* BIGBEE BROTHERS TO PLAT WITH PORTUIHO BEAVERS THIS SEASOH “Al,” Senior, and “Skeet,” Jun ior, Are Letter Men From Varsity Team. ‘WE’LL MISS THE BOYS'-BEZDEK Portland Offered Better Induce ments Than Pittsburgh;Con tracts Not Yet Signed. When Lyle (“A 1”) and Carson (“Sheet”) accepted terms with the Portland Beavers last Friday, many of the fireside fans’ tongues were set in action. That they intended intering the ranks of professional baseball players, had been a foregone conclusion for months by those who knew the inside dope. It was rumored long ago that “Sheet” was signed with the Chicago White Sox, and that tooth athletes had been approached by the Pittsburg club. Portland Terms Best “We accepted Walter McCredie’s terms, but v e have noi; signed our con tracts,” said Skeet, in discussing their action. “Portland offered us better in ducements than Pittsburg, which ac counted for our preference in the mat ter.” “We will certainly miss the boys,” said Coach Bezdek. “Their places on the 'baseball team must be filled from what material we have. It means that many young fellows will get a chance to,make good.” “Ought to Succeed”—Hayward “Since they are determined to sign, I am glad it is with a team near home,” is the way Bill Hayward looks at the matter. “We are all interested in their welfare, and can watch their work close ly. Although they may find the going much harder in the coast league than in college, I see no reason why they should not succeed, They are in fine physical condition, which is a big asset in their favor.” Both men have been active' in athletics during their collegiate career. Lyle is a senior, and is the only “three-letter” at tending school at present. He pitched on the baseball team, played half-back in football, and was guard on the bas ketball quintet. “Skeet” is a member of the class of 1917. He has always been versatile in athletics, playing shortstop on the var sity nine for two years, and a forward position on last year’s basketball five. He was chosen all-northwest forward in 1915. FORTNIGHTLY NETS $125: - i Eugene Club Now Has Fourth of j $500 Donation Toward Wo * men’s Building. The Fortnightly club of Eugene real ized $125 from the entertainment given in the armory last Friday night for the benefit of the Women's building fund. Miss Julia Burgess, of the English faculty, and chairman of the publicity committee, said this amount at least would be clear nnd that the reports from those who sold tickets have not all come In. Party Was a Success “The party was a success as a social function,” Miss Burgess continued, “but we wanted twice as many people, and we should have had them. The floor was quite well filled for pleasure, but it is just as much trouble and expense to pre pare for a few people as for a large crowd. However, this $12fic makbs a good beginning for the $500 the club has pledged.” The feature that stood out from the others was the dance of Pierrot and Fierrette, as presented by Frieda Gold smith and Hazel Rader. Miss Gold smith's costume was of blue silk and lace, with a little crimson cap. Miss Rader wore white and yellow. They were called back for two encores. The artistic background for this dance was designed and arranged by the girls who major in the physical training de partment of the University. ‘Newspaper Boys’ Get One on ‘Bones’ Writes Editor That Emerald Yarn Is a Surprise Office Boys Put Over on Him. Regarding the fraternity pin ruse “Bones” Allen employed in covering a murder story recently in Portland, an account of which appeared in the Em erald, he writes: Editor The Emerald:—I read with some suprise today the yarn the boys in the office put over on me in regard to that Lane ftiurder story photograph a week ago. For fear that some of the freshmen newswriters will get the wrong impres sion, let me add that although I obtained the picture under the ruse that I came from the police station, I did not leave until I had positive permission from the mother that I might “give it to the news paper boys.” I would not have used it, nor would it have been newspaper ethics to have done so, without the consent of the mother. I remain, very respectfully, FRANKLIN S. ALLEN. PLEA FOR SANE MUSIC SUBJECT OF ADDRESS Professor Landsbury Will Il lustrate Cartoon Theory to Assembly. “A musical cartoon” is the description given by Professor John L. Landsburry, instructor in the University School of Music, of his lecture on “Musical Thought” which will be given at the as sembly hour to-morrow. This will be the first of a series of lectures by Professor Landsbury dealing with such topics as development and architecture of music. “It is the purpose of this series to jus tify the place of the school of music in the college of liberal arts, and to show that it makes a return to the people of the state of Oregon,” said Professor Landsbury. “It is to demonstrate that the chief function of music is not to amuse^ or to express emotion, but to con tribute in tonal contents to general edu cation. “The art of playing is a by-product which comes from the development of a knowledge of the sciences of music. This lecture will be a plea for intellectual ism in music rather than emotionalism. By way of illustration the cartoon theory will be used. That is, the serious will be presented by a contrast to the ridiculous. It will be satire, of course, but by adapt ing theories that are easily Tecognized the result will ‘show up’ the foolish senti mentalism of some who have considered music