Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 29, 1915, Image 1

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Voume XVII, No. 88
Commonwealth speakers this morn
ing developed the idea of a railroad
system of co-operation for the exten
sion and efficiency of the develop
mental agencies in Oregon. Co-op
eration to bring settlers to Oregon,
to curb land speculation, to facilitate
the establishment of a rational sys
tem of farm credits, to create a bet
ter method of promoting efficiency of
county administration, and to create
a code of laws that will harmonize
best with the development of the la
tent resources of the state, were the
plans promulgated.
C. C. Colt, President of the Port
land Chamber of Commerce, charac
terized co-operation as selfishness di.
rected along the right channels. “Or
egon has the land,” said the speak
er, “and what we want to do is to in
terest the settler, get him located and
then help him.
“In every city or town there must
be an underlying purpose for the ul
timate good of that town. The people
must give time and thought to co
operative work which will more than
anything else develop a community.”
“We must check land speculation
and plan the development of new in
dustries,” said Frank Jenkins, editor
of the Eugene Register, in discussing
the problems that commercial clubs
have to solve.
The case of the farmer with his
need for better facilities was devel
oped by W. K. Newell, a Regent of the
University from Segher. His plan
for the solution of this problem was
a system patterned after the Ger
man land banks, which would be able
to advance capital for farm develop
ment at a low rate of interest and for
a long period of time.
Serial bond issues for municipali
ties and counties and the introduc
tion of a system of farm loans were
advocated in a paper sent by C. K.
Williams, Manager of the Portland
firm of Morris Bros., and read before
the conference this morning. The
present system of bond issuing was
declared inefficient and a drain on
the taxpayers. “Bonds are issued pay
able in 20 years. If the issue amounts
to $100,000, the interest paid before
the bonds mature amounts to $120,000.
With the serial bond interest and a
percentage of the capital sum is paid
annually and the bonds mature reg
KUIUS t. rlOliiia.il, ljumimaawuci ui
Multnomah County, read a paper deal
ing with the attainment of efficient
administration in county affairs. “Pub
licity is one of the best methods of
securing the best service from pub
lic officials. Publicity safeguards the
public from the evils resultant from
a secret county administration.”
The second annual session of the
Commonwealth Conference closed to
day, after a full discussion of the
charter needs of Oregon cities the
co-operation of developmental agen-i
cies in Oregon, and co-operation be
tween the states and the nation for
the attainment of fuller and freer,
use of the idle resources.
Covering the topic, “The Logic of
the Situation Compels Co-Operation,”
B. F. Irvine, of Portland, a member of
the Oregon Conservation Commission,
Friday morning, declared it is use-,
less to consider either separate con-:
trol by the nation or by the states,1
since the constitution of the United
States is opposed to such action. Mr.
Irvine said:
“The plan as promulgated by Secre
tary Lane provides state and federal
j control. The geography of the coun
| try, the national reserves, public in
I terest in all the conditions that di
j rectly aifect the people demand co
Mr. Irvine told the history of the
conservation movement and the con
sequent general grab by large cor
porations to get control of the re
maining undeveloped power. Statis
tics were given to show the amount
of power that was under control of
large corporations.
The acceptance by the government
of only those applications which show
a strict compliance with the state
law in granting permission to occupy
public lands, a pact between the state
and the federal government by which
one aids the other in accordance with
the power which its laws allow, the
federal sustainment of state decis
ions, and the prevention by the fed
eral government of the transference
of land titles were the proposals made
by the members of the federal ser
vice for the co-operation between
state and nation in securing the full
est attainment and freer use of the
resources now latent.
When a state decides that no pow
er site shall be developed, the fed
eral govenrment, according to the ar
gument advanced, can advantageous
ly co-operate with the state by refus
ing to accept an appeal.
The free transference of land titles
was treated as harmful for the best
development of the projects thereon,
as the last man who sells ask a little
higher price than he paid for the land.
“In theory it has been the policy of
our government to dispose of the nat
ural resources in such a manner as
would result in the greatest good to
the greatest number, but we have in
fact been maintaining a policy which
has favored the special interests, pro
moted monopoly, and built up a land
Continned on page 3.
