Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 30, 1914, Image 1

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Commonwealth Meetings Ac
complish Purpose in Showing
Student Body Duty to State.
Other Schools Co-operate.
The Sixth Annual Commonwealth
Conference held at the University
during the past week closed Friday
aiternoon alter holding five success
ful sessions and is conceded by both
President Campbell and Prof. F. G.
Young to have been the largest and
most successful conference ever held
Considerable more interest both on
the students’ part, Fugene people and
out of town visitors was shown at
the past conference than has hereto
fore ever been exhibited. Men from
all walks of life as well as women
prominent both in state and national
circles read papers and took active
parts in the discussions on the vari
ous important topics which had been
arranged for the benefit and interest
of the audiences.
Questions Are Discussed.
Many important questions which
are now facing the people of Oregon
as well as all states wer& the topics
of discussion and these were taken
up, discussed and remedies offered
for better government, better politi
cal conditions, better morals and bet
ter communities. Among the ques
tio. .i taken up were those concerning
ittu,.,gration, which has become a
vital question for Oregon now that
the opening of the Panama canal is
so near, our system of taxation, good
roads and good schools, social legis
lation with special reference to the
unemployfftent problem, and art and
social service. P'hese subjects and
problems were taken up by men act
ive in various branches of govern
ment whose business is to cope
with them daily and therefore are
capable of discussing them.
The conference accomplished the
following definite results. It arous
ed the tsudent body to a keener real
ization of the importance of their
duty to the state; it took the initial
sep toward drafiug legislation that
will enable Oregon to cope with the
problem of immigration in 1915
when the Panama canal is opened
and foreigners flock to the Pacific
coast from the European ports; it
brought the coast universities in a
closer relationship and demonstrat
ed that the University of Washing
ton and the University of California
stand ready to co-operate with the
University of Oregon in the Com
monwealth movement and look to
Oregon as the founder of a move
ment that is spreading; it established
an interest that was formerly dor
mant with the people regarding road
building and insured a continuity of
work on Oregon roads. These are
in part some of the things that the
Sixth annual Conference has empha
sized and brought to light.
Immigration Facts Shown.
The session held for the purpose
of discussing Oregon’s new immi
gration problem brought out many
facts concerning it that had here
toforeQnot been realized and empha
° sized the point that Oregon has a
big problem and one that is practic
ally new whiclj is going to beo a* dif
ficult one to solve. o
The first steps have been taken to
have introduced into the legislature
of the state, legislation that will deal
with this problem. A set of resolu
tions pointing out the important
facts concerning this were drawn up
and unanimously passed by the ses
(Continued on page 4)
Party of Fifty Men Sport and
Feed at Island Below
the Rapids
The big annual Y. M. C. A. Stag
picnic was held yesterday afternoon
on the lagoon across from the port
age. About fifty men were present.
Canoes started up the race from
the boat house at five o’clock im
mediately following the orchestra
concert on the campus.
Swimming races, canoe. races and
tilting contests were engaged in to
gether with other Y. M. C.#A. stag
games while the big feed was being
prepared by the committee in
The feed ended with the awarding
of Hershey’s to the winners of the
water races and speeches by Coach
Bezdek, Bert Lombard, Tom Boylen
and other campus notables.
Those in charge of the picnic were:
Tom Boylen, Anthony Jaureguy, El
ton Loucks, Alfred Collier, Edison
Marshall, George Colton and Emmett
The winners of the events were:
2 5-yard swimming race—“Kaiser”
Wilhelm and Paul Davis tied for
first. Prize of four Hershey’s divid
50-yard swim—Charles Collier
first, Cossman second; Wilhelm and
Hampton disqualified for walking.
25-yard single canoe race—
Church first, Furney second.
50-yard doubles—Furney and
Church first, Wilhelm and McCon
nell second.
Shot put (rock put)—Hampton
first, Furney second.
Wins by Two Votes Over Sim
kins. Clara Heissler Elect
ed Secretary
By the narrow margin of two
votes J. Prentiss Brown, of Eugene,
was elected president of next year’s
junior class of the University at the
election held by the sopohmore
class yesterday. Brown’s nearest
opponent for the presidency of the
class was Cleveland Simkins, who
received 36 votes as against 38 for
Brown. The other candidate for the
position was Robert Bean, who re
ceived 30 votes.
