Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 04, 1915, Image 1

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O *0
Volume XVII, No. 75
Mona Dougherty Telegraphs Decis
ion front Convention; New Chap
ter is to be Organized
A telegram from Detroit, Michi
gan, received here Saturday by the
local chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, from
Mona Dougherty, their delegate to
the annual convention, states the im
portant decision that hereafter Mu
Phi Epsilon will be conducted as a
purely honorary sorority.
* This change will affect materially
only the chapters in music schools
that are located in Universities.
These are only a small percentage of
the twenty national chapters, the ma
jority being in conservatories and in
dependent colleges of music.
This means at the University of
Oregon that Mu Phi Epsilon will be
in' the future an honorary sorority,
vested in the University of Oregon
School of Music, membership therein
to be conferred upon the best chosen
of the music students, regardless of
whether they are members of other
Greek letter sororities or non-fra
ternity women.
Mu Phi Epsilon is a wide national
factor for inspiration in drawing
young artists together and advancing
' the standards and enthusiasm in the
national music world. The sorority
H numbers many noted artists among
its members, such Schumann-Heinck,
Alma Gluck, Carrie Jacobs Bond, Al
ice Nielson, Jessie Gaynor, Tina Ler
ner and others whose presence makes
the annual national convention a bril
liant inspiration.
In an interview today Miss Kath
arine Kirkpatrick, head of the chap
ter house here, said: “Our girls are
entirely in accord with this move
ment of National. They desire Mu
Phi to be the strongest and finest
thing possible, and they realize that
to take it out of competition with
other Greek letter societies—to work
with them instead of against—is the
only way to realize the highest ide
als. We are glad to share the inspi
ration and ideals that Mu Phi has
given us with the other fraternity
girls at Oregon who are real musi
cians. While we will still all be Mu
Phis and will bend our greatest ef
forts next year to launching things
on this new basis, we will, of course,
not conduct a residence house upon
this plan.”
Miss Kirkpatrick would make no
further statement in regard to the
matter. It has been rumored, how
ever, that as the women of this house
are all carrying full college as well
as musical work, a charter from a
national literary sorority of high
est standing is about to be conferred
upon them.
Dr. W. M. Smith, Secretary to the
President, has received word that Da.
vid Campbell, brother of President
R. L. Campbell, was elected to head
the reorganized School of Music at
Whitman. College. Mr. Campbell
taught music here previous to his de
parture to study in Berlin under Ru
dolph Ganz. Although only 22 years
of age, Mr. Campbell was given the
office of Dean of Music.
Announces the election of
o _ * •
Lost and found cases contain discard
ed Germ Incubators, and No
tices of Lost Pins
Owing to the coming of warm wea
ther, or to the fact that other means
of warming hands have been found,
the co-eds evidently have no further
use for their gloves. Eight pairs,
found and unclaimed, hang in the
case for found articles in the Library
And light fingered fiances, unwilling
to give, but eager to trade, might be
asked to explain the presence of three
notes decrying the loss of as many
sorority pins. And worse yet, the
notes contain the addresses of three
different houses.
A mania for losing fountain pens
is shown by notices of seven pens that
have disappeared.
Other articles lost are:
One Kwama pin; gold bar pin; gold
crescent pin; gold “0” Glee Club pin;
one pearl handled knife; and a gold
wrist watch.
Two new racing shells will be add
ed to the Yale crew equipment soon.
Both shells were made especially for
the eastern school in England.
Spring football practice is in full
swing at Purdue, and a strong team
is promised for the fall. In order to
encourage the men, a cup has been
awarded for the best exhibition of
drop kicking, punting and parsing
during the spring training.
Juniors Invite State Executive to Class
Formal; Acceptance Expected
Within Few Days
An invitation has been extended to
Governor Withy combe and wife to
attend the Junior Prom, and Presi
dent Brown, of the class of 1916, is
expecting an acceptance within a few
days. Last year Ex-Governor West
favored the “formal” with his pres
Bob Bean, chairman of the dance
decorations, has promised something
new in the way of embellishments.
His work will be included in the Uni
versity Day labors, Friday morning
of Junior Week-End, Tom Boylen hav
ing set aside several husky Freshmen
to help Bean. The dance will start
promptly at 8:45 P. M., Saturday,
with a grand march long enough only
for the pairsto get straightened out
and to secure programs.
