Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 04, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. 17.
NO. 31.
Jitney-Bus Songsters and Fun
ambulists Score Big Success
in Preliminary Tryout.
“Gee! They’ll Sure Have Real
Thing Friday Night, Says
Music-Intoxicated Critic.
(By Milton A. Stoddard)
Tko Junction City audience last night
must have wanted to hear the University
of Oregon men’s glee club, because they
sat there in the movie theatre for nearly
an hour, while the jitney bus was low
gearing it through the mud, laden with
the singers “theirselves.”
And these said folks were glad that
they did wait, for they showed apprecia
tion of the numbers with enthusiastic ap
plause and tense attention. This fact
dominated la t evening’s concert: The
boys got by big.
There was some good old variety,
classical and popular songs, strong solos,
snappy stunts.
The program opened with that impres
sive, backbone-exciter—sending glad
quivers through the frames of the lis
teners—-“Oh, Oregon,” which sings “the
pretty little village” and the fair maid
ens. The boys put real feeling and
harmony into it.
Harold Humbert, baritone, sang “The
Two Grenadiers,” with strong, dramatic
interpretation, excellent physical ex
pression. and tonal beauty.
“The Moorish Serenade,” was sung
charmingly by the club, and the applause
brought forth an encore with the tender
ending, “My Lady Snores.”
When anyone can get music out of a
tin pan, he must be equal to old mythical
Ban himself, who pierced the forest
with the melody of his reeds. Raymond
Burns, in a piano solo, “Prelude.” by
Rackmaninoss, showed good technique,
and the beauty of the selection, even
though the piano was in poor con
In some songs there are one or two
strains that just seem to lift one up into
the ether of musical delight. Haven’t
you felt the same way? That is the way
the club sang "What the Chimney Sings,”
by Parks—harmony that would do your
soul good to hear, poetic words that
were well sung, and the musical term
“con expressione” fully observed.
“The Laughing Song.” by the club, got
everybody in the audience to har-har
ring, so it must have been genuine, har
monious cacliination. To see those boys
laugh even with the gloomy prospect on
their minds of a two-hour ride back
home, would drive dull care away!
John Black sung his bass solo, “The
Mighty Deep,” with strong, powerful
crescendos that sounded like the rolling
of rhythmic waves.
“I Hear You Calling Me,” was beauti
ful. Part of the club sang the piano ac
companiment and the harmonious effect
was highly gratifying to the auditory
The medley was snappy, and will make
a hit next Friday night, at the Eugene
The most unique feature of the whole
bill is the singing by Ilo-Sheng Huang in
('hinese costume "The Praise of the
Chinese Republic” was a good illustra
tion of the Chines? scale of only five di
visions. His vo-ce sounded out with
fullness. When he sang “It’s a long way
to Tipperary” with Chinese words, he
made a decided hit. “Aloha Oe,” in the
native tongue, was sung with all the
weird Hawaiian beauty.
John Dolph made the realism of his
elocutionary soliloquy. “The Burgo
master’s Death,” from “The Bells,” viv
id, tense, and strong. He had his au
dience admirably. His make-up, cos
tume and expression were excellent, and
the selection was difficult.
Another stunt was “a Musical Panto
mime.” in which Raymond Burns with
the piano. Harold Hamstreet. as a girl
with the flute, and Walter Grebe with
the trombone presented the meaning
of their act wth the airs from popular
A cut-up quartet composed of Jack
Dolph. Albert Gillette, Robert Langley
and Karl Nelson put over “Five Minutes
of College Life.” They sang lively stuff
and the acting—especially that of Dolph
—was clever.
I need not say how beautifully Albert
Gillette sang those songs of the heart,
"The Banjo Song” and “Mother Ma
ehree.” The tender expression, the
strong feeling, the pure tones were mas
Greek Met Greek
In Chewing Scrap
Sophomore Session Is Interrupted by
Canines of Thetas and D. G.'s—in
Vain Chairman Calls for Order.
To the soph’more solemn session,
Thursday in Villarcl, at four,
Came two visitors unbidden,
And at once they got the floor;
Two Greek-letter watch-dogs were they, j
Who on sight prepared for war.
Growling from hig skirt-made kennel
Came the Theta Boston pup;
From the Delta Gannna stronghold
Rushed their dog, and took it up;
And the neutral watchers hungered
To see one on the other sup.
