Alumni Section President _Johf C. "Veatch, '07 Fenton Bldg., Portland. Secretary-Treasurer— Earl Kilpatrick, ’09, 1253 Ferry St., Eugene. CLASS MEMORIALS Nearly every class that has left the University has placed upon the campus some kind of a class memo rial. Some of these gifts have served their purpose admirably. Others, lacking both beauty and utility, at tract little attention. Each class has Redded, through long debate, what to leave as a memorial, and each gift has been made without reference to the others. On this page today appears an ac count of a plan conceived by the head of the Department of Architecture, for the erection of a building at the north end of the first quadrangle. Mr. Lawrence seems to feel that a miniature, skeletonized building, high enough to shut off the view of the railway track and street car line and low enough to permit a view of the race and1 the river, would serve the purpose best, and he seems to feel that this would be a proper medium for the expression of class interest and loyalty Alumni who visit the campus will * be interested in the plans for such a structure, which were drawn as an examination exercise by one of the classes in architecture ALUMNI ARE PROMINENT IN SOUTHERN COUNTIES Harney and Malheur Counties have less than one inhabitant to the square mile, but there are several active alumni of the University of Oregon in each county. Three of the leading educational workers of Malheur County, includ ing the County Superintendent, are alumni. In Harney County there are: James Carrol Cecil, B. A. 1913, farming, Riley, Oregon. Frank C. Dillard, B S 1905, civil engineer, Burns, Oregon ► Harrison K. Shirk, B. A. 1908, teacher, Burns, Oregon. In Malheur County there are: Fay Clark, B. A. 1912, teaching, Vale, Oregon. Lilah P. Clark, B. A. 1911, teach ing, Ontario, Oregon. R. June Gray, B. S. O. A. C., B. A. 1911, teaching domestic science and Latin at Ontario, Oregon. v Jessie Calkins Morgan (Mrs.), B. A. 1911, farming, Owyhee, Oregon. CROOK AND WHEELER ARE SCENE OF ALUMNI EFFORT Oregno alumni occupy prominent places in the business, social and pro fessional life of Crook and Wheeler Counties. & In Wheeler County there are: Hamilton H. Hendricks, B. S. 1890, attorney at law, Fossil, Oregon. Robert H. Hendricks, B. S. 1912, manager of Wheeler County Abstract Co., Fossil, Oregon. Leland L. Steiwer, B. A. 1910, banker, Fossil, Oregon. In Crook County live: Forrest E. Dunton, B. S. 1912, prin cipal high school, Kent, Oregon. Ruby C. Edwards Ramsey (Mrs.). B. A. 1913, Box 395, Prineville, Ore gon. Cecile Adams Foley (Mrs.), B. A. 1905, at home, Bend, Oregon. John D. Newsome, LL. B. 1902, B. A. 1898, lawyer, Prineville, Oregon. Dorothy Schoolcraft, B. A. 1912, teacher, Bend, Oregon. Ada W. Sharpies Young (Mrs.), M. A. 1893, B. A. 1889, Bend, Oregon. SOCIALIST LEADER QUITS PLATFORM FOR FARM LIFE Roseburg, Ore., (Special to Alum ni Section)—Floyd Ramp, a gradu ate of the ’08 class, is now managing the Ramp farm of several hundred acres, east of Roseburg. With him is his wife, formerly Miss Elsa Un terman, of Berkeley, California. Mr. Ramp spent last summer along the border and in Mexico. Then his ad vanced work at the University of California wa(s interrupted by his marriage, and now he has charge of a large farm, which was his home f' during a part of his boyhood. V-. PORTLAND HAS MANY Many Leading Citizens Received Their Training at the University of Oregon Nearly 300 graduates of the Uni versity are actively at work in the city of Portland. Hundreds of for mer students who did not take de grees are also residents of that city, bringing the total number of full and associate members of the Alumni As sociation yell up toward 1,000. For the convenience of Portland alumni and others who may wish to know oertain addresses, the list is here given, in part. It will be con cluded on this page next week. Changes of address or additional names will be thankfully received; and will be noted on this page. Earl Richard Abbett, B. A. 1906, chief clerk to superintendent S. P. R. & S. Ry., 590 E. Burnside St. Lewis R. Alderman, B. A. 1898, city superintendent of schools. Adah Ardys Allen, B. A. 1910, 267 E. 45th St. Homer D. Angell, LL. B. and M. A. Columbia University 1902-03, B. A. 1900, lawyer, 726 Upper Drive, Port land Heights. Estelle V. Armitage, B. A. 1903, teaching Latin in Washington High