FEW PROFS TO STAY FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Dr. Bovard and Miss Burgess Will Stretch Vacation to a Year Sixteen members of the faculty of the University of Oregon will stay for the summer session and then go to the coast or to their summer homes for the remaining vacation, while five faculty members will leave as soon as possible for the East. Professor Bovard and Miss Bur gess have each been granted a leave of absence for a year. Professor Bo vard will travel in the East during the summer and then will spend the year in Europe. Miss Burgess will leave after Commencement and will perhaps go to England. Professor Sweetser will go to his home in Massachusetts and Profes sor Edmundson will take his place at Friday Harbor during the sum mer school there. Miss Perkins will leave as soon as possible after examinations for Maine, so that she may attend the Commencement of her alma mater. Miss Thompson will leave after Com mencement for her home in Massa chusetts. Professor Howe will go to liis ranch near Lake Olsen for the sum mer leaving Dr. Axson, of Princeton University in charge of the depart ment of literature. Mrs. Parsons will remain during summer school as in structor in English Composition. . Dr. Schaefer w^ill stay in Eugene as director of the Summer school and Instructor in History and he will spend the rest of the summer on his farm on the Mackenzie. Dr. Straub will perhaps go to Ashland for the Chatauqua and then to Portland after the summer'school session, while President Campbell has made no definite plans for his vacation. RESOLUTIONS PASSED ON BISHOP SCADDING’S DEATH Student Body Expresses Sym pathy to Family in Spe cial Meeting On the receipt of the news in Eu gene of the death of Right Rev. Chas. 'Scudding, a special student body meeting was called by Presi dent Tom Boylen and resolutions of sympathy were passed, copies of j ■ hlch have been sent to the mem-! bers of the bereaved family and spread on the minutes of the stu dent body. Following are the reso lutions drawn up by the committee appointed: Whereas, Almighty God, in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to call from us our cherished friend, Bishop Seadding; and Whereas, The Student Body of the University of Oregon has suffered the loss of one of its loyal friends and advisors, a man who was be loved by all who knew him and whose untimely death is mourned by every student in the University; therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Student Body of the Univer sity o fOregon, do extend' our most heartfelt sympathy to his bereaved family; and be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the min utes of this Student Body, and these resolutions be sent to his bereaved family. (Signed) W. G. BENSON, WM. A. CASS, C. A. REYNOLDS, Committee. RUTH DORRIS, Secretary. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o O o BOOKS ADDED TO THE o o IjIHRARY, MAY 28 o o O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Fine Arts Chubb, Percival. Festivals ami plays in schools°and elsewhere. 12. Fromentin, Eugene. The masters of past time. 1913. English and American literature Crabbe, George. Poetical works.1908 Frear, M. D. My islands. 1911. Orr, A. L. life and letters of Robert Browning 1908 Smith, VV. P. Oral English in second ary schools. 1913. Treves, Sir Frederick. The country of “The ring and the book” 1913. Foreign literature Euripides. The Trojan women of Eu ripides. 1913. Peterson, Arthur. Songs of New Swe den. 1913. Petrarca, Francesco. The sonnets, Triumphs and other poems. 1907. MILLS —Two—Emerald Runeberg, J. L. Ensign Stals songs. 1907 Runeberg, J. L. King Fialer. 1912. Silverstolpe, Mahla. Das romantis che Deutschland. 