Loud the chairman called for order.
But he might have called a week,
For there wasn’t any question
But that Greek was meeting Greek;
And the Delta G’s and Thetas
Were exchanging looks unique.
But for all the cheerful prospects
Of a brief neck-chewing scrap,
Ceased the gnashings and the growling*,
With a sharp Hellenic yap;
And the Theta dog pretended
That he didn’t give a rap.
And perhaps he really didn’t,
And no doubt the looks unique
Do not mean “I hardly fancy
You need hurt yourself to speak,”
But a mere exchange of greetings
Used when Greek is meeting Greek.
Getting Non-Dancers Better
Acquainted Problem Mooted
by 29 Heads of Bodies.
The means of getting students, who do
not dance, better acquainted socially, was
discussed at the "Head-of-the-House”
dinner given at the Kappa Alpha Theta
house last night.
A suggestion was made that the stu
dents meet for a short time, perhaps
from 7 to 7 :30 each evening in front of
some University building, to sing songs
and talk.
At the university of California the hon
or system grew out of having students
meet on the steps of the different build
ings to sing, said Professor Bovard. After
songs were sung students who wished to
do so would get up and talk.
A committee composed of Myrtle Kem,
Marie Churchill and William Burgard
was appointed to select songs that the
students may sing at these gatherings.
“Head-of-the-House” dinners, at which
University problems are discussed, are
to be given every three weeks through
out the year at each of the woman’s
houses. The first was given at Mary
Spiller hall. The beads of each sorority,
fraternity and dormitory attend these
The following were present last night:
President Campbell, Secretary Grimes,
Dean Straub, Professor Bovard, Miss
Guppy, Dr. Conklin, Louise Bailey, presi
dent of the Women’s league; Mrs. Bo
vard, president of the city Pan-Hellenic
association; Katherine Watson, presi
dent of the University Pan-Hellenic as
sociation; Mrs. Boyer, Kappa Alpha The
ta house mother, and the following house
heads: Alpha Phi, Selma Baumann; Chi
Omega, Krua Petzold; Delta Delta Delta,
Marie Churchill; Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Constance Cartwright; Gamma Phi Be
ta, Katherine Bridges; Kappa Alpha The
ta, Charlie Fenton; Delta Gamma, Bess
Cuhman; Pi Beta Phi, Myrtle Kerm,
Mary Spiller, Grace Sdgington; Alpha
Tau Omega, Walter KirkjBeta Theta Pi,
William Burgard; Delta Tau Delta, Claud
Hampton; Iota Chi, Cloyd Dawson; Kap
pa Sigma, Karl Bronaugh; Phi Delta
Theta, Floyd South; Phi Gamma Delta,
Emmett Kathbun; Sigma Chi, Karl
Becke; Sigma Xu, Robert Bean; dormi
tory, Wilmot Foster.
Washington State Agricultural Col
lege.—The O. A. C. team, famed con
querors of the Michigan Aggies, have
again fallen before a northwest team
losing to the U. of < >. !> to 0. The result
should serve to implant more firmly on
eastern minds the conviction that th<
northwestern teams play real football.
University of Washington.—“Guinea
pigs to be goats,” is a headline of the
Washington Daily. It tells of some rab
bits which will be used as experimental
mediums with germs.
“Biled” Shirt and Monkey
Dress Not Needed as Pass
ports Is Opinion of Many.
The wearing of dress suits to the
sophomore dance is wanted to be per
fectly optional with the men of the Uni
versity by the women of the class and
the committees in charge of the dance.
The women not only of the sophomore
class but also of the upper classes, have
expressed themselves as wishing that the
men would not consider formal dress as
obligatory to attending the affair.
“The dance is a formal one, but no one
should stay away because they do not
happen to have full dress at their dis
posal,” said Tom Campbell, chairman of
the general committee. "It is a good
thing and may mean that a lot of girls
who otherwise would not have the op
portunity of attending the dance will get
to go.”
James Sheehy, president of the class,
says: “The women of the sophomore
class have paid their tax and have work
ed for the success of the dance and feel
that they have a right to go to their own
dance. This surely should not be denied
them. No fellow in school should hesi
tate to go because lie cannot appear in
full dress.”
