OREGON EMERALD VOL. 17. EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1915. NO. 16. Whitman Capitulates to Varsity INTERCOLLEGE SPORTS ARE NOT DESTROYED IN BAPTISMAL FIRE Track Athletics Are Undisturb ed Due to High Standing of Participants. BASKETBALL BANNEB PBO TEM Several Matters Are Referred to Committees, To-wit: Tax and Junior Week-End. Summary of Athletic Legislation Intercollegiate basketball sus pended experimentally for the present Pre-season training camp dis continued. Varsity football and baseball • practice limited to period between 4 and 6:30 p. m. Intercollegiate football con tests limited to seven in any one season. Intercollegiate baseball sched ules limited to teams west of the Cascades, iDut inter-sectional games to decide northwest cham pionship permitted. Offering of inducements to any prospective student with a view of his becoming candidate for a Varsitj^ athletic team forbidden. Representatives to Northwest College Conference meetings to be appointed by president from fac ulty. Faculty members of athletic council to constitute a standing faculty committee instructed to report at least once a semester. Northwest conference college scholarship requirements to apply to all student activities in Univer sity of Oregon. Intercollegiate athletics at the University have passed through their baptism of fire, and with the excep tion of intercollegiate basketball, have been retained. Track athletics remain undisturbed. The registrar’s statistics showed that the average in scholarship of the track squad was not only higher than that of any fraternity, or the men’s dormitory, or of any other athletic group, but was also higher than the scholar ship of any group of girls, with the single exception of the girls’ dormi tory. Football and baseball have been modified, as shown by the fore going summary. Intercollegiate basketball was sus pended for the present so that Coach Hugo Bezdek and Trainer William Hayward might give for a season or two their undivided attention to non conference players. The suspension Is an experiment. If the student who plays basketball but is unable to make the intercollegiate teams gets enough added individual attention to make it appear that he would suffer from resumption of intercollegiate basketball, it will not be resumed. The limiting of intercollegiate baseball to teams west of the Cas cades was intended to cut out the long, hard and expensive trip of the baseball team to Walla Walla, Pull men and Moscow, the trip requiring more than a week. The single inter sectional series of games necessary to decide the northwest champion ship will require this trip on Ore gon’s part only on years when Ore (Continued on Page Four) Name Is Casey and She’s German In the Dead of Night When All’s A-snore, the ’Phone Jingled, and—But Listen! Sh! Down at the Chi Omega house, on Mill street—there is a freshman— and her name is Casey—and she’s German—and the other night—when the telephone rang—at 1:30 in the morning—after manner of all tel ephones at that hour—everyone woke up—they had all been in bed, you see —and every one thought maybe it was a telegram or a death—or may bo it was something awful—and Rose wanted some one to hurry— for goodness sakes—and answer it — because Boyce—who lives in Mc Minnville—might be calling—and Everyone was busy right away—be cause it was dark and—besides it was cold you know. And so it was that this freshman—who was Ger man—and whose name was Casey went—and she— shivered—in the hall—and—not only from the cold— but she got there—and she said— Hello—which is what you always say —when you answer the phohe—and a man’s voice answered—and he said —that he was from the electric light and power company—and that he wondered—if she could tell him— maybe—if the arc light on the cor ner was still burning—and she said she’d see—and so she went down— another hall—and she saw that it was and so she said—to the man— who said he was from the light com pany—that the light was still burn ing—and the man said— “Blow it out!” And the freshman—whose name was Casey—and who was German— sat very still with the receiver in her hand—but— Listen: Wasn’t it a good thing she was German, and her name was Casey? GOVERNOR URGES DRILL Military Preparedness Is Com mended For Oregon at Dorm. Luncheon. Governor Withycombe forcibly ex-! pressed his belief in the need of mili tary preparedness, when as a lunch eon guest Wednesday he spoke to the members of the Dormitory Club. „“I firmly believe in military train ing in our colleges and universities and it will be a glad day for me when a company is organized at the Uni versity of Oregon. I know that the Pacific coast stands at the mercy of a possible foreign foe; tribute could be levied from every import ant city, so I think It wise that we prepare to denfed ourselves. “I do not believe in militarism in the generally accepted meaning of the term and I do not believe pre paredness means militarism. Out of 5000 men who have taken military training at O. A. C. only five have engaged in military pursuits. Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger and W. K. Newell, members cf the University board of regents approved the gov ernor’s views in regard to military training in the University and Mrs. Gerlinger was applauded when she emphatically declared: “I can think of no words adequate to express my contempt for that person who whim pers, ‘I did not raise my boy to be a soldier.’ ” C. M. Hill. D. D., one of the first students at the University, said there was a moral substitute for war and hoped to see the day when uni versal peace would reign. BUILDING FUND IS SWELLIN6 DAILY Clubs and Alumni Are Showing Live Interest in Securing Campus Building. MRS. 6ERLIN6ER IS ACTIVE Portland Alumnae Are Planning to Rent Ice Hippodrome Nov. 26 to Aid Cause. Interest in the proposed woman’s memorial building is steadily in creasing, and alumni clubs, and other organizations throughout the state are daily working for appro priations for this new campus build ing. Foremost in the movement is Mrs. George Gerlinger, University regent, who has been lecturing for the last month in behalf of the new structure. Mrs. Gerlinger will speak before the State Federation of Woman’s clubs at Salem Wednesday morning, October 23, and will ask for the the state-wide support of these organiza tions in pledging money for the wo man’s building. Her topic is an nounced as “The University and the New Building.” The Portland alumnae met last week at a luncheon held at the Ben son hotel, and made extensive plans for raising another $500 for the building fund. About 50 women were present, including Miss Emma Griebel, president of the Associated Collegiate Alumnae, Mrs. Vincent Cook, Mrs. George Gerlinger, and Miss Luella Clay Carson. It is their plan to charter the Hippodrome ice rink in that city for the night of November 26, and call the affair “college night.” It is expected that many of the students from Eugene will be home for their Thanksgiving holidays and that this will be an excellent time for the party. Mrs. Benson Beach, chairman of the com mittee, hopes for an attendance of some 2000 persons. "It is hoped that the fraternities and sororities will take boxes,” said Mrs. Beach. “The price will be $5 per box and the general admission will be 50 cents.” Portland people have already shown shown their interest in the af fair. The Portland Collegiate Alum nae is looking to Eugene for strong support. The Collegiate Alumnae at Eu gene have just added another dona tion to the $5 0 already given by them, making their total gift to the woman’s building $70. “The local alumnae have shown such loyalty, such devotion and such spirit in giving to this cause,” said Miss Ruth Guppy. Louise Bailey and Miss Guppy will go to the State Federation of Wo men’s clubs in Salem next week as representatives of the University Women’s league, which is a member of the federated clubs of this state. The Fortnightly club of Eugene has pledged $500 to the building fund, and other clubs have signi fied their intention of following its example. j Frank Sloman, the Olympic Club 1 and Polytechnic high school sprinter, | broke the world’s Interscholastic | record for the quarter Saturday on J the exposition track. The previous record of 48:4 was held by “Ted” Meredith. Sloman made the quarter in the remarkable time of 48 1-5 seconds. HOME-COMING PUUIS SOARING SKY-HIGH Officials in Charge Say There Is Fighting Chance to Get 10,000 Home-Comers. GUP FOR BEST DECORATIONS 0. A. C. Promises to Co-operate in Event, and Extraordinary Events Are Scheduled. Ten thousand people on the cam pus one day! Do you think it can be done? Well, the president of the student body and members of the student council think that there is a fighting chance to get that number of souls on the Oregon campus home-coming day, November 20. “Probably 800 alumni have been reached by the fraternities through personal letters," says Lamar Tooze, “an average of 10 letters having been sent out by each house. Ten thous and Oregon stickers, advertising the day, have been distributed for mail ing on letters and packages. The University administration office is using them on its mail. “Space has been secured in the University Press Bulletin, which is sent to people all over the state.” The president of the O. A. C., student body, G. R'. Hoerner, has promised that the Agricultural College will co operate with Oregon to make the day of the big game, and the home-com ing day a success, says Tooze. “It will be not merely a University of Oregon home-coming day, but a state home-coming day. We are expecting 10,000 people to vis't the campus that day.” Excursion trains will, or course be run on both lines from O. A. C.— Don Orput and Harold Fitzgibbons will have charge of the special train from Portland. A band will accom pany it, and Orput, It Is said, has promised that he will have the ex cursionists made Into trained root ers by the time he gets them here. Frank Scaiefe has charge of the I advertising matter, which is going to the down-town papers. The exten sion lecturers have been announcing home-coming day at every lecture given. Earl Kilpatrick, instructor in the extension department, is in touch with the organizations of alumni over the state, and he has kept them post ed as to University plans for No vember 20. "An effort wil be made," says Tooze, "to get the local merchants to close their stores from 1:30 to 5 p. m., on the afternoon of the game. Interest has been heightened considerably since the games of last Saturday—O. A. C. with W. S. C. and Oregon with Idaho.” “We are asking the merchants of Eugene to decorate