* EMERALD • o « fi PUBLISHED THREE TIMES A WEEK UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1914. Volume XVI, No. 1 NEW BUILDINGS WILL KEEPPJtCEWITH GROWTH DORMITORY, DEADY HALL AND LIBRARY NOW UNDERGOIG REPAIRS—READY SOON $175,000 TO BE EXPFNDED Work on Administration Structure De layed, but Will Begin One Week from Monday Announcement was made today by Dr. W. M. Smith, secretary to the president, that actual construction of the new Administration Building, for which -100,000 was appropriated by the 1913 legislature, will begin Monday, September 28. It was originally planned to start work on the building shortly after col lege closed last June, but delays were encountered, so that the contract was not let until September 11. Dr. Smith says that the building will probably be ready for occupan cy at the end of the present college year. When completed, the new structure will be the finest of the University buildings and will compare very fa vorably with the Administration buildings of all Western colleges. The Bayajohn-Arnold Co., of Port land, have the contract for the con struction of the building. The con tract price is $89,750.00. This price does not include plumbing, heating or architect fees. With $75,000.00 being expended in repairing and remodeling various Uni versity buildings, the campus bears a greatly changed aspect. The work is not yet completed, but will be fin ished within the next few weeks. An east wing has ben added to the Men’s Dormitory, giving increased dining room facilities and furishing quarters for the matron and employ ees. Many repairs have also been made to the kitchen. Hot and cold water have been installed in all of the rooms, new decorations have ben hung, the interior has been repaint ed and repapered and linoleum laid on the floors. These improvements have added greatly to the conveni ence and comfort of the Dormitory. The principal feature of the work on the Library building is the new five-story stack room which has been built on the east side of the struc ture. The stack room is equipped with steel stacks which are absolutely fireproof. They will accommodate 125*000 volumes. As the library now contains 50,000 volumes, these stacks will be sufficient to accommodate all additions to the library for several years to come. When the wing is completed, all of the books now being kept in the main library room will be moved into the new part and the entire main room used as a study room. New tables will be purchased, so that all may find a place to study. At the present time much difficulty is experienced at times in finding a place to study in the library. Besides the new wing* a new front is being built at the main entrance. The new Architectural building, east, is a duplicate of the old Elec trical Engineering building, which is now called Architectural building, (Continued on page 5.) f MEN “BATCH” AT 14 CENTS PER DAY ATDORMITORY Michael, Whitman and Jaureguy Wax Fat in 29* Day Battle With Grocer Three “stay-overs” at the Summer School have a solution for the muchly lamented high cost of eating. Either this or they have been trying out one of Dr. Walker’s “starvation cures.” At any rate, these three fellows kept their dietary activities down to about what the French would have guzzled had the Germans stuck on their job. But of course this is all speculation. The three faithfuls are Sam Michael, Laurence Whitman, and Anthony Jaureguy. These men began their fast on Au gust 8, and came out of their trance on September 15. During these 29 days they had expended $12.75. Per day for each member of these “gro cery store scabbers,” the cost of liv ing came to a little over 14 cents, or nearly five cents a meal. Sam Michael maintains that the cost per meal for each would have hardly exceeded the cost of a red postage stamp had they not been so prolific in their dinner parties. The menu and expenditures for the 29-day period were: Milk . Corn Flakes .. Salmon . Bread ... Beans . Butter .... Pie . Cocoa . Potatoes . Meat . Tomatoes ... Cabbage ......... Pancake Flour . Cookies . Rice ..... Raisins .. *Soap...:. Soup ..j.. Syrup . Mush . Pineapple .. Pickles .. Cake ..... Lard . Sugar . * Useless expenditure. $1.45 . .65 . .75 . 1.60 . .40 2.80 .10 . .25 . .10 . 1.95 . .20 . .10 . .25 . .25 . .15 . .15 . .05 . .10 . .15 . .05 . .15 . .10 . .10 . .30 . .25 SOPHOMORES NOMINATE First Class Meeting Held in Villard Hall Friday—Candidates Are Plentiful Nominations for officers to serve during the coming year were made by the class of 1917 at a class meet ing in Villard Hall Friday afternoon. For President, Joseph Sheahan, Frank Beach and Ernest Watkins were nominated. Sheahan is a track man, while Beach and Watkins were members of the Freshman debating team last year. The nominees for Vice President were Helen Wiegand and Frances Heath. Merna Brown was nominated for Secretary, and Frank Scaiefe for Treasurer. Election of officers will be held Tuesday afternoon between the hours of one and five. The election will be by ballot. An election committee will be appointed by President Nelson. This committee will take charge of the