Bailey and Bradshaw Would Dupli
cate Gridiron Success in Legal
Numerous ex-students who were fa-1
miliar figures on the campus within I
the memory of the present Student
Body are numbered among the 99 ap
plicants who took the examination
to the state bar Thursday.
Edward F. Bailey, ’13, and Robert
Bradshaw, 14, both famous in Ore-j
gon football annals, were among the
aspirants from Multnomah County.!
Others from the same county were1
Frank A. Dudley, ex-T5, formerly an!
active member of the present gradu-i
ating class; Barry C. Eastham, ’10,,
who made a high record in Mathema-^
tics here; and Thaddeus H. Went-!
worth, T3, who was head of the Dor-,
mitory and universally known as the
largest man on the campus.
From Baker County James Cunning,
’08, is the Oregon representative,1
while Otto W. Heider, ’14, is Yam
hill’s sole entrant. Miss Esther Car
son, ex-’14, from Marion County, is
one of the six lady applicants.
In addition to these campus lights,
the University is represented through
graduates of the Law School in Port
land by the majority of those taking
the examination.
Husky Track Captain Tries to Drown
Chief Before Leaving for
Idaho Solitudes
Ever since a certain memorable the
ater party one year ago last Febru
ary, in which the local police force
were the uninvited participants, Sam
Cook has been a model and law-abid
ing citizen.
Throughout the present year the
big track captain has helped uphold
the dignity of the upperclassmen in
the Kappa Sigma house, and has
obeyed the rules of that caravansary.
But this afternoon Sam broke over.
It was just before his departure for
the Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, country,
where he will take up his annual sum
mer’s job, working for his Uncle Sam
as a forester.
The local Sam had won the shot put
for Oregon at Corvallis yesterday,
and he was feeling happy.
During the past few days there has
been an epidemic of water-bagging
and water-throwing at the Kappa Sig
ma house. Almost every inmate has
been victimized with the evception of
the erstwhile head of the house, the
reason being that that worthy has
usually been on the throwing end of
the transaction.
“I’m going to get the head of the
house,” announced Sam.
Lee Hendricks was warming up his
salary arm with the other front lawn
leaguers. Cook appeared at a third
story window with a large wash-tub
full of water.
There was a splash, a vain cry for
mercy and a young Niagara descend
ed on Hendricks.
The brunette athlete seized his suit
| case, jumped into “Chuck” Tisdale’s
auto, and was off for the wilds of Ida
Committee Appointed to Construct
Means of Helping to Advertise
Local Scenic Beauties
At the Student Commonwealth Con
ference held in Villard yesterday af
ternoon a committee consisting of Pe
ter Crockett, Max Sommer, Floyd
South Harold Amspoker and Harry
Hargreaves was appointed to organ
ize a University club for the purpose
of taking trips into the nearby na-j
tional forest reserves and in a meas-'
ure to co-operate with the Federal
authorities in the advertising of Or-!
egon’s scenic beauties. President'
Campbell suggested that the club could
work under the direction of the Ma
zamas, could render valuable service
to the Government in mapping out
trails, and above all, many enjoyable
Christmas or spring vacations could
be spent in skiing and skating.
Introduced by Cloyd Dawson as
chairman, F. B. Riley spoke upon the
beauty of Oregon’s forests and the
“democracy” of mountain climbing,
saying that above the forest line,
dress or money amounts to nothing.
“Up there it is the character and
pluck of the individual which counts.”
Continuing, he said, “Crater Lake is
truly an uplifting sight. This lake
will probably be visited this summer
by the Alazamas as a side trip from
their regular expedition to Mt. Shas
ta. Although this California Moun
tain is one of the highest of the Cas
cades, it is easy to climb. Everyone
is invited to take this excursion who
as the necessary wherewithal of
Despite the fact that this meeting
was held especially for University stu-j
dents, there were not more than 20
present. I
, *
Frailties of College Life Bring Fran
tic Nightmarish Thoughts
of Examinations
By Edison Marshall.
No more this year of revelry, of mus
cle-rending creeps,
No midnight parties up the race while
Miss Ruth Guppy sleeps;
No more gassing around the fire, un
til the wee sma' hours,
And no more formal Junior Proms
and seven bucks for flowers.
No more to moving picture shows
will gravitate my kale,
For'cursed examination time is camp
ing on my trail.
