Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 21, 1915, Page Two, Image 2

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Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the college year, by the
Associated Students of the University of Oregon.
Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter.
Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies. Sc.
Assistant Editors.Wallace Eakin, Leslie O. loose
Managing Editor.Harold Hauistreet
News Editors.Maadel Weiss, Clytle Hall, DeWltt Gilbert
City Editor.Harry L. Kuck
Manager’s and Editor's Phone—841.
Boost For Home-Coming Day!
HOME-COMING day, according to present plans, will be one
of the greatest get-together pageants that the University of Ore
gon has ever engineered—even greater than junior week-end.
But with these strenuous celebrations there is a necessary
evil, and that is the stress and strain of every student in preparing
for the event. There must be a great deal of personal sacrifice,
but it is necessary for the success of the effort. The campus will
be crowded, studies will have to suffer, beds will have to be sur
rendered to guests, hungry students will have to serve at first
tables and eat the remaining scraps, questions by the thousand
will have to be answered, and present joys will have to go unheed
ed in the turmoil.
But with all this preparation and discomfiture Oregon will
reap its benefits. If the venture is a success, the good-will alone
will be capitalized throughout the state and the profit to the Uni
versity will be enormous. Every visitor will have a good word or
thought for Oregon. And good thoughts are the forerunners oi
good deeds. 4
But the primary question is to prepare for certain success,
and afterwards lay back in solid comfort, musing on the results.
Every student is urged to write to alumni friends, to relatives as
well as prospective relatives, to sweethearts; and in the writing
gently mention, nay, urge, invite, and entreat them all to gather
at the University of Oregon on November 20 for the best time of
their lives.
Seniors! Look at Your Bench.
PURE VANDALISM—and if it were not for the restriction
of a public statement, we would denounce it in terms not sanction
ed by Webster—is the only epithet that we can use to describe the
action of the individual or individuals who mutilated the senior
memorial bench after the freshmen went on record last week as
disfavoring the former mutilation. Obviously the second perpet
ration is not the work of freshmen, as an organized body. It looks
like the work of individuals of the middle classes. When such an
offense degenerates into mere kiddish deviltry, it is high time that
something happen. And we recommend that the student council
take the matter up, record its disapproval, and proceed to thor
ough investigation. And if the party or parties are found we
strongly recommend an all-university Mill Race party, and will be
glad to help arrange for the refreshments at any such party.
However, if the guilty persons are apprehended we do not in any
wise favor handling it as they do in the south. Make it an all
university affair, and then there is little chance for repetition or
anybody involuntarily leaving college.
For the acme of ‘ pep” we have to hand it to the students of
Pittsburg University, who, tagged as cattle were shipped in a
freight car to Philadelphia at $0 per head, for the purpose of
seeing their team win or lose on the gridiron. We always knew
that Pittsburg, like Milwaukee, was famous for its “pep.”
Who says that college women are not capable of voting? The
votes-for-women movement received great impetus at the Univer
sity of Iowa, when the co-eds decided by a large majority that
President Wilson is acting hasty in getting married again.
* —.— -*
Katherine Bridges spout the week
o 11 it at hor homo near Wortland.
Harold ('ockorllne. 12, Edward
Dailey, ’Ki. and la*e Anderson of
Albany, were week-end visitors at
the Whl Delta Theta house.
Ernest Hell was a luncheon guest
at the lota Chi house Monday.
Mr. and Mrs George Gooding and
Mr. and Mrs Charles Heeke of An
rora. spent Sunday evening at the
Sigma Chi house. They are on their
way home, after spending a month at
the exposition In San Francisco.
Kenneth Shetterl.v returned to
Eugene Monday afternoon from
Wilhelmlnu. where he was called last
Wednesday by the death of his
Dinner guests from the Gamma
l’hi lleta at the \lpha Tau Omega
house Sunday were Mrs. Weir, house
mother, and the Misses Nita Hunter,
Kate Stanfield. Eva- llrock. Sarah
Darker and Genevieve Dickey.
