Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 19, 1916, Image 1

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    VOL. 17.
Chances for a Winning Track
Team This Year Are
v Slim.
Thirteen Years Ago at Albany
College State Championship
Was Won With Seven Men.
That the coming track season is go
ing to be the most crucial year of Bill
Hayward’s experience at Oregon is the
firm belief of the premier coach. In the
history of Bill’s connection with the Uni
versity, he has not failed to turn out a
winning team. But never before, says
Bill, has he had such a stiff proposition
to face as he has this year.
Freshmen Eliminated
In figuring out the actual men on
whom he could depend to train and give
him support he found there were just
ten. Of course, this is not counting the
freshmen who are 'by virtue of the new
ruling barred. .This eliminates four who
might be placed on the team, figuring
four as the average number of fresh
men who make the varsity each year. In
conference meets Bill can enter twelve
men. Heretofore, it has been a prob
lem to reduce to twelve men. This
year will be a problem to get that
Should Muirhead and Payne return,
the chances for a winning team would be
enhanced many fold. But fourteen days
of the allotted twenty-one have sung
their parting lullabies and should these
stars not register within the coming
■week they will be ineligible for com
petition, even though they * decide to
Has Been There Before
But Bill has faced a similar proposi
tion to this before. That was thirteen
year ago when he was signed as coach
of Albany college. He had seven men
out of whom to make a track team.
They were none of them stars, and had
had but little experience. But Bill con
ceived a versatile combination and set
to work to solve it. When the season’s
schedule was completed these seven men
had not lost a meet and were by virtue
of their victories the state of Oregon
champions, defeating in the melee the
renowned University of Oregon track
Hopes Are Slim
So, if Bill can conceive another versa
tile combination this year, there is hope.
But Bill says his hopes for this are
about as slim as finding the proverbial
The freshmen aTe being watched care
fully and in them Bill sees the salvation
of the varsity next year. Meets for
the freshmen will be scheduled with O.
A. C., Willamette and one or two high
Senior and Captain of the Nine Plays
As Well as Two-Handed
University of Texas, Feb. 13.—Dick
Hooper, captain of the local team, has
only one arm, but is one of the best play
ers on the team.
Dick [flays in the outfield, and wears
his glove on his right hand. After he
catches the ball, he throws it in the air,
slaps the glove under the stump of his
left arm, catches the ball out of the air
and throws it. He goes through the oper
ation with such speed that he can get
the ball started for the diamond after
making a catch almost as quickly as an
outfielder with two hands.
Last season he threw out ten runners
at the plate. He had 105 chances in the
field and did not make an error. He also
is very good with a bat. Last season he
■hit safely in sixteen consecutive games,
'making a better record than most of his
team, mates. After he graduates this
spring he plans to enter Dartsmouth.
The co-eds of the niversity of Chicago
have gone on a strike because n a cer
tain lecture course they are not permit
ted to sit on the side of the room with
;the male students.
“Hops or Talks,”
Asks Committee
Student Body Sentiment on
Friday Evening Lectures
Do you want Friday evening lectures
—as, perhaps a slight relief from the
tedium of the dances and movies?? ATe
there a few things that you do not
know and would like to hear about from
professors whose courses you have not
taken? If you are taking commerce and
economics and haven’t time for chem
istry or zoology' or anatomy or archi
tecture or physics or geology or pure
food, (labs do spoil one’s afternoons)
you may be interested in hearing a Friday
evening elcture on some phases of these
subjects or others.
The Student Affairs committee has
taken up the matter and wants to know
what the public wants. Have you any sug
gestions to make? Oh, no, you don’t have
to go to the lecture which you ask for—
unless you still want to when it comes
along. Faculty members might like to
hear from other members whom they
have not had the opportunity to hear,
due to the fact that they lecture at the
same time.
Doctor Conklin will give the first lec
ture in this series. His subject is ‘'On
the Trail of the Ghost Hunters”. The
date for this lecture was set for last
night but it was postponed for a week
or two on account of Miss Forbes’ Te
Make known your wants to either
Georgia Kinsey, Virginia Peterson or
Donald Onthank.
Dean Allen Thinks Journalism Opens
Fine Field for Young Women,
With Chance to Go “Up”
Journalism is a better vocation for a
woman than teaching, according to E. W.
Allen, dean of the school of Journalism.
“In Journalism,” says Dean Allen, “one
is not dealing with the kids all the time
as in teaching. The outlook is much
broader. Girls who enter newspaper
work like t much better than teaching
because there is always a chance to rise.
In journalism one starts at the bottom
and works up, while in teaching one
starts in at the top and has no future.”
