OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the college year, by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter. Subscription rates, per year, fl.UU. Single copies, oc. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF.MAX H. SUMMER Assistant Editors.Wallace Eakln, Leslie O. Tooae a.««yi»g Editor.Harold Hainstreet CltT Editor.Harry L. Ruck News Editor.Mundel Weiss Copy Editors.Ue Witt Gilbert, Clytle Hall Kennon, Mary Baker. Administration .Roberta Killam Asslstnnt .Francis Koran Sports.Chester A. Fee Assistant .James Sheehy Features .Adrienne Epping, Echo Zahl Dramatic Crltle . James Cellars Drama Ilea.Martha Beer Music.Eulalie Crosby Society .Beatrice Locke Bucile Watson Exchanges ..... .Bouise Alien Iteporters. .Kenneth Moores, Jean Bell, Marian Nell, Carroll WUdin, Harold Way, Robert McNary, i'ercy Boatman, Coralie Snell, Lucile Messner, Lucile Saunder, Joe Skelton, Stanley Eaton, Helen Brenton. BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER.FLOYD C. WESTERF1ELD Manager’s and Editor's Phone—S41. Worthy of Consideration. ONE INDICTMENT of student legislation at the University in the past has been that no one seems to know what it’s all about. Some upperclassmen at this stage in their life at the University have as yet not found out that there is such a thing as a student body which gov erns itself to a large extent. Tomorrow everybody will have a chance to vote, even if he is under the legal age. At the regular assembly hour tomorrow morning, the associated student body will meet for the second time this year. There arr many problems to be considered, and an intelligent vote is desired, as the legislation is vital not only to tire students now enrolled in the University, but also to the next three or four generations of students. For instance: The committee which has been working on the revision of the student hotly constitution will have a full report. The students will have to vote on the alterations, which are so many and vital as to make this the greatest change ever made on the “scrap of paper”.that has held the student body together for years. When we say “scrap of paper” we mean it literally as well as figuratively. In past years, legislation has been cumbersome, and questions of con stitutionality were mired in red tape, all on account of an inadequate constitution. This is probably the most important legislation ever attempted in years. Another matter is the cooperative store, which has taken two months’ of a committee’s time and eneergy. The student council, after due and copious deliberation, recommended that the “co-op” store be established on the campus. Probably tlie greatest consideration before the students is the student body tax of $8. Shall it be compulsory or voluntary? Students are liable to take this consideration in the wrong spirit. The withdrawal this year has been conspicuous by its scarcity. The H. of L. has been one of the sad realities thus far—even sadder than the cut rule and the ban on dancing. But here is a matter that should not be judged by its effect on 'the purse. Every body politic, be it state, society, or student body, must have at its command funds that do not fail to come in at the time of necessity. If the tax is made voluntary the present mode of collection at time of registration is sacrificed. Some will pay promptly, but still more will put it off indefinitely, and others will enter college with no intention of ever paying a tax that others have to pay and from which they are receiving equal benefits. Without the tax in a compulsory and collectable form, the student body will cease to be the strong, dominant body that it now is. Other colleges throughout the northwest, stronger and larger than the University of Oregon, have the compulsory tax. Why have they not thrown it aside long ago. They are more able with their larger enrollment. But they have not, in most cases, because it is a recognized fact that a student body cannot prosper without some assured source of revenue, no more than a city can prosper without taxes. The Emerald urges that pecuniary considerations be thrown aside for the time being and that the resolution urging that the student body tax remain compulsorv be adopted without dissention. With problems that are crying- for sane solution we urge that there be a large turnout at the meeting. A FACULTY RESPONSE With Apologies to i. H C. There was a performance called • * * Alice in Wonderland tliven by the students • • All of uh faculty went • • Because we felt sure • • That in a student sho No slow moving, creaking machinery. 