Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, January 18, 1916, Page Four, Image 4

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Multiple Personality and Other
“Borderland” Phenomena
M Will Be Explained.
You have read about people with dual
On the way to her Sunday school class,
Helena changes into Maymee, steps out
of her limousine and becomes a danseuse
in a second-rate cabaret.
Perhaps here is your chance to find
out "why.” “Multiple personality” will
be one of the subjects taken up by Ur.
K. S. Conklin in hid* new course in ab
normal psychology the second semester.
Other “borderland” phenomena treated
in the course will be dreams, hypnotism,
morbid fears, spirit mediumsbip and fixed
Medical students especially were
among those disappointed when the
course could not be given last semester.
It will be an advanced class, Dr. Conk
lin says, but can accommodate almost
any number of students.
"The Psychology of Music” is another
new course, this to be given by Dr. It.
H. Wheeler, of the same department.
Some of the subjects dealt with will be
the origin of anisic, psychological as
pects of the enjoyment and appreciation
of music, and the factors contributing to
musical talent. Why it is that every
youngster whose parents make him take
music lessons does not become a musical
genius uiny be made clearer. Musical
prodigies, by the way, will be studied.
A phtmograph will be used in deter
mining the laws governing auditory im
ages caused by music. The records se
lected vary from operatic medleys to
hand pieces and primitive music. Popu
lar airs have been found indispensable to
the purpose, Dr. Wheeler says.
The course is intended for advanced
pathology students who ave interested
in music and for music majors. A pre
requisite is elementary psychology. The
class will meet at 8, Wednesday and Fri
day. The course is not intended to en
croach »n the fields of Dr. W. P. Boyn
ton’s "Physics of Music" or Prof. J. .T.
jDandsbury's “Appreciation of Music.”
There will lie no text, and, ns much of
the literature necessary is inaccessible,
laboratory work will take the place of
extensive outside reading.
Dr. Wheeler has had experience ns a
pipe organist in Worcester, Hudson and
Westborb, Massachusetts, “lie has had
a lot of training us a pianist and vocal
ist,” Dr. Conklin comments. "I linve
always wanted to give a. course in the
psychology of music myself, but I liavo
never felt competent."
The "Psychological Engineer” or the
"Science of Psycho-technics” is how Dr.
Conklin designates a set of lectures
which ho began last week in his class in
applied psychology. The lectures do not
deal witli the man who looks out of the
engine cab.
The psychological engineer hasn’t
completely arrived yet. He will be the
man who scientifically directs such things
ns financial, political advertising and
prohibition campaigns. lie will make
use of psychology and physiology in di
recting and controlling minds. Such
things as religious traits, and such in
herited tendencies as the instinct of pre
servation! he will recognize and use. The
science of psycho technics is just devel
oping, says Dr. Conklin.
Doctor Straub Deplores Scarcity of Stu
dents Who Gathor at Monthly
I>oiut Sjtrnuh is anxious to see a revival
in the student attendance at the vesper
services held regularly on the campus
under tin auspices of the I'niversity A.
M. A. lie believes that the students
are not standing buck of the meetings or
giving thi|m tiny decided support, espec
ially in the matter of attendance.
"The students of the University are
making the mistake of their lives in not
attending every vesper service,” said
]lean Straub. “There is only one a month
and it is always worth personal sacrifice
on the students’ part to be present.” Ur.
1 tehee’s speech last Sunday, although
only ”0 minutes long, was replete with
splendid ideas and suggestions. It was
worth an hour of any man’s time to have
heard it. As to the character of the
music, I have often paid $1.00 and heard
a musical program that was not in any
way as good as that given by Dr. Ly
nn u and !his chorus.
"Attendance at these vesper services
is a valuable part of every student's
education, rl'lie speakers who come here
arc always prepared with a message
worth whi|e. 1 urge upon every student
to attend the remaining services, and I
can guarantee that he will not regret, or
consider Wasted, the time thus spent.
The fact that the host people of Eugene
are present at nearly every service shows
experience lhas taught that these services,
as BOW Conducted, are worth the incon
venience of coming from town to hear
them. For that reason, the student should
follow the example of these good people
and should avail himself of that, which
older and more experienced people con
sider an opportunity and a privilege."
'The strangest wa.v in which Harvard
students earned money during the past
college year was by blood transfusion.
Twelve meu submitted to the operation,
each jape receiving SUX
' _
•k -——-—-- *
Mr. Albert Perfect and family reside
at 1248 Oak street. Phone 272-J.