Brown has been active in class and
student body activities, being a mem
ber of both the freshman and sopho
more debating teams and a member
of the varsity football squad.
For the position of secretary.,
Clara Heissler was elected over
Charlie Fenton by a vote of 56 to 48.
For vice-president, Claire Raley was
unopposed as was also Charles Col
lier, who was elected treasurer of
the class.
The candidates for the class offi
cer positions were nominated at a
special meeting held Wednesday
evening. The election was held yes
terday afternoon, the Australian bal
lot system being used. The polls
were open from 10 a. m to 4 p. m.
and 104 members of the class voted.
The 1916 class claims a total regis
tration of about 150.
It is not probable that another
class meeting will be held this year,
so the new officers will not be in
stalled until next fall, when they will
at once assume their offiical duties.
Herman Oberteuffer and Irwin
Brooks, on the championship tennis
team of the University, met Elmer
Paine and Carol Auld this morning
in tennis doublesPat 9:30 at the
Country club.
H. H. Wheaton of Harrisburg Pa.,
one of the conference speakers on
the immigration problem, was a col
lege classmate of Professor R. W.
Lyman, at Grinnell Iowa, at the time
M. H. Douglas was librarian there.
Mr. Wheaton will speak at the
Congregational church Sunday morn
Jimmie Richardson, Scout for
McCredie, Secured as Um
pire. Oregon Lineup Will Re
main Unchanged.
(By Willard Shaver)
When Oregon meets W* S. C. Mon
day next in the beginning of a three
game series to decide the conference
championship of the Northwest,
three senior members of the baseball
team from Oregon will fight to win
a title that has never fallen to Ore
gon since the formation of the con
ference in 1910. Carl Fenton, this
year’s captain of Oregon's nine, Ver
non Motseheubacher, veteran back
stop, and "Dutch” Annuusen, guard
ian of the third sack, will, if Oregon
wins, leave college with the satisfac
tion that they have helped win a
clear title to the conference ra".
Little or nothing is known of
“Chief” Bender’s ball tossers, as
neither of the western division teams
has played! them this seaosn, so com
parative scores are* lacking to give
any "dope” on how the games will
Oregon took the series from vV. S.
C. the last time one was played on
the local campus but college ball
varies little in its "class” so “fans”
and Oregon supporters may expect
good games.
The first game will be preceded
by a student rally and down town
procession and all the enthusiasm
possible will be aroused to aid Bez
dek’s men in “copping” the needful
two games.
The field will be scraped, soaked
down and rolled until the infield is
well nigh perfect.
"Jimmy” Richardson, scout for
McCredie’s Coasters, will be indica
tor handler for the big series. He
offiicated in all four 0. A. C. games
and his work wag found to be gilt
edged, so he was retained by Mana
ger Walker for the coming series.
The Oregon lineup will remain un
changed with Tuerck, Welch and
Bigbee on the mound.
Will Return to Los Angeles to Take
Up Musical Career.
Mrs. May MacDonald Hope will
leave shortly for Los Angeles, her
former home, where she will have a
wider and more appreciative field
for her exceptional musical ability.
Mrs. Hope is a singer and pianist of
unusual talent and during her brief
stay in Eugene has become exceed
ingly popular in college circles.
She studied for several years in
Europe with marked success, and
while in Los Angeles was counted
as one of the most accomplished of
the pianists and vocalists in that
city. Her singing has been an en
joyable feature at many of the col
lege gatherings in Eugene this year.
Robert Kuykendall, who has been
spending the winter in the law office
of his brother, Dr. Kuykendall, at
Klamath Palls, has returned to Eu
gene-and will pass the summer with,
his parents, Dr. and Mrs. William
Kuykendall, of this city. Mr. Kuy
kendall expects to enter the law
school of Columbia University, in
New York city, this fall. He was
graduated from the University of
Oregon last year.
Mrs. R. K. Page of Salem, Miss
Winger, Erma Rice, Margaret Rae
der of Portland, and Marie Sheahan
of Oregon City are week-end guests
ata the Chi Omega house.
Work of Oregon’s Representa
tive at Contest Where Best
Orators of United States
Participated Boosts U. of 0.
Reports from tlie recent session of
the National Inter-collegiate Peace
Association held at Rake Mohouk,
New York, show that Victor Morris,
a Junior in the University, was
awardeu fourth place in the Oratori
cal contest to which he was a dele
gate, alter winning first place at the
coast contest held in Portland early
in the spring.