That the women all over school are
heartily in favor of making dress suite,
optional is attested by Erma Kiethly.
vice-president of the class. “I have
heard a lot of the women say that they
are very much in favor of expressing
themselves as opposed to a custom which
makes dress suits almost compulsory at
a class formal. All with whom I have
spoken have hoped that no fellow would
remain away from the dance because he
cannot come in formal dress.”
“The idea of the dance is to furnish a
( time for all tin' people in college
aiid it surely cannot do this if a lot of
the girls and fellows are kept away be
cause the mt'n are sensitive about theii
appearance. Let. us all do as we wish
about the matter, but I hope no one will
think that a claw hammer is a requisite
of going to the hop,” is the way Jack
Montague, feature chairman, thinks about
Collection Included Paintings, Photo
graphs and Drawings and
The first exhibit of the work of the
University instructors of the school of
architecture, which has been on view in
the architectural building for the past
week and a half, closes tonight.
The collection also included paintings
by Mr. Henry Wentz, of the Portland
art school. While in the city Mr. Wentz
passed judgment on some of the work in
drawing and painting done by University
Ellis F. Lawrence, head of the Uni
versity school of architecture, exhibited
some photographs of some of his recent
architectural renderings. Roswell Doseh,
instructor'in drawing and modeling, en
tered several pieces of sculpture.
Renderings in pen and ink and water
color were exhibited by L. ('. Rosenburg,
instructor in pen and ink work, drawing,
designing and research work.
The committee for this exhibit wa*
composed of Allen Eaton, director of ex
hibits; P. P. Adams and L. ('. Rosenburg.
all of the architectural school.
“This is the first time that the work
of the instructors in this department has
been shown,” said Allen Eaton. "Per
sonall.v, I am very sure that it has been
a pleasant experience for those who are
not familiar with the work done in this
department, to have visited the exhibit
and studied at the renderings. The in
structors are all men who have received
recent recognition for their work, some
some of which has been on exhibit at th
Panama-Pacific exposition.”
Mr. Wentz has pictures hanging in th •
Palace of Fine Arts at San Francisco.
The work of Mr. Lawrence is well known
to people all over the Pacific coast. Mr.
Doseh is better known as a sculptor. lie
has been engaged to do the memorial foi
the late Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway. The
renderings of Mr. Rosenburg include sev
eral first class awards.
Because of a faculty ruling the univer
sity of Wisconsin track team, last year’s
champions of the western conference, w i I
be unable to come to California to meet
the Blue and Hold cinder path men nex
spring. The objection of the Wisconsin
faculty is that the men would have to
leave their studies for too long a period
of time.
Unique Costumes, Lighting Ef
fects and Workmanship of
Drama Win Appreciation.
(By Henry Howe)
Before a comparatively large and ap
preciative audience, Friday night, in the
Guild hall, Professor lteddie presented
his dramatization of “Alice iu Wonder
As a whole the production did leave a
very favorable impression in the minds
of those who saw it, in spite of the fact
that there were numerous places in it
which showed a lack of sufficient re
Great credito should go to those who
designed the most unique and grotesque
costumes, and to Mr. Uosch for his re
markable lighting effects, without which
the play would have been quite com
monplace. but with which, it did present
in many places signs of having the back
ground for a really great piece of art.
Especially striking were the costumes
of the Cheshire Cat, the White Rabbit,
and the Jabborwock.
But, in spite of these very good fea
tures, the play did present a rather un- j
fortunate lack of coherence, which may
be natural in a dream but which does
not go very well in a play. The play was
rather one gorgeous pageant of cos
tumes, in which the acting had but little
place, except ih the parts of Alice, The
Buchess. and the White Rabbit. Most of
the others, although good in their parts, 1
did not raise their work above that of ,
what might be expected of them. j
Miss Martha Beer, as Alice, however, j
did distinguish herself for her very ac
curate and convincing interpretation of
the character. Mr. Weiss, “The Huch
ess,” showed his usual cleverness in
character work, while the costume and
make-up of Alias Hurd, the White Rab
bit, was delightful and kept the audience
in laughter much of the time. But for
clever use of the voice, Miss Tuttle, the
Cheshire Cat. did carry off the honors,
for it would have taken a great connois
seur to tell the difference between her
vocal inflections and those of a cat.
