Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 21, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. 17.
m 8
NO. 64.
Team Where It Was Two
Weeks Ago Says Coach
; “pont”infEdwobkswell
Bight Field Remains an.Enig
r ma. Medley Assured of
v Left Garden Job.
(Jimmy Sheehy)
*t For the ’steenth time this spring the
- tain has put the damper on outdoor
i ; baseball practice and once more the var
sity will work out on the gymnasium
* floor. Until the weather moderates the
pitchers will take their daily warmups
indoors and the rest of the squad will
» keep in condition by playing handball
and basketball.
* “The team right now is where it was
before the heavy snow of two weeks
ago,” said Coach Bezdek, after the reg
ulars had gone through an hour of bat
ting practice and fielding stunts last
„ night on the rain soaked diamond. “I
have a line on my material now—the
v question is whether they will come
through or not. The boys are ready for
v the finishing touches. However unless
we have good weather our chances in
* the conference will be almost nil.”
Bez is quite we!'.' satisfied with the
manner in which his pony infield is
. ‘ handling the ball. Captain Cornell, Grebe
and Maison are all Lilliputians, but their
* pepper and fight offsets any deficiencies
* in stature. “Speed” Maison although riot
a flashy ball player is as steady as an
8day clock and is ever reliable. He has
■- a good arm, and ought to hit well in the
conference games. Few balls will get by
him this year at third base.
<* Captain “Anse” Cornell is a real ball
player and is the only “old hand” on the
r inner works. Now that his knee is not
f bothering him Ance bids fair to have a
big year. He is hitting in third place in
.* the batting order and is meeting the ball
squarely. Walter Grebe on second was
f handicapped in getting a late start due
to illness.
He is fielding well, but as yet he has
i not located his batting eye. Joe McLean
is a big surprise on first base. Joe is
coming fast and has the making of a
good ball player.
Right field still remains an enigma
< to Coach Bezdek. He is not exactly satis
fied with Wilhelm or Woods, although
he is not through with them. Bez in
tends to give Joe Hedges a try out in
the gardens. In a pinch either Bill
* Tuerck or Dick Nelson will be groomed
for the place. Medley’s rapid improve
ment practically assures him of the left
veldt job.
Shy Huntington spent the week-end at
Seattle and had an opportunity to get
a line on the Washington team. “They
lose pitcher Bryant and outfielder
Thompson, two of their best hitters,
but they expect to beat us nevertheless,”
said Shy.
Upon the showing of Bill Tuerck, Dick
Nelson and Scoop Rathbun depends the
success of the team. “Without good
pitching w*» can’t do anything,” said
Bez. “All three men have good stuff
and ought to come through in fine
Coach Bezdek plans to give some
blackboard talks to the team whenever
the weather is bad. Plays will be gone
over so that the men can learn some
inside baseball.
Delta Gamma Supplies 22 of 194 Mem
hers; Presbyterians in Evidence.
Delta Gamma has the largest number
. of members in the Y. W. C. A.—22.
'Kappa Alpha Theta is second with 21;
Gamma Phi Beta and Kappa Kappa
Gamma tie for third place with 18; Al
pha Phi and Mary Spiller Hall each
have 14; Chi Omega has 10; Delta Delta
Delta has nine; and Pi Beta Pi has five
girls in the organization. There are 13
town girls in the association, which brings
the total membership to 194, the largest
women’s organisation on the campus.
The membership cards reveal that 12
church denominations are represented.
The Y. W. C. A. has 60 Presbyterians;
37 Methodists; 32 Episcopalians and the
other churches are represented as fol
lows: Congregational. 15; Baptist, 10;
Christian, ninr; Christian Science, six;
i Catholic, five; Lutheran, four; Unitarian,
I three; Quaker, one and United Brethren,
| one. Twenty have no preference.
Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. in Library
Deceives Dyment
Mystic Command Results in 18
Hours of Hunger and
Professor Colin V. Dyment is super
stitious. He is no ordinary voo-doo doc
tor, but the only surviving astrological,
alchemistical Cagliostro left in the busi
ness. He glories in it, and foretelling the
future is the easiest thing he does.
