Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 14, 1915, Image 1

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Death of Sam Friendly and Mrs.
Duniway Motif For Resolu
tions Passed Yesterday.
Important Measures to Be Vot
ed On at Meeting Next Wed
nesday, From 10 to 2.
“Whereas, the Almighty God, in
his infinite wisdom, has seen fit to
remove from our midst our late
friend and regent, Sampson H.
Friendly, and
“Whereas, by his death the Uni
versity of Oregon has lost one of her
best friends and loyal supporters, and
one who has always manifested a pro
found interest in the activities of the
student and the welfare of the Uni
versity; therefore be it
“Resolved, that we, the associated
students of the University of Oregon,
extend our deepest sympathy to his
bereaved family in our mutual sor
row and loss, and be it further
“Resolved, that the student body
go on record as favoring that one of
the future buildings on the campus
of the University be named “Friendly
hall” in honor of our beloved friend;
and be it further
“Resolved, that an engrossed copy
of these resolutions be sent to the
family of the deceased, a copy be
transcribed upon the permanent min
utes of the board of regents of the
University of Oregon; and a copy be
sent to the student body publica
The above resolutions were unani
mously adopted by the associated
students at the regular assembly yes
terday morning, as expressing their
sincere appreciation of the work of
the late Sampson H. Friendly, as
member of the University board of
regents and friend of the students.
The following resolutions were al
so adopted for the late Mrs. Abigail
Scott Duniway, who has always been
deeply interested in this University
and its projects, and who has often
spoken before the student body in be
half of the proposed woman’s me
morial building:
“Whereas, Almighty God in his
infinite wisdom has seen fit to re
move from the activities of life, our
friend, Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway,
“Whereas, by her death the Uni
versity of Oregon loses a friend she
loved and esteemed, a woman of ex
perience in public affairs, enriched
by a beautiful philosophy of life,
and whose loyal and devoted efforts
aided in the upbuilding of this in
stitution, be it
“Resolved, by the associated stu
dents of the University of Oregon
that to her sorrowing family we ex
tend our deepest sympathy, and be
it further
“Resolved, that a copy of these
resolutions in behalf of our beloved
friend, be sent to her family, that a
copy be transcribed on the records
of the board of regents of the Uni
versity of Oregon, and that a copy
be printed in the University publica
Fourteen amendments and one
motion were brought up during as
sembly hour, all of which will be
put to a vote of the student body
next Wednesday. This vote will be
by ballot and will be held between 10
a. m. and 2 p. m. of that day.
An important measure to come up
(Continued on Page Four)
Elusive “J” Box
Wearies Co-Ed
“Devil” With Stick and Rule
Finds “Sticking” No Rosy
Hued Job for Beginners.
Trials of students in the typo
graphical laboratory course are evi
dently many, if the following extract,
which was part of an exercise in
typesetting, is an example. The article
in which it appeared w'as a lengthy
one dealing with the “Possibilities
of Earning One’s Way Through Col
lege,” and the would-be printer had
labored her way through about one
half w’hen she gave vent to her feel
ings in this outburst:
"Mr. DeLay, will you please come
hee arnd show me where the j’s are.
They keep moving around. Some
times they are with the hyphens, but
most always are fooling around
among the blank spaces. I get kind
of weary hunting for them.
What makes them have j’s anyhow?
I wonder if it isn’t just about
4 4
£ Notice 4
* 4
4 All students and faculty in- 4
4 terested in the organization 4
4 of a chapter of the Intercollegi- 4
4 ate Socialist society are in- 4
4 vited to meet in the office of 4
4 iDr. E. S. Bates, in Villard hall, 4
4 at 4 o’clock, Friday afternoon. 4
4 4
Albert Perfect, Crack Clarinet
ist, Is Expected to Arrive
Saturday Afternoon.
Albert Perfect, the new band
leader for the University band, will
arrive Saturday afternoon,” said
Professor R. H. Lyman this after
Mr. Perfect will commence the di
recting of the University organiza
tion next week. He is rated as a
crack clarinetist and it is expected he
will spend much time in strengthen
ing the reed section of the band, the
weakest department at this time. The
new director is a graduate of the
Royal Conservatory of Music, lo
cated at Stockholm. Sweden, and
studied for some time under world
famous musicians in Germany. He
' has specialized in band music ar
irangement. He is recently from the
j State Normal school of North Da
The band this year is well filled as
to departments, the cornet, baritone,
and trombone sections being excep
tionally strong. The organization
will number about 25 pieces for the
Oregon-O. A. C. game, November 20.
Friday, October 23 is the date set
for the U. of O.-O. A. C. hockey
game at Eugene. All the arrange
ments have been completed and this
date is final.
The team is not picked as yet, but
tentative lineups have been tried out
during the past week. The fact that
the scrubs have been regularly out
playing the regulars will necessitate
some radical changes. Mollie Van
Zante, Evla Walker, Teresa Cox, and
Fennie Hunter are easily the best
players on the first team. Ruth
Boque and Cecil Bahl are showing up
strongly in the scrub contingent.
