i m. Drains PLAN HOLIDAY TRIP O o f° ■ ° oRoseburg, Central Point, Med ° ford, Grants Pass, Ashland, Is Itinerary. “Why Como to tho T’niversity" iind “The Self-supporting Student.” are typi cal titles of speeches which will he given in five of the southern Oregon towns from December 17 to the 1*7 by the V M. C. A. deputation. Other subjects are “The V. M. ('. A. in the Cnivorsity of Oregon,” "Clean Speech. Clean Athletics and Clean Life,” “The Marks of a Man." “What the Church Means to the World” and “The Manhood of the Master.” This is a little of the advance dope which was given out by .7. D. Coster, Y. M. <'. A. secretary to ltoseburg, Central Point, Medford, (Irnnts Pass and Ashland dur ing his recent travels through the south ern part of the state. This trip was taken for the purpose of getting tilings lined up for the big deputation during the holidays. “The people in all the towns visited are extremely anxious to receive a visit from the Y. M. C. A. deputation team whenever a satisfactory financial schonn can be worked out to pay its expenses Churches, schools and prominent towns people are with us in every effort of eo operation," said Coster. Seven students will be chosen in short time by Walter Ditnm and possihl' they will be accompanied by one or twi faculty members. These people intis' possess two or three accomplishments ability to sing, talk or play basketball. Four basketball games have been scheduled to be played by a i|uinte| pick ed from the deputation members verstc either a local club or high school team. Tile admittance charge to these games is intended to pay the railroad fare and general expenses of the whole trip. All receipts above actual out-go will be turned over to the townspeople. The ltosebnrg club in ltosebnrg will play against the deputation and in Ashland games will be played with both the high school and national guard teams. FUTURE OF UNIVERSITY WILL BE DISCUSSED Meeting Will Be Held in Portland Under Auspices of Civic League. The University of Oregon, its ]irc^i-nI mid future, will lie the subject of disetis sion lit n meeting of the Oregon Civic league which will he held ill Ihc Multno mah hotel in 1’ortliinil Satimhi.v of this week. Till1 ..lit survey of the Univer sity liy the United States hiircnu of edu eat iou will lie a mil y r.iol nod tin* uuesiion whether its recommendations enn he put into immediate effect in Oregon will he taken up. President I’. I('nmphell will explain tin* purposes of the University authorities in requesting a survey of the institution and set forth the conclusions and recom mendations of the survey iu their wider aspects. \V. K. Newell, of the hoard of regents, will also precipitate the discus sion by an address on ‘A Hoard of Ite Kents iu Itelntion to the Public ou one Hand and the Inner Work of the I’uiver sity on the < M her.” Woman Regent Gives Views. Mrs. (ieorge 'I'. tSorlinner, of Onihis, the only woman reKent. will lake up the problem from the woman's point of view. Ur. Oeorge Itehec, professor ol' pitiI osoph.v. will present the case from the pos ition of the faculty, and Mrs. Alice I ten soil Itoneh will take up "The Alumni’* Stake iu tin* Institution." Ur. S. I*. Papon, on behalf of the go\ eminent, recommended that Oregon should undertake to be the pioneer state of the Union in effect ins certain reforms iu university government. which are at pro sent under discussion in all higher in stilutions hut which have as yet neicr las'll actually tried, lit* expressed the be lief that the University of Oregon, on account *f the reform spirit that pervaded the conference. Other manifestations; were the pre season training, the faculty representation, the sMiedulc, the scholar ship, and ••lie ol' two other items of leg i slat iou iu the north west conference, and the adoption >*f all these points pins one year residence rule hy the * mst confer j eU0t\ "The cleanup will probably last for years. Poaches and faculty delegates Were alike ill on it." said Mi Uyiliellt ! SCRIBE TOO BUSY TO BE INITIATED INTO “FRAT” Deifti (,'ullins of the Oregonian will not In' initiated before the. holidays iftto the Sigma Delta Chi, honorary Journalistic fraternity, as at first planned. Mr. Col lins business will not permit his absence long enough for the ceremonies until prob ably late in the spring. The other new members will be initiated before the holi days. Within a short time a smoker is to be given to all the men in the journalistic department at which Professors Allen and Oyment will be the speakers. As soon as a date is fixed a committee will be appointed to handle the affair. Compulsory Tax Wins (Continued from page 'one) Cniversify. This point should not he con sidered today, for I feel the statement of President Campbell that next year the board of regents will assume the salaries of the coach, assistant conch, etc., which will reduce the sum total of the expenses considerably. Thereforet we will not need so much in the fund for next year. “I, for one, hate to feel that we are forced to pay this tax. It. should he rather that we want to pay.” Leslie Too go was the next to express his opinion. "When the payment of these salaries of the athletic directors has been assumed by the board of regents, then we may well consider the question, not of making the tax voluntary, hut—-perhaps—of reducing the lax. That, however> is not the ques tion now. The faculty committee has ask ed us for our opinion as to whether the tax. as it now stands, shall he compul sory or voluntary. A tax is, and always has been, compulsory. It is surely not right that a part of the students shall pay iml the rest shall be exempt. If the vol untary feature he made a fact, then suf ficient funds not being procured, the re REX THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Daniel Frohman Presents The enchanting stage favorite Marie Doro in The White Pearl An American love story of dramatic composition with a foreign setting, half the action of the play in Japan and on ttyj? high seas, where the drama reaches its greatest climax. NEAL OF THE NAVY The yellow Peril. One of the most thrilling episodes in this series. tention of intercollegiate athletics will be I impossible. Might Publish Statistics Harry Drill suggested that, inasmuch as Several of the faculty members were dreadfully opposed to the compulsory tax, it might be well to pass the volun tary failure, for if we should reject it, there were possibilities that these faculty members might