The spirit was on him strong last
Thursday, when Professor A. F. Red
die urged him to join a select party for
a motor trip to' Portland. Mr. Dyment
wanted to go, in fact he decided on the
spot, that he would go, but every time
he walked close up to Mr. Reddie’s Chal
mers a mystic urge shoved him back, and
an unearthly voice whispered:
So the professional Cagliostro made
polite excuses, and, still desiring to go
to Portland, slipped over to the Oregon
Electric" station and paid $7.20 in real
money for a ticket.
The sequel is that the Chalmers out
did itself, skimmed over hill and vale
with its merry party, and returned in
record time. Meanwhile, Mr. Dyment was
on a train on the Oregon Electric. There
was no dining car, and no sleeper. A
storm blocked the road, and the traveller
returned minus one dinner, one break
fast, and a conventional night’s sleep. ^
The train was 18 hours late. He says
he slept on a rear platform of the obser
cation car.
— -
Miss Harriet Thomson Interest
ed in Starting Auxiliary to
Men’s Drill Companies.
Not to be outdone by the men of the
University, organizers under the direc
tion of Miss Harriet Thomson, are now
fathoming sentiment among the women
to determine whether or not organiza
tion of a Red Cross corps would be feas
“This is a co-educational institution,”
says Miss Thomson, “and since the men
are interested in military preparedness
on a purely voluntary basis there is no
reason why the women should not show
equal interest in affiliating with the
National Red Cross association on the
same basis. As far as I know there h
no precedent in the United States for
this but I do not see why we can not
be pioneers ini the movement.”
President Campbell thinks such a move
would be admirable and Mrs. G. T. Ger
linger, member of the Board of Regents,
and serving on the military drill com
mittee, heartily endorses it.
The idea originated with Miss Thom
son when she attended the men’s mass
meeting Friday. She immediately wrote
to the national headquarters at Washing
ton, D. C., in order to find out if affilia
tion were possible.
Some “live-wire” spirits among the
girls have been boosting the plan and
tomorrow the plan will be presented be
fore the regular gymnasium classes and
a straw vote taken.
If organization follows the company
will first be known as the “Voluntary
First Aid” company, having as its pur
pose training in first aid so that war
patients could be given preliminary treat
ment to prepare them for a surgeon.
—- =— ■■ ' =ri
“Free Lances” Relate “Thrillers”
| Carl Crowe and John Kelly, Newspapermen, Speak to the
| Journalism Classes. Relation of Experiences in
| Orient Deals With Customs There.
I' — -
Carl Crow and John Kelley, two “free
lance” newspaper men, spoke to classes
in journalism yesterday. This is the first
time that the classes have heard lec
tures by men not regularly connected
with a paper.
Mr. Crow, who has returned recently
from the Orient where he was affiliat
ed with American papers in Shanghai
and Tokio vied with Mr. Kelley, maga
zine and Chicago news writer, in relat
ing “thrillers” in the news gathering
“I would never take a desk position
if it were offered me,” said Mr. Crow.
“It’s the reporter who gets the real ex
perience. I had the good fortune to
travel with Samuel Blythe, the peer of
war correspondents while he was in
China and Siberia, and the thing of
' which he seemed most proud was the
fact that he was a reporter.”
Mr. Crow told of an experience in
China in covering a flood on the Yang
tse Kiang river. "The Chinese, as a
whole, are very reticent,” said Mr. Crow,
“and they considered the flood as a work
of God and something that they were
not concerned in. After several days of
interviewing, the interpreter who had
been with me asked if it were the flood
that I was seeking Information abo'ut,
and took me to the chief beggar whom
he said would know all the particulars.
After a good deal of minor questioning,
we arrived at the subject of the flood
and in a very sohrt time I had all the
information I wished.