Prentiss Brown declares that every
Junior Week committee has met and
the formalities will start with a bang
as soon as school lets out, noon of
May the 13th.
Wednesday and Thursday after
noons at 2:30 will witness baseball
encounters with the University of
Don Orput’s canoe and water fete
will embark at 7:00 P. M. Thursday
evening. This will be “the” feature
<be campus will enter a canoe, sym
bolical of some local celebrity or tra
dition. As a prize for the boat fixed
up with the most • novelty, a silver
cup will be presented by the Junior
From 8:00 to 12:00 Friday morning
Boyce Fenton will be the boss. This
time will be si ent in cleamrg up and
beautifying the University grounds.
No one is exempt from work. Af
terwards a luncheon will be served
. to every student and visitor.
! The U. of W.-U. of O. dual track
{meet comes Friday afternoon at 2:30.
j For this and the inter-scholastic meet
Saturday the officials have not as yet
j been selected.
“Jeanette’s Way,” the products of
the Senior dramatists, will occupy Fri
day evening from 8:30 to 11:00.
Captain Cook, Loucks, Payne, Huggins
and Nelson Will Represent Lem
on Yellow at Championship Meet
Floyd Westerfield.
“Bill” Hayward and five Varsity
athletes left Eugene at 8:45 this ev
ening on the Shasta Limited for San
Francisco, where the men will par
ticipate in the Pacific Coast Inter
Collegiate championship meet.
The meet will be held at the fair
grounds, Friday and Saturday.
Captain Cook, Elton Loucks, Floyd
Payne, Chester Huggins, and Martin
Nelson are the men who will repre
sent Oregon in the Southland. Cook
will be entered in the shot put and in
the discus, if that event is staged.
Loucks will run the 220 and the 440.
Loucks ran the 440 in 50 flat Saturday
against Multnomah and under favor
able conditions will probably lower
his record of 49-3. His best time this
spring in the 220 is 23 flat.
Nelson has gradually been working
back into his old form, and with the
Northwest record of 1:57 1-5 in the
half to his credit should show the
Southerners his heels. Nelson has
made the half this year in 1:58 2-5.
Huggins and Payne will run the
mile and two mile respectively. Hug
gins has a record of 4:24 2-5 in the
mile; Payne has been making the duo
in 9:40 4-5.
‘I expect each of you men to win
your event,” said Bill last night when
talking to his runners. “I expect you
to place in the shot, Sam. The com
mittee in charge of the meet asked me
to send the names and records of fif
teen men. I sent ten names and last
night received a telegram to send six
of my best men. All of the athletes
are not students, so I am taking only
five men. Had I taken ten men we
would have stood a chance of taking
the me«t. As it is, we are going to
go down and do the best we can. I
had intended to take a mile relay
team, but the limited number of men
makes that impossible.”
In the meet there will be represen
tatives from the University of Wash
ington, Washington State College,
Whitman College, University of Ida
ho, Oregon Agricultural College and
the JJniversity of Oregon, the “big
six” of the Northwest. The other in
stitutions represented will be Occi
dental College, Pomona College, Uni
versity of Nevada, University of Cal
ifornia and University of Southern
California, and Stanford.
Tommy Boylen will have charge of
the track work during Bill’s absencee.
Don’t work the men too hard; just a
few sprints, some starts, some quar
ters, and then send them in.” Bill
then gave specific directions to some
of his men. “You milers do some
sprinting; you quarter mile men do
lots of work. I want tw6 more quar
ter mile men.
“In the meet with Washington here
on May 14 I am going to enter 12
men. This makes it necessary to use
some men who are good for two sec
ond places, but who can’t take a first.
Two seconds beat a first place in
“Over at Corvallis on the 22nd I
am going to enter three men in every
event. This means that some of you
fellows who haven’t run in a meet
here this year will get to go.”
• " '
Courses of study in the science of
aeronautics have recently been estab
lished by the College of Engineering
at Michigan. The work is under the
direction of the department of naval
■ architecture.
Other Eligibles Maintain Coy Diffi
dence, but Rumor Says Aspirants
Will be Many
Candidates are groomed, nominat
ing speeches are conned, and all is in
readiness for President Tommy Boy
len to press the button which shall
release the annual pyrotechnic dis
play at tomorrow morning’s assembly.
