Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 01, 1915, Image 3

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Number Reaches 415, Which is Now
80 More than Last Year’s
Four hundred and fifteen subscrip
tions, the largest number on record,
have been taken for the 1916 Oregana,
according to Leslie Tooze, circula
tion manager. Three hundred and fif
ty-seven of these have been taken on
the campus, while the remaining 58
represent those taken at the Law
and Medical Schools, in Portland.
* The circulation staff expects the to
tal number of subscriptions to reach
450, which would exceed last year’s
circulation of 370 by 80 copies.
Several weeks ago letters were sent
to alumni all over the state asking
for subscriptions, and several have
heen received.
On February 15 a complete list of
Oregana subscribers to that date was
published in the Emerald. Those who
have subscribed since that date are:
Albert Gillette, Harold Hamstreet,
E. Irvine, Rita Fraley, H. Phillips,
Russell Pugh, Vera Williams, Martha
Tinker, Walter Brenton, Loren But
ler, Russell Quisenberry, Gertrude Bu
ell, Georgia Kinsey, Beulah Stebno,
William Ramage, Fred E. Melzer,
^Esther Stafford, Helen Dresser, Frank
Wilson, Laird Woods, Mary Hislop,
James T. Donald, Evangeline Hus
band, Frances Shoemaker, Teressa
Cox, Callie Beck, Mabel Miller, Grace
Campbell, Ruth McLean, E. Lind,
Donald Newbury, Lloyd Teggart, Wil
ford Jenkins, Ida Johnson, Edna Hol
man, Alexander Pearson, Vaughn Mc
Cormick, Rufc Westfall, Ben H.
Smith, James F. Howell, Ira Barnett,
Golden Barnett, Nellie Cox, Joseph
Denn, Prof. H. Crombie Howe, Helen
Wetzel, Miss Aupperle, Ethel Gibson,
Jeannette Kletzing, Cosby Gilstrap,
Hazel Rasor, Lolita Bodman, Chester
Huggins, Anne Geiser, Prof. Warren
D. Smith, Frances Craighead, Aileen
Townsend, Loren Parmley, Cora Hos
ford, Vera Webber, Wm. R. Service,
Adrienne Epping, A. C. Shelton, Tur
ner Neil, Merna Brown, Robert Riggs,
Lynn Parr, Dorothy Downard, Miss
4 Marguerita, Peter Crockett, Lucile
Huggins, Harold Tregilgas, Walter
Kirk, Clar* Lee, Edel Fraasch, Echo
June Zahl, Larry Mann, Robert Lang
ley, Cora Truman, Harold Sexton,
Velma Sexton, Edward Gray, Bertrand
Jerard, Lillian Littler, Harrie Booth,
Lucille Watson, E. Tregisi, Elizabeth
Carson, Joseph Hedges, Marsh Good
win, Hazel Downing, Thomas Camp
bell Jr., Jane Knox, Millar McGilchrist,
Donald C. Roberts, Lois Gray, Fran
ces Beebe, Lyle Bigbee, Elizabeth
DeVaney, Vera Kellems, Herman Gil
filen, Leo Potter, Ralph Allen, Sam
Michael, Dorothy Wilkinson, Robert
Earl, Josephine Moorhead, Henry
Thorsett, Agnes Driscoll, Marie
Churchill, Olive Risley, Bertha White,
Erie Lane, Ella Hayden, Miss Kent,
Fred Hardesty, Dr. Ralph C. Bennett,
* Oskar Wiest, Bert Lombard, Williard
Hayes, Prof. Broecker, Ralph Taven
ner, Harold Berlin, Leo Fumey, Clar.
iel Ogle, Russell Ralston, Mona
Dougherty, Eulalie Crosby, John
Huston, Glenn. Stanton, Luton Ack
erson, Thomas D. Cutsforth, Beatrice
Lilly, Sara Barker, J. S. Daly, Wil
liam J. Montgomery, Bernice Perkins,
Hazel Knight, Alice Leiter, Pauline
Beadell, Hermes Wrightson, Bothwell
Avison, Sigma Chi Fraternity, Beta
Theta Pi Fraternity, J. F. T. Gal
loway, Robert Baker, Carl C. Baker,
Louise Bailey, Augustus P. Scholl, G.
N. Anderson, Wilmot Foster, Clinton
The above list does not include the
k Law and Medical School subscrip
5000 CATALOGUES FOR 1915-1916
Registrar Tiffany states that the
1915-1916 University of Oregon cat
alogue will be out during or a little
after Junior Week-End. Five thou
sand copies are being printed. The
bulletin is printed on light paper and
it will not be as bulky as that of last
year, but will contain more pages, j
He Commerce, Architecture and Law
Schools are described at some length.
President Campbell spent Friday in
Washington, D. C., on business, and
left for New York Friday evening.
He goes to Clark University from
New York.