“The beggar was glad to find a sym
pathetic listener to whom he could re
late his woes. It seems the man had put
begging in the town on a purely com
mercial basis from which the profession
als derived a substantial income. The
flood had brought an influx of alien
beggars who were running those of the
town out of business. The chief appeal
ed to me as a foreigner to suggest some
“Still investigating the damage done
by the flood, I went up the river from
Hankow to Kukiang. There were no
interpreters that I could find but after
several dajto, I discovered a Jesuit
priest. He could not understand any lan
guage which I could speak and I was
equally as dull. Finally he brought out
an Anglo-French dictionary and after
five hours of good hard work during j
which we translated each others conver- j
sation, I at last had my story complete.
“In Japan,” continued Mr. Crow, “the
news is censored by the police who are
continually bewailing the fact that they
haven’t more power so that they could
suppress foreign publications such as
the wTorks of Ibsen which they declare
are- ruining the morals of the Japanese
people. Any story that reflects upon the
royal family, no matter how important
can not be printed
“There is a tradition In Japan that no
member of the royal family may die out
side of Tokio, and at the time of
the death of the Empress Dowager
the newspapers had difficulty in handling
the story. The empress took ill and died
at her summer home outside of Tokio
on April 10, but until she had been
brought back to Tokio, the announce
ment was deferred. In order to get
around this handicap, the Japanese Ad
vertiser printed the announcement of
the death of :he empress and sent the
papers out to all news stands with the
directfons to ( pen os soon as her death
was officially published. The body was
brought in on the train, the servants go
ing through (he formality of offering
the body food. At Tokio the body was
put in a closed coach and driven to the
palace before the death was actually an
nounced. Five! minutes later the copies
of the Advertiser were sold in towns as
fas as 200 mil'es away from the capital.”
Mr. Crow did war corresponding In
China during the Revolution four years
ago. He told of having to get up at 3:30
every morning and travel seven miles
to -interview General Sun Tat Sen before
According to Mr. Crow, the Japanese
did not enter the present war because
of an enmity toward Germany, but more
from a hope of gain.
“I suppose that in order to uphold the
“class hour” oratoh, I must give some
advice,” he said, “and I will cite Mr.
Blythe again. The most remarkable
thing I noticed about him while I was
his traveling companion was the insa
tiable curiosity that he displayed at all
times. No onei could enter a cafe where
we were eating or a hotel where we were
stopping without him wanting to know
all his personal history, and he generally
elieve that for newspaper
od trait, for ultimately it
we are interested in, not
learned it. I
men it is a gc
is people that
announce the election of
Javelin Throw
Lays Moose Low
'---- I
Fans Gasp as College, Hurdler
Staggers Under Weight of
Crimson Bandage.
_ I
Bandages, blood and “Moose” Muir
head staggering along.
Gasps, fears, tremblings—a hurdler
hurt?—the populace gathers round.
Whispers—silence. 1
A query: How?
“A javelin in the head.” |
“Mortal.” ,
“Moose” walked on. The white
swathed head bowed low. A great crim
son smear was spreading above the tem
ple. The fans saw three first places
fading into the horizon. Then the truth
leaked out.
The blood was too brilliant to be nat
ural. The stooping walk toy feigued to
be real. The bandage too neat to be
true. Bill Hayward had! been practic
ing. An artistic bandage is too good a
thing to waste and “Moose” had to wear
the dummy swathing until it could be
exhibited to Bill’s class in' bandaging.
That is all. !
Stanford and Washington Contests on
Friday, March 24, Wl|ll See
New Teams.
With the meets with Washington and
Stanford looming up on the horizon, the
’Varsity debating teams are .utilizing all
their time in final preparations. The
first scrimmage was held last: night whes
the question: “Resolved, thrtt the Unit
ed States should maintain a navy above
third rank in fighting efficiency,” was
discussed pro and con by Earl Fleiseh
mann and Walter L. Myers, ithe affirma
tive team, and Cloyd Daivsom and Nich
olas Jaureguy, negative, vdiile Prof.
Robert W. Prescott, coach pf debaters,
umpired, coached and criticised.
