Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, September 18, 1915, Image 1

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VOL. 44.
NO. 1.
Scrimmage Shows Hopefuls
Are Raw, Sluggish and
With Multnomah Game Only a
Week Ahead, Oregon
Stock Falls.
(By Chester Fee)
With lots of beef and about as
much speed as the at ore-mentioned
brutes, Oregon's football hopefuls
went through their first scrimmage
on Wednesday evening, and as 'a re
sult appeared uomi the hold this
afternoon, resembling the Russian
army more than a bunch of college
men alter a rouge-house.
The tactics the men followed in
lundiin-g me ball suggests they dream
they are still in th« Harvest field jug
gling wheat sacks, while their un
trained brains respond almost as
quickly to the simple signals as they
uid when the alarm summoned them
from sleep at four in the morning.
t>ut perhaps they will wake up when
they realize that toot ball requires
The shoes of Cook, Bryant, Cro
well, Sharpe, Cornwall, Weist and
Cowrie arc going to demand1 big men
to fill .them, and at tne present there
appear to be lew men among those
entering, who will be able to make
them fit, even with a couple of pairs
of insoles. And then, ho one seems
absolutely sure that •Parsons, yast
year’s captain, is to return to college.
With Johnny absent and “Tick” Ma
larkey absolutely prohibited from
donning a football suit by the doc
tor, Coach Bezdek is up against the
handiest task 'he has faced since his
arrival in the institution.
With only about thirty men on the
field, it is no wonder Bez looks like
a storm cloud an dgrits his teeth to
keep from remarking what he thinks.
The material is green. Some of the
men have gained highsehool reputa
tions, but such things last about as
long as the breath of one who sings
their praises, and the knowledge they
display of the game so far clearly
shows some of their friends posses
sed vivid imaginations. Bez is enough
of a carpenter to know one cannot
build a palace out of rough lumber,
so he is getting down to business with
his plane, hoping to get rid of a few
knots, and splinters before the Mult
nomah Club appears here with its
bunch of real football players next
Among the new men Hoskins of
Echo appears to he the most promis
ing. They don’t grow footballs in his
native sagebrush so last Monday rec
ord's his first’ introduction tp the in
flated pig-skin. He is going at the
game indifferently than most fellows(
for he says lie is going to learn it
from the bottom up—instead of fight
ing blindly. Bob Malarkey, Columbia
University’s all-star half is another
•man who will need lots of high class
competition to keep him off the team.
He has had considerable high school
experience and is known to have the
stuff; but lots of work is still neces
sary. Miller, a line man of no small
frame, is another man who looks
good. When he gets hold of some of
the tricks of the trade he should be
a bad one to handle. Enslay, who was
known as a fighter in 1913 is back on
the job wiph his whole 220 pounds.
He will make them all go when hi
learns to move faster. Morfitt is a
■quarter back prospect that should
tContinued on page eight)
Anse Cornell—
Football Captain
Captain “Anse” Cornell.
Midget quarter-back thinks difficulty,
with knee is only temporary. .
Local Literary Aspirants Are
Granted Honorary Chapter
of Sigma Upsilom.
Ye Tabard Inn has been granted
a chapter in Sigma Upsilom, the
only national honorary writers’ fra
ternity in the United States. This is
the advent of the fourth national
honorary fraternity on the campus.
Ye Tabard Inn held its first meet
ing on the evening of March 11, 1915.
The society was composed of men
who intended to make a living by
writing, in whole or in part.. Every
Thursday evening aftef organization
they met and original poems and
short stories were read and freely
discussed, the plan being to criti
cize the thought, structure and tech
nique in suoh a manner as to benefit
both tho composer and critic.
The nationalization was the result
of four mouths’ work and petition.
Sigma Upsilon was founded in the
South and numbers most of its chap
ters below the Mason and Dixie line.
The purpose of the fraternity is to
form bodies of representative men,
who shall, by their influence and
their literary interest, uphold the
highest ideals; to provide a means
by which companies of congenial
men of literary inclination may meet
together for the purpose of spending
an informal evening; to furnish the
highest reward for conscientious ef
fort in furthering the best interests
of literature in the broadest sense
of the term.
