> OREGON \ EMERALD PUBLISHED THREE TIMES A WEEK UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, EUGENE. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915 Volume XVII, No. 87 i * 9 STUDENTS MAT SPEAK OK USE OF FORESTS k CLASS HOURS TURNED OVER TO CONFERENCE QUESTIONS OF COLLEGE INTEREST UP GOVERNOR ONAGLE TO ATTEND Plans AH Set; One Conference Car ried On at One Time In Villard The faculty has decided that the stu dents shall be expected to put in the time Friday in attendance at the Commonwealth session, which they would otherwise have given to their regular class work. Such is a statement made by Pro fessor F. G. Young, Chairman of the Conference Committee. Practically the same information was conveyed to the students in an announcement made by President P. L. Campbell just preceding the Freshman class hour yesterday morning. Of especial interest to students will be the student conference at 3:00 P. M. Friday. Professor Young stated that the Commonwealth Committee would be glad to have several stu dents give talks to indicate their atti tude toward a co-operative survey with the Forest Service of the Na tional reservations of Oregon, with a view to turning the reservations into national recreation grounds. It is probable that several student speakers, chiefly those men interest ed in forestry, will be scheduled to talk at the 3:00 o’clock meeting. At a Student Council held at 7:15 last night in Professor F. C. Ayer’s class room in the Library, Bert Lombard was appointed chairman of a com mittee for securing speakers, and Leslie Tooze was put in charge of the publicity work. Owing to the absence of President Tom Boylen from town, the Vice President, Bert Lombard, will preside at the Stu dent Conference. It is feared that Governor Withy combe will be unable to be present at the sessions, because of a previ ous engagement. However, an ef fort is being made by Hon. H. B. Miller to induce the Governor to postpone the former engagement. The first speaker to arrive was A. L. Barbur, City Auditor of Portland, who came in yesterday morning. The other speakers for Thursday arrived last night, and it is expected that those of tomorrow’s and Saturday’s sessions will be here tonight. “Besides the speakers who are scheduled, there will probably be about fifty other out of town people in attendance,” says Professor Young. He added that were it not for the hard times, a considerably larger number should have been expected. No concerted effort at entertain ment has been made, although sev eral lunchons at hotels and fraternity houses are planned. A few of the members of the Eugene Commercial Club will take luncheon with the Sat urday speakers, according to Profes sor Young. The program arrange ments will make impossible the lun cheon planned by Alpha Kappa Psi for the Commerce speakers. In the folder programs of the Con ference, the name of Mr. L. L. Good rich, who will read a paper of Rob ert E. Smith on “The Cause and Cure of High Taxes,” was omitted. The folders, which may be obtained at the Registrar’s office, give the time of each discussion. The plan which was followed last year of having more than one ses sion in progress in different buildings at the same time, is not being used this year, because cf the lack of hous. ing facilities. However, Professor Young stated that the plan can very easily be followed in future years, when the new Administration Build (Continued on third page.) WISEACRE FROSH C06ITATES OVER DEMISE OF GREEN CAP Author Feels that Prose is Inadequate | for Expression—Lapses Into Verse By a Freshman It’s May on the campus this morn ing, The crowd gathers close ’round the tree, Chaffing, conversing, laughing dis persing, Mingling merrily. The Senior stalks by in his splendor, With a hard and haughty frown, While, half afraid, the Freshman maid Demurely glances down. And they talk of the joys of the week-end, Which was passed with laughter and song (?) Of a rushes keen or a prep school queen, But somehow something's wrong. The gang has a sort of colorless air, Twice you look at your friends before You greet them when you meet them, For Frosh caps are no more. And beware lest you cut on the cam pus Your room-mate, and pass him up cold, For he will be wearing with mien over bearing, No little green cap as of old. 40 SCRIBES TO 60R6E AT OSBURN THURSDAY Emerald Staff to Eat and Try to be Merry Without Drinking at Annual Banquet “We are going to fatten up some of these lean and hungry scribes, if it takes all the money in the exchequer,” said Manager “Tony” Jaureguy, speaking today of the annual Oregon Emerald banquet, which will be held at six o’clock next Thursday evening, June 3rd. The local Pulitzer voyaged