an intoxicant or a tonic. I shall endeavor to show that things cannot be translated into music. “Music makes a return for the invest ment, not by teaching one to play well or to sing well, but to be musical minded and to think in terms of musical con tent.” AN INTERNATIONAL DEBATE. University of Washington—Interna tional relations in debate have been es tablished by the University of Washing ton. A challenge was flung down the Sound recently by the newly established university of British Columbia, and Washington accepted. The contest will be dual, one team representing each uni versity abroad and one at home. HAS NEW RULES. Athletic eligibility rules similar to the rules of the Northwest conference, which will materially affect Montana’s athletic program of futur.e years, are being brought before the faculty of the Uni versity of-Montana. The new rules have' the unanimous approval of the ^ctfblar2 ship and athletic committeel, and will in' all probability be adopted. FIRST WOMAN ON BOARD. Celia D. Shelton, ’05, of Seattle, was last night appointed alumni member of the board of control for 1918 by Russel Callow, president of the associated stu dents of the University of Washington. She is the first woman to hold such a position at the University of Washing ton. r ' - --, LEGAL CHAPTER HOUSE IS HIM OF FMTERNIN Doctor Hope Discusses Advan - tages Which Would Be De rived of Innovation. In honor of Matthew P. Deady, first federal judge of the District of Oregon, and member of the first board of regents of the University of Oregon, the local chapter of Delta Theta Phi, national legal fraternity, will be known as Deady Sen ate. Installation .proceedings followed by a banquet took place at Hotel ‘Osburn last Saturday night. The ceremonies wdrte in charge of Harry H. Pearce, of Port land, who is District Chancellor of the Lumbda. District of Delta Theta Phi. He was assisted by Judge Arthur Langguth, Cabell, Earnest Magius, and Ralph Read Frank Streibig, Garnet Green, Rodolph of Portland; and Donald Young of Eu gene. The officers of the local chapter, who were installed Saturday are: Dean, H. Elmer Barnhart; warden, Charles H. Collier; Tribune, Seth L. Smith; master of the ritual, J. Both well Avison; clerk of the rolls, Graham M. McConnel; clerk of the exchequer. Sterling B. Spellman; and bailiff, Dalzel M. King. The other in itiates were: Marsh H. Goodwin, Doctor Edward W. Hope, dean of the law school, d.nd Herbert W. Lombard. In his speech at the banquet, Doctor Hope said, “I would dike to see the early establishment of a chapter house, where by serious students of the law might associate and live together so that they may have better facilities for pursuing the study of the law. Alumni members of the faculty and practicing bachelor at torneys of the city might also be taken into the house. The chapter would also maintain a good working library. In short the ultimate idea would be a sort of law guild." uean jjarnnart says, me onject ot the local chapter will be to unite fra ternally congenial students of the law to lead them and their fellow students to high scholarship and legal learning, amd to advance the interests of the University of Oregon law school by cooperation with friends throughout the state. To this end, the Portland alumni have pledged the faculty and students on the campus their active support. “I see no reason why we cannot soon establish a chapter house. As soon as we have a few more members we will. The house should be an institution of the best studying facilities of any house on the campus. “Mr. Read, who will be here next year, said that the men in the Northwest law school of Portland are working for the school here and have pledged themselves to the upbuilding of the department here.” Of the initiation, Mr. Barnhart said, “The wool sack had a thousand pins in it and the ‘barrel’ as many nails. Sloth had their effects but most of us are able to sit down again when we eat. Yes it was quite a live initiation, I’ll admit.” "IF' IS THE LAST WORD III BASKETBALL SERIES; Phi Delta and Delta Taus Are Booked For a Fast, Fierce Bout. (CHESTER FEE) Again that inevitable IF that char acterizes the outcome on most sports is hovering over the “doughnut” series and again it will amount to about the same ultimate end. But supposing that the Phi Delt team should beat the Delta Tau team, when the two mix, judging from, the way the applause was going at the Kappa Sig Delta Tau game last night: You may draw the inevitable conclusions. Neither of these teams has lost more than one game and each has played the same num ber, so that as far as percentage goes they maintain the same place in the score column. So spectators will enjoy what will no doubt prove to be the most classic struggle of the series when the. two teams tangle tomorrow. The only difficulty will lie in the heat with which the argument is carried on, which will necessitate the interference of the ref eree. For the benefit of the two teams it might be well to quote from Kip ling’s- “IF”: Are losing theirs and blaming it on you.” The idea in this is that no one wants the referee to interfere. If the Delta Tau team should win they would in all likelihood get the cup for they would only have to beat the Ore gon club and the Fijis which looks pos sible at this time, but if the Phi pelts suuuiu uuuk lue uens tuey wouia more easily be declared the winners because they are scheduled to battle the A. T. O. and the Iota Chis. Rut this is all dope. The fight