Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 26, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. 17.
NO. 17.
Reports On Over Organization,
Student Bank, Homecoming
and Library Will Be Read.
Meetings to Be Held Bi-Weekly
So as to Have Student Body
Present Is New Plan.
Among the new subjects to be dis
cussed at the student council meeting
Wednesday evening are those of camp
us organization, the proposed student
bank, contributions to the woman’s
building, and the overcrowded con
dition of the library during study
According to the council, there are
so many clubs and societies on the
campus that the students have theii
hours so crowded that they are un
able to devote their time to activities
concerning the whole institution. One
plan that has been suggested as a
remedy is that clubs must obtain a
permit from the council before they
shall ibe allowed to organize.
The student bank is not a new sub
ject. In many high schools and some
colleges it has been successfully work
ed out by having the banks of the
city subscribe to the capital, for the
bank located on the campus. In this
case the commerce 'department would
probably have charge of it.
In order to increase the woman’s
building fund, it has been proposed
that the Woman’s league take out a
10-year endowment insurance policy,
the women dividing up the expense
equally and then the whole sum being
turned over to the fund when it falls
As a remedy for the overcrowding
of the library during the '•morning
hours, when many of the students
have found it necessary to either
stand up or sit on the steps, it is
proposed that the periodicals be
moved to the steel racks in the back
of the building, thus allowing a large
space for additional tables.
Reports will be made by the
home-coming week committee, Max
Sommers, chairman, cooperative
store committee, Chester Miller,
chairman; industry committee, Cleve
land Simpkins, chairman, and the
modification of the cut rule com
mittee, Max Sommers, chairman. The
cooperative store has been discussed
at a meeting of Dr. D. W. Morton,
head of the school of commerce, Pres
ident Campbell, and J. D. Poster, Y.
M. C. A. secretary, and it has been
proposed that the logical time tc
start this would be when the book
exchange passes out of the hands of
the Y. M. C. A., on January 1. The
commerce school will then take
charge of the exchange, and if the
store is to be installed they couR
add such things as stationery, schoo
supplies, and confectionery to its
stock. Only articles involving £
small investment of capital would b<
handled at the beginning.
As an aid to students working theii
way through the University, the in
dustrial committee has been working
in conjunction with the Eugene Com
mercial club in searching for idea:
on the establishment of a lead penci
or broom factory, which would no
require skilled labor or regula:
hours. o
Due to the large amount of worl
before the student council, it i
hoped that a change of rules wil
be effected, so that members of th.
entire student body may be taken ii
and the meeting held each week, in
stead of bi-weekly. These meeting
are to lie made more open than here
tofore. and it is urged that as man,
as can, attend the one Wednesda
night in Professor Ayer’s room, oi
the second floor of the librar
building, at 7 o’clock.
in 1928 to be 3000
Mathematician Procrastinates
and Makes Statement of
“Inevitable” Result.
All but four counties of Oregon,
eleven other states, of which Penn
sylvania is the farthest east, and
two foreign countries, Canada and
New Zealand, are represented at the
University of Oregon.
A compilation of statistics is being
made, showing how many students
come from each county, state, and
countries represented. A partial list
of counties is as follows:
Lane, 24 9 (208 from Eugene);
Multnomah, 156 (154 from Port
land; Marion, 27; Douglas, 23;
Clatsop, 18; Yamhill, 17; Clackamas,
15; Polk, 15; Coos, 14; Umatilla, 14;
Union, 14; Wasco, 11; Malheur, 10;
Baker, 11; Sherman, 4; Tillamook,
4; Crook, 3; Gilliam, 2; Wallowa, 2;
Washington, 2; Morrow, 2; Colum
bia, 2.
The several Chinese and Japanese
students attending the University are
registered as belonging to this state.
This semester’s registration up to
the present time is approximately
800. Thirteen years ago it was about
200. According to Professor E. E.
DeCou, head of the mathematics de
partment, each year’s registration
has shown a fairly constant increase
of 10 per cent over that of the pre
ceding year. If this rate of increase
continues 13 years more there will
be something over 300 students at
tending the University.