The charter members of the fra
ternity, which will be installed soon,
are: Chester Pee, James Cellars,
Henry Howe. Ralph Ash, Chandos
Castle, William Cass, DeWitt Gil
bert, Lee Hendricks, Hugh Oliver,
Frank Scaiefe. Milton Stoddard, Edi
son Marshall, Leigh Sw inson, J. Fred
erick Thorne. W. F. G. Thacher.
The Gamma Phi's had a charming
Japanese luncheon Tuesday uoon.
Miss Emma Wootton dressed as a
Japanese maiden, sang several songs.
Thursday noon the girls and their
guests motored to Hendrick’s Park
where they had a bonfire supper.
Max Riegard, ex. ’17, has register
ed) in college this fall.
Dances Limited, Absence Sys
tem Revised, New Scholar
ship Status Established.
Law Passed Last Year Includes
Clause Eliminating Series
On Mid-Week Evenings.
Students at the University of Ore
gon this semester are confronted with
many new rules.
The faculty has adopted, proposals
concerning social 'affairs, athletics, an
honor student system, and absences,
that go into effect at the beginning of
the year.
Student organizations may give,
hereafter, on their premises or else
where under their direction, not more
than two dances during any one col
lege year. Spring vacations, junior
week-end, and. Christmas vacations
are excepted. Dances here are con
strued as dances in which persons not
members of the group participate. No
distinction is made between formal
and informal dances.
Each class is liimited to one dance
annually in the gymnasium or on
other University property.
Penalties fixed tor breaking these
regulations are the deprivation of the
next two allotted dances for the first
infraction, the next three remaining
for the second, and suspension of the
promoters for the third offense. Res
ponsibility for carrying out the above
laws is put upon the dean of women
for women’s organizations, and the
dean of men for men’s organizations.
No more basketball games will be
scheduled for Monday and Tuesday
evenings. One of the new rulings
reads that from Monday until Friday
no “student activities” shall be at any
time than between four and six o’
clock in the afternoon.
The two resolutions laid over last
June until fall; the one proposing to
go away with inter-collegiate ath'e
tic-s: the other to discount low grades
from 20 to 40 per cent, were not tak
en up at the faculty meetings thus
far his year.
Major professors may now desig
nate their upper classmen as “honor
students” in one or more subjects.
When a student is so designated he
is expected to do research work aside
from class assignments. These stu
dents are not given any grades in the
subjects in which they have honor
standing until they are ready to re
ceive their degrees. They are then
given an examination, before a fac
ulty committee, lasting at least three
hours. The committee decides on the
grade. Honor students do not need to
attend classes, but if their work ^oes
not remain satisfactory and up to the
standard they may be reduced to reg
ular standing again.
The cumulative feature of the cut
rule has been changed slightly. And
the rules regarding absences have
been revised.
Instead of allowing cuts to accumu
late until time for graduation they
are kept account of and the reckon
ing comes at the end of each year.
Sixteen cuts means the loss of one
Students who enter late in either
semester will have one cYedit taken
from the number of hours for which
they might otherwise have registered
for each weeks’ absence after regis
tration week.
■ If any student is so unlucky as to
be absent on the day just proceeding
the beginning of the Thanksgiving,
Ohristmas or Spring vacations it shall
be counted as double absence.
(Continued on page eight)
Women’s Pledging System Is
Elaborate to a Degree
of Tedium.
Clubs Compete in Rushing, Ac
cording to New Pan-Hellen
ic Rules of the Came.
As part of the annual scheme of
fraternity -rushing,” incoming fresh
men were met at the trains and taken
to the various houses for entertain
ment. Fraternity pledging began in
earnest with the beginning of regis
tration Tuesday morning, according
to the rules of Pan-Hellenic. The
following are the pledges at the fra
Sigma Nu—Ken Farley, Portland;
Hunt Malarkey, Portland; Albert
Holman, Portland; Geary Garrett,
Medford; George Oates, Medford;
iNiel Morfitt, Baker; Russell Fox,
Astoria; Iver Ross, Astoria.
