OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the college year, by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter. Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies, 5c. STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF.MAX H. SOMMEIt Assistant Editors.Wallace Eakln, Resile O. Toose Managing Editor.Harold Hamstrcet City Editor.Harry R. Kuck News Editor.Mnndel Weis* Copy Editors.He WUt Gilbert, Clytle Hall Night Editor .Eberle Sheldon Special Writers. .Grace Edgington, Frances Shoemaker, Charles Lundore, Walter Kennon, Mary linker. Administration .Roberta Killarn Assistant .Francis Yoran Sports .Chester A. Fee Asslstnnt .James Sheehy Features .Adrienne Epplng, Echo Zahl Dramatic Critic _.'.James Cellars Dramatics .Martha Beer Music .Eulalle Crosby Society ...Beatrice Locke Luclle Watson Exchanges .Louise Allen Reporters. .Kenneth Moores, Jean Bell, Marian Neil, Carroll Wlldln, Harold Say, Robert McNary, Percy Boatman, Coralie Snell, Lucile Messner, Luclle Saunder, Joe Skelton, Stanley Eaton, Helen Brenton. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER.FLOYD C. WESTERFIELD Manager’s and Editor’s Phone—841. Shall We Over-Emphasize Organizations? A FEW days ago a plan was proposed which it was said, would produce a panacea where chaos operated before. All of the hurry scurry between dances in search for the “dancee” would he overcome by having each of the various women’s fraternities grouped together in one section of the hall. The plan received a sufficient trial Friday night, we think, to convince the most rabid dancer that it should have no further trial. In the first place, in a large hall there should be lively movement. Other wise the hall looks dead. In the second place, this plan strikes us as a grave injustice to the non-fraternity student. Heretofore it has been hard to get the town and non-fraternity student to attend the dances. The attendance under the proposed plan would be worse than ever, in fact, certain students would construe the measure as dis crimination. Such a plan, even if it accomplishes its purpose, would introduce more evils into dances than it seeks to eradicate. Fraternity students seldom over-emphasize their affiliations, never advertise before the non-fraternity student that they are of such and such a house. Stu dents in their daily social intercourse are known as Jones, Smith, or whatever the case may he. Under the proposed system there is no doubt in our mind that the organization and not the person would become the personal appellation, which is an out and out over-em phasis of organization. Democracy has always been a synonym of Oregon. Democ racy has oftimes been flaunted in a wrong sense, but here is a case where the organization is emphasized instead of the individual. This is only a small matter, hut a series of such small matters can operate to change the general tone of the college. That is why we object to the proposed segregation of dancers according to their affiliations. r COMMUNICATION 1 *-* To the Editor: I am willing ns ii memtiei' of the stu ilent body to accept the venliet of the majority in regard to the student tax. Mill there is one point about that lax whieh in the heat of discussion we all overlooked. To wit: How is that money spent? In a democratic organization surely there ought to he n direct report to the student body. At present, no oin seems to know just how that tax is dis trilnited. Every man and woman in col lege has a right to know where his or her !j!N goes. Let us have an itemized ac count of how the money was spent Iasi year. Furthermore, let it he published in the Emerald. This is only fair, and it is merely a matter of good business. The merchant whose accounts can not hear the light id day is in a doubtful position. What about our student body fund? The truth can never hurt a good cause. Whieh reminds me that your corres pondent of November !• apparently had so little regard for the truth that he picked out for attack the one member of the faculty who has given students finan dal assistance in regard to the much dis cussed !fs (ax. To slander one’s oppon cuts is not good sportsmanship. Yours for an open budget. UOSAMNI) hates. INEXCUSABLE I UNO NANCE. The above communication does not warrant an editorial reply, for it is a re ipiest or a demand for something that has existed as long as the student hod\ Those in charge of the funds of the stli dent body have in previous years and no doubt will this year submit a statement of last year’s finances in full. The writ er, we are under the impression, has only been ill college this semester, as tin above communication only too dearly shows. At the present time there is :n circulation about the campus an unoffi cial statement of last year’s receipts and disbursements, which the writer may have already seen, if on the other hand the writer has not seen this statement the Emerald will be only too glad to givi information on the matter. THE E1HTOH. To the Editor: The writer was very much surprised to see in Friday night’s tluard a proposed plan to segregate the gills who attend the I'niversity dances according to tin various sorority houses or elui s to which they might belong. The reason given for such a system was that it would do away with much nl the confusion and mistakes arising from the inability of a dancer to find his part ner in the crowd. The idea was said to have originated