Now from my room and midnight oil
I’m ordered not to roam,
I think I hear my dear dad’s voice
when my bum grades go home.
Will Allen come through with an M?
I should think he might.
Or will he weigh me in the scales and
find me rather light?
I’ll get a P perhaps in this. Great
Gods! an F in that!
And if I do my check will cease, and
even now I’m flat.
Examination time is here, my head
begins to pain;
Then home, and if I don’t get by,, to
ne’er come back again.
President Ben Dorris Says Date of
Annual Picnic Will Probably
be June 11
“The Seniors will have a farewell
picnic,” said Ben Dorris, chief of the
black kimona squad, when asked con
cerning the final social activities of
tho class.
“We were ever a jovial crew,” ob
served Ben, “ and informality is our
long suit. Therefore a final get-to-:
gether party, at which we can go
back to the wild, free life we love so
well, will be highly appropriate.
“The picn>c will probably be held
on June 11, which is Friday of ex
amination week. Our troubles will
then be over, and we can abandon our
selves to rejoicing and merry-making.
A sylvan spot on the silvery Mohawk
will be our rendezvous, and the hum
ble hay-rack will furnish a means of
Concerning the financing of the
cruise, Dorris said a trilling tax will
be le\ied on the men, while their help
mates will furnish part of the lunch.
Kappa Sigma is holding initiation
this evening for Laird Woods, T8, of
Technicality Keats Versatile Oregon
Athlete Or.t of First Place I
in Conference Event
It doesn’t sound reasonable, but it
happened to “Chet” Fee in the con
ference meet at Corvallis yesterday.1
Fee actually vaulted three inches
higher than Thompson, of Washington,
yet the latter was awarded first place,
and the Umatilla jack-of-alUtrades
was forced to content himself with
This is how it happened. Fee,
Thompson and Cochran, of Washing-'
ton, qualified at 11 feet 4 inches.!
Then Thompson cleared the bar at 11!
feet 6 inches. His two rivals took*
their three trials at this height, and
both failed to get over. This left
Thompson the winner of the event.
Then Fee and Cochran started to
(Continued on page 2.)
By Harry Kuck.
Bill Hayward and his eight stars
gave Oregon her ninth track cham
pionship in the last ten years by
copping the classic event of the year
at Corvallis yesterday, in a meet full
of thrills and broken records. Ore
gon scored 42 points; 0. A. C. was
second with 29; Washington thijrd
with 22. W. S. C. grabbed 16, Idaho
14, and Whitman 12.
“Doc” Stewart staged the event
in his armory, and four new confer
ence indoor records were hung up.
Kadderly, the Aggie dasher, had a
great day. He won the 440 from
Loucks in 50 1-5 sec. and beat him
again in the 220 by a hair, negoti
ating the furlong in 23 2-5. He
rounded out the day’s work by over
coming a 25-yard lead and winning
the relay from W. S. C., bringing the
stands to their feet. The indoor
track severely handicapped Loucks.
Too many turns for a “grasshopper.”
“Mose” Payne again copped the lau
rels from his friend Hobgood in the
long distance event of the day. Mose
ran a wonderful race and established
a new world’s indoor record for the
two mile by covering the distance in
9:35. This mark also supplants the
conference outdoor record of 9:37 2-5
formerly held by Hobgood.
Clyde, the Washington captain,
made the fourth new mark of the day
when he ran the mile in 4:26 4-5. His
team-mate, McDonald, proved a dark
horse and took second, with Dewey
third. “Chet” Huggins failed to
The individual high point winner
was “Bill’s” old reliable Chet Fee.
Chet scored three points each in the
high-jump, javelin, pole vault, and
high hurdles, and picked up a stray
unit in the broad jump; a total of
13. This is one of the greatest ag
gregate scores ever made by one man
in a conference meet, and shows a
wonder!ul versatility. Fee also en
tered the shot put. He vaulted
three inches higher than Thompson
of W. S. C., who took first place in
this event. Thompson, Fee and Coch
ran of Washington all made 11 feet
4 niches, and Thompson 11:6. In the
jump off for second place Fee cleared
“Moose” Muirhead is credited with
two of Oreporj’s four first places.