Prof. Colin V. Dyment of the jour
nalism department also believes that
there is a place for women in newspaper
work. “Beside the usual position .occu
pied by women as society and club edi
tors, special writers, and moving picture
editors, every paper should have one or
two women reporters,” asserts Mr. Dy
ment. “Since at least half of the readers
tre women it would be well to have some
ews written from a woman’s angle.”
Women make more painstaking writers
than men.”
Twenty-three Women Major
Of the 51 students majoring in jour
nalism at Oregon 23 are gir's. In advanc
ed journalism the boys outnumber the
girls three to one but in the freshmen
classes the boys are in the- majority
only- about three to two.
The girls now doing advanced work
|n journalism are: Grace Edgington, Lu
eilg Watson, Rita Fraley and Mary Bak
The Oregon school of Journalism has
already placed several girls in good posi
tions, among them are: Miss Wold, who
^vorks for the Spectator; Helen Driver,
society editor of the Tacoma News; Nel
lie Hemenway, of the Eugene Guard, and
Maryanne Smith Gerber, formerly photo
play editor of the Oregonian and editor
of the Winged M Bulletin.
"The demand for trained journalists
is always greater than the supply,” says
Mr. Allen. “Oregon will probably be
able to place all the women who grad
uate in this work.”
There are 18 girls and 20 boys on the
Emerald staff showing better proportion
for the girls than the number taking
According to the present plans of the
debating club at Columbia university,
the first debate in the west will take
place the middle of April with the Uni
versity of Southern California at Los An
geles and -the second debate with the
Unversity of Colorado.
01 C.
First Wit
Staged i
The first in
estling Meet Ever
Eugene. Loss of
eshmen Felt.
:ercollegiate wrestling meet
ever held at the University will be stag
ed a week frcm tonight when Coach Ed
Shockley’s back twisters and bone
smashers clasp with the O. A. C. con
padded mat in the gymnas
account of the
a fine match,”
Owing to tlj
will consist of
Williams the
weight and Gi
in the meet if
tie in the 115
Clark at 125
tingent on the
The men a|re in shape to give a good
mselves and should put up
said Shockley,
e freshmen rule the team
only six men. Coach Shock
ley regrets ve-y much that the rule will
bar Philips tpe fighting 115 pounder,
most promising heavy
ay a fast little 125 pound
man. These men would represent Oregon
they were able to compete.
“Men Have Fighting Chance”
As matters now stand Flegel will wres
pound division, Daley or
Prestel or Dundore at
135, Rutherford, 145, King, 158 and
Breeding in tie light-heavyweight class.
Most of th; men who turned out
for wrestling have been working hard
and, although Shockley’s squad will
have to win 4 out of the 6 matches,
they have a fighting chance to win the
The only teen left from last year’s
team are Rutherford and King who both
won letters by throwing their men at O.
A. C. a year ago.
There was some talk of arranging a
meet with Multnomah club of Portland
but tfye idea was abandoned because of
conflicting dat;s.
There wi
22, on acc
11 be no classes in the
next Tuesday, February
punt of Washington’s
The present
ton is belfcg c
ion, in that
have not been
been barred
two-sport rule at Prince
ifiticised by the Princeton
the scholarship standards
Raised and many men have
m winter sports.
Water Polo
sport at Stanfi
may become a regular
'ord university this sem
BUY SP1510 9
In Initial Six-Inning Ball-Fest,
Coach Bezdek Discovers
Lack of Hitting Ability.
The old grind is on. The familiar
cry of “play ball” echoed forth Thursdny
night, when a picked varsitly team put
over 13 scores to the freshmen’s*, in
the initial six innings practice game of
the spring season.
Every man had strict orders to go
easy, hence the few railbirds present
had little opportunity to size up the
diamond luminaries. “Shy” Huntington
caught the groove balls hurled by Dick
Nelson and “Walt” Kennon. McLean,
at first; Risley, second; Woods, short;
Mnison, third, formed the varsity in
field. Knighton, Sheehy, and Wilhelm
worked in the pastures.
Bill Tuerck and Scoop Bathbun pitch
ed for the frosh and the varsity stickers
took kindly to their straight balls. Hol
comb wore the pad and mask, and Fra
ley, Fox, Dement, and Messner occupied
the infield berths. Spangler, Morfitt, and
Bowen cavorted in the outer gardens.
Pre-Season Dope Fails
Pre-season dope heralded the green
cappers as being good hitters. However,
Thursday night's practice game showed
them to be woefully weak with the wil
low. Most of them are bat shy and in
the vernacular of the ball player they
“step in the bucket.” Nevertheless most
of them are good fielders.
Coach Bezdek is resolved to teach the
boys every phase of the game. “I’m
taking nothing for granted this year,”
said “Bez,” in discussing the program for
the spring training. “We are going to
learn how to bunt, slid®, fiber run bases,
and ail the other fundamental rudiments.