Dr. F. C. Ayer, delivered the dedica
tion address of the new school building
at Gaston, Oregon, Friday, January 14.
This building is the result of a recent
bond issue. Much of the credit for the ar
rangements is due to one of our re
gents, Hon. W. K. Newell, who made the
motion for the appointment of a com
mittee to consider the matter at a meet
ing where Dr. Schafer of the University
spoke some time ago, this being the in
centive of the movement. Mr. Kilpat
rick and Prof. Reddie visited Gaston lat
er and have been given much credit for
the work they did there.
Dr. Sheldon’s Colloquium Committee
are ready to report to the next Collo
quium. There will be advance copies of
their report in your hands by next Mon
While the faculty members have been
especially faithful in reporting various
matters of importance to the office, «it
has seemed ns if the labor might be les
sened for them somewhat and so a trial
is to be made of the plan of furnishing
blanks for this purpose, thus lessen
ing the labor involved. The compilation
of this material will, it is hoped, en
able us to keep the public and the campus
community fully informed of past and
future events. If no item on the blank
covers the information you have, inter
line or use the reverse side. Return en
velopes are to be used, similar to the
Press Clippings envelopes used by the
Journalism Department. It is not in
tended to have you await the arrival of
the blanks at all, only to aid you, and
more frequent contributions will be grate
fully received.
I)r. C. F. Hodge, has an article en
titled “Human Interest and Nature
Study” in the December, 1915, Nature
Study Review, and another article, “A
Pleasant Journey Among the Summer
Schools of the South,” in the January,
191(1, number .of the High School Quar
terly Review. i
Regents Authorize Building
(Continued from page 1)
Campbell in his report to the regents.
He based his statements on the experi
ence nnd policy of the large eastern uni
versities, and advised that drill by itself
would not constitute much of a contri
bution t» preparedness. He urged that
if the regents acted upon the policy of
developing military training, it be done
on the Harvard nnd Princeton system,
consisting in the scientific, mathematical
and engineering training needed by an
officer under modern conditions, with a
minimum amount of drill. On this mat
ter a committee was appointed.
New Building Authorized
The board authorized the Univers.ty
to erect a new $'40,000 building as a home
for the school of education, and a tem
porary homo for the schools of law and
the extension department. The execu
tive committee was instructed to attempt
to have this building ready b; the open
ing of the University in September, ns
the additional room is already urgently
needed. Dean Ellis E. Lawrence, of 'he
University school of architecture, pre
sented preliminary sketches of the struc
ture, which will be located either on the
present soccer field across from the Y.
W. O. A. bungalow, op on the present
site of the athletic field.' Dean Lawrence
will bo the architect.
New Schools Created
Four new schools were created out of
present departments of1 instruction, and
the present heads of three of the de
partments were elevated to deanships.
The new organizations are school of ar
chitecture, Ellis F. lUwrence, dean;
school of journalism, Eric \V. Allen,
dean; school of University extension, Dr.
Joseph Schafer, dean; isphool of medi
cine, Dr. K. A. .1. Mackenzie, head of the
last named, was already a dean.
Want School of Optometry
The question of founding a school of
optometry at the University, laid on the
table by the regents at their former
meeting, has been reopened upon a new
petition from ttie state organization of
optometrists. The optometrists support
their petition with new evidence, nnd the
hoard agreed to take the matter under
consideration again before the new cat
alogue is issued.
A committee was appointed to con
sider the petition of the North Pacific
School of Dentistry, of Portland, which
desired affiliation with the University.
These matters will be referred to the
June meeting.
Seven-Year Course Approved.
The seven-year combined course in
general subjects nnd in medicine, leading
to the degrees of bachelor of arts nnd
bachelor of medicine, recently authorized
by the faculty of the medical school iu
Portland and the general faculty in Eu
gene, was approved by the regents and
becomes law. This arrangement is de
clared by President Campbell to be in
accord with the strictest practice of the
universities of highest standing in the
Student Body Tax Referred.
The question of the student body tax
of $8.00 administered by the student or
ganization under the supervision- of the
president, which has been subject of
some recent discussion among faculty and
students, was referred to the executive
committee of the regents for thorough
investigation as requested by President
Campbell in his report. Also at the sug
gestion of the president, the board made
the annual registration fee of $10 paya
ble in two installments of $5 each at the
beginning of each semester, instead of
in a single lump sum on Entering. Class
taxes were also referred to the execu
tive committee.
“Comptroller” Is New Title.
“Comptroller” is a new title created at
today’s meeting and bestowed on iJ. H.