Girls in Good Condition, Says
Miss Goldsmith. Practice
Three Times Weekly.
The girls’ hockey team is now
practicing three times a week, and
Miss Goldsmith hopes to arrange a
game with O. A. C. for two weeks
from Saturday. The game scheduled
for last week had to be postponed on
account of a threatened small-pox
epidemic at O. A. C. Only one case
developed and as all the girls have
been vaccinated, the danger seems to
be passed.
The Oregon team is in good con
dition and has plenty of spirit and
they only need the support of the
students to have a winning aggrega
tion, according to Miss Goldsmith.
“Those showing up well are: Mar
garet Crosby, captain, Jennie Hunter,
Esther Furuset, Ethel Murry and
Jean Bell,” said Miss Goldsmith.
“The team is experiencing some dif
ficulty playing on the present field,
because the latter is rough and the
stubble has not been cut. A little
bit of playing maizes it very slick
and so causes many bruises and
sprains.” The field should be
scraped, leveled, and rolled to make
it suitable for hockey, says the
New shin guards, balls and hockey
sticks have been provided for the
players, and benches will be pro
vided for spectators at the O. A. C.
’ game.
' Next year it is hoped that inter
class games can be arranged and also
games with Reed College and O. A. C.
Legislature Makes Record <»itt
The legislature of Illinois has pass
ed a bill that grants the University
1 of Illinois the sum of $5,000,000,
which is said to be the largest ever
’ granted at one time by a statd to an
’ educational institution.
f Evelyn Harding, ’14, and Lucile
1 Shepard, ’15, are among the recent
’ visitors at the exposition.
Cleve Simpkins, Chairman of
Committee, Makes Tour of
Business Men.
Shall the University start a new
industry near the campus to provide
permanent work for students who
are self-supporting? This question,
the outgrowth of a suggestion made
by Lamar Tooze and Botliwell Avi
son, is under serious discussion at1
the present time.
Cleve Simpkins, chairman of the
committee to investigate the matter,
said, in speaking of it, “I visited
many of the prominent business men
of the city and they all considered
the idea a good one. There are, of
course, many phases of the question
to be considered. What industry
would be suited to the city of Eu
gene? What raw materials procur
able? How much capital necessary
to put it through? Will we be able
to market the article once it is pro
duced? We must take into consider
ation the fact that the students are
most all unskilled workmen, and that
a market might be a difficulty. I
do not think people would buy sim
ply because the students made the ar
“There are many possibilities
around Eugene for a new industry.
For instance, a broom or furniture
factory would be practical,consider
ing the raw materials necessary; also
a brick, tile or potter stone factory
might be practical. Metal art work
on hard surafce metals might be
added to the list.
“The factory would be erected as
near the campus as possible. The
work would, of course, be piece
work. Plans are indefinite as yet,
and the realization of this idea is far
in the future.”
President Campbell heartily fa
vored the plan. “It is an experiment
worth trying, and one 1 should like
to see succeed. If permanent work
were assured the students, the Uni
versity would have an increased reg
istration, and that is what we need.
That is also what the state needs;
the more educated citizens the bet
ter off Oregon would be. Our duty
is to educate for citizenship. I have
seen this plan of a University indus
try worked out successfully several
times. For instance, the Sophie
Nowcombe College of Tulane makes
the Newcombe pottery, with sales
amounting to several thousand dol
lars each year. The clay around Eu
gene is good and art craft might be
furthered with success. A market,
of course, would have to be worked '
up, which would be a comparatively
easy matter, I think. People would j
want to help the students.”
Advent of Veterans Will Im
prove Outlook. Tuerck
and Spellman in Football.
(By Captain Sheehy)
Twenty-five soccerites are chasing
the ball over the lot every Tuesday
and Thursday nights, under the di
rection of Coach Dyment. The old
baseball field is at present the scene
of action. As soon as the Varsity
packs away their moleskins for the
season, the squad will move over to
Kincaid field. Newly painted goal
posts will be erected and the grid
iron will be lined off according to
association measurements.
