PORTUUID SCHOOLS TO GIVE room DMCE High Schools of Rose City Extend Invitation to Oregon Students for “Hop” Thanksgiving In honor of the University of Or egon football team, a dance is to be given in Portland during the Thanks giving vacation by the various high schools of Portland, according to news received on the campus yester day. Tom Boylen, President of the Stu dent Body, has received a request to appoint a committee from the Uni versity to assist the interscholastic committee in making the necessary arrangements. The members of this committee have not been announced as yet. A general invitation will be ex tended to all students of the Univer sity to attend the affair. As a large number of students will spend Thanks giving in Portland, a large number are expected at the dance. DATES FOR DEBATE TRYOUTS FIXED — (Continued from page 1.) The third tryout will be Saturday, December 12. The Stanford vote upon the debate question has been received, but Washington is still holding out. It is hoped that the exact wording of the question will be decided before the tryout. The annual Alumni Medal Contest, in which all who have made the de bating teams are entitled to com pete, will be on Friday, January 8, 1916. * All Pre-Medics are invited to * * attend the next open meeting of * * the Sigma Alpha Pre-Medic Fra- * * temity, Thursday evening at 7:00 * * o’clock, in Dean Straub’s room. * * Chancellor member Dr. Gutber- * * let will deliver a lecture on par- * * asites, and a short program will * * be held. • *********** Brickwy, of Harvard, is using his left foot for kicking now since his operation for appendicitis. It is re ported that he has missed but one drop kick in fifteen with his left foot from the fifteen-yard line. There have been few left-footed kickers in foot ball history, and ambipedous men have rarely ever been seen. CO-ED OEMTEHS MEET Professor Prescott Volunteers to Or ganize Full Credit Course if Demand Warrants A meeting of University women who are interested in debate was held yesterday afternoon in Villard Hall. Both sorority and non-sorority wo men representing all the classes were present. Plans were made and com mittees appointed to promote and arouse interest in debating among the women. Another meeting has been called for next Wednesday evening at 7:00 o’clock in Professor Howe’s room. At this meeting the question of co-ed in collegiate and interclass debating will be considered. , ******* •••• * SAVOY THEATRE • * ..Special Strong Program * * Dough and Dynamite, Keystone..4* Comedy. Special comedy feature. * *' Picture World classes it as the * * best comedy ever produced. Says * * “Those who see Charles Chaplin * * in this will never miss a picture * * he appears in.’’ Two reels of big * * fun. * * Beauty Comedy. Features the * * Oregon Favorite, Marguerite * * Fischer and Harry Pollard. * * Sheriff for an Hour. A splen- * * did Western drama. Reliance. * * When America Was Young. A * * splendid broncho two-reel feature * * play. * CHAMBERS Hardware Co. Hardware and Furniture Paints, Oils and Glass 742 Willamette Street Phone16 JEWELRY of Real Merit Oregon Sea/ and Frater nity Emblem Jewelry in Gold and Silver Seth Laraway * All girls interested in debating * * or in the organization of a de- * * bating class to meet twice a * * month for two hours of credit, * * are urged to be present Wednes- * * day night at 7:00 in Professor * * Howe’s room in Deady Hall. * * BERT PRESCOTT. * * * * * ******* ARROW SHIRTS for every occasion. Color fast—guaran teed satisfactory. “Insist on Arrow.” $1.50 up Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers THE Club Barber Shop FOR First-Class Work 0. W. 'BLAIR H. T. CUTTER DUNN'S BAKERY DUNN & PRICE, Proprietors 66 Nloth Avoous East Phono 7 Eugene Floral Co. If it’s flowers you want, we have them Stors Phans 720 Greenhouse Phone 121 l» »th Ave. Beat for Thanksgiving The Peter Pan will give you ice cream for $1.00 per gallon. Punch, 75c per gallon SPECIAL TRAIN ROUND TRIP $1.35 to CORVALLIS via Oregon Electric Ry. lor the U. of O.-O. A. C. Season’s Greatest Game Tickets good going on the special train; returning on special at close of the game or regular trains until Tuesday evening. Regular trains leave Corvallis 10:00 and 11:02 A. M.; 5.81 and 7:28 1*. M. Schedule Will be Announced Later football Special lor Students and Local Rooters Fast Time No Stops MARTIN miller ‘Repairing While You Wait PHONE One—Two—•Three for Eugene Steam Laundry Jaaregny It Pawrie University Agents * YORAN’8 Shoe Store the store that sells good shocs 646 Willamette Street PIERCE BROS. Staple and Fancy •kOCERItS Vhoac 246-Cor.flb ndOtkSu. PAUL HOPPE Students’, Ladies’ and Men’s Tailor We do remodeling. 691 Willamette The circulation manager’s phone is 944. For good goods and prompt service call Phone 95 Rowling & Son Staple & Fancy Groceries Fresh Milk and Cream Corner 13th i Patterson Sts. 0bah Amusement Co. "Cfje (College 2Tten’s hangout” 58*60 Hintlj “^nenue Cast Those Loose Leaf Memory and Pho to Books at Cressey’s are better. They are cloth lined. Some others are pa per lined. Note the difference. J.W. Quackenbush & Sons [160 Ninth Auenue East Acme I * Servlc Prices 25 and and 35 cents. Party rat Stand at 8th and Willamette. Phone 1190 GET YOUR Stationery on the Campus The Y. M. C. A. Book Exchange is now handling everything in the line of University Stationery, including Zoology Paper, Graph Paper, Varsity Notebooks, Columbia Notebooks with fillers; also Scratch Pads and Pencils. It is for your convenience to patronize The University Y. M. C. A. =® Yoran’s Printing House titers and • k binders TO THE STUDENTS ALWAYS 75 Eiehth Avenue West Phone 103