Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, June 03, 1915, Image 4

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Demonstration Almost Fails, Howev
er, Because “Suspect” Hankers
for a Smoke
Leland Brown’s strong hankering
for an after dinner smoke almost
spoiled the demonstration of scientific
Sherlock-Holmesing to which the De
partment of Psychology invited the
University Tuesday afternoon.
Ray Gorman it was who had stolen
Dr. K. M. Dallenbach’s meerschaum
pipe and smoked it in the professor’s
office, and finally got away with it in
his pocket, but the “mean variations”
“reaction times,” etc, on the first fig
uring, almost secured his acquittal.
Bill Hayward’s stop watch said ne
was not guilty, whereas he had the
missing pipe in his pocket all the time,
and if Dr. Dallenbach had taken a
good sniff he could have detected his
misappropriated Bull Durham.
Gorham and Brown were sent out
of the well-filled demonstration room
soon after the audience gathered at
1:00 o’clock. They were under sealed
orders, one to commit the offense
stated, and the other to maintain his
virgin innocense, and spend his time
reading the Morning Oregonian.
Then both came back to be psy
chologically examined.
Uiach witness in turn was asKea to
reply as quickly as possible with any
word that came into his mind when
Dr. Dallenbach pronounced an inquiry
word. The pipe which one or the
other was supposed to have stolen
was an elaborate meerschaum, carved
in the likeness of the head of a Chi
naman, and thereby hangs the tale.
When Dr. Dallenbach said “Mon
golian,” the innocent Brown replied,
“Chinaman,” while the guilty Gor
man answered “pipe.” When he said
“steal,” the innocenet man thought
it was “steel,” and said “knife,” while
Gorman again said “pipe.” The word
“queue,” which should have convicted
the criminal if he had connected it
with the Chinaman’s queue on the
pipe, furnished a trap that Gorman
was foresighted enough to avoid. He
mentally translated the word into bil
liard cue, and answered “shoot,” but
it took him a second and one-fifth to
do it, and this delay was supposed to
betray a guilty conscience.
The trouble with the experiment
however, was that however much his
guilt might purturb Gorman and
lengthen his “reaction time” as meas
ured by Bill Hayward, who with Del
Stannard served as time-keeper.
Brown’s hankering for a smoke
aroused a different emotion in his
breast, but one which seemed to be
just as lively as guilt.
When Dr. Dallenbach said “smoke,”
Brown came back with a “cigarette;”
when he used such an innocent word
as box, even, Brown would respond
“cigars.” “Smoke” to Gorman seemed
to be connected with “drink,” while
on the other hand, in Brown’s mind
“drink” was connected with “water.”
Dr. Conklin and Dr. Dallenbach
finally decided that although the sta
tistics did not seem to be unanimous,
they had better accuse Gorman.
“Yes,” admitted Gorman, “I have
your pipe, but I can’t see that you
proved it on me.” The statistics were
gone over again yesterday, however,
and it was plain that they, too, proved
Gorman was “guilty.”
Gene Good was appointed to act as
sheriff during the trial, and Ethe’
Loueks and Jessie Purdy as court
(Continued from Page I)
Treasurer to pay the same.
Section 4. Each class shall have
an advisory committee consisting of
the President of the class, the Treas
urer of the class and the class Advis
Section 5. The Class Advisor shall
be appointed by the President of the
University, and shall serve as Advis
or of the class during the entire four
years of the class.
Section 6. The duties of the advis
ory comimttee shall be to authorize all
class expenditures and audit all class
Section 7. No provision in this Ar
ticle shall be construed to Impair the
right of any class to levy such spe-|
cial assessments as they see fit.
PfttreaiM #mr ttfrtrtlMri.
Plan to Have Special Publication Not
Favored by Most of the
It has been suggested that in place
of continuing the weekly alumni page
in the Emerald next year, the alumni
should get out a separate publication,
devoted entirely to alumni interests.
The weekly page which has been
under the supervision of Earl Kilpat
rick, ’12, of the Extension Depart
ment, is a new departure this year.
In former years the alumni usually
got out one number of the Emerald,
frequently during Junior Week-End,
but had no regular publication. Those
suggesting a separate publication men
tion a quarterly as practicable.
There are 535 alumni subscriptions
to the Emerald, according to Antho
ny Jaureguy, Business Manager.
Among the alumni readers who re
plied to a questionaire sent out by
Mr. Kilpatrick, inquiring as to how
they would like to see the alumni
news handled next year, the major
! ity were in favor of continuing the
present arrangement, and said they
j were well pleased with it.
I Faculty members who are alumni,
^ and some near-alumni, that is, Sen
' iors, have expressed themselves about
the matter as follows:
Ruth Howell, ’12—“I would favor
the idea of an alumni quarterly. 1
thing it would retain interest in the
Dr. • J. H. Gilbert, ’03—“Providing
the alumni quarterly could be financed
successfully, it would be preferable
next year. The University will come
to it sooner or l^ter.”
A. R. Tiffany, ’05—-“It would be bet
ter to continue with the alumni page
another year. The quarterly would be
good, if it could be financed.”
