OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday oit the college year, by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. : Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter. Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies, Sc.__ STAFF i EIMTtfH-IN-ClflBF.**.max h. sommeh Assistant Editors?...Wall.iee E-klm Leslie O. Toose Managing Editor.........W ,...Harold Ilamatreet .Harry L. Hack City Editor.'*• • • • .... Sen. Editor.. Maadel Weis Copy Editors.D« Witt Gilbert, Clytle Hall Special Writers. .Graeo Edgington, Frances Shoemaker, Charles Dundore, Walter ICennon, Mary Baker. I _ . . Adnilnlstration .'.,.Roberta Klllam Snorts .7..1.Chester A. Fee Features .Adrienne Epplng, Echo Zahl Dramatics.1..-Martha Beer MiiHif* ......Eulalie Crosby Society..Beatrice Locke Lucile Watson Exchanges .'.Louise Allen Xtcporters..Kenneth Moores, Jean Bell, Marian Nell, Ckrroll Wlldln, Harold b&y, Robert McNary, Percy Boatman, Coralie Snpll, Euclle Messner, Lucile Saunder, Joe Skelton, Stanley Eaton, Helefi Brenton. BUSINESS BUSINESS STAFF 1 MANAGE!*.FLOYD Manager’s and Editor’s Phone—841. C. WESTERFIELD A Progressive State And University. ANOTHER YEAR has passed in the progressive advancement of the University. Little by little, we think, the people of the state have come to realize the true value of their educational institutions, which are contributing to the welfare of the state—one of the most | progressive commonwealths of the nation. i No factor shows the attitude of Oregon to higher education bet ter than does the personnel of the Board of Regents, which has in its 1 keeping the policy of the University of Oregon. One of the reasons I for the present high status of the University is to be found in the pro gressive character of the Board of Regents, jjust as a former body 1 of regents guided the University through a critical period, so tile pre sent board is blazing the way for the entrance iof the University into a period of unparalleled progressiveness and welfare. The Board of Regents, which is now meeting on the campus to decide cm the year’s possibilities, is characterized by its enthusiasm I for the University’s continued growth. Everyj member is active per sonally every day of the year in forwarding the best interests of the I state through its University. Movements throughout the state that have great promise for the University can be traced to the influence of the Board of Re l gents. Never was the University a more powerful institution than it is now, and credit for this state of affairs is due to the Regents and | to the President of the University. I The student body realizes its fortune in having such a body of i persons at the helm; and the Emerald feels tha]t it is but faintly eclio ; ing the greater voice of the students and faculty when it bids the Board of Regents a hearty welcome to the campus which has pros pered so well under the present administration, Western Athletics vs. pastern I WESTERN ATHLETICS have come in for their share—and I a little more than their prorata share of the abuses that are said to obtain in American sports. The general indictment of western ath letics, although not so very stringent, has beembased largely on cases that have been opened to the public gaze in the east. For instance, the past season saw. a scandal in the world of sports I in the cases of he Gore and Brickley. By and large, the status of the situation.in the sporting world 1 finds its parallel ifi the world of international diplomacy. Just as ! international law is created by war, which it seeks to regulate and eventually exterminate, so too, the laws that are supposed to govern 1 the relations in intercollegiate sport, are produced by the conditions that they seek to remedy. ; The cast has been prone to accept certaijn conditions in sports heretofore, that the west has sought to eliminate. For instance the east at present is far behind the west in its atjitude toward scouting and proselvtism. Eastern preparatory schools! have often been little j sill)-training stations for certain colleges. In fact scandals in the in tercollegiate division of eastern athletics have been more numerous : and more vicious than have such cases been in1 the west. ! At present, Sol Metzger, an eastern coach and authority on in tercollegiate relations, is writing a series of articles on the abuses that I obtain in the east 11 is compilation of the crises would fill a good sized book. The west on the other hand has no such record. The recent enactments of the Oregon faculty regarding scouting ! and the one year rule is far in advance of eastern legislation in this I regard. And the conditions in western athletics that gave rise to , such legislation are nothing compared with jinremedied conditions in the east. Seldom does athletic legislation i]ii the east get beyond recommendations offered by amateur representatives of sports. Sel dom does legislation in the east originate with a single institution. And at best, such legislation is nothing hut ja “gentleman's agree 1 subject to violation. The only sin seems to lie in getting I caught in the act. ' I 1 low, then, we ask, can western athletics jbe condemned for cer tain major evils that do not actually exist. The spirit, we think, of m \ a criticism- written and oral—-of western athletics is based pri i m:n i'.y on conditions that are foreign. On th|e other hand, any one will admit that athletics are not ideal in the west. But the fact that the west leads in legislation to reduce evils tha]t do not