“GOLF DtriS SCHEME OF BERT L PRESCOTT Would Have All Men of Univer sity Putting the Holes and Greens in Shape. Then* arc successful dollar-days, dress up-days and applc-and-raisiii-days, and Port L. l’rcscott thinks tin* I'niversity might°bave a golf-day. The idea isn’t to convert everybody to gull in HI lnnirs, or to have everyone on the campus play the game that day, hut Lo get all the able-bod ied I'niversity men out, say on it speci fied Saturday, to help put in shape the golf course southeast of the campus. And right now, Mr. I’rescott says, would be a most appropriate time to have golf day, before Christmas vacation, after which basketball petitions and exams may be distracting attention. Regents Appropriate $50 Tlie board of regents has appropriated $50 for the golf links, but this will cover only the cost of the oil and sand, ac cording to Mr. l’rescott. The labor will have to come from the student body. “There are two plans for securing tie labor that have been considered,” says Mr. Prescott. “One is to ask the men’s fraternities to donate the labor. The ob jection to this is that the fraternity men do the work, other men will be reluctan to use the course. They will feel that they have no chum on it. The other plan is to ask the student council to nppoin. a committee of nine which with a faculty member will be responsible for puttinr the nine holes and nine greens in shupi . Each committeeman would solicit seven or eight men to help him, and if each o, these put in two or three hours' work the links would be ready. Dorm. Men Work “If some Saturday morning could la set aside, and everyone come with his tools prepared to work, the whole thing could la- put through.” Tin- dormitory men have already put in considerable work on the ground which is the oO-ncrc tract east of the come tery. COMING EVENTS Dec. (i ami 7 Condition exams. 2:00 p. tu. llaekgrounds id' War. Dr. Clark, Library. 7:.'!() p. m. < 'olloquium. Dee. N, 10:00 II. ill. Asembly. I :IH) p. m. Pour (t’clock Lec ture, Dr. Itates. Dee. 0, S -00 “Lucky Peter," Prof. Heddie, Ciiiltl hall. Dec. Ill, | ;0O "The Spirit of Joy in Work," Mrs. MeNnlli and Miss (hill in. S :00 (Sloe < 'Dili concert. Dec. II Soph parly. Dec. 1” Vespers. CONDITION EXAMS lOxnminatioiis In ivmmv conditions will In* hold Moudii.v Mini 'I’tiesdny, I loo. • i mid 7. Oregon Joins Coast Conference (Continued from Page One.) fercnce wore adopted with only ouo cx ooptioti at the annual oonferenee sessions Thursday and .vostorda.v. 'The recommen dations wore roooivod with rontarkahlo favor, also Iij the coast conference, which adopted every one. Following is the football schedule of the Pacific Northwest lutercollege conference as adopted last night: I niversity of Oregon Oct. It .Multnomah at F.agene. »>ct. -I California at II. rkele.v. Nov. I Washington at Ihigene. Nov. II Washington Stale at Port land. Nov. 25- Oregon Aggies at Corvallia Nov. .'Ill Multnomah at Portland. (>rcgon Aggies Sept. ;J0 Multnomah at Corvallis. < let. IT Washington State at Portland t tot. 21 Syracuse at Itufl'alo. N. Y. Oct. '_'s Michigan Aggies at Portland. No\. t Whitman at Corvallis. Nov. II Washington at Seattle. Nov. 25 Oregon at Corvallis. I'liiversity id' Washington Oct 2N Whitman at Seattle. Nev. | I’liiversity of ( >i. :;on at I In gene. N'nv. II Oregon Yggies at Seattle. Nov. Is I'niversity of California at llerkeley . Nov. lit) I'niversity of California at Si attic. I’niversity of Idaho Si pt. 20 ColiKHga at Moscow. Oct. Oregon Aggies at Moscow. • lit. 1(1 Whitman at Walla Walla. Nov. I Washington State at INiUuiuii Nov. 1 Mimta na at M..<. ■ w. Whitman Oct. L’l Whitman vs Idaho at Walla Walla. Od. 2s I’niversity of W shinglm at Seattle. N..v I «Irege! \ gg salt ’orv allis Nov. 11 Montana at Missoula. N o. Iv Multnomah at 1 ’.itland. Nov. HO Washington Stat• at Walla Walla. Washington State Oet. 7 tionnaga at Spokane. (lit. It Oregon Aggie* at Portland. Oet. 21 Michigan Aggies at Pullman Oct. 2S Montana at M -onla. Nov. I Idaho at Pullman. Nov. 11 Oregon at Kugene. Nov. .’In Whituiau at Wall . Walla Multnomah t 'tub Sept. 30 Oregon Aggies at Corvallis. Oct. 7—Oregon at Eugene. Nov. 4 Montana (tentative) at Port land. Nov. 18 Whitman at Portland. • Nov. 25 Willamette at Portland. Nov. .‘Ml—Oregon ato Portland. Schedule for Track Meets. The track schedule follows: Oregon April 18—Columbia university meet. May (> -Coast at Berkeley. May 20 Washington at Seattle. June 2 .‘i Confen n<9‘ at Pullman. Oregon Aggies— Fi b. 5 Ear Western at Corvallis. April 15 -Columbia at Portland. May 0 Coast at Berkeley. May 20 Washington at Seattle. June I! Conference at Pullman. Washington State— May