Judging from all the repoirts circulat
ing from the camps of the enemy, they
are working with equal fervor in their
separate efforts to turn out a winning
offensive and defensive arguments. The
Washington team has their farmer coach,
Dean Arthur R. Priest, who has had a
reputation in the past of turning out
good strong teams. The Stanford coach,
Lee M.' Bassett, was a former assistant
of Dean Priest. Both teanps are com
posed of experienced men and we are
assured of a good reception from each,”
stated Cloyd Dawson, Oregon's veteran
Rosalind Bates, who with IPleischmann
defeated one of the O. A. ()• teams, wiil
not be permitted to debate because the
contracts with both Universities call for
men debaters. To fill this vacancy,
Professor Prescott has switched Myers
to the affirmative and put “Nick” Jaure
guy, a veteran of last year wjio has been
out the early part of the season on ac
count of illness, with Dawson.
Both teams are lining up in good style,
according to Professor Prescott and will
be in good shape by March 24 when the
test comes.
Ohio State has forbidden any member
of the varsity football team to play pro
fessional football after he leaves college,
under the penalty of losing his standing
in the “O” association, which is formed
of letter men. If regulations continue,
the only legitimate thing for the varsity
athlete to do after he graduates, will be
to retire or enter the ministry.
The men’s student council at the uni
versity of Kansas conducted a second
hand book exchange this semester and
did business during the week to the ex
tent of $50,
Courses in Japanese and Ithe Chinese
languages will be offered at (Chicago next
year. Russian and Semetic courses are al
ready in vogue.
Indications Are That 200 Will Tdm Out. Governor Withycombei
Writes Commendatory Letter to President Campbell Re-j
garding Movement. Officer^ Will Be Elected and Drill
Started at Once. Enthusiasm Runs High.
Step number one in the organization
of voluntary drill companies at the Uni
versity will be taken tomorrow at 3:20
o’clock in Villard hall, when all those
who have signed the drill petition, and
all others interested, will meet to elect
temporary officers, to decide when the
first get-together at the O. N. G. ar
mory shall take place, and to name when
and how often the drill shall be held
during the remainder of the semester.
The temporary officers will be: captain,
first lieutenant and second lieutenant.
•The meeting tomorrow noon will be
presided over by Secretary Grimes, as
sisted probably by A .C. Shelton, who
is well known in connection with his
Mazarna club work, nnd who is enthus
iastic about the military movement. Col
onel C. C. Hammond will attend to sug
gest and help in the organization.
At faculty colloquium tonight, an in
vitation will be extended to all members
who wish to enter the movement.
Governor Withycombe Writes.
President Campbell today received a
letter from Governor Withycombe, in
^hich the state executive voiced hearty
a >proval of the plan and satisfaction
with the way students are taking up
t\teir part in the responsibilities of pre
( The governor says, in part, '“While I
emphatically oppose everything which
might tend to stir up undue hysteria re
garding the possible outcome of the pre
sent international relations, yet I do be
lieve that the time is past for us to fol
low the absurd exaruilple of the ostrich
and bury our heads in the sands of false
No Interference With Athletics
, Those behind the movement denied to
day that drill will at all interfere with
athletics, and assured that baseball and
track men who so wish will be able to
turn out for drill also. “Bill” Hayward
says he is heartily in sympathy with the
n^ovement especially because it is vol
untary. "I would not be in favor with
it if it were compulsory.” he says.
More than 200 are expected at the
meeting tomorrow noon.
Is an AII-the-Year-Around Game and
Rated High as Aid to Manhood.
Soccer in the United States is mobil
izing approximately 100,000 hoys and
young men each year. 52,934 persons
paid admission to -witness the champion
ship game for the National Challenge
Cup for the scnson 1914-15. No world
series baseball game has ever attracted
more than 50,000 paying spectators.