If we can’t hit, we will develop speed,
and use inside baseball.’’
Friday’s sesion developed Into a bunt
fest. Bezdek instructed the varsity to
lay them down, which few of them were
able to do accurately, Nelson and l'ureck
work for an hour or more trying to mas
ter a quick throw to first base, to catch
the runner napping. Maison, Wilhelm,
and Sheehy alternated in leading off the
bag and sprinting to second on the
throw to the plate. “Bez” is working
overtime on Joe McLean in an effort ot
remove his rough edges. Jqe is willing
to learn and ought to make good.
Every man on the team is required to
do some sprinting and to round out the
day’s labor with a two lap trot around
the ra corners of the field. If the pres
ent summer weather prevails, it will not
be long before the squad is in shape.
Faculty Faddists Fattened
Innocent “Bulgarbugs
Scientifically Speaking They Are Bacilli Which Acts as Toxin
for Resident Bacteria. Flavor Is Akin to Near-Beer, Say
Disciples of the Bulgarian Juice.
Glug, glug uythp—smack—Ah!
Ten million Bui gars bit the dust, ot
rather, a professor bit 10,000,000 Bul
garbugs. The honored professor set down
his milky glass and went to his classes
all a-smile—and Chauncey Littlestudy
got H that morning. This Bulgarian but
termilk is a wonderful thing.
Have you noticed Dean John Straub’s
bulging belt? (Buttermilk Bulgar). Have
you seen Prof. A. B. Sweetser’s increas
ingly pleasant smile? (More Bulgaring).
All these high marks that the students
have gotten without earning them come
as the result of the recent faculty fad
for culture buttermilk. (So says Doctor
I You see, it started this Way. Some
one brought some of the little rascals
(I mean those bugs—the real ones, not
the professors) to Eugene and started
using them without taking proper pre
cautions to prevent their spreading. Now,
this buttermilk craze is a contagious dis
ease and already the mortality among
| the faculty has been alarming. Many are
using it and almost all say that it is
doing them worlds of good.
Bacilli Act As Toxin
The scientific! theory of the thing,
treated unscientifically, is that these lit
tle bugs, which aren’t really bugs at
all but just plaiin plants or bacilli, set
free within the body a substance that acts
i as. a toxin -for the poisons and harmful
bacteria already there. Some people say
it works and some say it don’t. Anyway,
it seems to work very *ell on some peo
The disciples of the fad are partic
ularly lavish in dispensing the Bulgur
bugs and almost anyone will give a shot
to a prospective convert.
Professor Sweether says that the ma
jority of the buttermilkers are not drink
ing real Bulgarbugs but a sort of near
relative—the caucususbug. He says that
the action is the same, but that, in a
pitched battle, the true Bulgurs could
probably clean up on their kih. Doctor
•Straub says that the bacteriologist is a
pro-Ententist and that he is liable to be
prejudiced. The doctor himself confesses
to being pro-Ally.
Flavors Near-Beer
One very attractive feature of the but
termilk is that, with the increasing age
of the culture, a strange flavor akin to
that of near-beer is taken on. The de
votee who discovered this fact hopes
that, when his pets have attained a ripe
old age, he may have a brewery—truly
an oasis in a desert.
Some of the professors are a trifle
hesitant in admitting that they are guilty
of even giving in to anything that might
be looked upon as a fad. Prof. Colin V.
Dyment was asked if he was one of
the faithful. Wrinkling his forehead, he
replied, “Well, a-a-a-ah-out of curiosity
Inquisition Stunts
Enliven Initiation
In Nocturnal Hours, “Prosh”
Hunt Lemons and Sweep
Street While Masters Sleep.
Several of the fraternities have proven
stern disciplarinarians the last few
nigts, by putting their frosh through
unique and novel preliminary initiation
The Gamma Thi Betas were guarded
over last night by a walking sentry car
rying a broomstick gun and marching
to the whistling strains of a brother
perched by the car shed. Strangers were
challenged and asked to give the counter
The search for a lemon in an oak tree,
on Skinner’s butte, proved futile to one
freshman, while the frog spearing en
deavor of the frosh pTexy at Coburg
were quite a success.
But it was the wearer of the green
sweeping the street car tracks from Al
der street to the depot who commanded
the admiration of the Eugene night po
lice. These dignitaries were fairly pro
fane in their compliments, as they sat
in midnight consultation in the White
lunch. These same guardians of the law
were nlso sources of information to
frosh hunting the downstream abuttment
of the Willamette bridge, the vinegar
factory, the sehoolhouse at the end of
Willamette street, nnd such other places
conceived in the minds of brother up
Formal Organization May Bo Eliminated
-■ at tnierfratemity Council
The matter of abolishing the interfra
ternity athletic association will be con
sidered at the next meeting of the inter
fraternity council which will be held on
the second Tuesday in March. The move
ment for the abolishment of the athletic
association is due to the opinion held by
some that the students on the campus
are over-organized. This association is
a branch of the interfraternity council
and has been acting under authority del
egated to it by that body. Its work will
be done by a committee of the council.