Kappa Sigma—Harold Brock, Pen
dleton; Frank Hunt, Portland; I. B.
J Bowen Jr., Baker; Tyrell Carner,
Grants Pass; Claude Hill, Klamath
Falls; Charles John, Portland; Paul
Reaney, Eugene; Albert Bowles,
Portland; Fred Deckinbaugh, Salem.
Beta Theta Pi—Gay Gere, Medr
ford; Cairl Nelson, Chicago; Percy
Boatman, Spokane; Ralph Tourtel
lotti, Portland; Warren Edwards,
Cottage Grove; Ward McKinney,
Alpha Tau Omega—Sprague Adam,
Ontario; Charlie Croner, Eugene;
Ray Burns, Coquille; William Black
aby, Ontario; Ernest Nall, Klamath
Sigma Chi—Lynn McCready, Lew
iston, Idaho; Caroll Weldin, Port
land; Rose Giger, Portland; Charles
McDonald, Portland; J. D. Leonard,
! Burns; Virgil Alexander, ’Eugene;
Bert Club, Eugene; J. Graham Mc
Connell, Boise, Idaho; P. P. Prim,
Phi Gamma Delta—Don Byrd, Sa
lem; Dwight Wilson, Pendleton; Os
car McMillan, Wasco; Wyville Shee
hy, Portland; William Hazeltine,
Phi Delta Theta—Paul A. Smith,
Portland; Dorsey Howard, Portland;
Roger Holcomb, Portland; George P.
Tucker, Roseburg; Wlayne BaTbor,
Eugene; Royce C. Brown, Canby;
Dale J. Butts, Newberg; Henry B.
Wood, Wqpdland, Cal.
Delta Tau Delta—Paul Downard,
Portland; Bob Atkinson, Cottage
Grove; Clarence Bean, 'Pendleton;
Don Campbell, Portland; Bill Garret
sen, Portland; Joe Bell, Monmouth.
Iota Chi—Seth Smith, Portland;
Harold Wayde, Waitsburg; Harry
Miller, Myrtle Point; orman Phillips,
The Dalles; George Guldager, Har
(Continued on page eight)
Edison Marshall, erstwhile illum
inator of the Emerald columns and*
of Munsey’s pages, will not return
to college this fall, because he is
making $110 per month as an em
ployee on a Klamath Falls newspaper.
Marshall expects to supplement his
income by the proceeds from a book,
the product of his pen, which may
soon be published.
Lee Hendricks, last year’s editor
of the Emerald, is acting in the
double capacity of city editor and
telegraph editor with the Salem
a daily newspaper of which his father
is president.
As of Yore, Women
Lead Scholarship
Mary Spiller Again in Lead;
Dormitory Heads Men’s
From the compilation of scholar
ship standings for the last semester
one fact stands out preeminent. The
gallantry of the University men still
remains—all first places have been
conceded to the women. Of the ten
women’s standings all but two fall
below the men’s averages. As usual
the Mary Spiller women lead and the
men’s dormitory has come out strong
for the men. In fact there are sev
eral surprises in the list that follows.
In averaging the grades the follow
ing values were given the several
symbols: H—4; S—3; M—2; P—1;
Cond.—9; F—0.
1. Mary Spiller.3.179
2. Gamma Phi Beta.2.205
3. Women not in fraternities. 2.201
4. Kappa Kappa Gamma. ... 2.172
5. Mu Phi Epsilon. . . .i.2.141
6. Alpha Phi...2.133
7. Delta Gamma.2.lip
8. Chi Omega.2.079
9. Men’s Dormitory.2.032
10. Men not in fraternities. .. 1.995
11. Delta Delta Delta...1.975
12. Alpha Tau Omega.1.892
13. Phi Delta Theta.1.833
14. Kappa Alpha Theta.1.829
15. Sigma Chi .1.780
16. Delta Tau Delta.1.725
17. Kp.ppa Sigma ...1.716
18. Beta Theta Pi.1.707
19. Iota Chi .1.705
20. Phi Gamma Delta.1.517
21. Sigma Nu.1.385
Registrar Tiffany Says That If
Efficiently Operated System
Will Result in Economy.