School, 745% Hoyt St. Ruth Gibson Bagnall, B. A. 1913, Nortonia Hotel, Portland. Edward Flint Bailey, B. A. 1913, tax collector,'191 11th St. Oscar E. Baird, B. A. 1900, mer chant (Allen & Lewis), 1077 Williams Ave. Rita Ellen Banfield, B. A. 1912, teacher, 692 Vista Ave. Joseph L. Barber, B. A. 1907, 483 E. 16th St. N., Portland. Herbert L. Barbur, B. S. 1912, con crete inspector with City Engineer, 784 E. Franklin St. Neta Bartlett, B. A. 1912, design er, 2053 E. Couch St. Sadie Baum, B. S. 1898 ,teacher, Fordham Apts., Apt. 36. Agnes Beach, B. A. 1909, teacher, 530 Chapman St. Alice Benson Beach (Mrs.), B. A. 1905, at home, 1015 Quimby St. Condon R. Bean, B. S. 1903, sales man John A. Roebling’s Sons & Co., 665 Elliott Ave. Eva Allen Bean (Mrs.), B. A. 1910, at home, 846 Multnomah St. Harold C. Bean, B. A. 1912, student in Medicine, 665 Elliott Ave. Ormond R. Bean, B. S. 1909, archi tectural draftsman (Ellis P. Law rence architect), 846 Multnomah St. Kobert Sharp Bean, LJj. JJ. uni versity of Oregon and Willamette University, B. S. 1878, U. S. District Judge, 665 Elliott Ave. Benjamin B. Beekman, LL. B. and M. A. Yale, B. A. 1884, lawyer, 308 Commercial Blk. Oscar Peter Beck, B. S. 1907, ce ment expert, 311 Borthwick St. Walter M. Berry, B. A. 1908, chem ist Portland Gas & Coke Co., 1551 E. Flanders St. Jessie Merle Bibee, B. A. 1912, teaching, 658 Clackamas St. Omar N. Bittner, B. A. 1907, teach ing in Washington High Shcool, 700 E. 59th St. N. Isabel Jakway Blythe (Mrs.), B. A. 1902, at home, 1496 E. Sherman. Whitney L. Boise, B. S. 1880, law yer, 308-309 Chamber of Commerce. Florence E. Bonnell, B. A. 1913, 419 E. 21st St. N. Greta E. Bristow, B. A. 1909, 414 Lawrence, Eugene instead of Port land. Jerry E. Bronaugh, LL. B. 1894, B. A. 1892, lawyer, 355 Hall St. May Dorris Bronaugh (Mrs.), B. A. 1893, at home, 350 32nd St. N. Harold J. Broughton, B. A. 1913, timberman, 445 E. 15th St. N. Fannie Hemenway Brumfield (Mrs.), B. A. 1896, at home, 746 Pet tygrove St. William M. Cake Jr., B. A. 1910, fire insurance, 300 Park St. Kalph Harlan Cake Jr., B. A. 1910, student at law, Ann Arbor, Mich., 330 Park St. Anna Grimes Calef (Mrs.), B. S. 1899, at home, 495 E. 41st N. Herbert Johnson Campbell, B. A. 1904, newspaper man, 88 22nd St. N. James H. Carrick, M. D. Medical Dept. University of Illinois 1902, B. A. 1899, physician, 608 Oregonian Bldg. Louise Cecil, B. A. 1912, teacher* 615 E Madison St. Herbert F. Clarke, LL. B. 1911, B. A. 1909, 695 E. Ash St. (Concluded next Tuesday.) MEMORIAL IS PLANNED Department of Architecture Suggests that North Opening be Closed by Class Structure A miniature skeletonized building, to be erected on the northern end of the campus, has been proposed by the Architectural Department of the Uni versity of Oregon as a home for Sen ior class memorials, and students in architecture have drawn plans for£he structure. Early in the school year the Uni versity Board1 of Regents applied to Ellis F. Lawrence, head of the De partment, for a complete plan of the campus showing the positions of the buildings as they should be arranged in future years. Villard, Deady and the Library on the east, and the Ar chitectural Building, McClure and the Dormitory on the west, form two rows on the campus. The new Ad ministration Building, now in course of construction, fills the southern gap. Mr. Lawrence held that some kind of a structure should be erected on the corresponding end of the campus as need arises. Then the circuit would be completed and a perfect balance obtained. The Architectural Department, through its class in drawing, has ac cordingly produced various types for small buildings, but one general plan has been agreed—that a small struc ture should be erected of stone in the vicinity of the oak trees, and that places in the sides of the build ing be reserved wherein each Senior class, as it departs from the institu tion, may affix its memorial. In ad dition a. class may complete its gift by erecting high seats at deseignat ed places outside. According to Mr. Lawrence, the plans have merely been suggested to the Board of Regents, in compliance with the request to the department, and are only in the stage of discus sion. Heyo the Emerald bent home. J. w. Quackenbush & Sons t 160 Ninth Auenue East ®= HAMPTON’S FOR Hart Shaft her &Marx CLOTHING 8> Hear Him Friday Evening, Villard Hall DR. W. D. WEATHERFORD