Predictions at this stage of the
game are as useless as alibis for our
drubbing at the hands of Washington
State College. One thing is certain,
that there is plenty of chance for new
men to make the team, no matter if
they have never played the game be
Pox, Smith, and Nelson are the re
cruits who have shown any class
as yet. Fox will bolster up a
somewhat weak forward line, playing
outside right. Smith, although a bit
clumsy on his feet, shows promise of
developing into a good man. Nelson,
a freshman, appears to be a dark
horse. He handles himself well and
is an exceptionally good dribbler.
Of the old men, Campbell and
Pearson are showing mid-season
form. Both are fast, aggressive, and
can kick with either foot. Tureck,
Spellman, Gorescky, and Ralston
have not turned out as yet, owing to
the pressure of other duties. With
the addition of these four veterans
chances for a winning eleven will
take on better aspects.
Multnomah club will again meet
the lemon-yellow in two games. Both
contests will be played In the early
part of December. Columbia Univer
sity of Portland may also be en
ticed into a contest. Should the Ag
gies put out a team, they, too, will
be taken on by the Varsity.
Course In U. Ideals (liven at Kansas
University of Kansas, Oct 20, 1915.
—Feeling that students leave school
without a full appreciation of the
work of the institution, the authorl
ies of the University of Kansas are
onsidering a class in “University His
tory and Ideals” for freshmen. If the
matter is favorably acted upon, one
hour’s credit will be given and the
history of the school, when it was
founded, its growth, ideals and pre
sent status among other institutions
will be the main topics for class dis
cussion and outside reading.
Faculty Members Give
Opinions On Athletics
Did the faculty accomplish any
thing drastic in the realm of inter
collegiate athletics last Thursday?
Will a faculty member give the
whole of his real opinion on the ath
letic question if he knows he is
“speaking for the press?” Do the
professors on the campus really see
the side of the coaches, or of the
men on the teams?
These questions, suggested by a
faculty member, may have some
bearing on the sentiments expressed
below apropos of the faculty action
last week, a summary of which was
published in Saturday’s Emerald.
“The work of the committee was
very thorough and satifactory. The
members went at it sympathetically,”
commented President Campbell. “If
the results are not entirely perfect,
at least they are very good.
“The basketball restriction is an
experiment. But practically every*
one whom basketball concerned was
willing to try it. The regulation on
basketball will go into effect tbit
year, 'because no schedules have
been made. Basketball has always
been a loss financially, anyhow. Be
cause of the fact that the floor wil
now be available for fraternity anc
society teams, interest in basketbal
will probably be just as keen0 as ii
was last year.
“We need intercollegiate sports ai
an ethical laboratory,” continuec
President Campbell. “They offer t
chance for the demonstration of fln<
sportsmanship. The game of No
vein her 20 will offer an unusual op
portunlty to students to display th<
(Continued on Page Four)
Feminist Satirizes
‘Delt’Dog in Poesy
Humane Appeal Asks That Mill
race Date Be Made For
the Canine “Rex.”
(By “Add” Epping)
We’re appealing to all wtao’re hu
Who delight in occupations mundane,
For this constitutes our refrain:
“Your dog can’t bathe in the rain.”
He’s sorely in need of a bath, is Rex.
For bathing you know, all vermine
Which always a poor woolly dog will
And even the best disposition drecks.
Do not put it off for a year again,
Tub him as often as you did .Toe
For a little tubbing now and then
Is good for dogs, as well as men.
O, Delta Tan Delta, when all is said,
Consider the life poor Rex has led,
For Rex is shunned by the fair co-ed,
And the blame of it all lies-on your
Rescue poor Rex from his odorous
Release the poor dog from his filthy
Make with that canine a millrace
Hasten, we urge you, before it’s too
19-ers Whip Corvallis Rivals By
An Even Dozen
Jabbing their opponents’ heavy de
fense for constant gains, outplaying
and outthinklng the Aggies, Oregon’s
Frosh whipped the O. A. C. Hooks 12
to 0 at Corvallis last Saturday.