compare with eastern evils should be a reason for paving a 'tribute to, rather than . i fr.uuinn an indictment of, college sports m the west. college will receive $200,000 from tlii* general education board of the K r loundutin, ns u nucleus <>f u million dollar endowmnent fund which is being raised by ibut institution. I I Of the forty-four graduate! of the I’ulitr r school of jourunlism of Colum bia university, all but five are engulfed in nevesimjo'f work, and all but out* are making their living by writing. Contrary M the custom oi dosing formal dames' at two ovioek. the women of the university of Kansas have pre sented a resolution expressing them selves In favor of all dances stopping at one o'clock. Aoeording tp recent athletic statistics -seed at Harvard. ll'dtl students have engaged iu major and minor sports dur ing ltutt. ; f CAMPUS NOTES 1 *-1—;—1-★ Roger Jane spent the week-end in Portland. Marshall Woodworth spen^ the week end in Albany. Helen Purington and Grace Reid spent the week-end in Portland. Mrs. Tischer of Salem, is visiting her daughter Mary at Mary Spiller halL O - c t\9ill Burgard and Leslie iTooze were guests of Kappa Alpha Theta for Sun day dinner. Emerson Merrick, cx-’lB, of Medford, spent the week-end at the Delta Tau Delta house. Kappa Alpha Theta guestsi for Sunday evening lunch were: Bob Langley and Merlin Batley. I Miss Perkins, Mr. J. T. Williamson, of La Grande and Ellis Williamson were Sunday dinner guests of Alpha Phi. Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Dixon, Miss Dor othy Dixon and Richard Ipixon were Sunday dinner guests of Pi Beta Phi. Dr. and Mrs.' Straub, Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Sheldon and Miss Patterson were Sunday dinner guests of Mary Spiller Hall. Sunday dinner guests of Delta Tau Del ta were: Meader Fletcher, Dr. William Parsons and H. F. Cotton, of Portland. Chi Omega has received word that Mrs. Charles Gray is in Alabama just now. She will return for the second semester by Canadian road. Professor and Mrs. Graham Mitchell, Judge Thompson, Clark Thompson, Dave Wilson, Dorsey Howard. Shy Hunting ton were dinner guests at the Gamma Phi Beta house Sunday. One more week-end intervenes now before examination time, when all out door sports will be stopped for a while. Serious review and study have already begun and few gaieties will be indulged in now. The A. D. A. club of Corvallis en tertained several Delta Delta Delta members with a Theatre party Friday night and with a dance Saturday night. Those enjoying the hospitality were: Marie Churchill, Ruth Ralston, Gladys Childs, Margaret Spangler, Winifred Starbuck, Juanita Wilkins, Louise Leiter, Agnes Driscoll, and Norma Graves, who is attending Monmouth Norma' al school. :e the key s this week to wagons, e seen along Snow and sleighbells we:: note of the many jolly parties end. Sleds, as “trailers” sleighs and automobiles, were every street, filled with laughing, happy people. The golf links were dotted from morning till moonlight with toboggan parties, who cared not at all for “spills” into the snow. Every possible vehicle was turned into a sleigh and the merry jingle of the sleigh bells were heard all day long. . | COMING EVENTS j ★-★ Tuesday, Jan. 18.—Board of Regents meeting. 2:00 p. in.—“Why Groat Britain entered the War.” Dr. Schafer, Library basement. 7:30 p. m.—Faculty Colloquium. Wednesday, Jan. 10.—10 a. in.—As sembly address — “Education Through Music.” Jllustarted— l’rof. Landshury. 2:00 p. ir—Commerce Lecture—Ar chitecture Building. 4:00 p. m.—Four o'clock lecture— 1 >r. Rebec. 4:00 p. m.—“The Student Volunteer Movement.” Physics lecture room Deady—J. Lovell Murray. Thursday, Jan. 20. 3:00 p. in.—Read ing "Uannele,” Prof. Reddie. Guild llall, Friday, Jan. 21, 8 p. m.—“Sacred Ground,”—Reading by Prof. Red die. Wednesday, Jan. 20. 10 a. m.—“Won der-color Pictures,"—Assembly. Friday, Jan. 28. S p. ra.—“Miss Forbes’ studeuts recital. Villard. If DRAMATIC NOTES * ★----«-★ (MARTHA BEE ill) At a meeting of the senior play com mittee at the Kappa Alpha Theta house yesterday, a selection for thel annual dra matic performance was discussed. Sev eral productions were considered, and the choice was finally narrowed llown to the | following four: “Green Stocking,” “Seven Days,” "The Friend From In dia" and "The Gallopers.” Those plays have been ordered and will be carefully lead by the committee before a final decision is made. Rehearsals for "The Tarping of the Shrew,” which is to he given by the Guild Player*, February 2A|:iud 2d. be gin today. Steady drilling has been planned and the cast will [endeavor to give a letter-perfect production.” “What the Public Wants,*' which was given hv the Drama Guild lajst w eek, has been highly praised by all who attended. The guild has been especially successful in its choice of stage sittings. The scene of the third act (thej interior of an English home in a small town), has been particularly commented upon by many for its beautiful color effects. INTRVMURAL SPORT IS POPULAR WITH FANS Basketball, Initial Experiment, Well Attended and Game Is Played Cleanly. "With eight nattily attired quintets striving earnestly for victory each night before two or three hundred wildly en thusiastic student fans, intra-mural bas ketball approaches big league stuff. Good Material Developed Coach Bezdek says: “Some mighty good material is being developed for varsity teams by this doughnut series. The play is getting cleaner, too; every night the number of fouls called de creases; they are