But why is it. that in an otherwise
mechanically well operated play, it
should be necessary for those in the •
wings to drag Alice’s dolls from the
stag«' by means of an all too visible pole
and line. Also, it might have been better
had the curtains been drawn when the
changes of scene were made. There was
altogether too much light coming on the
stage during the dark changes. And an
other defect in the operation of the play
was that the stage was too small for
the large chorus, so that several times
confusion resulted. The players also had
a tendency to forget their cues and come
in at the wrong time, but this of course
must be pardoned because of the inter
ruption of rehearsals which Mrs.
Thorne’s departure caused.
Another performance was given for
the benefit of the children this afternoon.
The Oregon Hub met Fridny nfter
nonn mt which n new constitution wns
adopted, dues were fixed for the coming
venr nt twentv-five cents instead of the
eustomnrv dollar, and plans were laid
for the dance which will he held in .Tan
nery if the plans of the committee work
out! Tt was also decided to have a bas
ketball team in the inter-fraternit.v
lea cue and emphasis was laid on the ne
cessity for all non-fraternity men who
play the game to turn out.
Would Discourage “Bumming”
Iowa State College. Without a dis
seating vote. Town State college yester
day indicated its determination to dis
countenance the practice that resulted in
the death of Phillip McNutt last week,
the second Ames student to pay for the
| follv of a stolen ride with his life.
“Those who feel strongly that we as a
whole institution should declare against
the practice of ‘bumming,’ signify with
uplifted hand your willingness to estab
lisha precedent that other schools should
be glad to follow.”
“I will consider this a pledge to do nil
in your power to discourage ‘humming,
stated President Pearson. “This prac
t'ee is developed wherever trains are op
erated. and there are officers in some
universities today that boast of their
sons ‘beating their way’ to football
games; but I feel confident that ‘burn
ruing’ is down and out for all time nt T
ft. O.”
The university of Kansas has a stu
dent who is 01 years old. They claim
to have the oldest student in the United
Lamar Tooze did not soil from
Now York for Fairopo this after
noon with the rest of Henry Ford's
pence pilgrims, according to a list
i f college pacifists received h.v wire
this afternoon. Neither did the
University of Washington delegate,
Fanil K. llnrja. editor of the Wash
ington Daily News.
A Uhieago story in the Oregon
ian foaturizod Lamar Tooze's pre
dicament of not being able to get
a passport in time.
"1 can place little credence in
the story.” was the statement of
Leslie Tooze this morning, "Lamar
may have missed today's boat, blit
study he had ample time to catch
Wilhelm II which sails December
“The conversation reported in
the Oregonian sounds real, hut it
probably came on the spur of the
moment, llad my brother missed
the boat. 1 would have received a
telegram to that effect. The second
boat will give him plenty of time
to procure his passport.”
Pseudo Barroom Dispenses
“Stickless” Liquid to ‘Frosh’
Amid “Bloody” Bouts.
A pseudo saw-dust floor bar room with
all the accompanying signs and fixtures
tended by four short-sleeved freshmen
who dished out the red "stiekless” stuff
as fast as their arms would work; free
sandwiches and "hot dogs” served at all
hours; boxing and wrestling bouts be
tween drinks; bowls of cigarettes, pipes
and tobacco, were some of the attrac
tions offered at the freshmen smoker
in the Kappa Sigma house last night.
After every man had his coat and col
lar off and a pipe or cigarette stowed
in the proper place, Charley Johns, mas
ter of ceremonies, introduced “Cupid”
Spangler and Oscar McMillan as the
first boxers for the evening. Tlotb men
showed an equal amount of skill in the 1
give-and-take” which followed, the *
three-round bout resulting in a draw. (l
Marion Melson furnished live excite- |
meat for the crowd in a hot three two- |
minute round bout with (Jerry Watkins,
the 205-pound freshman from New .Ter- ’
sey. Watkins’ advantage in reach and
weight put Melson on the defense most '
of the time although he sent several 1
hard jabs to his opponent’s face in the
last round. The judges gave the decision i
to Watkins. 1
Harry Messner and George Cook, !l
equally matched men, kept their fellow !
classmen in an uproar of cheers in a I
“clinch-and-hit battle” of three rounds. 1
Time after time Ed Shockley, referee,
was forced to separate the fighters. The .
match resulted in a draw.
Henry Campbell and Dwight Wilson 1
drew peals of applause from the mass of i
men packed around the mat. Wilson who |
weighs about half as much as Campbell i
sent the latter sprawling down on top
of the ring-siders repeatedly, but (’amp
bell despite the handicap of his surplus i
fat was game. Recovering quickly, he
charged Wilson again and again only to
meet the same fate. Tin1 decision was
given to Wilson.