publish some reports in their possession on the condition of ath letics. “A story of the non-paying feature of our athletics, printed in, say the Port land Oregonian, would mean dire mis fortune to us as a student body,” said Mr. Drill. “I have seen the figures that these men intend to quote and it is a fact that they are not a boost for inter collegiate athletics.” i.'loyd Dawson took the floor and dis cussed the question on the point of ex pediency. "Facilities were given out at the first of the semester for paying class taxes, and less than 50 per cent paid at that time,” said Mr. Dawson. “Is this the way you want your student body funds raised? According to the constitution of the associated students, no one can take part in any student body activity or participate in the meetings, or hold of fice, who has not paid his student body tax. Consider that the voluntary sys tem were adopted. Then, at every elec tion, there would be the trouble of find ing out who has paid and who has not, to determine who was entitled to vote. “The proposition resolves itself into the question of whether we want inter collegiate athletics or not. If there is not enough money to support them, it is certain they cannot exist. “Under the voluntary tax system, we would have to beg students to join our BRODERS BROS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FRESH, CORNED & SMOKED MEATS. 80 West Eighth. RED PEP'S PHILOSOPHY © “The things that com? to those who wait are the thmps no one else wants!’ Students! We want your patron age and are working for it. The Varsity —We have a fine assortment of Xmas boxes— Through Tickets East and to i I CALIFORNIA POINTS StH.lt It V AO KM'S OF TIIK Oregon Electric Ry. 2 Limited 1'aijy Trains, Portland to Spokane, St. Paul, Chi cago1? Duluth, Kansas City, Omaha, St. Louis. SAN FRANCISCO via "The North Rank" rail and 2t» hours Ocean sail on the mammoth steel liner, S. S. "Northern ° Pacific.” Honolulu cruises via S.S. 'Croat Nortorn" Jan. 5, 25. Feb. 11 Tickets sold, baggabe checked and all information supplied by local agents. H. R. KNIGHT, Agent Oregon Electric Ry. Eugene, Oregon. I association. At the games we would see a team representing only one-half of the students. We might even have to have a committee whose business it would be to weed out the members and non-mem bers. It is absurd.” That the student body tax bears the same relation to the student body as the civic tax does to the citizen is the opin ion of. Merlin Hatley. "Did we pay" our student body tax be cause we wanted to?” asked the yell leader. “No. We paid it because there was that compulsory element back of it. Do we, as citizens, hunt out the tax collector and pay him our taxes? Why should we, any more, go around to the student body tax collector and offer out of the kindness of our hearts the propos ed sum levied upon us as members of the associated students? The Univer sity must maintain its standard of finan cial integrity. The bills must be paid and the money must always be there to pay them.” George Rebec argued that it was a matter of principle—that it would be a far better attitude to assume in paying this tax if the students could have the privilege of giving the money instead <>f having it taken from them. Immediately after the discussion, bal lots were passed around and the vote taken. Constitution Report Accepted The report of the standing committee t n the question of the constitution was lead and accepted. Thirty-five changes have tea n made in the reading. The motion to insert the words “Law School” in Art. II. Sec. II, was read and will lie voted on at a special date. The amendment establishing "The University of Oregon Co-operative Store,” was pre sented by Leslie Tooze, representing Wallace Kakin, who was unable to at tend, on account of a severe cold. “This book store will be the nucleus of tile co-operative store,” said Tooze. “President Compbell and M. H. Doug lass have kindly offered to turn over the entire stock of books in the store. President Campbell asked to speak on the history of the University book store, as, lie said, he wished the early condi tions of ownership to be clearly under stood by the students and townspeople. “Years ago. when the stock of Uni versity school books was handled by the downtown stores, it was almost an im possibility for these stores to keep from over or under-stocking Such a con dition was hard on the stores. For this reason, and this only, did Mr. Douglass and myself decide to bring the supply of University books to the campus, decid ing to assume, personally whatever losses there might be. There was no thought of profits. It was merely a convenience, not an independent commercial ven ture.” Cloyd Dawson submitted an amend ment to give the executive committee control over all athletics for which no “0"s are given. “Soccer is already in the hands of the executive committee,” said Mr. Daw son. “Other minor athletics are not so well taken care of. If this amendment be passed, expediency will be obtained in handling these matters, and finances, trips, etc., will never have to be brought up for student body consideration.” Six Months Guaranteed Half Hose for Men m When you buy hose—don’t let the six _ ^month's guarantee fill all the requirements. "To make hose that will wear six months is not a difficult matter. Use materials coarse enough and strong enough and you’ll get hose that will wear all right. But such hose will not be much on looks. To get fine, thin hose that will wear for six months you must use fuperlatiw fine materials. Only the highest grade materials are used in They're light in weight—fine in quality. Fast, rich, hygienic dyes—no. crocking. ’Wxi^yneJCni^ INDESTRUCTIBLE HOSIERY GUARANTEED Guaranteed for six months by the makers—the largest knit ting mills in the world. We hate many styles in stock—come in and see them. We also carry Wayne-Knit in lisles, silk lisles, pure silk, other styles, full fashioned or seamless. Guaranteed Half Hose, Six Pairs, Su Months, $1.50 CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES See our complete line of French Ivory. Prices from 25c to $10.00 Our toilet goods department is the most complete it has ever been. We are featuring leather goods, card cases, bill books, collar and cuff bags, and complete line leather goods See our Johnston Candy line before you send that Present. A Kodak is the one ideal thing to place on that Xmas list. THE LINN DRUG CO. Eugene's Leading Druggist