their 'windows for the day,” says Avison, of the home-coming committee, "and in connection with this, the various or ganizations, fraternities, dormitories and houses where students live, will be asked to decorate also. The Luckey Jewelery company will offer a beautiful cup to the house decorat ed in the most artistic manner. The cup will be formally presented at the dance following the football game. All organizations or the kind men tioned are expected to compete. It is suggested that the decoration scheme be confined to University colors.” A junior dance will be given in (Continued on page four) Committee to Offer Resolutions Plan Provides That Present System Apply to Under classmen Only. The student council committee, composed of Louise Bailey and Max Sommer, will present the following resolution In regard to new cut rule at their meeting next Wednesday: First, that the rule should remain as at present, but should apply only to underclassmen; secondly, that It should be automatically dropped from the records of upper classmen, provided they have full junior stand ing at the beginning of the third year. Last year the question was brought up in the council and though many I plans were considered, none met with approval by all the memlbers. The system of non-accumulatlve now in practice was accepted In preference to the old system established three | years ago, the newer one making It possible to drop the cuts adding up to less than eight a year. This meth ord did not prove entirely satisfac tory, and It has not been until this year that a plan has been formed of which every member of the student council approves. Torch and Shield announce the election: MARSHAL!. WOODWORTH CHARLES ORONER FRED HEITZHAUSEN “GLEE*" SELECTED Final Decision of Glee Club Men Is Made Friday Afternoon. As a result of another simmering down of the Men’s Glee club at yes terday’s rehearshal, the personnel is now as follows: First tenor: Both well Avlson, Nelson, Morrison, Ed wards, Stevens, George. Second tenor, Langley, Giger, Fleschman, Grebe, Ross, and Corbett, baritones. Batley, Gillette, Humbert, Gates, Burns, and Bond. Bass, Huang, Black, Newberry, Wade, and Ham street. Professor Ralph Lyman says that only 20 men will make the eastern Oregon trip during ChrlBtmas vaca tion, but the choice will not be made until after the concert here. At present there is an extra man in each section, but no permanent sub stitutes have been named. "Green material’’ necessitates more work and steady practice, ac cording to Professor Lyman, who has 0} uaui jo dnojg aaa n iCnvaipiMd train this year. The program for the "tryout” concert at Junction City, December 3, Is under way, with the exception of the stunts and special features which are yet to be worked up. Several “dark horses” in the comedy line are being hinted at. The first appearance before the home audience will be on December 10. The officers for this year are: Merlin Batley, president, and Bob Langley, secretary-treasurer. i _ I Bill Burgard, Chester Fee and Jack Dolf accompanied the football team to Whiteman. I MISSIONARIES CAN’T CHECK UNIVERSITY’S m VICTORIOUS MARCH First Touchdown Made in Three Minutes After Two Pretty 20-Yard Runs. PASS GIVES TOUCHDOWN Second Conference Game Since Rejuvenation Shows Bez dek’s Boys Going “Great.” « * « SPECIAL BULLETIN # « - * H Oregon Freshmen 12; O. A. # C. Rookies, O. ♦ « * #######**#******• In an uneven game against Whit man, Oregon massacred the Mission aries In the first half of the game, and then evidently lapsed down Into a no-score final half. The final score was 21 to 0 with the lemon-yellow pennant victorious. First Quarter. Oregon received the kickoff and marched the ball straight down the field for a touchdown by Montelth In three minutes after two pretty twen ty-yard runs by Huntington. Hunt ington kicks goal. The next score was the direct re sult of a beautiful forward pass from Huntington to Mitchell, netting 30 yards. Malarkey carried it over and Beckett kicked goal. Oregon did not punt once in this period. Score: Oregon 14; Whitman 0. Second Quarter. Huntington missed a place kick from thirty yard line, Montelth miss ed forty-yard drop kick, Huntington passed to Montelth for fifteen yard gain, Malarkey ran fifteen and the half ended with the ball on Whit man’s two-yard line. Third Quarter. Montelth kicked off to Whitman. The Missionaries tried three times to penetrate Oregon’s defense and punt ed. Huntington passed just over the line of scrimmage to Malarkey for 12-yard gain. Tuerck failed to gain. Montelth made three, Huntington one, and Malarkey went over. Hunt ington kicked goal for the last score of the quarter. Oregon 21; Whitman 0. Fourth Quarter. Penalties, wrangles and fumbles featured this quarter. Huntington missed a 38-yard place kick by a foot. Bigbee replaced Tuerck. Hoskins for Beckett, Cawley for Spellman. The ball changed hands frequently and see-sawed up and down the field but no score resulted. Pinal score: 21 to 0. Line-up. Whitman Position Oregon Cleran.1. e. r .Tegert Nieswanger.1. t. r.Bartelett Groom.1. g. r .Spellman Young.c.Spellman Busch.r. g. 1 .Snyder Trout.r. t. 1 .Beckett Hanson.r. e. 1.Mitchell McDonald.q.Huntington Cram.1. h. r .Montelth Yedica.r. h. 1.Malarkey Hoover.f.Tuerck Officials—Varnell, Referee; Dolan, Umpire; Sore, head linesman.