for third (accepting the for mer statements) will then rest between the Sigma Chis and the Kappa Sigs. They will deliver the goods- today and will in a way settle the difficulties regarding the first division of the percentage column. Then the Dorm and the Oregon Club will run in after (he fifth place if none of this dope is kicked over in the melee. Yesterday the A. T. O.’s grabbed a 12 to 4 score from the Signm Nu team. There was nothing especially exciting to rave about except the classic work of Bob Bean at forward, who startled him self in his meanderings about the floor by slipping the ball in the basket upon twt) rare occasions, when no one expected it. As usual Nelson was the whole A. T. O. show, and proved his basketball ability more than once by good work iu passing and shooting. _ The thriller and hair raiser was the game put on by the Delts and the Kappa Sigs. After a hard battle the former man aged to nose the latter out by one point, and this would not have been possible if the referee had not given the winning team a couple of chances to shoot for fouls, when there seemed no special nec essity. But the game is lost and won ; and no one seems to say a word. (Continued on page four) Feathered Flock Pick Crumbs Thrown on Frosted Campus Spry robbins hopping about the warm man-hole covers on the campus have at tracted attention by their extreme tame ness. They have Tcason to be, for there about do they obtain their sustenance. Five or six quarts of bre^d collected each day from Mary Spiller Hall, the Men’s Dormitory, and other sources Hre scat tered on the bare parts of the walks, un der bushes, and on the warm covers where the birds can toast their feet while they dine. The men on the grounds say it is surprising how much the smallest birds devour. Some days they seem., to j live in the pan of crumbs .and wheji the later Hre all gong the birds stand arou.'.d awaiting for more.D At a house on University Avenue near the Men’s Gymnasium a China phea sant rooster walked up to the back porch and ate with fans tiny neighbors. To all appearances it would have been no difficult matter to capture him. One small robin was feeding with a flock out on the walk near Superintend ent Fisher’s office'several days ago. The flock was frightened by a passerby and flew away except for the little bird. Mr. J Fisher picked him up and found that he was hurt, in some way so he carried him home and has been nursing him ever since. A wobbly blue-bird perched on a bush in the yard of a house on Onyx just off the campus. The lady of the house went out to try and get him in to warm up but the bird flew a short distance off. Again he eame back and again she tried but the little fellow evaded her. Finally giving up the attempt she went inside. Bat a few minutes later she look ed "out othe window and saw tfim lying on the groflnd. Apparently be died of starvation. ° Every year it has been the custom of the University to care for the winged creatures during the snows, but this year they are in unusually large numbers. Many are so desperate that they sit on the steps of Mr. Fisher’s house un til some one brings a pan of feed. Most of them are very easy to catch and when they do fly away it is only a small dis tance. One of their best friends is the cook at the Dormitory, who brings out huge pans of bread, chopped apples, grains and other foods after every meal. Regents Add $ 1000 to Woman’s Fnjnd Men’s Dormitory Is Named “Friendly Hall” in Final Session of Board The board of regents adjourned at 4 o’clock this afternoon with *wo impor tant items of legislation; towit, I. Unused funds amounting to approximately $1000 were appor tioned to the woman’s building fund. 2. Men’s! * dormitory was named “Friendly Hall.” The appropriation to the woman’s building was due mainly to the efforts of Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, with whom the movement towards a home for the women’s activities originated and who, to date, has succeeded ^ in securing pledges of oyer $5000. The naming of the dormitory came i a a surprise l:o outsiders. The dormitory association submitted a petition to the board of regents, asking that they au thorize the naming of the dormitory. No name was specified in the petition. Departmental budgets were turned over to the executive committee of the board, and will be appropriated this month. ! __ ** \*: ■ DR. REBEC ADVOCATES ' MORE CAMPUS RELIGION In Vesper Servloe Address Sunday Phil osophy Professor Suggests That More Religions Training Be Given. In his vesper service address Sunday afternoon Dr. George Rebec expressed the opinion that the religious training at the Uniyersity was wholly inadequate to what it should be. He said: “In our tJniversity there is not a rec ognized, compact, well organized body of students who are preparing themselves for religious work, as there is in other callings. I hope soon to see several religious educational institutions around the University; I hope soon to see the addition to our faculty of several pro fessors who are giving supplementary university courses for the students in these religious institutions, who are in terested in the religious education of stu dents. “How shall we conserve the religious life in the University as a whole? I see three wayft of doing this. We must bring it aliout, first, by being awnke, and openminded toward them. Second, by employing an adequately equipped and paid religious, ethical, and social service director and conch. The