to the Osburn this afternoon to frame up the contest in collaboration with the lady caterer. She speaks with a Parisian accent, and Jaureguy being a Frenchman himself, the result of the confab is a menu which is said to bristle with the names of foreign dishes. “Only those members of the staff who remain faithful unto the end will be invited to the banquet This will mean that a few names will be strick en off the present roll, icavlng about 40 to participate in the gormandiz ing. Invitations will be sent out early next week, and something novel 'n menu cards is planned. The men will be asked to bring the girls on the staff, there being almost a balance be tween the two sexes. The usual program of speeches will be slated, but they will be made snap, py. The banquet will be held in the tea room of the Osbum, instead of the grill room, which is the usual ren dezvous. To obtain the tea room Jau reguy was compelled to promise that the feasters will not smoke, so the ladies are requested to leave their “makin’s” at home. HEAD OF PHILIPPINE SCHOOL IS FRIEND OF W. D. SMITH'S - I Mr. E. B. Copeland, Director of the School of Agriculture in the Philip-, pines, passed through Eugene Mon day en route to Washington, D. C., on his annual vacation. Mr. Copeland is a friend of Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the Geology Department. “Mr. Copeland built up the Agricul tural College in the Philippines from almost nothing to an institution larg er than the University of Oregon,” says Dr. Smith.. OREGON SHOULD WIN TRACK CHAMPIONSI BILL FEARS THAT MEN MAY BE UNDERTRAINED, RATHER THAN STALE. EACH MUST WIN HIS POINTS Washington May Take First and O. A. C. Second, If Local Dis tance Men Disappoint. Oregon will win the conference meet at 0. A. C. Saturday if Bill Hay ward has figured the dope correctly, and past experience shows that the Wise Man who has been Oregon’s trainer for the past decade has sel dom, if ever, made a mistake in fore casting the result of a meet. Bill says that Washington should come second and O. A. C. third. He qual ifies his prediction only with the pro vision that the Oregon men have not “gone back” since his last opportu nity to study them under racing con ditions in good weather. “I can figure, by allowing for the possibility of our distance men fail ing, how we can get third. These are things which a person can’t always dope out exactly. Three years ago we went to Whitman with the meet cinched, and, because a couple of the best men slipped up, we got only third out of the fracas. In an eight man team every fellow has to make the points allotted him or the jig is up. There is mighty little chance to make up points in a meet of this kind. “Since I have been here I have nev ' er been so handicapped, considering the material I had to work with. What was once a covered track is that no more, and I have been unable to work my men for speed or endurance be cause of the lack of an indoor track and the inclement weather that has prevailed throughout the season,” said the trainer. Bil has a little piece of paper that is covered with criss-cross lines, names and figures that he won’t let anyone see, and at which he glances when giving out his favorites in the various events of the meet. “The hun dred lies between Stanstrom, of Wash ington, Morrison, of Idaho, Thomp son, of Whitman, and Miller, of W. S. C. We will probably not have any men entered in this event,” he said in reviewing the probable point winners. “Morrison, Thompson and Loucks or Kadderly if they are entered, should place in the 220, while the money in the quarter will be divided between these last two and Schlacher, of W. S. C., the men probably finishing in the order named. “The half should go to three of these five: Clyde, of Washington, Nelson, of Oregon, Coleman ana Reynolds, of 0. A. C., and Loucks, if I decide to run him. The odds in this event lie in favor of Nelson, considering the way he has been running of late. “McKay, of Whitman, Reynolds, of O. A. C., Chet Huggins and Clyde, of Washington, should divide the mile between them, with the dope favoring the latter. And then the two-mile. That’s going to be some race, one grand race—and the winner of it is going to smash the Northwest record all to pieces. Smith, of W. S. C., Hobgood, of the Aggies, and little old Mose Payne are the men who are go ing to look good in that race. “Muirhead, Fee, Hoover and De ment, of Whitman, Cunningham, of | Idaho, and the W. S. C. man, Mc Croskey, are all running well in the high hurdles, with the odds in favor of the first four men mentioned. Fee and Cunningham will not run the lows, but the other high hurdlers will j all be entered. McCroskey llooks the best in this event. “I expect ‘Moose’ to win the high jump, but he will have to go pretty (Continued on Last page) COUNCIL VOTES TO AID IN COMMONWEALTH WILL CO OPERATE WITH FAC ULTY AND HAVE STUDENTS’ MEETING FRIDAY TWO NEW MEASURES APPROVED Boylen Wants Student Body Presi dent Made Member of the Ath letic Cabinet The Student Council voted without exception to co-operate with the fac ulty Friday afternoon in a so-called “Students’ Commonwealth Confer ence.’’ Professor Fred Stetson and Miss Mary Perkins, the faculty com mittee to the Student Council, ap peared before the Council Wednesday evening and placed the faculty propo sition before that body. Professor Stetson said that representations from the Department of the Interior and] other high offices would be present and would undoubtedly offer some plan whereby the students of the Uni versity could be used as a medium in collecting data of tourist value of the Oregon forests. An attempt would then be made to divert the summer tourists and camp ers to the Oregon pleasure grounds. The measure, he inferred, was a eort of a “back to the woods” moveemnt. Professor Stetson proposed that the Student Council preside at this stu dents’ meeting Friday afternoon at 3:00. A motion was made and carried in the Council that that body stand as favoring the faculty’s proposition and that a committee be appointed to han dle the affair. President Boylen nom inated Herbert Lombard and Leslie O. Tooze. The President also sug gested that some music be pre-ar-l ranged in order to have an addition al drawing card. President Boylen offered two meas ures to the Council and both were unanimously approved. The first dealt with the connection between the Athletic and Executive Councils. Boylen said: “There is at present no connection whatever between the Executive and Athletic Councils. The Athletic Coun. cil spends money, hires coaches, and performs other functions, while the Executive Committee is held respon sible for the affairs and the money of the Student Body. In reality it has no say when the Athletic Council spends money. In order to remedy this situation, I wish to propose that the Student Council take this matter in hand and pass a resolution to the effect that the President of the Stu dent Body be made a member of the Athletic Council. This action would give the Executive Council represen tation in the Athletic Council and counterbalance the two departments.” The second measure the President proposed concerned the class tax. The measure will be drafted definitely later and submitted to the students for their consideration. President Boylen, in submitting his proposition, said: “Many students have spoken to me and I have myself been sadly vexed by the present system of collecting the taxes from the various classes. As the system now stands, only about 60 per cent of the students pay their class tax, and if you will read over the list of those paying you will al ways find that the self-supporting student is the one that comes through first, and, as a rule, the man who gets a $70 check every month doesn’t come through at all. “What I propose is an alteration in the present system so that all class taxes would be collected through the administration offices at the begin ning of the year. This sum could be fixed by the class advisor and a committee, and could be easily de Continued on page 8. OPTIMIST SIN6S LULLABY IN STRU66LE WITH MAN-KILLER Heart-Breakers Attack the Amorous Swains and Rhymester Reacts In Vers Libre On Monday eve she wore a pin for Beta Theta Pi And with a smile and woman’s guile, At night she laid it by. On Tuesday Delta Tau came out, Although the eyes of man Could never see where clasped the jewel Of the Delt who also ran. Wednesday night toiled Kappa Sig, Hot in love’s long race For Phi Delt puffed right at hiR heels And stood the killing pace. Friday entered Sigma Nu And he sprinted all the way, Until an A. T. 0. crept by And copped her for that day. Sunday night, alas, alone— ’Twas the Sabbath, a day of rest. And .Tack at home was in neglect, Surdy, a letter is best! So 3he scribbled and told in type that was bold, Of her love for the absent one; That the next month was June, sh« would be with him soon— P. S.: College life is loads of fun STRESS WILL BE LAID ON EDUCATIONAL WORK Summer School Session Will Have Strong Corps of Lecturers, Says Dr. Schafer “Emphasis will be placed upon the educational department of the Sum mer School session,” said Dr. Joseph Schafer, Director of the six weeks of University work during June, July and August. “There will be a strong series of educational lectures headed by Doc tor G. Stanley Hall, of Clark Univer sity, who is a world authority on ad