'Such as sometimes observed • • In amateur productions • • And that we would’nt b Hoping against hope • • That the actors would • • The lines at last. • • We went bright and ea there would be kept in suspense ememher hr, Because the curtain was scheduled • • • To rise at 8:13 sharp, Which it did, * * * Lacking only about * • * 'i'hrcc quarters of au hour. • • • And the Play was On. * * « The wonderful inspiration • * • Of Messrs Carrol and Heddie • * * Shone no, shown brightly throughout » * * The entire production, * * # Vnd could not bo dimmed * • * By any kind of acting. • * • The scenery moved off the stage • * * Before our eyes, majestically, • • • Vs in Parsifal. * * • At times, it only moved • * * Before our ears. • • • Awhile \vc sat in Stygian darkness • • • And waited, * • * But niton, the lights would be on again And the players he seen for a space, * * * And the voice of the Prompter * * * Was heard in the land, • * * But it was a charming play * * * And we had a good time * * * And we don’t want our money back, * * * Because the Jabberwock and Snark * * * Made us laugh till we ached. » * * And we thought the Turtle and Gryphon * * * Not to mention the Cheshire Cat, • * * And the little cunning Dormouse * * * Were very clever * * * And the Hatter was almost * * * Too good to be true, * * * And that White Babbit * • * Just too funny for words, * * * And we wished that Alice * * * would go on dancing that * * * Darling little dance > * * * All night. * * * And the Queen of Hearts * * * Was so convincing * * * We almost feared she would order * * * i.'aat dreadful Executioner * * * Down in our midst * * * And off with all our Heads. * * * We liked all the others of Alice’s * * * Dream Creatures, too. * * * And we would hardly like to say * * * That anyone’s acting was ♦ * * A shade better than the rest. * * * We had a good time * * * And so did everybody. * * * Do it again! Class Writes Lyrics T:. th. class in Technique of the Dr..ma and the Advanced Writing class is assigned the work of writing the scenes and lyrics of the pageant to be given toward the end of the college year. “The two classes include a number of the best English students in the Univer sity,” said Professor Bates of the Hliet oric and American Literature depart ment today. "Special parts have been as signed to certain students and the scen ario when completed will be printed in the Emerald. Students outside of these classes are not barred from trying out for this. It is open to all. The purpose of a pageant is to set forth by spectaeu h>* means historical facts; this purpose will be kept clearly in view in the writ ing of tins pageant. It will include ele ments of procession, dance, pautomine, songs, dialogues and dramatic action. Symbolic characters will be worked in here and there.” Hotel Osburn Special Rates for Stu dent Banquets Monthly Dinner a Spe ialty. Cook With Gas Oregon Power Co. Phone 28 957 Willamette Street GOTHIC THE NEW ARROW a tor 25c COLLAR IT FITS THE CRAVAT | CLUCTT, PEABODY B CO.. »«C.. »»«»t | PALACE Barber Shop SOVERN & RATHMELL Proprietors FIRST CLASS BARBERS First Door North Smeed Hotel 747 Willamette 20 SHINES FOR $1^0 A ticket good for 20 shines al Johnson’s Stand Next to Laraway’s jewelry store Students Attend the Big Unloading Sale AT Large’s We are offering the choicest barg a i n s ever seen in Eugene Large’s Cloak & Suit House Phone 525 8()5 Wilainette St. Eugene, Ore. A Sunday Dinner at Bly’s Grill Gives you that comfortable feeling Come to US forirtoliday Gifts Plan your Christmas buying now. Our stock of holiday presents is superb and complete. We have many new, original articles and unique novelties. Come in and see our glittering gift goods. When you learn our reasonable prices you will have solved your Christmas problem and will buy your presents at our store. We make “quality” right; then the price right. Seth Laraway “The Reliable Jeweler” Wing’s Market The Home of Good Meats Fish and Groceries 675 Willamette St. Phone 38 Elliotts Grocery Successors to Pierce Pros. Seal Shipt Oysters OUR OWN DELIVERY Phone 246 9th and Oak St. i Let us enlarge your favorite I Snap Shot The best gift to a friend. This is our business not a side line. flic (©rcgana The best you can buy in Confections WEAR GILBERT’S $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes 35 West Eighth St. CHURCH L SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO., 832 WILLAMETTE ST. ,m. '' '• ° "by—Why give a cheap Christmas present when vou can W . ) cheaply? That’s what we will enable you to do. » bought Mr. batons excellent line at the right price—we will sell to "5 *' 'h* "«“<-**• H »r t„k, borne /fine S„h mu In an excellent comment on your judgment and fidelity. CHURCH &. SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO., 832 WILLAMETTE ST.