It is evident that the east holds soc
cer in mueE greater esteem than the
west. Bernard N. Click, in his recent il
luminating account of the expansion of
association football in the United StateB
as an all-the-ycar-around game, in the
Philadelphia Public Ledger, booms soccer
as a prime aid in “preparedness,” He
said: “For the l(ist few months the
question of preparedness has been oc
cupying the public mind, and many plans
are still under consideration, but what
ever individuals may think of the ways
and means to attain this end, nil are en
gaged on the fundamental importance
to the nation of a healthy, robust man
hood. During the last decade all nnti6ns
have come to realize that nothing tends
to keep their youth fitter than a steady
devotion to outdoor sports, and the pow
,ers that be have done all in their pow
er to encourage any step in this direction.
Soccer has the proper qualifications. It
is nationally possible because it is suit
able for all sizes and conditions of play
ers, is of a simple nature, is inexpen
sive and capable of being played almost
unywhere, the vacant lot, the playground,
or the carefully prepared field. Not only
this, but it is spectacular enough to at
tract support from spectators, and inter
esting enough to keep it when once ob
University Players Produce “Fortune
Hunter” on March 31 at Eugene.
The University players will stage the
"Fortune Hunter” March 31, and April 1,
at the Eugene theatre. The curtain will
rise at 8:30 in order that all who go to
the Y. M. C. A. banquet, which will also
be given that night, may be able to at
James W. Mott, who produced “Brown
of Harvard,” with a local cast for the
Eugene Radiators last year, will coach
the players. Mr. Mott, who will arrive
in town today, will cnst the play and
start rehearsals immediately.
Mr. Mott is reputed to be one of the
best dramatic coaches in the country. It
is said that his plays approach profes
sional excellence more nearly than do
any other amateur productions.
A few weeks ago he put on the “For
tune Hunter” in Salem which met with
such a success that people had to be
turned away from the doors.
I^ast week Mr. Mott staged “Arizona,”
the junior class play, at O. A. C., to a
[crowded house.
“Council Becoming Too Administrative
and Is Forgetting Function,”
i Says Tooze.
I All exofflcio members should be
abolished from the student council, ac
cording to Lamar Tooze, president of the
student body, except possibly the vice
Piresident of the student body, who would
act as presiding officer. This arrange
ment would eliminate the president and
secretary of the Associated Students, the
editor of the Emerald, and the president
oil the Woman’s league.
1 “The council iB becoming too much of
aii administrative body,” asserted Tooze.
“It is forgetting its function as a place
Where student sentiment is formulated.
Ill, as has been said, the trouble arises
hitcause the council is too large, this
sterns to me the only practical way of re
ducing the membership.”
Tooze expects to bring this matter up
for discussion at the council meeting
Wednesday evening. At this time also
the advisory council for the yell-leader
Will be elected, Junior Week-end plans
discussed, and further arrangements
made for the cooperative store.
I ' -
Miss Barbara Lull,, Child Violinist of
k Portland, Well Reoelved
In Eugene.
' An audience of two hundred and fifty
people was well entertained at the con
cert given by the University orchestra
i«l Villnrd hall last Friday evening. Se
lections from Kreisler, Mozart, Elgar
d Schubert were of a variety and scope
ppily chosen to reveal the ability and
versatility of the orchestra. The ren
dition of Schubert’s beautiful “Unfinished
Symphony” was particularly effective
and well received.
One of the most interesting features
ojl' the program was contributed by
Portland’s child violinist, Miss Barbara
Lull. This young musician is but 11
y^'ars old. She started The study of the
vijolin at the age of five years, under
hur mother, who is herself an accom
plished musician, and today displays tal
ent and ability quite remarkable in so
youthful an artist. She won fhe au
dience as much by her simple girlishness
and enviable stage presence, as by the
power and technique of her playing. She
was charmingly and effectively accom
panied by Mrs. Thacher.
Ronald’s “Cycle of Life,” as sung by
Mir. Albert Gillette, was wen and pleas
ingly rendered.
The satisfactory execution of this well
balanced program Friday night spozj
eloquently of the talent and industry of
Miss Winifred Forbes, the orchestra