First prize went to the representa
tive from the University of Texas,
which was $100; second to the Uni
versity of Pittsburg, $75; third to
ivuox College, Illinois, $00; fourth,
lo Morris, $50, and fifth to Ottawa
university, Kansas, $40.
The peace problem was the sub
ject of all the orators’ papers, the
winner speaking on “Education for
Peace.” Kacli contestant had won
successively three contests, college,
state and group and their orations
had been judged the best of more
than 450, representing 2 3 states and
120 colleges and universities.
The Lake Mohonlt Conference on
international arbitration devoted it
self to the discussion of practical
methods. A joint paper was pre
sented to the assemblage by Profes
sor James Bates Clark, of the depart
ment of economics, Columbia Uni
versity, compiled by himself and Sir
George Parish, editor of the London
Statist. Their proposal was a stand
ing committee of the powers to han
dle disputes between nations.
Morris is a Junior in he Univer
sity and did not come into promin
ence in oratory work until this year
when he went to the Oratorical con
test held in Portland a few months
ago and captured first prize in com
petition with representatives from
eight Pacific Coast colleges and Uni
versities. First prize gave him the
trip east to represent this division of
the National Peace Oratorical Asso
Taking advantage of the trip east
Morris will remain there visiting
relatives and friends this summer,
returning next fall to again take up
his work in the University.
End of Year’s Work on Paper
Will Be Occasion for
The annual Emerald banquet which
is given every year by the manage
ment of the Emerald to the mem
bers of the staff who have faithfully
worked during the year as a reward
for their labors, will be held at the
Hotel Osburn next Tuesday night.
This is an annual affair at which
the members of the staff can get to
gether and enjoy a good time.
Speeches are made by a number of;
the active journalists in the Univer
sity and toasts0maiTe hnd responded^
to by various .members of the staff.
Between® 40 and 50 journalists
will gather around the festive board
and will make merry eating and
drinking while topics concerning col
lege journalism are brought up and
discussed for the enlightenment of
the banqueters. The present editor
of the Emerald, Henry Fowler, will
sit at the head of the table and di
rect the fireworks.
Mu Phi entertained Mr. Weir for
lunch Thursday.
“Professor's Love Story” En
tertains Commonwealth
The presentation of the second
act of “The Professor’s Dove Story”
by the Dramatic Class on the Uni
versity campus yesterday afternoon
attracted a large audience after the
adjournment of the afternoon ses
sion ot the Commonwealth Confer
ence. The play was scheduled for
4:30 but owing to delay in costum
ing it did not start until about 5:15.
The University orchestra was on
baud, however, and entertained the
crowd until the act began.
The outdoor stage was the Dit of
lawn immediately west of Deady Hall
and the sidewalk, and steps of the
buildings were taken up by the audi
ence. A few hundred chairs were
scattered around but the number
furnished was too small for the
The play was well received, the
act being peculiarly suited to such an
outdoor production. Following is
the cast which took part in the pro
Professor Goodwillio, A. F. Reddie;
Agnes Good willie, Janet Young;
Bucy White, Norma Dobie; Dr.
Cousins, Ralph Ash; Dady George
Gilding, Beulah Stebuo; The Dow
ager, Effie Rhodes; Effie, Ellice
Shearer; Sir George Gilding, Henry
Howe; Menders, Earl Bronough;
Pete, Edison Marshall; Dr. Yellow
leaves, George Colton.
Edna Harvey and Winifred Bent
Oregon’s Representatives
in Coming Meet
Now that intercollegiate tennis
titles among the “Ed” teams ot the
conference colleges have been de>
cided, co-ed tennis claims attention.
On Tuesday last the co-ed team,
from Corvallis arrived in Eugene to
play Oregon three matches hut rain
put the courts iu such poor condi
tion that the matches were postpon
ed until the coming week.
Edna Harvey and Winifred Bent
compose the Oregon team and both
are strong, heady players, Miss Har
vey being steady and consistent,
Miss Bent being the more spectacu
Each of the two will play a match
of singles and together will play a
match of doubles with the Corvallis
Miss Rutledge and Miss South com
pose the O. A. C. team.,
Rose Sieler Chosen President,
Geisler Vice-President and
Grace Lilly, Secretary
The German Club met at the
Men’s Dormitory Tuesday night and
besides the regular program election
of officers for next year were held.