Johnson, the business manager of1 the
University. Up to this time his official
title has been “steward” and the change
was made because that title was grad
ually becoming obsolete among the Uni
versities of the country. The new title
is standard in so many Universities that
its use will obviate considerable confu
sion, President Campbell believes.
“If Is the Last Word
(Continued from page 1)
(Another from Kipling)
“If you can make a heap of all your win
nings '
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and
And lose, and start again at your: be
ginnings i
And never breathe a word about your
loss.” 1
The Delts played a better game than
they have done in some instances here
tofore and they deserve credit for the
winning. The Sigs showed fine team
work, and Fox, at guard, proved one of
the finds of the league, judging from;the
way he kept putting the ball into the
basket from all angles. I
At last the Fijis have won a game;
hats off to Grebe. He was the one star
of the struggle and he did not have) to
shine very brightly to put the others in
the shade. The final score was 14 to 5.
King was in evidence ns usual, with all
his variations of the “Charlie Chaplin.”
Then the Dorm and the Phi Delts tan
Sled for a good, warm game, wrncn
showed a preponderance of the 10 tt> 4
evidence in favor of the latter. 'Che
light, fast Dorm team got around, all
right and got plenty of shots at the rfas
ket, but some way the ball felt a loath
ing to enter the dark abysm, which ac
counts for the score. The Phi Delts, on
the other hand, largely due to the work
of their star forward, Huntington, ship
ped about in fine shape, and hit the bas
ket every other time or two. Before
the play, the teams looked like a gbod
standoff, but after things once started,
the Dorm was left behind in the scor
ing. which happens to he the thing that
actually counts. However, at that, the
two teams were evenly matched, and (the
game was a good game from every stand
point. 1
.. i i
Rex j
Wm. Fox presents
“The |;
v I
A Typical Fox Production, i
. I
in ,
“A Woman”
A Double Feature Program
People’s Public Market
Meat and Groceries
Open Every Day
All kinds of
prices same
as at
We Deliver
meats, A full line of good grocer
Public ies and a fresh assortment
of vegetables.
an* ‘Doncaster _
2 /or 25c
Cluett, Peabody & Co-. lne>, M*km
Monarch Cafeteria
and Delecatessen
My own home-made pies,
cakes, doughnuts, and chess
cakes. Special orders given
special attention.
Phone 952
Good Pastenes
Ladies’ and Men’s
With Wade Bros.
87J Willamette
Special Rates for Stu
dent Banquets
Monthly Dinner a Spe
The most charming drama of
the season, starring America’s
best loved musical comedy star
You’ll laugh yourself happy over
the adventures of Lulu and the
Duke’s nephew in America,
where they are looking for a job
so they can get married. They
fled from home to escape mar
rying, two, they didn’t love and
their trip was as eventful for
them as it will be enjoyable for
you. You’ll fall in love with
Lulu Glaser.
Wednesday and Thursday
Admission .............. 10f
i Reliable Merchandise for Less
Agents for Henderson Corsets and McCall ;
Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear
Gents’ Furnishings
Men’s and Boys’ Clothing
Shoes .<
Telephone 229
Luther Thompson, Prop, and Mgr.
! Cor- Eleventh and Alder
Parker Fountain Pens; A. D. S. Goods; Hudnuts Soaps;
Perfumes and Toilet water; Eastman Kodaks; Ensign
Cameras; Seneca Plate Cameras; Kodak Developing and
Eugene Theatre, Jan, 20
] “The Bird of Paradise”
i ; A Play of a Woman’s Soul
HPAP The Hawaiian Sin-r»pr»The wonderful - Vol
gers and Dancers.$I»JLicano Scene.
Prices: 5Qc, $1.00, $1.50
At Your Service!
Phone 65 1580 Willamette St. Eugene
There will be no disappointment
if your teyes are fitted by Dr.
Watts. Xou get the benefit of
twenty-one years experience,
moderate prices and free exam
Broken lenses duplicated if-you
will bring the pieces. Factory, on
the premises.
Dr. J. O. Watts
Phone 287 790 Will. St.
First Door North Smeed
j Hotel
747 Willamette
Wholesale 'and Retail Dealers in
80 West Eighth.
All that’s good in high gradf
tailoring is found in clothes \\l
sell in our made-to-measure de
partment. But that is because
the clothes are tailored in the
shops of
Largest tailors in the world of
GOOD made-to-order clothes.
You are assured incomparable
workmanship and correct fit and
style at a very attractive price.
Better take time to be measured
The Haberdasher
Exclusive Local Dealers
__713 Willamette St