Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 24, 1915, Image 4

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Co-Operation Between Students and
Recreation Is urged
One of the biggest features of the
Commonwealth Conference, says Pro
fessor Young, will be a student ses
sion held under the direction of the
Student Body officials, Friday at 3:00
o’clock, to consider the question of de
voting a large amount of the forest
reserves of the state to recreational
resorts. Several Government officials
will be present at the meeting and will
probably propose some organization
among the students for the attain
ment of this end.
One of these men will be E. C.
Finney, who will represent Franklin
K. Lane at the conference. Who the
other man will be is not yet definitely
known, but he will be a member of
either the United States Department
of Agriculture or Forestry.
The object of the session is to in
augurate among the students of the
state a movement for the purpose
of devoting the latent resources of
the state to recreation grounds, to
secure for the state its deserved fame
of having beautiful scenery. “At
present,” said Professor Young, “the
Government is taking an interest in
the state, as is shown by the appro
priation of half a milion dollars for
highway development on the McKen
zie. I personally urge every student
to be present at this meeting as the
matter under consideration is some
thing of great importance to the stu
dents. It is an opportunity that will
not soon come again, for the Gov
ernment does not often send officials
across the country.”
Oregon Trio Meets Defeat at Seat
tle; O. A. C. Girls Win from
Local Pair
The University of Washington eas.
i)y won from Oregon last Saturday
at Seattle in tennis, taking all five
of the matches.
Oregon was represented by “Tub
by” Wheeler, Walter Church and Os
car Noren. The best and closest
match of the day was between Noren
and Kauffman in the singles. This
match was finally won by Kauffman,
C-4, 7-6, 3-6, 6-7, 1-6. Captain Can
field, of the Washington team, had
very little difficulty in defeating
Church in sin es, 6-0. 6-1, 6-4.
The doubles matches were also ea
sily won by the Washington players,
Canfield, Miura and Kaffman. The
hardest fought contest in the doubles
was between Noren and Church and
Canfield and Kauffman. The latter
two won, 13-11, 6-4, 4-6, 6-2. In the
other double match between Wheeler
and Church and Canfield and Miura,
Oregon lost 6-1, 6-2, 6-4.
At Corvallis Miss Adrienne Epping
and Miss Frances Baker, representing
Oregon in the tennis tournament held
there during the athletic carnival last
week, were defeated by Miss Esther
South and Miss Winifred Patterson,
of O. A. C., in the double matches,
but broke even in the singles.
Miss Epping and Miss Baker took
the first set of the doubles with ease,
but the O, A. C. co-eds came gack
strong and won the next two sets,
4-6, 6-2, 6-3. In the singles Miss Ep
ping lost to Miss South 7-5, 6-2, and
Miss Baker won from Miss Patter
son 6-4, 6-3, thus dividing tho single
A strong wind and cold weather
made it disagreeable for the players
and made good playing almost im
Professor Don Sowers was pre
sented with a nine-pound boy Sun
day afternoon. Mrs. Sowers is in
the Maternity Hospital at. Portland,
and is reported doing nicely.
The little son of Professor Sheldon
ran a needle in his foot lust F riday,
which necessitated an operation. The
accident prevented Professor Sheldon
from making a trip to Baker to deliv
er a commencement address, and Pres
ident Campbell went in his stead.
Ft) R SALE CHE A P_~Second-hand
Underwood Typewriter, in first class
condition. Inquire Manager Em
Singing, Dancing and Absence of Plot
Are Features of Class Hour
Although there are 23 Freshmen in
the class hour play, “This Way Out,”
the number has absolutely nothing to
do with the title. The play is the work
of Don Newbury and Doc Sutton, both
of ’18. The scene is laid in a court
room of the local court, with the
“Good Judge,” the attendant, report
ers and all the fixings of a typical
judicial scene. There is a mere ex
cuse for a plot, which after the man
ner of all musical comedies, quickly
loses itself in a maze of songs, dances
and specialties introduced by mem
bers of the cast to the accompaniment
of an eight-piece orchestra. The cast
includes the following, in the order
of their appearance:
Lord Saveus—Joe Hedges.
The Attendant—Bob Earl.
Court Reporters—Bill Vawter, Al
bert Gillette.
The Good Judge—Doc Sutton.
Counsel for the Defense—Don New
The District Attorney—Jack Dolph.
T. Isadore Knob—Jimmy Sheehy.
Dorothy Knob—Gladys Colwell.
Her Mother—Alice Gram
The jury is composed of the reg
ulation number, half women and ha'f
men, whose principal duty is to crawl
to the latest tango music and to help
with the songs Don Newbury, Bill
Vawter, Bill Snyder and Albert Gil
lette will show some late wrinkles
in late song hits, while Jack Dolph,
~,~'iv3 Colwell, Alice Gram and Joe
Hedges will contribute a few special
ties. The audience is urged to be seat
edd by ten o’clock, as the doors will
then be closed and not opened again
until the eleven o’clock bell rings.
(Continued from Pape 1.)
which is said to increase his distance,
to shatter even his national record.
Orcpon will pet little in the sprints
urless Bill sees fit to run “Strinp”
Loucks in the 220, in which case the
lanky boy has a pood chance to place.
If Muirhead can recover from his
hrils in time, and Bill says he can, he
is practically conceded the hipli hur
dles and the hiph jump. He may have
trouble with McCrocky, of Whitman,
in the lows, and his ability to prab
first in the broad jump is also a mat
ter of question.
