OREGON EMERALD Published each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the college year, by the Associated Students of the University of Oregon. Entered at the postoffice at Eugene as second class matter. Subscription rates, per year, $1.00. Single copies, 6c. STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF.31 AX II. SOMMER Assistant Editors.Wallace Eukin, I.exile O. 'loose Managing Editor.Harold iianistreet Hens Editors.31andel Weiss, Clytie llall, UeWitt Gilbert City Editor.Harry L, Kuek BLS1NESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER.FLUID C. WESTEKFIELD Manager’s and Editor’s I'bone—Ml. Oregon Spirit Vindicated. LAST NIGHT’S rally vindicated Oregon .and Oregon Spirit. However loath we are to use superlatives, it is more than evident that Oregon Spirit is not on the decline nor is it slumbering. It is at its highest pitch; it is a dominant force in the life of the insti tution. What effect “pep” has on football is a mooted issue, but it can be safely said that victory—if victory comes—will not be due to team-work alone, but to college-work. An analysis of Oregon Spirit reveals it to be dormant when the attitude of the campus is complaissant and non-pepified, but just as soon as the rooters of .ae college get together, not in a matter-of-fact way, but with a common bond of sympathy there arises that mysterious phenomena which has come to be called Oregon Spirit, it is created when the student body in a time of crisis feels a responsibility for the success of the team. If this spirit can be maintained—if the campus can get the idea that as a group it is responsible for the showing that Ore gon makes in its various activities, then there need be no fear ol defeat. Where there is spirit ultimate victory is inevitable. „ It Can Be Done. SOME OF Oregon’s boosting statisticians have been accredit ed with the statement that 10,000 people will be on the campus on November 20, which is Home-Coming day and incidentally the time of the biggest game of the year. The Emerald is naturally an optimistic institution, but statistics this year have been in many cases rash boosting. The figure set for Home-coming day is not beyond reason, however. The quesion is can Oregon make good? Can 10,000 people be attracted to the Home-coming attractions. We believe that it can be done, but not without a lot of conscien tious work on the part of every student and individual connected with the University. Every student can add to the advertising campaign his little iota by boosting in the letters written home, to friends, to sweethearts whatever the case may be. The only way that Home-coming day can be a success is by every one interested entering into the plans with vim. A New Movement. THERE IS A movement on foot to democratize the machin ery of student government. The student council discussed with unanimous favor at its last meeting the proposition of populariz ing the sessions of the student legislature. As a matter of fact the student council should have as large an attendance as student body meetings, for it is the work of this body that guides the proced ure of the student meetings. The ideal of the student council is to act as the doctor and feel the pulse of the student politic. How much more effective would be the work of this body if it became the forum of general student debate on questions of student in terest and concern? The editor has just been reminded again that the Mr. Rey nolds who admits that he came to Eugene "and invited Hoskins to go over to the Oregon Agricultural College and look the institu tion over before he finally decided what school to attend this year,’ is not the Mr. Reynolds of the Oregon Agricultural College facul ty. Editorially in its issue of October 2, the Emerald has already corrected this mistake. It reiterates, if reiteration is necessary, that the confusion of parties was unintentional but unavoidable under the conditions. California says she has an ovon chance to win In November from Washington Let's hope things break her way. California plays hard and s< -ms to take a greater Interest In the , American game than the "don't 'eha no" style of football. _ I Vale is having a lot of trouble I this \ i :ir First Virginia walloped her, and last Sunday she was only ' able to down lyeltigh, 7 to ti. Twenty men are turning out for the soever squad Knsley went to bed Friday with a! had leg. The 2l!s pounder max be; laid out for a week or more. Stanford seems to have a lot of fun ' swapping games with the Olympic . club in San Francisco. i Coach Dyment, of the soccer sc. lad, is getting the boys used to passing, j Twelve frosh joined the colors this weak. Tiffany lias promised a covered track. If we don't get that, it's ttie old mud-splashing ankle-deep grind again this year. CAMPUS NOTES * * Mrs. tleorge T Uerlinger. the only woman member of the hoard of re gents of the I’niversity, will he the guest of President and Mrs. Camp bell on Wednesday. October 20. Wilniot Foster and A. 1,. Host wick are leaving for Sun Francisco, where they will act as guides in the Oregon building at the Panama-Pa cific exposition. t.amma Phi Beta entertained Fri day afternoon with a formal tea, in honor of Mrs MamUton Weir !>ur ing the afternoon 200 guests called. The decorations were chrysanthe mums. autuni leaves and pink carna tIons lu the receiving line were Katharine Bridges. Mrs Weir. Mrs. C M Collier, Mrs. .1. K. Locke. Mrs. Albert C.eiser, and Mrs. K. O. Pot *##*#****«*###* Announcements President Carl G. Doney, the new head of Willamette Univer sity, will be the speaker at Ves per services at the University at 4 o’clock tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon. Next Wednesday, October 20, will be the occasion of a meet ing of the executive committee of the University board of Re gents. and of the first meeting of those members of the faculty interested in discussing the plans for an all-Oregon pageant in the spring, as proposed by Mrs. G. T. Gerlinger of the board of regents. The next regular meeting of Triple B will be held at 5 o’clock next Tuesday afternoon, at the Delta Gamma house. * * £ £ # i * £ * * # # * * « * '•»**»* + *******»* ter. In the dining room were Mrs. Olin Stafford. Mrs. Graham Mitchell and Miss Pauline Potter, and Miss Anne McMicken. Mabel Tilly and Calara Frances were dinner guests at the Delta Gamma house Friday night. Graduate Manager Stroud of Cal ifornia is making arrangements for 200 men who have signified their in tention of accompanying the Califor nia football team to Seattle on No vember 10. Tickets for the whole party will be secured for passage on the steamer Congress. ♦ » A humor magazine, similar in most respects to the comic monthlies pub Hshed by the large eastern and west ■rn colleges, will be published this winter at the University of Utah. ★ -if CUES i * -.-,- -A Why don’t we have a dress-up week ? The library steps look like a re ception room at 10 o’clock every morning. Did you notice the name of the new bared' leader? It’s Perfect. Ugh! Where did you get that stuff? Professor Reddie could pick lots of talent for his dramatic class if he would attend the pajama parade and rallies. Have you learned the Caraeapi? everybody's doin' it in Argentina. Charlotte S. Cushman, the early American tragic actress, has been awarded a place in the hall of fame, beside statesmen, artists, in ventors, and historians. Another case of fools and their money? The fortune left by Paul Armstrong, a highly successful plav-wright was exactly the same as *■' fOR STYLE, QUALITY € ECONOMY Phoenix Guaranteed Silk Hose in black, white and colors, Prices 75c SI.00 and SI.50 ForMen50cand$1.00 u • *' J cfl s Kt d \yilk interest j fj Rest Room and Free Public Telephone Second Floor t .—nrn~niT~r;inHBr^ l that left by Alfred Lewis, the sue- j eessful novelist and short-story j writer. Each accumulated $500. I This Week Is 66 Dress Up Week" We will present for your approval and selection the season’s newest models in suits, coats, furs, dresses, blouses, and the smaller ac cessories of dress. You can “Dress Up” best at Hampton’s — Mme. Schaffer— Hairdressing Shampooing MANICURING AND FACIAL MASSAGE OVER DODGE’S DEP’T STORE W. 8th and Olive Phone 888 . —- - 1 ■ _i _ _ _ _ WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANYTHING IN ATH LETIC OR GYMNASIUM SUPPLIES EUGENE GUN CO. 770 Willamette Street. SEND THE EMERALD HOME