polls, which will be located in Vil lard Hall. An address was made at Friday’s meeting by President Campbell. FOOTBALL MEN WORK WHILE BEZDEK MOURNS OREGON COACH LAMENTS DE PARTURE OF STARS BUT AD MITS TEAM HAS CHANCE FROSH FACE VARSITY TODAY Scrimmages Begin Earlier than Usual Because of Better Sum mer Season With 40 huskies on his staff and several stars still “coming up,” Coach Hugo Bezdek is as talkative as a clam atid as optimistic as an Austrian gen eral concerning Oregon’s chances in the coming conference football cam paign. The Oregon forces were mobilized two weeks ago, when 19 candidates for first team honors were chape roned by Trainer “Bill” Hayward on a hunting, fishing and footballing trip up the McKenzie river. Coach Bez dek arrived late, but he put the squad through the preliminary “stunts” which usually occupy the first few days of football practice. As a result, the excursionists re turned from Nimrod on the McKenzie last Saturday ready for hard work, and Bezdek’s oft-repeated lament of last year, “we’re a week behind,” has not been heard so far this season. Bez, however, is far from delighted with the prospects. In no practice night has the squad numbered more than 35 men, and double that number are needed to give the Chicago stoic ample raw material from which to mould his Dobie-defying machine. The loss of such veterans as Hall, Caufield, Holden, Grout, Jones, Anun sen, Bradshaw and Fenton, is felt ma terially; especially Fenton’s punting. There are but three old men out for scrimmage this week, Cornell, Malar key and Weist. Beckett may be able to report today, and Parsons will be out by the first of the week. Up to date it is uncertain when Cook will return. As regards the material, Coach Bez dek says: “We have material when reckoned by numbers, but so far as the men go I have seen nothing to brag about beyond the work of the old men. The material is green. Only a few of the men have even a direct prep school reputation, and that does not amount to a thing. As a whole they haven’t so much as a fair prep school knowledge of the game. Worse yet, I don’t see anything just now to develop. My line will be new; the whole, line must be developed out of this green material, and that alone is discouraging; and see how light it will be. I simply Can’t see where I am going to get any weight on the line. Our back field is all we have left. We had only twelve letter men last year, whereas it is not an uncommon thing to have fifteen or sixteen, often leav ing an entire eleven of trained men to start out with. If Cook does not re port within a week I shall have to de velop a new man in his place—and there you are. Who can I develop?” There is more cause for alarm when the strength of the other colleges is considered. Washington lost but one strong man on the line. Their pros pects for a back field are good enough to warrant the shifting of Captain Shiel to the line. ^). A. C. has the Continued on page five. Dan Cupid Downs Assistant Coach ASSISTANT COACH DALLENBACH Among the surprises of the sum mer was the marriage of Assistant Coach Dallenbach to Miss Ethel Doug las, of Chicago, August 22. Dr. Dal lenbach met Miss Douglas at the Uni versity of Illinois. Sophomore Slave Drivers Escort First Year Men in Excursion Through Streets The largest and by all odds the most motley crew of Frosh ever herd ed together on the historic “cap march” paraded the streets of Eugene Wednesday morning. The movement, as is customary, originated in the fra ternities near the campus. Escorted by a deputation of Soph omore “gun men,” the file of Frosh serpentined down 11th street, each Marathoner having his head gear re moved, his coat turned inside out, his his left trousers leg rolled up to his knee, and his raiment otherwise al tered in an appropriate manner. There was noticeable, however, an absence of the soldierly finish and orderliness which characterized last year’s drlil, under the leadership of the renowned “Cap” Clark. When the Frosh brigade arrived at 11th and Pearl streets it numbered 35 souls, but by the time Sam Friend ly’s green cap dispensary was reached the force had been more than doubled, due to the quick work of the Sopho more guards in apprehending fugitive Frosh along the line of march. The prime object of the foray, the purchase of the Irish bonnets, having been consummated, the pilgrims were halted in front of Jay McCormick’s and Obak Wallace’s places of §helter for college men, where the usual speeches, songs and prep school yells were giveh. Not the least prominent, if not im posing, feature of the procession, was “Ishi,” the missing link lately dis covered in the Frosh ranks, whose an tics at the end of a chain in the hands of a Sophomore captor, including the devouring of raw meat, attracted much attention. ANNOUNCEMENT Rehearsals of the University Or chestra will be held in Villard Hall on every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:00 P. M. FRQSH WISE AND WITTY; NIX, IT CAN’T BE DONE Team from Same Town, Bearing Pe culiar Names, Enters' Ranks of 1918 Wit and wisdom, two virtues rare ly seen roaming about the campus out