“Sam” Cook will probably win the
shot put if his bad arm pives him no
more trouble, while Chet Fee will
probably win the pole vault and place
in the javelin, with a chance in the
hroad and hiph jumps.
The dual meet with O. A. C. which
was to have been held in Corvallis
Saturday, and was postponed on ac
count of the poor condition of the
trnck, will bo held in that city on the
5th of June.
Hardware Co.
Hardware and
Paints,Oils and Glass
742 Wiiaffl:ltt Streal
Eugene Quick Shoe Repair
4Repairing While YouWait
Registrar Issues Compilation of Sob*
jects and Hours for Tests as
i Given Below
The following examination schedule
has been given out by the Registrar:
Second Semester 1915
All examinations will be two hours
in length and no longer. The examin
ation in all divisions of Freshman
English Composition will be given
from 10 to 12 A. M., on Saturday,
June 5th. The schedule of other ex
aminations will be as follows:
Time of Examination
All 3, 4 and 5 hour subjects, recit
ing at 1:00 P. M., Monday, June 7,
8:00-10:00 A. M.
All 3, 4 and 5 hour subjects recit
ing at 9:00 A. M., Monday, June 7,
10:00-12:00 A. M. ,
All 1 and 2 hour subjects reciting
at 8:00 A. M., Mnday, June 7, 1:00
3:00P. M.
All 3, 4 and 5 hour subjects recit
ing at 10:00 A. M., Tuesday, June 3,
8:00-10:00 A. M.
All 3, 4 and 5 hour subjects recit
ing at 11:00 A. M., Tuesday, June 3,
10:00-12:00 A'. M.
All 1 and 2 hour subjects reciting
at 9:00 A. M., Tuesday, June 8, 1:00
3:00 P. M.
All 3, 4 and 5 hour subjects recit
ing at 8:00 A. M., Wednesday, June
9, 8:00-10:00 A. M.
All 3, 4 and 5 hour subjects recit
ing at 2:00 P. M., Wednesday, June
9, 10:00-12:00 A. M.
All 1 and 2 hour subjects reciting
at 10:00 A. M., Wednesday, June 9,
1:00-3:00 P. M.
All 3, 4 and 5 hour subjects recit
ing at 3:00 P. M., Thursday, June 10,
8:00-10:00 A. M.
All 3, 4 and 5 hour subjjects recit-<
ing at 4:00 P. M., Thursday, June 10,
10:00-12:00 A. M.
All 1 and 2 hour subjects reciting
at 11:00 A. M., Thursday, June 10,
1:00-3:00 P. M.
All 1 and 2 hour subjects reciting
at 1:00 P. M., Friday, June 11, 8:00
10:00 A. M.
All 1 and 2 hour subjects reciting
at 2:00 P. M., Friday, June 11, 10:00
12:00 A. M.
All 1 and 2 hour subjects reciting
at 3:00 P. M., Friday, June 11, 1:00
3:00 P. M.
Four o’clock classes in 1 and 2 hour
subjects may be examined from 3:00
to 5:00 P. M. on any desired day.
Any instructor having two 2-hour,
or two 1-hour, or one 2-hour and 1
hour courses reciting at the same time
may give the examination at the reg
ular time and the other froom 3:00 to
5:00 on the same day or some later
day. . ..
No examination will be given earlier
than the regular examination sched
ule, without faculty action, and no
examination will be released from its
scheduled time unless conflicts com
pel, in which case it will be placed
at some time later than the time reg
ularly scheduled.
For non-delivery of your Bmer
aid, call 944.
Chinese Noddies’ lease
Everything in Chine*e Noodlei
l(hOO a. m. to 1:00 p. m.
63 Sixth Athii Eu
A “Varsity”
creation with the
old “Varsity”
quality and
Sweet Shop
WANTED—By a large Life Insur
ance Company; five men who have
salesmanship ability; big money can
be made during summer vacation.
Also big future poositions to men
who can make good. Apply to C.
W. Koyl, Y. M. C. A. Bureau.
Room 22 over 1st National Bank
Quality Portraits
Dorris Photo Shop
6tb andWillamett Street
MJttN 4 PWCt, rr»pd—m
M Math Avwm Lm4 Hiaaal
My Business Is
fixing Shoes Right
Jim “The Shee Doctor”
Eugene's Finest
Cigar and
Billiard Resort
Dfpe Repairing and Inlay
Work a Spaciaky
Eugene's Palatial
Sweet House
Laiin' Day Every Widitii'y
Loaches Gandies
lee Creams
Uktoria Chocolates
Don’t forget we have
a Special Sale every
Friday and Saturday
In selecting gifts for^he
men don’t forget the Belts
with Sterling Buckles
Other appropriate gifts
that are popular among the men this
year include: Sterling Picture Frames,
Waldemar Chains, Waldemar
Knives and Attachments, Fine Cig
arette Boxes and Oregon Seal Jewelry
For your special case we can make a
dozen appropriate suggestions. Come in and
let us help you make your selections
Prices in Plain Figures
Phone 23 870 Willamette
Big Reductions
On Famous
Gotham Shirts
$1.25 Values = - $1.00
1.50 Values = - 1.19
2.00 ^Values - - 1.50
2.50 Values = - 1.95
3.00 Values - = 2.25
3.50 Values = 2 .5
4.00^Values = = 3.25
5.00 Values = - 3.75
5.50 and 6.00 Values = 4.00
Every Shirt'in our entire stock it included in
this sale—Don't miss it.