Never has the political pot seethed
before a campaign as on the eve of
this year’s nominations. Rumors and
counter rumors, reports and denials,
have surcharged the campus atmos
phere since the publication of the pre
liminary forecast in Thursday .even
ing’s Emerald.
About the tempting bait of the
Student Body Presidency candidates
swarm almost as thick as flies. At
least six members of the present Jun
ior class are being mentioned in con
nection with this honor, and two
openly admit their candidacy. They
are Prentiss Brown, present skipper
of the good ship 1916, and Cloyd Daw
son, the new President of the Y. M.
C. A.
It is generally believed that La
mar Tooze, President of the class in
the Sophomore year, will make a third
member of the party, although this
evening he still declared himself un
| decided whether to aspire to the po
sition, or to a membership on the Ex
| ecutive Committee. Another Junior
who is still figured as a possibility is
Merlin Batley, President-elect of the
Glee Club. Two of the men who have
been counted in the running, however,
positively deny having design on the
prize. They are Anson Cornell and
Cleve Simpkins. Cornell says he
I couldn’t be seduced into taking the
job, and will be content with a berth
on the Athletic Council. Simpkins
was a candidate until yesterday,
when he thought better of it, and he
now disclaims all political ambitions.
The other spot-light act will be the
contest for the editorship of the Em
erald. Leselie Tooze, present city
editor, and Max Sommer, present man
aging editor, have made no secret of
their candidacy for weeks. The pros
pect is enlivened, however, by the
presence of a “dark horse” in the per.
son of Fred Dunbar, who is at pres
ent employed on a local newspaper.
Dunbar’s decision is said to rest on
the developments of the next few
The following list of prospective
candidates was compiled after con
sultation with upperclassmen in all
the houses and dormitories. Where
a possible aspirant or his, her, or its
friends have declared that they are
not ^et fully decided, such doubt has
been indicated by an interrogation
For President of the Student Body
—Cloyd Dawson, Prentiss Brown, La
mar Tooze (?),oMerl;n Batley (?).
For Vice President—Harry Kuck.
For Secretary—Eva Brock, Louise
i Bailey, Marie Churchill (?).
i For two places on the Executive
i Committee—“Woggs” Eakin.
! For three places on the Athletic
I Council—Anson Cornell, Lyle Bigbee,
Bill Tuerck, Sam Cook (?).
> For three Senior Men’s places on
the Student Council—Botts Avison,
I Fred Kiddle, Don Orput.
For two Junior Men’s places on the
Student Council—Bob McMurray, Nick
Jaureguy (?).
For Emerald Editor—Max Sommer,
Leslie Tooze, Fred Dunbar (?).
For Emerald Manager—Wayne Sta
ter (?).
Omicron Chapter Will Add Four Hon
orary Members and Two Under
graduates to Fold this Month
George Palmer Putnam, Chester A.
Moores, ’12, E. N. Blythe, ’02, Ralph
D. Moores, ’12, and Dean Collins, ’10,
will be initiated into Sigma Delta Chi
as honorary members on May 22.
Harold Hamstreet and Leigh Swinson,
the two undergraduates-elect, will be
initiated at the same time.
Putnam is Secretary to Governor
Withycombe. Before taking up his
duties in the executive department
of the state he was editor of the Bend
the only honorary members are Presi
dent Campbell, Prof. Eric W. Allen
and Prof. Colin V. Dyment.
Dean Collins is known throughout
the Northwest because of his humor
ous writings in the Portland Orego
nian. While in the University he was
editor of the Oregon Monthly. In his
senior year he was selected as the
University’s candidate for the Rhodes
scholarship, but failed of election by
a small margin.
Edward N. Blythe is on the Orego
nian payroll, and is a son of Samuel
G. Blythe, the famous writer on the
staff of the Saturday Evening Post.
Ralph D. Moores is now Secretary
of the Salem Commercial Club. He
was editor of the Emerald during the
year 1910-11.
Chester A. Moores is automobile
editor of the Oregonian. His princi
pal journalistic honor in the Univer
sity was the editorship of the 1912
Friendly Co-Operation is Urged Be
tween the Two State Organi
zations for Mutual Benefits
Nine members of the “Kommerce
Klub” were formally initiated into
the Alpha Kappa Psi National Hon
orary Fraternity last night at the Os
burn Hotel by a team of five members
of the Theta Chapter at Oregon Ag
ricultural College. The installing
team consisted of Dr. E. .J Brown,
of the Commerce Department at Cor
vallis, H. W. Russell, C. J. William
son, Ed. C. Allsworth and D. W. Min
Those installed were Sam Michael,
Harry Kuck, Anthony Jaureguy, Leo
Potter, August Scholl, Fred Kiddle,
Leslie Tooze, Lamar Tooze and Max
Sommer. Tommy Boylen and Mar
tin Nelson will be initiated later by
the local Kappa Chapter.