Rose Sieler was elected president of
the club.
Roll call was answered to by the
reciting of four lines in German after
which the following program was
given: ' 1 °
Vocgl Solo ^...Mrs. Hope
German Scliool System Clara Iieissder
Poem .Constauci Taylor
Club Songs.
Talk on Music.Miss Hawkins
Sketch of German Play.
.Professor O’Donnell
The following officers were elect
ed: Rose Sieler, president; vice
president, Carlyle Geisler; secre
tary, Grace Lilly; treasurer, Martin
Nelson; sergeant-at-arms, Echo
Zahl; reporter, Callie Beck.
Miss Fern Hobbs Is a week-end
guest at the Kappa Kappa Gamma
NELSON RUNS 880 IN 1:571-5
Loucks Goes 440 in :49 3-5 and
Stuiler Jumps 0 feet 1 7-3
inches, Both Tying North
west Records.
o o
o Oregon .34 o
o O. A. 0.37 o
o W. S. C.26 o
o 1. of W.22 o
o Idaho .....19 o
o Whitman . 6 o
o o
In a meet featured by record,
breaking and fast time in all races,
Oregon yesterday took the North
west championship In track by total
ling 34 points. O. A. C., the nearest
rival, took 27 points.
Nelson of Oregon hung up a new
record in the half mile by negotiat
ing the distance in 1:57 1-5. He
beat )iis nearest opponent, Clyde, of
Washington, by ten yards. Reynolds
of O. A. 0., who was expected to win
this event, pulled but a third.
Mew Hurdle Record.
McCroskey, of W. S. C., ran the
low sticks In 24 3-5 seconds, there
by establishing a new record in that
event and Williams of Washington,
vaulted 12 feet 3 1-4 inches, adding
1 1-4 inches to the former record.
Loucks and Stuller, both of Ore
gon, tied conference records, for
Loucks took the quarter in the fast
time of 49 3-5 seconds and Stuller
made the best jump of his career by
clearing the bar at 6 feet 17-8 in
W. S. V. Captures Iteluy.
Washington State, winner of the
relay, lowered its former record of
3:25 by running the event in 3:22.
The summary:
Mile run—Clyde (W.); J>ewey (O.
A. C.); McKay (Whit.). Time, 4:24
440-yard dash—Loucks (O.);
Kadderley (0. A. C.); Massey (Ida
ho). Time, 49 3-5 seconds.
Shot Put—Cook (O.); Johnson
(0. A. C.); Phillips (Idaho). Dis
tance 42 feet, 3 1-4 inches.
100-yard dash—Baker (O. A. C.)J
Cook (W. S. C.); Morrison (Idaho).
Time, 10 flat.
120-yard hurdles—Rasmussen (O.
A. C.); Ludwick (Whit.); others dis
qualified. Time, 15 3-5 seconds.
Pole Vault—Williams (W.);
Cochran (W.); Monroe (W. S. C.).
Height, 12 feet 3 1-4 Inches.
Half Mile—Nelson (O.); Clyde
(W.); Reynolds (O. A. C.). Time,
1:57 1-5.
Two Mile—-Payne (O.); Williams
(W. S. C.); Lafkey (O. A. C.). Time,
9 minutes, 54 seconds
Discus Throw—Cole (0. A. C.);
Cook (O.); Phillips (Idaho). Dis
tance, 122 feet, 5 inches.
220-yard dash—Cook (W.‘ S. C.);
Morrison (Idaho); Baker (O. A. C.).
Time, 22 flat.
2 20-yard hurdles—McCroskey (W.
S. C.); Lockhart (Idaho); Hoover
(Whit.). Time, 24 3-5 seconds.
Javelin—Phillips (Idaho); Tel
ford (O.); Dietz (W. S. C.). Dis
tance, 174 feet, 1 inch.
High jump—Btuller (O.); Monroe
(W. S. C.); Walter (W.). Height, 6
feet, 17-8 inches.
Broad jump—Wlalter (W.); Par
sons (O.); Lockhart (Idaho). Dis
tance, 21 feet 10 7-8 inches.
Relay—Washington State first.
Time, 3:22.
Kappa Alpha Theta entertained
Phi Delta Theta informally Thurs
day evening.