side the sanctity of. professordom, seem to be well represented n the in coming Freshman class in the persons of Jess Witty and Zeno Wise. Both members of the team hail from Elgin, Oregon. Both had previously decided that another school within the state would satisfy • their insatiable desire for wisdom and wit, but both showed their superior judgment when they chose Oregon instead. Both “bunk” together at the same “life station.” All of which, of course, goes to show that wit and wisdom go well together. And still more, they are cousins, which further proves that it runs in the family. Everett Stuller is in Baker this fall. He expects to enter the University in the spring of next year. FRATERNITY PLEDGES ARE ANNOUNCED MEN SIT BACK AND WATCH CO ED TUG OF WAR Fratern/ty Houses Full; Women Soci eties Report Dearth of Material Business has been truly “rushing” for the fraternities and sororities on the campus during the past week. As usual, interest centered in the tug-of war between the various women’s or ganizations, on account of the Pan Hellenic agreement that no co-ed shall be bid before Saturday of the first week of college. Dinners, theatre parties, ‘pink teas,” and other forms of allurement prac ticed upon the feminine contingent have been the order of the week among the sororities^ and mere man has ben strictly taboo. Due to the agreement entered into by the Interfraternity Council la3t spring, that only men eligible for en trance in the University could be pledged, the contest among the fra ternities has been more lively than for merly. Next year, when all pledg ing of men will be confined exclusive ly to those having college standing, | the fraternities will be placed on the same footing as the sororities, and much the same tactics will no doubt be pursued by both. Most of the fraternities have a large list of pledges, and no dearth of material among the Freshman men is reported. However, the sororities have found more difficulty, due to the preponderance of masculinity in the 1918 ranks. Men’s Fraternities Sigma Nu—Don Newberry, Medford; William Vawter, Medford; John Eb inger, Tillamook; George Winship, Athena; Clifford Mitchell, San Fran cisco; Russell Collins, Portland; Lloyd Teggart, Portland; Dave Philbin, Portland. Kappa Sigma—Alex Bowen, Port land; Charles Dundore, Portland; Bert (Continued on page 6) REGISTRATION BREAKS RliPREIIIOIjS RECORDS TOTAL ENROLLMENT REACHES 637—15 PER CENT INCREASE OVER LAST YEAR’S WORK FRESHMAN CUSS LARGE “800 Expected,” Says Tiffany—Nine New Faculty Members Engaged to Relieve Absentees To date the total registration of stu dents in the University is 637. The registration doors of the University were opened to students Tuesday, 310 signing up on this day. This was the largest enrollment for any day this week. A year ago today 552 had reg istered, showing a gain for this year of 15 per cent. That the enrollment may reach the 800 mark seems prob able, according to statements made by Registrar Tiffany. “There will be another good regis tration next Monday and a week from Monday,” said Mr. Tiffany yesterday. “I was surprised at the large delega tion that is enrolled this year from Idaho, and also at the small number of students entering with conditions this year. Portland, as usual, contrib uted the largest number of entrants, but of the smaller places Klamath Falls, Astoria and McMinnville are well represented.” That the fame of Oregon is a sub stantial fact may be surmised when it is known that there are represen tations from Washington, Idaho, Ne vada, California, Iowa and New Jer sey entered at the University for this year. The student having the rec ord this year for coming the longest distnce is Allen, a Freshman from New Jersey. The number of students going to other schools from the state is much smaller this year than usual. Of those going away, a large number are post-graduate students taking work that they cannot get in schools in Oregon. Registrar Tiffany thinks this means that the tide has at last turned in gavor of Oregon, and is a direct result of the influence exerted in Oregon by the University. This year’s substantial increase brings a happy smile to the face of Dean Straub, who has weathered the vicissitudes of the University for thirty-seven years. “This year has the most hopeful and inspiring out look,” he says,-“of all the thirty seven years of ipy experience with the University. And not only that, but the outlook is sure. Instead of so schools and students from many other state, more are coming to rOegon schols, and students from many other states are coming here. These stu dents from other states tell of the reputation the University has else where, and it is indeed gratifying.” The registration by classes has not yet been compiled, but wil be ready in a few days. It had been thought that the taking away of the engineer ing courses would cause a decrease in the enrollment of this year, and only the most optimistic expected the Uni versity would hold its own. But it has done more. It has made an inr crease. Nine new faculty members were employed during the summer. Some (Continued on page 6)