Other contests were as follows: Alvin
Wieveseiek vs. Basil Williams, four
round boxing match, won by Williams;
Albert Holman vs. Forrest Peil, draw;
wrestling match between Harvey Mad
den and Basil Williams, Madden winning
two falls out of three; a squaw wrestle
between Millard Nelson and Neil Mor
fitt, the latter turning Nelson upside
down twice in three possibles; and a
three-round glove bout between “Mike”
Harris and Edmund Leonard which re
sulted in a draw.
Jay Fox acted as timekeeper and gong
ringer for all contests.
(Jerry Watkins finished the program
for the evening with two readings, Kip
ling’s “Gunga Din“ and the “Road to
At half past twelve after a few more
lingering draughts and a fresh filling of
pipes and a lighting of cigarettes, the
“flush” went home to their trundle beds.
Fraternities at the University of Penn
sylvania and a large number of boarding
houses have joined the Consumers
league. The plan is to purchase all goods
ordered by the members direct from the
farmer, who delivers them direct to the
purchaser. By this method the profits
to the commission merchant, the •middle
man and the retailer are eliminated. The
association will establish headquarters in
west Philadelphia.
Colin V. Dyment Elected Presi
dent of League and Faculty
Recommendations Favored.
Agreement Will Not Disrupt
Northwest Sports, Will Tend
to Reinforce Each Other.
President—Colin V. Dyinent, Uni
versity of Oregon.
Secretary—,T. A. Stroud, jr.. Uni
versity of California.
Advisory Committee—Milnor Rob
erts, University of Washington and A.
1!. (.lordley, Oregon Argienltnral col
University of California.
University of Oregon.
University of Washington.
Oregon Agricultural College.
An invitation to join has been is
sued to Stanford university.
First Football Schedule
October 21—Oregon at Berkeley.
November -1—Washington at Ku
November 18—Washington at Berk
November 25—Oregon at Corvallis.
November 50—California at Seat
Came between O. A. C. and Wash
ington to be arranged.
Basketball schedule with Oregon
excluded is being arranged. Baseball
and truck schedules have been largely
The University of Oregon will be a
member of two intercollegiate conferences
hereafter: the Pacific Northwest Inter
collegiate conference and the Pacific
Coast Intercollegiate conference. The
latter was formed at the Imperial hotel in
Portland late Thursday night at a cau
cus in which Oregon, Washington, Cali
fornia and O. A. ('. took part, and at
which two Stanford representatives were
present for a time.
Formation of the coast 'onference came
after the northwest conference had failed
to adopt the one year residence rule und
after Idaho, Whitman and Washington
State had indicated their unwillingness
to join in forming an eastern section of a
coast conference.
The first business put. up to the north
west conference when the sessions began
at the Benson hotel Thursday morning
was adoption of the one year residence
rule, under which no freshman can com
pete in conference contests. Washington,
(). A. ('. and Oregon were favorable;
Idaho, Whitman and Washington State
were bitterly opposed. The tie vote
meant loss of the motion.
Formation of an all-const conference in
two sections, with Idaho, Whitman, Mon
tana, Washington State and perhaps
Oon/.nga in an eastern section, and Wash
ington, Oregon, California, O. A. C. and
perhaps Stanford in a western section
was then proposed, the eastern section
to have no freshman rule and the west
ern section to have one, and the cham
pion of the two sections to play for the
coast championship annually. Idaho,
Whitman and W. S. C. opposed this
plan also, apparently not desiring to lose
their schedules with the big coast teams.
One more effort was made by Wash
ington to get through a freshman rule,
slightly modified, but it failed. The re
mainder of the first day was then spent
in revising the northwest conference
agreement. That night the coast con
ference came into being.
The coast conference is not intended to
disrupt the northwest conference. The
schedules of the latter are to stand, and
even in future years may be little af
fected. The games of the coast univer
sities will count toward the championship
in each conference, so that definite set
tlement of both championships will
probably be possible each year.
The new conference, in addition to
adopting the freshman rule, has set for
itself strict scholarship, registration,
eligibility and amateur requirements.
Recommendations from tin1 University
,,f Oregon faculty to the northwest con
M ontinued on page four)