olescent psychology. Prospects point to a considerable increase over the 175 who attended last year, possibly twice as many.” j. uuticsn sspaetn will lecture on “Poets as Interpreters of Life.” Other addresses during the daily assembly hours will be given by Professor j Charles Forster Smith, from the Uni versity of Wisconsin, Professor E. I'. Cubberiy, of Stanford; Superinten dent Alderman; Superintendent C. R. Frazier, of Everett, Washington; Dr. George Rebec, Dr. H. D. Sheldon, and by a lecturer sent by the Car negie Pea to Foundation, who will speak upon ‘International Concilia tion.” I I Six b u rs' credit will be gi en all summer students whose attendance i.nd recitations are satisfactory and u no pasi the required examinations in August. Terms of admission are 15 high s?hool units. A genera! fee of $10 wiji be levied irrespective of the number of courses taken A small sum will also be charged for studies requiring the use of labora tories. Several parties and picnics, beside campus suppers, are to be ar ranged for by a student social com mittee appointed by the faculty, and as many e.ass excursions and hikes as possible will be taken. AH th railroads offer special re duced rates, beginning with Com mencement week and including the Summer School session. Among those who have definitely decided to remain for Summer School are Jessie Purdy, Ruth McLaren, Myrtle Gram, Eva Brock, Katharine Bridges, Grace Miller, Prentiss Brown, Clariel Ogle, Hubert Arnold, Earl Bronough, Glen Shockley, John Wil helm, Merlin Batley, Frank Beach, Sam Michael, Lawrence Whitman, W. P. Holt, Anthony Jaureguy, Elton Loucks, R. T. Stepheps, Irwin Sut ton, Bill Burgard and Max Sommer. MTLEY IS PRESIDENT OF GLASS OF ISO LA GRANDE STUDENT CHOSEN TO WIELD GAVEL FOR NEXT YEAR’S SENIORS TOMIIMGA SERGEANT AT ARMS Remaining Officers Had No Compe* tition—None Could Vote Without Having Paid Dues. Merlin Batley will pilot the class of 1916 on its next and last voyage. Such is the will of 42 of his fellow-class* men, as expressed at the class elec tion which was held today in Villard Hall. The totale vote was 72. Merlin Batley registered three years ago from LaGrande, and from that day to this he has been a will ing and efficient worker in everything the class has undertaken to do. class hour committee was not to be thought of without Batley as a mem ber. Every class dance has been re plete with evidences of his work. "Whenever an artistic touch has been planned, Batley is the man who could be depended upon to come through with something good. And not only has he been indispensrble to his class, but to the Student Body as a whole he has been hardly less serviceable. The President-Elect is a member of the Glee Club and for the past two years has acted as stunt man. There were two other candidates in the race for the Presidency, Don Orput and Cleveland Simpkins. The office of Sergeant-at-Arms was sought by five, of whom Joe Tominaga was elected, having received 17 votes. For the other offices there was no competition. Louise Bailey will serve as Vice President, Erna Petzold as Secretary, and Roy Stephens as Treas urer. The election just concluded was held according to the rule which gov erns Student Body elections in regard to the quolifications of voters. No one who had not paid his class dues was allowed to cast a ballot. All of the newly elected officers will become active next year. at cmm is rum Dr. Hodge Will Delegate Students to Help Rid Eugene of Pest; Port land Falls in Line Dr. Clifton F. Hodge has been asked to manage a campaign in an endea vor to rid the town of flies. Besides the Commercial Club, the Parent-Teacher Association, the Wo men’s Auxiliary, and about twenty students who will use this material in their Senior theses, will co-operate under Dr. Hodge. “The plans are very simple and very complete,’’ said Dr. Hodge. “We have divided the city into sections,, and over each section there will be somebody to direct, supervise and re port. When a report of a bad con ditions is necessary, the person in charge will go directly to him. All we are doing is to just help them out.” In numerous other cities and towns throughout the state, Dr. Hodge is helping with similar campaigns. Portland is about to undertake the same work, but according to Dr. Hodge their plans are not as promis ing as the ones for Eugene. College golfers will invade the Pa cific Coast during July and August and play matches with Stanford, Uni versity of California, a number -of country clubs and ajjso compete at the Panasfta-Pacific Exposition. The teams will be chosen from the various Eastern universities. They will be carried on a “college golfers’ ” special leaving New London June 26.