The first score was put over in
the third quarter, when Hoisington,
1919 fullback, ended a long, steady
advance by a final plunge over the
goal. Again, in the last quarter,
Morfitt, quarter, peretrating the line
Oregon scored on a straight buck,
and racing 40 yards for another
The turf field was badly cut up,
slow and slimy. It was with great
difficulty and frequent fumbles that
the ball was handled at all—punts
and passes being hazardous under
Throughout the whole game the
Frosh played on the offensive., keep
the ball in the territory of their ad
versaries and dangerously near the
goal line. It was the steady and con
siderable gains of Mast and Holslng
ton, Oregon’s two most consistent
backs, that was directly responsible
for the victory. The defensive work
of the line was commendable, but
was considerably hampered by the
precarious footing.
This same mud accounted for the
failure of Miller to kick either of the
The Oregon lineup was as follows:
Cook and Wilson, ends; Madden
and Miller, tackles; Williams ami
Piel, guards; Downward, center;
Morfitt, quarter; Jensen and Mast
halves; Hoisington,ofull.
fttiMk'nts Contribute $100,000
The students at the University o
, Illinois have contributed $100,00(
. toward a union building, to be i
, home for every Illinois man, ever
, tafter lye has finished his eolleg<
. course. They are now soliciting mort
funds among the Illinois alumni.
Will Be Attended in a Body By
Western Association of
Teachers of Journalism.
Preparations Are Complete For
Entertaining Delegates Who
Come October 29.
(By Martha Beer)
With the exception of a few polish
ing-up details attendant upon dress
rehearsals, “What the Public Wants,”
is now ready for production. Pro
fessor Reddle expresses himself well
satisfied with the cast and great
things are to be expected when the
curtain parts in Guild hall at 8 p. m.
“The cast, shows no little talent,”
ProfessoH Ueddie stated yesterday.
“Ernest Watkins, as John Worgan,
has shown ability, llob Earle is very
good as the stage manager and Mar
ian Reed as old Mrs. Worgan Is de
licious. Virginia Peterson, who ap
pears later in the year as lead in
“Peter Ibbetson” plays a small part
On Friday evening “What the
Public Wants” will be attended In a
body by the Western Association of
Teachers of Journalism which holds
Its First Annual Convention here on
Friday and Saturday, October 2 9 and
Several other features have been
planned for the entertainment of the
guests, among which will be the lun
cheons on Friday and Saturday even
ings, given by the two Journalistic
Fraternities here, Sigma Delta Chi
and Theta Sigma Phi. Mrs. Minnie
iWashburne has furnished automobiles
for a ride around the city Friday af
ternoon and the Association will be
party which is to be held at the Bun
galow Saturday evening.
iDurlng their visit at the University
the members of the Association will
be entertained at the homes of Pro- t
ressors E. W. Allen and C. V. Dy
ment and A. ,7. Delaiy of the Jour
nalism Department.
“We are just getting things Into
shape now,” said Prof. Allen, who
lias charge or the program. “Dean
Hope of the Haw School will give
an address on the Law of Libel, but
he tii. < lias not been decided as
The i rogram as It has so far been
arranged is as follows:
h'liilay Morning Session
9 a. m. Journalism Department
Rooms: Address of Welcome by
President P. L. Campbell and papers
by Mrs. Mabel H. Parsons and Prof.
W. F. G. Thacher, of Oregon; Prof.
Frank G. Kane, of Washington and
Prof. Carl Getz, of Montana.
Friday Noon. Luncheon at the
home of Prof. E. W. Allen.
Friday Afternoon: 1 p. in. Closed
Conference in Journalism. Depart
ment Rooms. Election of officers will
probably take place at this time.
4 p. m. auto ride around city.
6 p. m. Sigma Delta Chi Luncheon
at the Hotel Osburn.
8 p. m. "What the Public Wants.”
Guild Hall.
Saturday Morning Session: 9 a. m.
Advertising Conference held in Psy
chology Seminar Room, In which
visiting members will take part.
Talks by Dean D. W. Morton of
or the School of Commerce, Dr. E. S.
Conklin of the Psychology Depart
ment, Professor Thacher, of the Eng
lish Department and J. Frederic
Thorne, of the School of Comemrce.
Saturday Afternoon: 1 p. m. Jour
nalism Department Rooms. Session
' to be devoted to the discussion of
(Continued on page four)