Til iimni Section Fenton Blc^, Portland. Secretary-Treasurer— Earl Kilpatrick, ’09, 1253 Ferry St, Eugene. PHI BETA KAPPA Alumni will be grad to learn that efforts are being directed toward se curing a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa for the University of Oregon. We may have our opinions pro ajid con as to the advisability of the de velopmient of the fraternity systeirf, but there can be no disagreement as to the beneficial effect of. Phi "Beta iSippa upon the tone of scholarship in a college. Letters sent recently to Universi ties in which alumni of the Univer sity of Oregon have done graduate work, have brought replies which in dicate’ that the standard of scholar ship at Oregon is indeed high. No influence is, howlever, to be neglected, which, by any possibility, will make it higher. OREGON ALUMNA PRESIDES FOR Y. W. C. A. AT P. P. L E. President Exposition Grounds, Nan Francisco (Special to the Alumni Section)—Miss Florence Cleveland, ’13, is represent ing the Y. W. C. A. of the Northwest at the Exposition/ In the commodious ®nd tasteful building erected and maintained by the Young Women's Christian Association for the comfort of Exposition visitors and for diffus ing knowledge as to the purpose of' the organization, the information booth is the natural center. At this point Miss Cleveland is stationed, charged with the duty of answering thousands of miscellaneous questions daily. Miss Cleveland has been in secre tarial work since graduation. Quite recently she has been on the staff of the Seattle Association. C. N. McARTHUR REPRESENTS OREGON IN U. S. CONGRESS C. N. McArthur, ’01, is now Con gressman from Oregon. He took of fice last Thursday, March 4, although he will probably not go to Washing ton until next fall. McArthur was the first editor of the college paper, which is now the Oregon Emerald. He was instrumen tal in the organization of the first track team at the University, and for some years was referred to by stu dents as the “Father of Athletics at the University.’’ McArthur has served two terms in the Oregon legislature. He is a prac ticing lawyer in Portland. KLAMATH FALLS HAS SIX ACTIVE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI Klamath Falls (Special to Alumni Section)—Klamath County has many former students of the University of Oregon. Six graduates are among the number. They are: ^Vernon T. Motschenbacher, ’14, teaching Klamath County H. S. Andrew M. Collier, B. A. 1913, bank ing, Klamath Falls. D. V. Kuykendall, B. A. 1898, law yer, 32 California Ave., Klamath Falls. ■Elizabeth Paige Lewis, B. A. 1913, Biy. Harold C. Merryman, LL. B. 1911, B> A. 1909, lawyer Klamath Falls. George Noland, M. A. 1885, B. A. 1882, B. S. 180, lawyer, Klamath Falls. Miss Rachel Applegate, ’12, is at home in this county, but is at present in Roseburg, where she is teaching in the high school. Olin Arnspiger, ’08, is prominently connected with municipal affairs in fljMedford. He successfully occupies the offices of city engineer, electrical inspector, and superintendent of city water works. MY BUSINESS IS FIXING SHOES RIGHT Jim“The Shoe Doctor" LANE HIS MINI GRIDS List Is Given of Those in Lane Coun ty Outside of the City of Eu gene According to thte Aldmni” Register, revised as fully as. information-has reached the "Secretary, the .following alumni, exclusive of. the .'class of 1!U4, live in Lane County,', outside -ol Eu gene. Corrections, and., additions- will be thankfully receiyed.. ’ .. . Will'Grimes,’B. S;-1898i fc-Ej D, 1, Box 7, Harrisbufg, ‘Oregon. , * . Edith S. Beebe, R.A. 1910, teacher, Walteryille, Oregon. Ernest- J. Bertsch, B. A. 1908, farm ing, R. F. D. -2, Springfield. .Verena-filhck, B. A. 1913, principal of high, school, Crow, Oregon. Walter 1*. Carroll, B. S. 1903, phar macist, Junction City. Hqgh P. Currin, E. E. 1912, Cottage = Grove, Oregon. Lula Wynne Currin, B. A. 1904, high school teacher, Cottage Grove, Ore gon. Pansy B. Beebe Davidson, Bl A. 1912, R. F. D. 2, Shedd, Oregon. William A. Dill. B. A. 1908, editor Lane County News, Springfield. Nellie