“Moose” easily outclassed all com
petitors in the hiph jump, winninp
the event at 5 feet 11 inches. In the
hiph hurdles, which were 85 yards
instead of 120, he apain scored a
first in 11 1-5. He couldn’t pet the
take-off in the broad jump and failed
to place.
Captain Cook contributed his usual
five points in the shot with a heave
of 41 feet 6 inches, apain provinp his
supremacy over Northwest shot-put
The 880 furnished one of the thrills
of the day. Lanpley led the field by
30 yards for three laps, but couldn’t
stand the pace and was passed by
Nelson, Massey and Coleman on the
home stretch. Nelson had an easy 10
yard lead and didn’t think there was
anyone near him, when Massey, of
Idaho, spurted and breasted the tape
a scant two inches ahead of “Cotton.”
Stenstrom, of Wasnington, finished
first in the century, with Thompson,
of Whitman, second and Morrison, of
Idaho, third.
. In the duel for discus honors, Cole
of O. A. C. bested Edmunds of Wash
ington by two feet, throwing the disc
137 feet 5 inches. Phillips, of Idaho,
getting third.
Phillips won his event, the javelin,
with a throw of 164 feet 3 inches.
This event, like the others, was held
indoors, and several huskies tried to
throw the spear through the roof.
The other events went off in good
shape, however.
The low sticks witnessed the de
feat of McCroskey, the record holder,
by Hoover of Whitman. This is Hoo
ver’s second year in the hurdles, and
Archie Hahn thinks a lot of his fu
MU®—Clyde (W) first; McDonald
(W) second; Dewey (OAC) third.
Time 4:26 2-5.
85-Yard Dash—Stenstrom (W)
first; Thompson (Wh) second; Mor
rison (I) third. Time 8 3-5 sec.
85-Yard High HuMles—Muirhead
(O) first; Fee (O) second; McCros
key (WSC) third. Time 11 1-5 sec.
440-Yard Dash—Kadderljy (OAC)
first; Loucks (O) second; Massey (I)
third. Time 50 1-5 sec.
880-Yard Dash—Massey (I) first;
Nelson (O) second; Coleman (OAC)
third. Time 2:01 2-5.
20(] Low Hurdles—Hoover (Wh)
first; McCroskey (WSC) second; De
ment (Wh) third. Time 26 1-5 sec.
220-Yard Dash—Kadderly (OAC)
first; Loucks (O) second; Miller
(WSC) third. Time 25 3-5 sec.
Shot Put—Cook (O) first; Johnson
(OAC) second; King (WSC) third.
Distance 41 ft. 6 in.
Two Mile—Payne (O) first; Hob
pood (OAC) second; Smith (WSC)
third. Time 9:35.
High Jump—Muirhead (O) first;
Fee (0) second; Monroe (WSC) third.
Height 5 ft. 11 in.
Pole Vault—Thompson (WSC)
first; Fee (Q,) second; Cochran (W)
third. Height 11:6.
Discus—Cole (OAC) first; Ed
munds (W) second; Phillips (I) third.
Distance 137 ft. 5 in.
Javelin—Phillips (I) first; Fee (O)
second; Damon (OAC) third. Dis
tance 164 ft. 3 in.
Broad Jump—Walters (W) first;
McDonald (Wh) second; Fee (O)
third. Distance 20 ft. 10 1-2 in.
Relay—O. A. C. first; W. S. C. sec
ond.; Idaho third. Time 3:33.
The annual Y. W. C. A. Conference
rally will be held Tuesday afternoon
on the lawn of the residence of Pres
ident Campbell. A rally supper and
garden tea is held each year at this
time to work up enthusiasm for the
summer conference. So far ten girls;
have signified their intention of at
tending the one for this year, which
will be at Seabeck, Washington.
However, a total representation of
twenty girls from the University is
hoped for. After the supper Miss
Gillies will speak of her recent trip
south. A program has been arranged
by Louise Allen and Dean Guppy will
give a short address to the students.
All the women in college are invited
to attend.
The University of Oregon Women’s
Glee Club will leave Wednesday ev
ening, June 9, for Portland, where it
will take part in the Rose Festival
entertainments. Miss Ruth Guppy,
Dean of Women, will accompany the