The Alpha Tau Omega boys have
a bowling team which they claim can
beat any fraternity team on the
campus. Anyone wishing a game
communicate with Walter J. Kirk,
at the A, T. O. house.
Herbert Howell of the Phi Delta
Sigma house at O. A. (\, was a vis
itor at Sigma Chi last Friday and
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jamison were vis
itors on the campus this week.
President Campbell attended the
meeting of the State Library commis
sion In Salem last Tuesday afternoon.
The president opened the Y. M. 0.
A. vocational talks at O. A. C, in
the evening. He spoke on "Some
Principles Affecting the Choice of a
Nebraskans Visit Campus
Motoring from Lincoln, Nebraska,
to the fair at San Francisco, Nathan
Thomas. Thomas Thorite, and R. L.
Voelker reached Kngene yesterday
from Portland. Voelker joined the
other members of the party in Port
land. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Thorpe
left Lincoln about the first of Au
gust, and expect to return there
about the first of December. The
return trip will be made by way of
Arizona. The party spent Sunday
evening at the Sigma Chi house.
They left Monday morning for the
McKenzie country, where they will
spend the week-end hunting.
Committee Appointed to Con
sider Advisability of Having
Building For Professors.
A committee has been appointed
to consider the advisability of hav
ing a faculty club on the campus.
The members are Professor W. F. G.
Thacher, Dr. Orin F. Stafford, and
Professor D. W. Morton.
The proposed club was to have in
cluded the male members of the
faculty club. Its headquarters .were
to have been in some house near the
j campus, where the members could
have enjoyed many of the pleasures
of regular city club life. However,
the members of this committee have
not found very considerable enthus
iasm over the project among the
“The opinion of the faculty in
general is that such a club would not
be advisable in this University,”
said Professor Thacher, chairman of
the committee. “The idea was mere
ly to have a place where the men of
the faculty could get together. It
might even have afforded boarding
and sleeping accommodations for the
bachelor members. But the , gen
eral trend of opinion is, at present,
that the faculty men do not want
such an organization here.”
Professor Stafford said that the
clubs of this kind at the University
of Washington and at Seattle were
highly successful.
“They are modeled after the city
club, with a billiard room, a dining
room, a social room with a fireplace
and easy chairs, and even a dormi
tory, where the bachelor members
may live. The Seattle club is on
a small scale. That of Berkeley is
a large affair and will accommodate
many men. The matter has not been
definitely decided upon, nor has the
committee given its report before the
colloquium, but I have found, after
talking with members of the facul
ty, that such a club is not wanted.”
Young Men and Women of dis
criminating taste at popular
prices. New styles and effect
arriving constantly.
Satin pumps dyed to match
gown .$3.00
Paul Hoppe
Ladies and Men’s Tailor
with Wade Bros.
873 Willamette St.
Home of the best to eat. We buy
the best of everything and you
can always get it here
Friday and Saturday
Men's Suits & O’coats
Values to:
$20 Special at $15.00
$25 Special at $20.00
The newest styles and latest patterns of
Chesterfield and Society brand clothes
College Outfitters
L. W. Rae has taken over the floral
business of R. Rae on Ninth ave
nue east and has opened a shop in
the Linn Drug Company.
Having leased the Patterson
greenhouse on Hilyard street to
be run in connection with the
three on West Eighth street, we
are now in position to handle all
orders for
Cut Flowers and Potted Plants.
■ • H _ PHONE 217
Linn Drug C()# Free Delivery
Student Dance
Strictly for students only. By Hendershott’s Orchestra.
50£ 8:30 p. m.
PHONE 1057 • 160 9th AVE. EAST.
Y oran’s
Shoe Store
The Store that Sells
646 Willamette St.
Succesors to Pierce Bros.
Staple and Fancy Groceries.
We always carry a full line of
fresh fruits and vegetables in
Cor. 9th and Oak Phone 246
You'll buy them again. Fresh
popcorn and peanuts, Crispets
and Candies. Our own make.
The Big Wagon
Oposite Rex Theatre