President Campbell’s Assembly Ad
dress on “Good Will On Earth”
Appeals to Magazine
A marked copy of LaFollette’s Mag
azine for April, 1915, edited by Sen
ator Robert M. LaFollette, contains
an extract from an assembly address
by President P. L. Campbell at the
University of Oregon during the ear
ly part of last semester. The article
is headed “Christ’s Doctrine: An An
tidote to War," and is reprinted from
the entire address as reported by
Prof. E. W. Allen, head of the Jour
nalism Department and printed in the
Extension Monitor of December, 1914,
under the caption “Good Will On
Earth.” The article as it appears in
LaFollette’s Magazines is as follows:
“The time in history seems to have
come when civilization must adopt the
doctrine of universal good will toward
men or civilized peoples must face ex
“I do not believe the present prob
lems confronting the world can ever
find permanent solution on any other
basis. The doctrine of human broth
erhood and of equal justice for all,
promulgated two thousand years ago
in Palestine, has never been tried
on a universal scale, but it now is
permanently to be forced into the
realm of practical politics as the only
way of escape from an intolerable
and suicidal state of affairs.
“The failure of civilization should
be laid at the door of the nations that
have despaired of the common brother
hood of man. War has become too ef
ficient and too deadly, and to follow
the old cynical doctrines is for the na
tions to hurry to their own destruc
The march of events, the bitter
logic of facts and experience are pain
fully but surely sifting false from
true. We have said with our own lips
for two thousand years that ‘The
meek shal inherit the earth,’ yet all
this time we have acted as if pride,
selfishness and self-assertion were
wisdom. ‘Blessed is the peacemaker’
we have asserted, but it has been the
war maker that in our blindness we
have looked upon only too often as
the bringer of progress and the true
defender of religion. ,
“At last the war-maker’s course is
nearly run. Power and riches and in
justice have at last learned to arm
themselves so effectively that they
will find themselves proving their own
futility. Now we shall watch mili
tarism and race hatred and force
burn themselves out. They were inef
fective and injudicious policies, car
rying the seeds of their own destruc
“Christ was, as time will prove, the
true political scientist. The test of
tinth is that men have come to it in
time, however unwiliing. It proves
itself. If the Christian doctrines are
true, do not worry about them; they
will live. If they are true, it is only
a question of time until all men will
be driven by a relentless force to rec
ognize their truth.”
- The University of California has
adopted a resolution providing for a
severing of intercollegiate relations
with Stanford, until an agreement be
tween the universities contain the con
dition that Freshmen be abolished
from varsity competition.
A. M. Robinson, 0. B. Pranlnftoa
Bothwell Avison and Lawrence Mann
Chosen Vice President and Sec
rery-Treasurer Respectively
Merlin Batley was chosen Glee Club
President for the next year at a meet
ing held Wednesday. He received a
unanimous vote. Botts Avison was
chosen Vice President and Larry
Mann, Secretary-Treasurer.
Batley has been a member of the
club two years. Both of these years
he was a stunt man.
“We have chosen the logical man
for the job,” said Henry Heidenreich,
President this year. “Batley is the
kind of man the club needs, with lots
of pep and ability. Under his leader. J
ship the club will become one of the
best in the West.
“The club will only lose a few men
this year, and with next year’s ma
terial, a great organization can be
expected. It will be made up of men
who can really sing.”
Both this year’s and next year’s
Glee Club Presidents are LaGrande
A statistician at University of Cal
ifornia who had nothing better to do
compiled the following statistics:
Since the women’s swimming pool
has been opened this spring, nine
Red ranks first as the favorite color
of bathing caps, with green and blue
close behind.
Pianos and Expert
Piano Tuning
Official Piano Tuner
University School of Music
986 Willamette Phone 899
Phene 23 870 Willamette
! " I' - i t H L i1 I / V l I ( ' 11
K! S r _ _ ON O'O Kl‘ ! tj
I At I I '.SI \ I. Ol’l ICIAS.S
.'ii mi i i'll i ii m iii.i m .'ii ',,'n
We are Sole Agents
for Gorham's Silver
ware and Hawkes’
Cut Glass
Luckey’s Jewelry Store
Hart Shaf f ner &Marx
~ ate
This advertisement, pub
lished in the $500 Fatima
Advertising Contest, is the
work of D. T. Carlisle,
University of California.
The $500 Prize — $500 will be paid to the college
student who sends to us the best original adver'isement
for Fatima Cigarettes before June 1, 1915. Inthe mean
time for each ad we publish we will pay the writer $5.
Illustrate your ad if you can, but if you can’t draw,
then use your kodak or describe your idea.
Prize will be awarded by a committee of three promi
nent advertising men: L. B. Jones, Adv. Mgr. East
man Kodak Co., F. R. Davis, Adv. Dept. General
Electric Co., and J. George Frederick, Editor of
“Advertising and Selling”.
I.ioorrr & Mvim Tosiceo Co.
212 Fifth Ave., New York City