Foshay Douglas (Mrs.), B. A. 1906, at home, Springfield. John M. Edmunson, B. A. 1896, far mer, Goshen, Oregon. Chas. K. Hale, B. S. 1880, farmer, Noti. Oregon. Grace Martha Hartley, B. A. 1913, assistant principal in high school, Al sea, Oregon. • Nellie H. Hemenway, B. A. 1913, journalist, 300 N. Douglas St., Cot tage Grove. Ora Read Hemenway (Mrs.), B. S. 1897; B. O. Bible University; at home Cottage Grove. Oscar E. Hemenway, M. A. 1901, B. A. 1900, photographer, Box 66, Springfield. John J. Kestly, B. S. 1911, civil engineer, Wise Villa, Walton, Ore gon. Mabel Joy Lane, B. A. 1912, asst, cashier in First National Bank, Har risburg, Oregon. Edgar E. Martin, B. S. 1913, civil engineer, Springfield, Oregon. Mary Alice McFarland, B. A. 1913, teaching, Shedd, Oregon. Lela T. McPherson, B. A. 1910, high school teacher, Springfield. Verna Sharp Millican (Mrs.), B. A. 1896, at home, Walterville. Leon C. Parks,' B. S. 1911, local manager of Light & Power Co., Junc tion City. David C. Pickett, B. A. 1913, teach er, Elmira. Kirkman Kenson Robinson, Ph. D. Clark University 1913, B. A. 1907, M. A. 1908, Wilderville. James A. Ryder, B. S. 1913, civil engineer, Crow, Oregon. Zola Grimes Sorenson (Mrs.), B. S. 1899, at home, Harrisburg. Belle Va.'Duyn Stafford (Mrs.), B. A. 1908, R. F. D. 2, Junction City. Lincoln Taylor, B. S. 1890, civil en gineer and contractor, 1112 S. 6th St., Cottage Grove. u1 Herman C. Tschanz, B. A. 1913, teacher, Coburg, Oregon. Laurie Shannon VanValzah, B. A. | 1910, medical student, Springfield. Claude B. Washburne, B. S. 1913, assistant cashier First National Bank, Junction City. Elizabeth Woods, B. A. 1905, M. A. 1910, fellow in psychology, Clark Uni versity, 744 St. Helens Court, Cot tage Grove. Joseph E. Young, B. A. 1892, law yer, Pacific IJjghway, Cottage Grove. HOMER WATTS, AFTER 12 YEARS, REVISITS CAMPUS • m m • . Isomer I.°Watts, ’03, Mayor of Athe pa, *and t^ie leading lawyer of that eity“, got back to the campus for a few days last week. Mr. Watts has been so 'jJjigy fgr twelve years that Hie has ilot hacf time to visit the University. Finally he da". Med “that Athena would have to,do without its chief officei long enotign to permit him to see what the carpent'jra l.aVe doye to Deadj llaiL • . ° Mr. Watts was captdin of the Ore gon football team in 1902. He has not lost his interest in athletics. One of his first stops aftef arriving in Eu gene was at the gymnasium. * CHANGE YOUR DIRECTORY • • • ************ Irvin Rolfe, *13, has gone to Har lem, Montana to locate on a farm. Oscar Furuset, '08, has been vis iting his parents near Springfield. He has returned to Portland, where he is engaged in the practice of law. Mrs. Herbert T. Condon, of Seattle, Mrs. Harvard C. Moore, of Portland, and Mrs. C. C. McCornack, of the Philippine Islands, have been enjoy ing a family reunion at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wilkins, of Eugene. Pianos and Expert Piano Tuning A. S. DRAPER Official Piano Tuner University School of Music 986 Willamette Phone 899 ARROW SHIRTS for every occasion. Color fast—guaran teed satisfactory. “Insist on Arrow.” $l.i>0 up ° 0 Cluett, Peabody & Co,, Inc. Makers @= ARTHUR BYRON - . « o • % As “TheHiisband • ° a. ^ # * • ® In the.Qrjpping Drama 199 “TODAY” at the EUGENE THEATRE Thursday, March tlth Tickets on sate Wednes., March 10, 10 a. m. S® Chocolate Creams and Fancy Assorted Caramels MADE UP- TO THE STANDARD OF ALL OREGANA CANDIES THE OREGANA DUNN’S BAKERY DUNN A PRICE, Proprietor* M Niath Avoaaa Eaat Phoa* 7 Tuttle Studio Portrait work our specialty 606 Thirteenth Aw. East BRODERS BROS. Wholesale andRetall 'Dealer* In EUGENE, OREGON FIRST SHOWING OF SPRING CLOTHES A notable display of new fabrics and models for men of every age. Your special atten tion is called to our fine showing of American fabrics in plaid, small checks and tartans. WADE’S “Things Men and Boys Wear” Yoran’s Printing e o House Printers and Bookbinders Printers TO THE STUDENTS ALWAYS 75 Eighth Avenue We* Phone 103 -Eugene Theatre, Friday, March 12