Y. M. C. A. is doing excellent work. However, it lacks the official! cooperation of the University and does not have a sufficient amount of recognition. I am sure Mr. Foster will 'be the first to agree with me that the Y. M. C. A. Ils not at present competent to cope with the large problems at hund, and that Something on a larger and broader s^ale must be undertaken. “Although many in the faculty are working saerificially toward this end, most are paying little or no attention. There is neither an adequate faculty nor student organization. In part the stu dents are to blame. Are you willing to let the religious life of the school be a mere incidental? The University of Ore gon should not wait on the rest of the world, bui assume the leadership in this thing.” ||f| GIRLS’ CLASS TEAMS LACK CANDIDATES FOR POSITIONS Where are the sophomore, junior and ! senior girls’ basketball teams? The gills’ inter-class basketball games for the Hayward cup are supposed to be played before the raid-year exajn inations. 'But, as yet, non-' of the games have been scheduled. The captains of the teams say it is not lack of interest, for every girl is anx I ious that her team win. School work, dramatic and glee club rehearsals, and a dozen and one other things have put basket ball practice very much in ■ disfavor. All girls, who can play basket ball the least bit, are urged to come out and help their team win. Class practice are as follows: Freshmen: Tuesday at 3. p .m. and Friday at 4. Sophomore: Tuesday at 4 p. m. and Saturday at 8 a. m. Juniors: Friday at 5 p. m. and Sat urday at 11 a. m. Seniors: Tuesday at 4:50 p. m. and Saturday; at 10 a. m. NEW UNIT WILL HOUSE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND LAWDEPARTMENT Site of Structure Is! Proposed for Present Baseball and Soccer Field MILITARY TRAINING DISCUSSED -- i Four Departments Are Raised to Schools and Heads Are Made Deans When the regents adjourned at noon today they had taken action authoriz ing the erection of a new | $40,000 build ing on the cumphs to be ifeady for the opening of the school ytfar next Sep tember. • It will be known as the school of education building and will tempor arily house the school of law and ex tension department. The building will be located, according to present plans, on the basebnll field. The matter of military training was referred to a com mittee, President Campbell suggesting that if a military system bo adopted a plan be followed similar t'o that of Har vard and Princeton. Foiir new schools were created out of wha|t are now de partments, and the heads of theso de partments made deans. Committees will be appointed this afternoon and new professorships created. 1 First Meeting in Jolinson Hall The meeting was the fjrst to be held in the new administration building, JohnBon hull. The members of the board who were present were: Superintendent of Public Instruction J. A. Churchill, Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, of Dallas; Frederick V. Holman, Mjlton A. Miller, Ray Goodrich, W. K. Newell, A. C. Dix on, Charles H. Fisher, Judge J. W. Ham ilton, who presided, and secretary of the bonrd, L. II. Johnson, steward of the University. Advocates democratization President Campbell tcild the regents that there are more young people in col lege in Oregon, in proportion to popu lation than in any otheif state in the union. The atate is the lender in the democratization of higher education, ho declared, and he advocated keeping this leadership and pressing on Vigorously. Ho advocated that the ojd academic the ory of “education for leadership” lie definitely abandoned. “Educate thorn all," he says. “Since the wealth-produc ing power of the individual,” said Pres ident Cnmpbell, "(to say nothing of other powers of effective citizenship) is shown ‘by the statistics to be approximately doubled by tho four yeaps spent in col lege, it is the interest of the state as well as the individual, Ifhat the largest possible number be given tho highest pos sible measure of prearation for the ac tivities of everyday life.” President Campbell’s hope is that the day is not far away when the state will at least double its wealth producing possibilities by scientifically preparing every young man for his job. The president outlined the next step in this direction, which he says is only a first; step, with more to follow: “It is planned by the faculty 'during the com ing year to inaugurate plans,” he said, “for inexpensive living! which will cut in two the present average cost a year at the University. The' various depart ments which normally touch on the ploblems of the cost of living, such a: architecture, economics, sociology, com merce, chemistry, biology, o expect to unite in "an effort to mako practicable 0 and also dignify, very inexpensive house keeping in small clubs, i which will make it practicable for a young man or wo man to attend the University during tho entire college year at an expense of not more than $250, clothing included.” Loans, scholarships and other aids were also mentioned in this conuectitm. Period of Rapid Growth The University is entering on a period of rapid growth, the pro ident told the regents. The record-breaking freshman class of last year is to t,ie surpassed right along. Graduations this year will show an increase of 26 per cent over last year, according to present indications. Military Training Discussed Military training in the University was discussed at length by President (Continued on ]?a*e four'