The new system of collecting class
taxes at the same time the student
pays registration and student body
fees, and of having a committee
check on the expenditure of funds,
will save money, because of econom
ical methods, and distribute the bur
den evenly because all persons will
pay an equal amount, according to
Registrar A. R. Tiffany, with whom
will be deposited all moneys for all
class treasuries.
Half the efficiency of the plan has
been annulled for this semester at
least, because the authority for the
Administration office to collect the
money was not obtained in time, an
order from the board of regents be
ing necessary to make this possible.
As it is, however, voluntary col
lections obtained by Roy Stevens,
senior class treasurer, were only a
few short of 50 per cent of the regis
tration. Of the 650 registered up
to Thursday noon, 315 have paid
their class dues. The number by
classes is: Freshmen, 136; Sopho
mores, 94; Juniors, 42; Seniors, 43.
An attempt may be made to have
the order in effect for the second
semester, so that the rest of the dues
may be collected then. Mr. Tiffany
thinks, however, that this part of the
plan cannot be inaugurated until the
beginning of the next college year.
In this case, the old method of hunt
ing eaah person up a ad asking him
for his dues will have to be used.
As to the other phases of the sys
tem, the committees that will over
see the spending of monies consists
down to the proper amount.
The manner of obtaining money by
a class for any purpose will be thus:
The class will vote to spend a certain
amount of money; its treasurer, with
the recommendation of the president
and advisor, will sign a requisition
upon receipt of which Mr. Tiffany,
in the case of each class of the class
president, ^class treasurer and class
Registrar Tiffany and Dean
Straub Hope For 1000 Stu
dents by Second Semester.
Theory of Larger Registration
Is That the Jobless Will
Study Rather Than Idle.
Up until 2:30 o’clock Friday after
noon, the total number of students
registered In the University was 689,
of whom 672 had registered! during
the first three days. This is an in
crease of 57 over the enrollment at
the same time last year.
“I think the registration for the
year will be about one thousand,”
said Registrar Tiffany yesterday af
ternoon, adding that quite a number
of students are expected to register
during the next two weeks. At the
office information was given out that
last year 44 registered on Monday
of the second week of school.
That all students who will enter
this year have not reyistered is the
belief also of Dr. John Straub, dean
of the University, who stated that
this year have not registered is the
past, many of the old students are
the last to come in. His reason for
their late registration is that, on
account of the scarcity of money,
those students who have jobs want
to hang on to them as long as pos
“While I idon’t know the exact
number of freshmen registered as
yet, I know that a decidedly greater
number of freshmen have reported
this year than last,” the sponsor of
the baby class continued. “By all
odds, it is the largest class ever en
tered!. Probably one-fourth of the
freshmen are from Portland.”
A new reasdp* for entering the Uni
versity was advanced to Dr. Straub
by two students whom he met during
the registration idiays’. They said as
they couldn’t get any work to do,
they thought they might as well
come to college. “As a whole, how
ever,” the instructor said, “the fresh
men who appear on the campus seem
to be people who are here for busi
ness and are eager for study.”
A good year is predicted) by both
Registrar Tiffany and Dr. Straub.
Both stated that the outlook is splen
did, and Mr. Tiffany added that it
was a great deal better in many ways
than it has ever been in the past.
One reason is that most of the de
partments have new men—“rattling
good men, too,” as Mr. Tiffany char
acterized them.
advisor. Heretofore, in carrying out
plans for a class function several
committees were appointed, who
worked independently and often ex
ceeded) the amount they had to spend.
Supervision by a single committee
will thus keep the expenditures
as keeper of the central treasury,
will turn over the money voted.
In regard to the matter, Lamar
Tooze, president of the student body,
makes the following statement:
“It was thought up until the even
ing before registration that no order
would) be necessary to permit the
steward to collect the taxes.”
Wednesday Mu Phi Epsilon gave
an autumn luncheon; autumn leaves
being the decoration scheme. Tkurs
diay evening a hay rack party and
bon fire were featured.
I. B. Bowen, a prominent news
paper man of Baker, Oregon, spent
several days of this week at the
Kappa Sigma house.