with Doan Ituth Guppy nml .Mis. Gerliuger. With ail due respect to .Miss Guppy nml Mrs. Gurliuger, what a silly thinu this would lio! Did Miss Guppy or Mrs. Gcrlinger ever attend a large function ot this kind where on the invitation it was pointed out in what part of the hall they should remain? Are University students so void of intelligence that they are un ahle to tell their partners in what section of the room they may he found? There are two distinct purposes of an all I nivorsity dance: Due is the pleas ure derived from the dancing and the other is the pleasure of mingling with your fellow students. Where fraternity men mingle freely with non-fnflornity men and sorority women are intermingled wdh their non sorority sisters. Do these ladies fully appreciate the significance of this proposed system? li is nearly everywhere acknowledged that the students of the University are over organized. Nearly one-half of the stu dents on the campus are members of fra ternities or sororities. It has always been a very pleasing fact to me that at least our all-1 'Diversity dances were democratic that as soon as a student on torod ihe hall she left her sorority he hind her. In a word, our dances have been our big democratic mixes where University students meet each other. The question is: Are wo going to _gpoil litis democratic spirit by introducing the private organization into our most demo cratic functions? Is the little saving in time it would afford worth it? H.U.I’l 1 S. Al.LKN. FACULTY WOMEN INTEND TO TOSS BASKETS ALSO I'lie women of tin' faculty are planning to have a basketball team which will challenge the women's different class teams, alter the Christmas holidays. So tar, the faculty have been able to practice on)., on Saturdays, but during vacation, while the co-eds are breaking training, tltev plan to get in some good work. M ss ll:i.d Under, Miss Harriet Thom sou. Miss Mozollo Hair, Miss Mary Her kins and Mrs. K. VV. Shockley ’ hav, agreed to try out for the team. "Me would like to have all faculty wo men who are interested in basketball > omc out and practice Saturdays, at 10 clock." said Miss Thomson. 1 no thousand dollars has been added to the l nivorsity of Michigan Union's * * .tHKMHRI club house fund, through a gilt from' I.. \\ How . n and his four sous, who are all graduates or students in the University. It is hoped that con tributions will total $h*00,tHk> by Decent her 1. GOTHIC THE NEW ARROW a for 26c COLLAR ■T FITS THE CRAVAT rcLuSr?>c<£5577^^r«ll!«5H Cook With Gas Oregon Power Co. Phone 28 957 Willamette Street Phone 72 Dunn’s Bakery For Good Pastenes MARX BATHS Next Door to Savoy You are welcome at TRY THE VARSITY Barber Sbop llth AND ALDER STREET NEAR THE CAMPUS Through Tickets East and to CALIFORNIA POINTS SOLD BY AGENTS OF TIIE Oregon Electric Ry. 2 Limited Daily Trains, Portland to Spokane, St. Paul, Chi cago, Duluth, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Louis. SAN 1* RANCISCO via “Ihe North Bank” rail and 26 hours Ocean sail on the mammoth steel liner, S. S. “Northern Pacific.” Honolulu cruises via S.S. “Great Nortern” Jan. 5, 25. Feb. 14 1 ickets sold, baggabe checked and all information supplied by local agents. H. R. KNIGHT, Agent Oregon Electric Ry. Eugene, Oregon. The Right Model for You..... Men and Young men with de cided ideas about the kind of clothes they want should visit our store. We do not confine our showing to one or two models, but show you models in extreme, conservative and middle of the road styles, for young men, older men, stout men and slim men. Suits or Overcoats $15. $18. $20. $25, $30 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY Roberts Bros. COHYKIOMT tots. ▼MP HOUs- Of Mf rt -KliMl* “The Home of Kuppenheimer” Give Our Jewelry and / Things | I IT Che, Those who receive Christmas gifts obtained at our establish ment are always delighted; they know that every article coming from us is elegant and reliable. You cannot afford to send a present coming from a store without a “reputation.” Kindly come this week that we may have time to “engrave” your presents. We make “quality” right; then the price right. Seth Lara way “The Reliable Jeweler.” Your Feet Will Smile if you have your shoes repaired at MARTIN MILLER'S 40 West Eighth KOH-I-NOOR SPECIAL RATES On Ice Cream for Churches and Fraternities Our Candies and Ice Cream All stand the pure food test Why don’t you let Koh-I-Nor furnish the dessert for your Sunday Dinners Our Candies are Absolutely Pure Just what your children should have. Made on our own Premises. U. of O. Students Special Train To PORTLAND Leaves Eugene.1:15 p.m. Albany.2:35 p.m. Salem .3:25 Woodburn.:3:55 p.m. Oregon City.4:31 p.m. Arrives Portland (East Morrison) 5:05 p.m. Arrives Portland (Union Depot) 5:15 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17th This special train has been arranged to give maximum comfort, most convenient departure and arrival time. All-steel coaches make easy riding. Fastest time consistant with safe ty. Low round trip fares for Christmas and New Years are on sale at the Southern Pacific of fice to all Southern Pacific stations in Oregon on Dec. 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, and January 1st. The return limit is January 4th. Southern Pacific Return special leaves Portland Sunday Jan. 2, 7:10 p. m. JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. SEND THE EMERALD HOME