Cash in your coupons and tags at Obak's. THE BOOT SHOP THAT CATERS TO THE PARTICULAR TRADE CLASSY SPRING FOOTERY M’CORMICK BROS. BOWLING A Bowler Never Gets Ap pendicitis, “That’s All” 685 Willamette St., Eugene MARX BARBER SHOP KODAK Developing, Printing, Enlarging, Copying and Lantern Slides. PAGE STUDIO H. B. REYNOLDS, Prtp. SLIPPERS All Styles in MARY JANES $2.85 CASH ONLY T. H GILBERT 93 West Eighth Street U. of O. MEAT MARKET Government Inspected Beef T. F. BENNETT Proprietor 7$ EAST NINTH AVE. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O o o The Oregon Club will hold o o its annual picnic on Saturday, o o May 30. Teams will leave o o the library ata 9:30 in the o o morning. All students eligi- o o ble to membership in the club o o are invited. o ° o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Obak sells Benson and Hedges. Excursions to EASTERN CITIES VIA Making Convenient Connection* in the North Bank Depot, Portland, with Two Crack Limited Daily Traina to Spokane and the Vast. Through Tickets Sold Itineraries Arranged Reservation* Made Baggage Cheeked Through rhe Pleasure of Tour Spring Trip Assured by the Superior Service of the North Bank Read and 8/ataaa Lines. Ask the Agent About Excur sions in April and May. ATTRACTIVE ROUTES — Via The North Bank, along the Scenic Colum bia Shore to Spokane, and choice ef Great Northern, Northern Pacific and Burlington Route to Chicago, Minne apolis, St. Paul, Kansas City, Omaha, Denver, St. Louis and other points. H. R. KNIGHT, Agent Eugene Your Fish =_and— Our Tackle The Red W Store Ninth and Willamette PRES. CAMPBELL ! BACK FKOM TRIP; . VISITED 13 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS WHILE IN EAST WILL REPORT TO REGENTS President Lines up Instructors for the New Departments of Architecture and Commerce for Next Year. After a four weeks visit among Eastern colleges and universities, President P. D. Campbell, returned home Monday evening. in the four weeks that he was away from the university, President Campbell visited 13 educational in stitutioons. They were: University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Pittsburg University, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University, Yale University, Harvard University, University of Michigan, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, New York University, Wabash Col lege, and Massacliuseeitts (Institute of Technology. The primary object of the pres ident’s eastern trip was to line up instructors for the new Departments of Architecture and Commerce. He reports that there are several men available for the positions. Pi esident Campbell also made an investigation of the organization of the various schools of Commerce and Architecture of the institutions that he visited. President Campbell will make no report on the results of his trip un til June meeting of the Board of Re gents. W. R. Nelson .editor of the Kan sas City Star, recently gave an ad dress by telephone to an audience in Columbia Missouri, 75 miles away. The speech was delivered to a con vention of journalists at the Uni versity of Missouri. Specially con structed apparatus made it possible for his hearers to hear him as dis tinctly as if he were standing on the platform in front of them. Red tame cherry at Obak’s. GIVE THE VENCEDORA A TRIAL We Have Candy and Soda 730 Willamette STUDENT PLAN IS ACCEPTED STUDENT COUNCIL SCHEME I MEETS WITH FACULTY < FAVOR CLASSES ARE DISMISSED Advisability of Consolidating the Commonwealth Confer ence and Junior Week-End to Be Discussed Friday. Tlie first definite act of stu dent self-government at the Univer- : sity of Oregon took its place in the history of the institution his week, when the management of the stu dents’ part in the Commonwealth ex ercises was placed in the hands of the Students Council by the faculty. , committee, the Council submited its plan for sudeut participation, and this was accepted by the faculty at last night's meeting. The council’s scheme contains the following provisions: 1. No classes shall be held Thursday or Friday. 2. Attendance at Comomnwealth exercises shall be required at three sessions only, and the Registrar’s office force shall keep track of at tendance. 