Mary E. Watson, ’09—-“The alumni
page has been very successful this
year. I am delighted with it. But
I think many alumni read only the
i alumni page. A separate publication
would be a good thing.”
Mozelle Hair, ’08—“For the present
II think that the page is all that wc
can manage, but I will be glad when
| the time comes that we can have oui
own paper.”
I Franklin Staiger—“The alumni page
| seems the best to me. It makes the
Emerald doubly welcome to the alum
nus, and keeps him in touch with col
lege activities.”
Vaughn McCormick—“I do not thin!
the alumni quarterly would reach ae
many people as the alumni page does
Sam Michael—“An alumni quarterlj
can’t be put out next year except al
a loss. Kill two birds with one stone
that is keep the alumni interested in
the Emerald, and the Emerald inter
ested in the alumni, by keeping the
alumni page.”
Lyle Steiwer—“Retaining the alum
: ni page will keep the undergraduate
in touch with the alumni, and vice ver
sa. Giving the alumni a part of the
Emerald will serve to prevent theii
feeling that the Emerald is trivial oi
childish or does not concern them.”
$75 Royal, used one month; all lat
est improvements of $100 machine
big bargain. See at Scotch Woolei
Mills Willamette St
■ ....— — .(
Good Pictures
Good Music
Change of Pregram
Mon., Wed., fri.
Adults 1 Oc, Children 5c
A-.< i
Louise Allen and Miss Gillies on Trail
of Spotlight Artists and Ten
nis Sharks
Final plans for the Y. W. C. A.
conference at Seabeck, at which 42 1
colleges will be represented this sum- |
mer, are being completed this week
by Louise Allen, chairman of the con
ference committee. Three afternoons
of the convention will be given over
to a water fete, stunt party and ten
nis tournament. Boating, trips, hikes
and picnics will take up the rest of
the time.
Just at present Mjss Gillies and 1
Miss Allen are doing their best to 1
pick out a vaudeville cast which will
compete with the best any of the '
other colleges have to offer, and a ten- 0
nis team which wil lestablish a North
west championship for Oregon.
The 20 girls representing Oregon
will leave Eugene June 23, under the
i chaperonage of Miss Gillies, and will
journey to Seattle by train, leaving;
there the same day by boat for Sea
Miss Maary Gillies, of the local Y.
W. C. A., will install a systematic ,
employment bureau here for next fall.
Any woman of the University wishing
employment for next year will greatly
j facilitate matters if she will notify
Miss Gillies at once. Also women j
! who wish girls to help with house
| work for room and board can secure
! the services of competent help through
i Miss Gillies. A telephone will be
! installed in the Bungalow early next
fall, and in the meantime Miss Gil
lies may be found at the Gamma Phi
; Beta house.
(Continued from page 1 ) j
years of good time, yet were not sorry
they were going.
“Some of us have had to interview
some of our professors. Some have
had a little trouble with the cut sys
tem, and still, yet when we come to
go we realize that some of the friend
ships we’ve formed here we may not
be able to form again.
| “The faculty,” he finished, “has done
its best to instruct us in the way we
should have gone.”
Cloyd Dawson, President of the Y.
M. C. A., urged that more work be
done among the high school students
this summer.
Room 22 over 1st National Bank
Lales'Sneciflliy Shop
i Coats, Suits and Milli
nery for Women
McIntosh & Clark
36 Ninth Avenue East
Tollman Studio
J. B. Anderson, Prop.
Barber Shop
829 Willamatte Street
First-Class Workman
And the best of service
My Business Is
fixing Shoes Right
Jim “The Shoe Dector”
fame Restaurant
meals 25c
12 ninth Avenue €a$l
Pianos and Expert
Piano Tuning
Official Piano Tuner
University School of Music
986 Willamette Phone 899
Chinese Noodles’ House
Everything in Chineie Noodle*
10:C€n. nr. (o 1:CC p.
63 Sixth Avenue E«st m.
Let Emerald advertisers get the
benefit o* yoar money.
De Luxe
Ring Books
Corner Ninth and Willnnuffs
Lunches Candii
Ice Creams
Uktorto Chocolate
Don’t forget we ha*
a Special Sale ever
Friday and Satwrdi
J Phone 23 870 Willamett
Spring Suits Reduced
Get one of these snappy new models before you leave College
this year
Gotham Shirts Reduc’d
We ere disposing of our entire stock of this famous line as the
Gotham Shirt Co* has dissolved its business
$15.00 Suits . $11.25
18.00 Suits . ^4.50
20.00 Suits . 15.00
22.50 Suits . 16.85
25.00 Suits . 18.75
27.50 Suits . 21.65
30.00 Suits . 22.50
35.00 Suits . 25.25
40.00 Suits . 30.00
$1.25 Gotham Shirts $1.00
1.50 Gotham Shirts 1.15
2.00 Gotham Shirts 1.50
2.50 Gotham Shirts 1,95
3.00 Gotham Shirts 2.15
3.50 Gotham Shirts 2.75
4.00 Gotham Shirts 3.25
5.00 Gotham Shirts 3.75
5.50=$6 Gotham Shirts $4.