The Kappa Chapter is the tenth
chapter to be installed since the fra
ternity was organized in 1905 at the
University of New York. Of the ten
existing chapters ,the two state or
ganizations are the closest situated,
and using this as a basis, the two
chapters arranged for the friendliest
co-operation and mutual help possible.
In pursuit of the ends of the fraterni
ty the two chapters wb< Join forces
in important ventures. It is likely that
a joint delegate will cent to the na
tional convention in June. Beginning
next semester reunion conventions will
be held alternately at Corvallis and
The Kappa Chapter is now making
arrangements to entertain business
and commercial men who will visit the
campus during the Commonwealth
Conference. An employment agency
will be formed, which, co-operating
with the heads of the Commerce and
Economics Departments, will seek to
create a demand throughout the state
for college graduates in the higher
commercial activities.
Every Man on O. A. C. Team Got at
Least One Hit; Oregon Made
Fifteen Errors
By Harry Kuck.
After 0. A, C. drubbed the Varsi
ty 20 to 6 Saturday in Corvallis, mak
ing 17 hits off Captain Welch and
Johnny Beckett, and being aided by
Oregon’s 15 errors, Coach Bezdek
formulated plans for an entire reor
ganization of his team.
“In the first place, boys, I want you
to forget all you know about base
ball.—leave eevrything to me—we start
over again Monday, and hard work
may enable us to win some more
games,” he said.
In accordance with this ultimatum,
the personnel of the first team was
altered considerably yesterday after
noon. The coach has not been sat
isfied with any of his catchers, and
had Dave Philbin, former Columbia
“U” backstop, catching on the first
string. Joe McLean replaced Dick
Nelson on first, and “Shy” Hunting
ton is getting a chance to show on
second. Cornell has been shifted to
short, and “Skeet” to third.
The coach has come to the opinion
that Anse is no third baseman, but
one of the best short-patchers he has
ever handled—hence the shift. “Skeet”
is good anywhere, even at catching.
He held up Welch in good style in
Saturday’s game.
“Buck” Bigbee is basking in his
old garden, left field. Jim Sheehy
has a strangle hold on center, due to
his grfeatly improved hitting, and the
other outfield post will probably need
a new guardian, for Lyle Bigbee is
slated for a thorough try on the
Lyle looked good in the box in his
Freshman year, and the way the
pitchers are going now, he can’t re
duce the efficiency of the corps mate
The coach has the rest of this wee<
to whip this new combination into
shape before meeting Willamette, and
if it works well against the Metho
dists he will probably not discard it
for the remaining conference games.
Not satisfied with coming from be
hind in the eighth inning the day be
fore and pulling the game out of the
fire, the Aggies hopped on Welch for
six hits in the first inning Saturday,
which, combined with two errors, net
ted them seven runs and put the game
on ice.
Oregon scored a run in her half of
the second without a hit, and 0. A.
C. came back with a quintet of scores
in the third. The Oregon infield erred
six times this inning.
Williams was on the mound again
for Benton County and did not fare
so well, allowing seven hits in six in
nings. A grammar school kid could
have won, however. Sieberts pitched
the last three innings and was nicked
for three bingles.
The game was a farce throughout.
Every man on the Aggie roster got at
least one hit, and Sieberts and Go
ble garnered three apiece. Grebe
booted everything that came his way,
and Nelson dropped ball after ball.
The box score:
M. Bigbee, 2 . 5 0 1 0 0 0
Sheehy, cf . 5 1 2 3 0 0
C. Bigbee, c .. 3 0 17 12
Nelson, 1 . 4 2 2 9 0 4
Cornell, 3 . 6 2 1 0 2 0
Wilhelm, If. 2 0 0 0 0 0
L. Bigbee, rf. 3 0 2 1 0 2
Grebe, ss . 2 0 0 2 2 4
Welch, p .+... 1 0 0 0 3 2
(Continued on page 4)