’s best can be supplied at , WING S MARKET Phone 38 675 Willamette J. W. QDACKENBDSH & SON : HARDWARE PHONE 1057 160 9th AVE. EAST. ¥u— Shasta mOgden ROUTES EAST Do yuo know that tickets to Eastern Destinations via Californ a cost but a trifle more than on more Northern routes ? 91 Do you know that Only one change of cars is necessary 1 if you go via Caifornia to Chicago, Denver, (dmaha, • I Kansas City or St. Louis? Do you know that the transit limit of tickets is fonger if you go via (California? This allows liberal stopovers. Do you know that there are library observation, standard and tourist sleeping cars on three daily trains via Cal ifornia on Shasta and Ogden Routes? Do you know that information on all travel routes can be obtained from local agent or by writing to John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portlahd, Oregon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC II .- — I Signal! Advertise . . . .Score Results FOR THE BENEFIT of ™e WOMEN’S BUILDING THE WOMEN’S LEAGUE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON PRESENT THE UNIVERSITY PLAYERS “THE FORTUNE HUNTER” Staged Under the Direction of Janies W. Mott, Producer of Last Season’s Local Success, “BROWN OF HARVARD” In Winchell Smith’s Celebrated Comedy Success EUGENIE THEATRE (TWO NIGHTS) FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH 31st and APRIL 1st PRICES—25,50 and 75 Cents NONE HIGHER