getting the ‘hang ’em on the wall’ idea of their heads and play ing real basketball.” Instead of eliminating a team with the first defeat, as in past years, ea—. team plays every other and the one with the best percentage at the end is winner of the cup. The new arrangement is a success, as is evidenced by the present situation. Delta Tau Delta and Phi Delta Thetas arc tied for the leadership, with one defeat each and the Oregon club, Sigma Chi, Kappa Sigma and the Dormitory are all tied for second, with two unfortunate affairs to their dis credit. Every one of the six teams is on edge and pulling for somebody to dTag down one of the leaders from the perch. And the crowds, about equally divided between the boys and the girls, share the keen interest. In fact, the crowd more closely resembles an intercollegiate game audience than a. doughnut follow ing. Faculty Is Behind Innovation This increased interest and emphasis on intra-mural sports came through the suggestion of the special athletic com mittee of the faculty, which is trying: 1. To provide an incentive and an op portunity for every student to secure at least one hour’s physical activity daily as a balance to the sedentary demands of university life; 2. To conserve the social and moral values of games and sports and to secure to every student the fullest opportunity for their practice; 3. To develop the habit of exercise. Tennis and Golf Encouraged Twelve new tennis courts, a golf course, a hew permanent baseball dia mond and a women's pavilion will come up before the board of regents for rati fication at their meeting Tuesday, ulty committee on intra-mural sports, is Frofessor DeCou, chairman of the fac ulty committee says that he is very confident that the board of regents will provide for ail of the above and thinks the women’s pavilion will be in use within a month. Women’s Pavilion Is Assured The plan is for a frame building 50x80 feet, roofed over and open at the sides above the first three feet, to be built at once on the south side of the women’s gymnasium. The pavilion would double the present floor space, make p'ossible a much better schedule of required gym nasium work, especially for the sopho more girls, provide outdoor exercises during the rainy season in basketball, tennis, volleyball, indoor baseball and be in constant use at all seasons. Miss Cummings says: “This school can, at comparatively small cost, relieve the congestion in lower class work, offer op portunities for continuing exercise to upperclass women, and obtain the ben efits of outdoor exercise at a season when most colleges are offering only indoor work.” Will Add Diamond in Year The committee, with President Camp bell, definitely plan to get one new base ball diamond for next year. It will be on the new field southeast of the cam pus and will be used by the varsity this spring leaving the old diamond on the campus for the use of the doughnut league and class games. If the perma nent field cannot be gotten into con dition in time, another temporary field may be provided, according to Professor DeCou. 12 Tennis Courts for 400 Players The old “duck pond” and campus just north of the women’s tennis courts, will be modeled into 12 dirt tennis courts, surfaced with rock dust. The surface will then be treated with crude oil, which will keep the grass dow.n and provide a res ilent footing, besides shedding water. “There is every indication that these courts will be ready for use this spring, and that one or more permanent cement courts will be added each year," say the committee. A dozen courts will ac commodate for play three times a week about 400 men and women. Golf Day Is After Exams. •V golf course is an extensive thing and will he installed, the first Saturday after examinations, which will be golf day. Professor Prescott hopes to have at least a hundred men at work in the morning; at noon the women will serve a picnic luncheon and in the afternoon those skilled in the art of wielding golf clubs will endeavor to wise up the ig norant on golf terms and utensils and how to use them. The course will be nine holes, and will give opportunity for sufficient exercise throughout the year for 200 persons. It will he possible with a little practice to play around in one hour. The committee consists of Professor DeCou, chairman: Professors Howe, Dy ment and Prescott, Mr. Hayward. Mr. I'eidek, Miss Cummings and President Campbell, ex-officio. The Right Model for Y ou......*.«... : ° ° Men and Young men with de cided ideas about the kind of clothes they want should visit our store. We do not confine our showing to one or two models, but show you models in extreme, conservative and middle of the road styles, for young men, older men, stout men and slim men. Suits or Overcoats $15, $18, $20, $25, $30 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Roberts Bros. i “The Home of Kuppenheimer” i eopvmoHT **i». TMB HOUSB OP KUPP^NHBlttBH Student 9hctcd Will look after you personally.. One for cut free. Come See the New Platinum Tone 9. Martin ittiidie Upstairs 992 Willamette Laundry— Eugene §!team Give us your patronage. We will do the rest, I Phone One-Two-Three Why Not Give Her a Box iof Our CHOCOLATES? 'tiregana Cor. 11th and Alder Sts, A SundayDinner at Bly’s Grill; Gives you that comfortable feeling J. W. QUACKENBUSH & SON HARDWARE 1 PHONE 1057 160 9th AVE. EAST. J ‘ COOK WITH GAS « Oregon Power Co. I Phone 28 i \ White O o O I ° . I O o Lunch Home of the'best to eat. We buj the best of feverything and you can always get it here