3. If any student attends more than three sessions, each such extra session shall be recorded by the Reg istrar's force and shall cancel two previous "cuts" on the student’s rec ord. 4. The student body will have a special session of its own Friday morning, and attendance at this shall be recorded by the Registrar and shall count to the student’s credit, the same as any other session. 5. At this session plans will be worked out under which future Commonwealth Exercises shall be conducted. A full and free expression of student sentiment is desired at this time, especially as regards stu dent control of conditions. The plan submitted to the faculty follows: To the President and Faculty of the University of Oregon: At the last meeting of the Stu dent Council the following resolu tions were passed: Resolved, that the faculty of the Student Council is anxious to co operate with the faculty ini every way possible to make the Counmon wealth Conference a success. Furthermore be it resolved that the suggestion be made to the facul ty tnat classes be dismissed Thurs day and Friday while the session is in progress. Furthermore, in order to insure the largest possible attendance the following plan be put in operation. That the students be required to at tend a -minimum of three sessions under penalty of two cuts for each session not so attended; and that for every additional session attended two cuts be subtracted from the total number of past cuts registered against the student. Furthermore be It resolved, that the suggestion of the faculty com mittee be accepted providing for a special student session to be held Friday morning, this session to be conducted by the students. At a regular meeting of the Asso ciated Students the following reso lution was passed: Resolved, that the Associated Stu dents go on record as supporting the Student Council in its plans for jCom monwealth Conference. President Motschenbacher appoint ed the following committee to have charge of the student’s share 'in the Commonwealth exercises provided that the faculty accepts the plans submitted above. Committee—Tom Boylen, Ruth Dorris, Norma Dobie, Bert Lom bard and Janies Donald. The following tentative plans have been made by the committee. A student Commonwealth session and student rally have been arranged for Friday morning. The proposed program to consist of a general dis cussion led by prominent students, concerning the advisability of con solidating the Commonwealth Con ference and Junior Week-end next year. The remainder of the program will consist of the discussion of prob ems of general interest by mem bers of the Student Body. The above resolutions, reports, >lans and suggestions are respectful y subinitted by the Student Coun !ll. o ° ® :ACULTY IN DEMAND FOR COMMENCEMENT SPEAKERS twenty High Schools Have Ap plied to Extension Depart ment for Speeches. University Professors are in de nand by the surrounding schools :or the next few weeks to make com nencement addresses. Already let ers from more than twenty schools lave been received in the Extension [department asking for University eacliers to make graduating addres ses. On account of so many of the irofessors having classes up to the md of school, the University will not le able to fulfill all of the requests, dr. J. H. Gilbert is going to make our speeches, at Estaeada, Wasco, Function City and Riddle on May 28, 2 9, June 5 and 6 respectively. Dr. deorge llebec will speak at Glen lale and Springfield June 3 and 5. dn June 5 Professor C. V. Dyment will speak at Monmouth and Dr. Jos eph Schafer at Jefferson June 4, while at Baker City May 29, Profes sor E. E. Decou will deliver an ad dress. Uictorfa Chocolates Your Patronage Hair Cutting Kindly Sollolted A Specialty U. of 0. BarberShop W. H. BLOWERS, Prop. Hair Cutting.25fl 575 Thlrtoonth Ave. East Eugono Phone 883 ■I ■1111111- ..nil I ,] || !^M—^ University Pharmacy , Drugs, Stationery and Toilet Articles Phone 220. Corner 11th and "Alder Street Eugene, Oregon. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Classy Pictures for Classes Martin s Photograpk Parlors 992 Willamette St. W. A. Kuykendall DRUGS The Rexall Store A J. W. Quackenbush & Sons HARDWARE 160 Ninth Avenue East Phone 1057 “THE CLUB” BILLIARDS All Latest Dope on Sports EI8NTM AVI. ANi WILLAMETTE ST. JAY M.SSRMI KUPPENHEIMER and SOPHOMORE SPRING SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN $20.00 to $30.00 STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17.00 KNOX AND MALLORY HATS ROBERTS BROS. ^Toggery