Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, September 18, 1915, Page Three, Image 3

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    Hart Schaffner & Marx
Varsity Fifty Five Designs for Fall
are their own best announcement
NOTHING WE CAN say about these very striking and snappy styles for men and young men will be half
as strong as the clothes will say for themselves. If you pass our store, you can hear what they’re saying
to well-dressed men; and if you enter the doors and see the clothes face to face they’ll prove to you conclus
ively that here are the most stylish suits ever produced.
Come early* and get first choice. Th ere’s no good reason for waiting; you want one of these suits; or two.
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Drama Is Written By Dr. Scha
fer and Plans So far Indicate
a State-Wide Spectacle.
A pageant depicting the lore and
history of Oregon, to be written by
Dr. Schafer, head of the history de
partment, and to be presented by
the students and townspeople next
spring, is being planned as one of
the big features of this year’s work
at the University.
It is expected that a)*J the history
department will co-oper. vte in. search
ing out suitable mate: *ial for this
'out-of-door production. The English,
music, public speaking department,
fine arts and journalism
training will contribute
towards the construction
terprise. It is also like
resentatives of all patric
torical societies in the s
represented, as it is inte
of state-wide interest.
Mrs. George Gerlinger,
regents, in discussing th
affair, said:
“We have a wonderfully
and physical
their share
of this en
ly that rep
tic and his
ate will be
>nded to be
one of the
a proposed
jrlcn heri
tage in the history of the great Ore
gon country, and it is fitting that
the State Universiy should gather up
and keep in permanent form this his
torical lore.”
Dr. Schafer thinks that a meeting
to discuss and make plans for the
production will be called shortly.
The Young Women's Christian
Association has planned a special
vesper service for Sunday afternoon,
to be led by Miss Watson, one of the
English teachers. The service will
be held at the Bungalow and will be
followed by an informal, good time j
and a marshmallow toast. All new
girls are especially Invited to attend.
On Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock,
in the Bungalow, will occur the Dove
reception for Freshman girls.
A joint Y. W. C. A.-Y. M. C. A.
reception is scheduled in Villard hall,
Sunday evening, September 24.
There will be a few changes In
the Y. W. C. A. cabinet this year, as
a few of the officers have not re
turned to school.
This year the Bible study classes
will be held in the Sunday schools,
which will do away with the campus
At present the association is en
gaged in preparing a Y. W. C. A.
exhibition for the State Fair at Sa
lem. This will be composed of post
ers, charts and pictures, both inside
and outside the Y. W. C. A. bun
The souvenir Oregon pencils which
were on sale during the registration
days at Johnson hall by the Y. W.
C. A., are now on sale at the book
In October Miss Eleanor Hopkins,
who succeeds Miss Fox as Northwest
student secretary, will visit the cam
pus with Miss Jane Scott, executive
of the Northwest field.
It la planned to hold a council for
high school girls from different parts
of the state some time before Christ
mas. The purpose of the council Is
to inspire the girla to attend college
here and to interest them in Y. W.
0. A. work.
The Portland Alumnae of Ohi
Omega announces that they will pre
sent a silver cup, to be awarded
annually to the women’s fraternity
in Pan-Hellenic having the highest
scholastic standing, the first award
to be made at the end of the coming
school year.
The Y. W. C. A. employment bu
reau reports that there are two or
three places w'here & girl may earn
her room and board. Information
! can be obtained from Mlsa Gillies.