Football Boys Don’t Care What
Idaho Has—They Want
to Fight.
Dry Ground and Dust Was
Hard On Lungs and Muscles,
Responsible for Condition.
(By Chester Fee)
Idaho’s strong team, which is
backed by the students to defeat W.
S. C. in their annual battle (even
after all that has been seen of the
latter) will open their conference
season here Saturday, and will lib
erate all the stuff their coach has
been hammering into them for the
past five weeks. No one knows what
Idaho possesses, but we conclude
they are real championship contend
ers, for Moscow sportsmen, after
watching the Oregon-W. S. C. game,
are insistent in their demands to be
shown some of the filthy lucre that
requires covering.
The feeling that is seeking an out
let behind the iron bars of Kincaid
jail can be stated thus—And this is
the way all the men put it: “We
don’t care what Idaho has; we will
fight the same for Oregon against
any team. Let’s go.” And then they
do go, and keep going, until it grows
so dark the whitewashed pigskin is
substituted for the daylight ball, and
the lights splutter from the arcs, and
then they go again, until some of the
men complain that one foot gets so
tired it does not even want to as
sociate with the more ambitious one
ahead. The other men grin and bear
it. But still they all go.
Old Jup. Pluvius left the flood
gates ajar yesterday, so Manager
Tiffany was not forced by the long
continued hot weather to drag out
the hose and set men at work on the
field. The hard field and the dust
thereon are largely responsible for
the poor showing the men have been
making. Their muscles are tied up
in big knots from running and fall
ing upon the best hard-surfafe pave
ment in the city, and the dust wrecks
(Continued on Page Four.)
Plan Proposed Releasing Up
perclassmen From Present
Non-Accumulative Cut Rule
Opening Student Leglslture to
Body Politic Discussed and
Urged for “Ultimate Good"
"Everybody get Ideas and get ’em
good and radical." urged President
Lamar Tooze at the student council
meeting Wednesday night. "That's
the only way we'll ever get any
And the student council is getting
ideas—lots of them. Shall a coop
erative store be located on the cam
pus? Could some industry be in
duced to enter Eugene which would
give employment to students? Would
it be better to confine the cut rule
to underclassmen? Should under
class representatives be admitted to
the student council? These were
some of the important questions dis
Chester Miller was unable to make
a complete report on the cooperative
store question, as he has not yet re
ceived replies from some of the col
leges to which he wrote, inquiring
as to their succes in this enterprise.
Stanford describes a successful ex
periment. The store has a build
ing of its own, has no difficulty in
disposing of the capital stock, and
declares 10 per cent dlv'dends. Reed
College reports, however, that their
store has not proved a success. They
attribute this to the small student
body. The council decided to inves
tigate the matter thoroughly before
coming to any definite conclusion.
Eloyd Westerfield, manager of the
Emerald, was present at the meeting,
and presented the case of the Eu
gene merchants with regard to Em
erald advertising. He also discussed
their attitude toward the cooperative
store plan.
A committee composed of Cleve
Simpkins, Eva Brook, and Genevieve
Shaver, was appointed to confer with
E. Dike Hooper, promotion manager
(Continued on Page Four.)
“Tell Truth About Oregon”
Advises George E. Hardy
“Why exaggerate Oregon—tell
the truth; that’s all we need,” said
George E. Hardy, executive secretary
of the Portland Chamber of Com
merce in an address given before the
commerce class of the University
this afternoon.
Mr. Hardy, formerly of Toledo,
Ohio, has had experience in commer
cial club matters, and says that the
trouble with most bodies of this
kind' is that they “do not deliver
the goods.”
“From four commercial clubs in
1804, and 79 in 1904, the number
has increased to 2940 in 1913. Peo
ple begin to find out that large
groups of people have more in
fluence than when the members are
acting in small numbers.
“Oregon needs people; here is a
great undeveloped section which has
great possibilities. Our ]>opulation
is about 800,000, and manufacturers
are shouting about using Oregon
made goods in Oregon. Do these
)men want to build a fence around a
state that has a population of 800,
000?” These are some of the things
Mr. Hardy said regarding the trade
conditions in Oregon.
‘‘Farmers cannot depend on farm
ers alone; agricultural and indus
trial development must go hand in
hand and the two must be well bal
anced. The development of the
Columbia river ought to interest all
Oregon. As it is, most of the trade
has gone to the Puget sound country,
but with the development of the Co
lumbia river and with proper man
agement much of this trade could be
brought to Oregon,” continued Mr.
"The Chamber of Commerce should
be ready to cooperate and do just as
much for one part of the state as for
another. It ct-n bring the people
closer together, so that one section
will know what the other section is
doing. The business interests also
find the Chamber of Commerce a ma
chine through which they can deal.
The Trenton Commercial club of
Trenton, Missouri, has the right mot
to, ‘‘Get to know your neighbor, you
might like him.”
Stanford Women
Grilled on Hazing
Sororities Are Too Rough in
Rushing Tactics, Say Chap
lain and Editor.
Stanford University, Oct 11.—The
evils of college hazing and of the
“rushing" of freshmen girls by the
sororities of Stanford University
were put on the grill by Dr. D.