1913. Especially Selected Jewelry Stocks You Will Not Be Importuned To Buy Gifts gf Jewelry For-* Graduating Students WE WANT EVERY STUDENT OF THE U. OF O. WHO HAS THE HONOR OF MAKING A PRESEN TATION TO SOME GRADUATING FRIEND TO COME IN AND MAKE AN INSPECTION OF OUR NEW AND APPROPRIATELY SELECTED STOCKS OF JEWELRY. Things dear to the heart of every young lady and young man are displayed here. Gifts purchased with the purpose of securing mementos that will last indefintely and serve as a striking example of the friendship and true sentiment of the donor. Altho* each piece is of unquestioned quality, the prices are sensibly low and reasonable. RINGS WATCHES BROOCHES BRACELETS O LA VALLIERES NECK CHAINS PICTURE FRAMES STERLING WARE CAMEOS • Ail Prices at| Marked in Plain Figures LUCKEYS JEWELRY STORE 827 A>Villaineti|t St., Eugene, Oregon GERMANS HERE FOR CONVENTION EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING IS HELD IN EUGENE THIS WEEK-END STUDENTS HELP ENTERTAIN Feature of Evening's Program at Villard Hall Is One-Act Comedy Produced by Mem bers of U .of 0. German Club. At three o’clock this afternoon iu Villard Hall, the eighth annual con vention of the German speaking so cieties of the state opened with a business meeting, preparatory to the later sessions of the organization. After a short meeting the convention adjourned until this evening when a program for the entertainment of the visitors will he rendered by stu dents and faculty of the University. There are forty-two delegates and between 100 and 200 visiting Ger mans representing practically every county in the state. All sessions of the convention will bo conducted in the German lan guage and will be open to all per sons who understand that tongue. The program for the entertain ment of the visitors will include a grand concert at Deutches Haus, Aurnlay afternoon, motor car trips about the city, and a comedy in Ger man at Villard hall .this evening. The picnic feature of the entertain ment at the club house is to be one of those rare occasions iu which most Germans delight. On Sunday, beginning at 9:30 a. m., in American hall, the serious business of the convention will be considered, which involves the mat ter of creating a fund to purchase medals and awards for students in German in all schools, academies and institutions of learning in the state where they will be acceptable. Program at Villard Uall. The following program for the en tertainment of visitors will he given this evening in Villard Hall: Point und Circumstance.Elgar University Orchestra introductory liemarks . Ur. F. G. G. Schmidt Address of Welcome . President P. L. Campbell Du hist wei eine Blume. .Schum^in FruehlingHiiaclit . Schumann Wenn ich in den Garten gehe.... . Schumann Schoene Zeit.Goetze Mrs. May MacDonald-Hope Address . Dr. F. H. Dammasch I in Hgrbst .•..Frans Lieber Schatz, sei wied^r gut...Frans Abschied.Frans Professor R. H. Lyman. Impromptu Remarks. Prominent Oregon Germans' ° Guten Abend, gute Nacht.. .Brahms Members of the Men’s Giee Club Overture from William Tell. .Rossini Blue Danube Waltzes. .Job. Strauss University Orchestra Als Verlobte Empfehlen Sich.... . Wichert A one-act comedy by the members of the German club of the Uni versity of Oregon. Cast: Frau von Grumbach...Beulah Stebno Mai wine, her daughter..Effle Rhodes Franz von Grumbach, student, her nephew.Sherman Pobst Adelaide Hopfstengel, a governess . Echo Zahl Langerhans, an overseer. . Carlyle Geisler Servant Girl.Jeanette Wheatley Festival Procession .Jensen University Orchestra *wBlue Bell” The Butter with the Pleasing Flavor AT ALL GROCERS Eugene Creamery Tel. 638 856 Olive All Kinds Of Ladies and Men’s Clothes CLEANED & PRESSED at THE IMPERIAL CLEANERS 47 Seventh Avenue East Ray Williams, Dorm., Agt. KUPPENHEIMER and SOPHOMORE SPRING SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN $20.00 to $30.00 STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17.00 KNOX AND MALLORY HATS ROBERTS BROS. (Toggery,) PHONE 400 a G. W. BURKES AND R. B. FIELDS, PROP*. The Oregana Confectionery UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT A complete lines of Candies, Ice Creams and Sher bets made in our own Factory. Cor. 11th and Alder. J. W. Quackenbusli (k? Sons HARDWARE 160 Ninth Avenue East Phone 1057