The questions of interfraternity base
ball, handball and the presentation of
the basketball trophy will be the chief
business of the meeting of the athletic
association to be hcl(| next Tuesday
Handball a Failure
Handball wns a failure last year and
is not likely to be played this year un
less the houses agree to take a greater
interest in it. Financial affairs will be
straightened out so that the books may
be turned over to the council should that
body decide to abolish the association.
According to Bernard Breeding, president
of the interfraternity athletic associa
tion the books are in good condition nnd
the treasury will contain about $35.00
after the nffairs of the organization are
settled. Approximately forty dollars is
owed to the body by some of the frater
First Year Woman Defeat Juniors Fif
teen to Two and Carry
Off Honors.
The frrahmcn girls’ basketball team
carried off this year’s honors in the
annual contest Thursday, by defeating
the juniors, with a score of 15 to 2. The
games began at 4 p. ra. First the ju
niors played a picked team of seniors and
faculty, resulting in a 6-7 victory for the
latter. Freshmen beat the sophomores
22 to 15.
On account of the disability of many of
the upperclassmen, the senior team had
to be helped out by faculty members.
Jewel Tozier was captain of this, Jean
Bell of the juniors, Ester Feruset, sop
omores, and Ruby Boque, the champions.
The names of the latter will be in
scribed on the Hayward cup. East
year’s freshmen were also the successful
Dean Collins, Sage of “Craw
fish” Fame, Reviews Evolu
tion of Newspaper Humor.
Oolyumist Tells Parvenus to
Write Verse and Read Class
ics for Poetic Proficiency.
The profession of humor is a sad
and serious thing.
The exigencies of the game today
demand that the special writer be a
It isn’t a job for intermittently in
spiric gdeniuses, but for self-develop
ed self-starters, whose sole inspira
tion must be the Mergenthalers up
stairs clamoring for copy.
For studentB in journalism, who
aspire in this line of work, I would
recommend two things: Write “col
yums” and keep in touch with the best
“colyuras” produced by men who have
already arrived.
Rhythum is ingrained in humanity
so deeply that you cannot escape it,
even in your sleep.
The writing of verse is a craft that
can be learned as well as carpentry.
Dean Collins, editor aDd staff of the
“Crawfish” and “est, contemp, contrib”,
of the Oregonian editorial page, is a firm
believer in Hudson Maxim’s theory that
verse writing is an exact science and can
be acquired.
Need No Inspiration
The striking note that Collins sounded
in his talk Friday in Guild hall before
the students of journalism was that by
practice in writing verse, reading good
literature and studying technique, the
ambitious aspirant can become proficient
in the profession of humorous verse.
“Don’t wait for an inspiration,” is
his advice to the parvenu. “Write verse,
and try to write it as nearly technical
ly correct as possible. In the field of
newspaper verse there are no poets born
—they are made by long drilling, by
writing poetry that is poor at first, but
by writing continually until they have
mastered th> cruft and their poetry be
comes good.
“I insist that in probr.bly seven or
eight cases out of ten of the poems
that ‘get by’ and are popular in our daily
reading, depend 00 per cent on crafts
manship, where they depend ten per cent
on content or idea.
Learn Posey Rules
“Learn the rules of poesy and learn
to use them. Write colyums and keep in
touch with the best colyums produced
bjr the men who have already arrived.
Familiarize yourself with the standard
fdrms of verse and learn to write in
them. Read good standard literature”;
these are the secrets given by Dean Col
lins ofr training in the special fields of
newspaper worTt.
Collins believes that rythm is an in
dissoluble element in successful popular
verse. Rythm is tho first law of nature.
Pythagoras spoke better than he knew
perhaps when he said,“all is number” and
held that the universe is set to music.
“Humanity responds more promptly to
the effect of rythm than to almost any
other force. It has been held by some
that our regal chants and heroic poetry
originated when our Darwinian ancestor
got a good grip with four hands and a
tail on a limb and yelled “whoo! whoo”
in the inspiriting rythmic swing of the
branch beneath hkn.”
Some newspaper bards do not last
long according to Collins, mainly be
cause they are cursed with the “poetic
temperament” and can write only when
ideas come. “They are not self-starters,”
saiid the speaker, using Irwin Cobb’s
“The exigencies of the game today de
(Continued on page four)