Charles Gardner, chaplain of the Me
morial church, at the morning serv
ice yesterday.
The manner of rushing the fresh
men girls, which is conducted under
the rules of Pan-Helenic, a society
made up of representatives of all
the sororities on the campus, has be
come one of the big issues of the
year at Stanford, since the recent
attack on the system made by Pro
fessor Everett Smith, journalism in
structor and editor of the Palo Altan,
the Stanford student weekly.
Professor Smith, through the col
umns of the paper, has started a cam
paign against the present methods,
and has been so successful in arous
ing sentiment against the Pan-Hel
lenic rules that a change seems im
In speaking of hazing and "rush
ing” at Stanford', Dr. Gardner said:
“Some day a Stanford student will
be killed by our hazing. Then we
will stop. Why not stop now. before
the fatal work is done? We know
the danger. Now is the time to take
Louise Allen Is Elected Tuesday
to Fill Unexpired Term of
Katharine Bridges.
Louise H. Allen was unanimously
elected president of the Y. W. C. A.,
to fill out the unexpired term of
Katherine Bridges, at the “Seabeck”
meeting, Tuesday afternoon. Miss
Bridges had resigned, giving lack of
time as her reason.
The meeting, which was attended
by about G5 girls, contained several
features. Besides singing parodied
songs with ukulele accompaniment,
the seven Seabeck representatives
told tales of how Dorothy Wheeler
wrested the tennis championship
from Idaho and Montana in the ]
finals, from a University of Washing
ton girl; how at Centralia, the del
egation sang Oregon songs out the
car windows until the G. A. It., which
was in session there, came down and
presented them with medals to
stop; and how the Oregon bunch was
the lustiest and next biggest at the
The speakers were Mrs. 0. H. Ed
mondson, Louise Allen, Ruth West
fall, Frances Schenk, Dorothy
Wheeler, Jewel Tozier. and Miss Gil
Three other representatives, bring
ing the Oregon quota at Seabeck up
to 10, were Mabel Miller, Lillie Mil
ler and Marjory Gillies. About 240
girls attended the Seabeck confer
Dean Clark of the University of
Toronto has received cable informa
tion from the British war office, an
nouncing that the fourth and fifth
year medical students who left for
the war last year, will be allowed the
option of returning and completing
their college work. The demand In
the present war for fully qualified
doctors appears to be very great.
Bernard Nathan, who died recently
in Germany, awarded a yearly schol
arship endowment of $5000 to the
University of California, to be appor
tioned among students of Jewish par
Big U. of O.-ldaho Rally Sched
uled For Tomorrow Night
Starts at Dorm.
Serpentine Begins at 7—Qoes
Down Town—Through So
rorities—Then to Villard.
(lty Walter S. Kenoon)
All out for the pajama parade!
Ante up a pair of old pajamas an'd
be one of the bunch. If you don't
possess such things, rake up a cos
tume and be original, the more
unique the better. But everybody
uut is tl>e main idea and help foment
the Oregon spirit that will raise the
standard of victory fo our team in
the game with Idaho Saturday.
The serpentine will start from the
dormitory at 7 p. m. sharp. The
band in full dress will leaid the pa
rade, followed by the classes in or
der of seniority. Yell Leader Merlin
Uatley and his lieutenants will then
conduct the procession to Willamette
street, gathering recruits from the va
rious fraternities on the way. The
members of the houses are urged to
be ready so that there will be no
When the human snake reaches the
business section, it will coll and
startle the natives with a few vigor
ous oskles, locomotives and other
Oregon yells. Chaplins, the clowns
and the rest of the freaks will per
form in their best sideshow style.
On the return route the line will
rah! rah! Oregon its way through the
sororities and thence to Villard hall.
It is especially urged that the women
attend this part of the rally as their
part of the Oregon pep test.
The events at Villard will be
snappy, with no delays. Short
speeches will be made by President
Campbell, A. C. Dixon of the bdand of
regents. Coach Bezdek, Bill Hayward
and Captain Anse Cornell.
Here also the various costumed
characters will be 'udged. The first
prize for the most unique costume
consists of two seats for the Eugene
theatre Saturday evening and the
second prize will be announced later.
“1 want the hearty cooperation of
every one in the University,” said
Yell Leader Batley, “women as well
as men. 1 want ’em all.”
Bet’s go!
Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 13.— Dancing
at University of California socials
lias an immoral tone, according to
an article appearing today in Brass
Tacks, a University publication. The
article, written by Josephs Wads
worth, declares this due to the fact
that University girls haven’t “the
courage to protest against the aban
don and license of the modern dance
Because the women of the fresh
\ man class seemed too important, the
women’s sophomore student council
of the University of Montana met and
Imposed the following regulations:
! All freshmen girls shall wear “frosh”
j green ribbon, at all times, In all
j places, on every occasion; freshmen
j who wish to display the pictures of
1 men shall do so only on condition
i that theme pictures be pinned to the
! curtain and that said picture be la
I belled with the correct name, age,
[ and relationship.